Bug Report Filed: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70081
Linux Version [3.13]
Configuration: Default configuration for x86
In function (drm_crtc_init) in file (linux-3.13/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_crtc.c):
The structure (crtc->mutex) gets successfully locked at line (636) by
(drm_modeset_lock_all(dev)), but it is not unlocked before line (637)
where the structure is reinitialized. After line (637) the
re-initialized structure gets locked at (638) and unlocked at line
(650) by (drm_modeset_unlock_all(dev)).
A possible solution is to call (drm_modeset_unlock_all(dev)) before
the re-initialization line (637).