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charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 1ee3ee49-1682-4768-8869-08d613175815 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 05 Sep 2018 10:07:10.1224 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: VI1PR04MB4845 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Hi Boris, > -----Original Message----- > From: Boris Brezillon [] > Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 8:29 PM > To: Yogesh Narayan Gaur > Cc:;; linux- >;;; >;; linux-arm- >;; >; > Subject: Re: [PATCH 3/7] spi: spi-mem: Add a driver for NXP FlexSPI contr= oller >=20 > Hi Yogesh, >=20 > On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 16:00:00 +0530 > Yogesh Gaur wrote: >=20 > > - Add a driver for NXP FlexSPI host controller > > > > (0) What is the FlexSPI controller? > > FlexSPI is a flexsible SPI host controller which supports two SPI > > channels and up to 4 external devices. > > Each channel supports Single/Dual/Quad/Octal mode data transfer > > (1/2/4/8 bidirectional data lines) i.e. FlexSPI acts as an interface > > to external devices, maximum 4, each with up to 8 bidirectional data > > lines. > > > > It uses new SPI memory interface of the SPI framework to issue flash > > memory operations to up to four connected flash chips (2 buses with > > 2 CS each). > > Chipselect for each flash can be selected as per address assigned in > > controller specific registers. > > > > FlexSPI controller is similar to the existing Freescale/NXP QuadSPI > > controller with advanced features. >=20 > Yep, I had a quick look at the code and they really look similar. Why not > extending the existing driver instead of creating a new one from scratch? >=20 FlexSPI is different controller not related to the QuadSPI controller in it= s working behavior Both these controller are having * Different registers name, registers address, registers functionality etc,= section 30.5.2[1] * Different programming sequence for initialization of the controller, sect= ion 30.8.1[1] * Different programming sequence for performing Read and Write operation us= ing IP, section 30.7.9[1] and AHB mode * Different programming sequence for checking controller current state like= busy or not=20 * New mechanism to program for the connected slave device i.e. flash access= mode and flash memory map 30.7.4[1] and 30.7.5[1] * New entries added for FlexSPI controller for LUT_XX mode for various comm= ands, section 30.7.8[1] There are few similarities between these two like LUT programming logic is = same i.e. LUT needs to be programmed in same sequence of 'INSTR PAD OPCODE', b= ut again LUT register address and LUT command mode values are different. Creating common driver for both FlexSPI and QuadSPI controller, would invol= ve creation of one more layer between driver/spi/spi-xxx and the actual con= troller driver, this layer would going to have less functionality like doin= g LUT creation programming and then would re-direct calls to the respective= controller driver functionality to perform desired programming sequence. > > > > (1) The FlexSPI controller is driven by the LUT(Look-up Table) > > registers. > > The LUT registers are a look-up-table for sequences of instructions. > > A valid sequence consists of four LUT registers. > > Maximum 32 LUT sequences can be programmed simultaneously. > > > > (2) The definition of the LUT register shows below: > > --------------------------------------------------- > > | INSTR1 | PAD1 | OPRND1 | INSTR0 | PAD0 | OPRND0 | > > --------------------------------------------------- > > > > There are several types of INSTRx, such as: > > CMD : the SPI NOR command. > > ADDR : the address for the SPI NOR command. > > DUMMY : the dummy cycles needed by the SPI NOR command. > > .... > > > > There are several types of PADx, such as: > > PAD1 : use a singe I/O line. > > PAD2 : use two I/O lines. > > PAD4 : use quad I/O lines. > > PAD8 : use octal I/O lines. > > .... > > > > (3) LUTs are being created at run-time based on the commands passed > > from the spi-mem framework. Thus, using single LUT index. > > > > (4) Software triggered Flash read/write access by IP Bus. > > > > (5) Memory mapped read access by AHB Bus. >=20 > Do we really want to have this level of details in the commit message? > I mean, this is something you can document in the driver, but not here. >=20 > BTW, you might want to have a look at [1]. I think we can get rid of the = ->size > field you're adding if this driver implements the dirmap hooks. >=20 I need size information for the connected device to program the controller = register FLSHXXCRO as Flash Chip select is determined by flash access addre= ss and Flash size setting in register FLSHXXCR0[FLSHz], section 30.7.9[1]. Link for reference of the driver implementing dirmap hooks was missing in m= ail, please share. > > > > (6) Tested this driver with the mtd_debug and JFFS2 filesystem utility > > on NXP LX2160ARDB and LX2160AQDS targets. > > LX2160ARDB is having two NOR slave device connected on single bus A > > i.e. A0 and A1 (CS0 and CS1). > > LX2160AQDS is having two NOR slave device connected on separate buses > > one flash on A0 and second on B1 i.e. (CS0 and CS3). > > Verified this driver on following SPI NOR flashes: > > Micron, mt35xu512ab, [Read - 1 bit mode] > > Cypress, s25fl512s, [Read - 1/2/4 bit mode] >=20 > Ok, that's good to have in the commit message. >=20 > > > > - Add config option entry in 'spi-nor/Kconfig' for FlexSPI driver. >=20 > But this one is useless. If you add a new driver, you have no other choic= e but to > add a new entry in the Kconfig file. >=20 > > > > - Add entry in the 'spi-nor/Makefile'. > > >=20 > Ditto. >=20 > Before you re-send a new version, I'd like to understand why you think yo= u need > to create a new driver, and I want you to try to implement the dirmap hoo= k and > check if you can get rid of the ->size field when doing that. >=20 > I also seem one extra benefit to having a single driver for both FlexSPI = and > QuadSPI IPs: you'll help Frieder debug the last remaining problems you re= ported > on the new QuadSPI driver :-P. Regarding testing of the QuadSPI driver on spi-mem framework, I have alread= y given suggestions to the Frieder and my local changes using which flash c= onnected at CS0 and CS1 starts working for read/write/erase commands on ls1= 088ardb target. Current v2 which has been shared, data operation for the slave flash device= connected at CS1 is not working. I have to make changes for the calculation of flash base address for the re= quested chip select and changes in address remapping the buffer in AHB read= case for CS1 access to work. [1] -- Regards Yogesh Gaur >=20 > Thanks, >=20 > Boris