2018-12-21 09:02:07

by Julia Cartwright

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] 4.9.146-rt125

Hello RT Folks!

I'm pleased to announce the 4.9.146-rt125 stable release.

Apologies for an update to the 4.9-rt tree being way overdue.

This release is just an update to the new stable 4.9.146 version
and no RT specific changes have been made.

You can get this release via the git tree at:


branch: v4.9-rt
Head SHA1: 5b5e350d8c82f5dcbad136aeede6b73d41cd1e8a

Or to build 4.9.146-rt125 directly, the following patches should be applied:




Enjoy, and happy holidays,

Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] 4.9.146-rt125

On 2018-12-21 04:36:08 [+0000], Julia Cartwright wrote:
> Hello RT Folks!
> I'm pleased to announce the 4.9.146-rt125 stable release.

Thank you Julia.

> Apologies for an update to the 4.9-rt tree being way overdue.
> This release is just an update to the new stable 4.9.146 version
> and no RT specific changes have been made.

Except that 4.9.115-rt94 has been also released in the meantime which
did contain some RT specific changes (for people which skipped the rc1

Regarding the spin_lock backports for lockup on x86 as reported by
Daniel: The backports are part of the stable tree 4.9.147 and 4.14.90
which is currently out for review.
