Received: by 2002:ad5:474a:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id i10csp6650500imu; Wed, 14 Nov 2018 05:03:37 -0800 (PST) X-Google-Smtp-Source: AJdET5dBhCsk9sQSgE4HdkVViOH5laBjWCnBiVlAmUJfPkTLhp6k0uBPSmg7HosPW+qlz5brh7rc X-Received: by 2002:aa7:8719:: with SMTP id b25-v6mr1855943pfo.250.1542200617147; Wed, 14 Nov 2018 05:03:37 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1542200617; cv=none;; s=arc-20160816; b=AOC8ws7w095f/YLGpbDOxd1C5xds8PBXBp+pSKyN0fiHx7X80nrE5iexE8vAWdwkSY NunE+Qn36B6OGhthAYKvJclJJNIIrBUj1gDYnPwaHaXBB1/KW38f1qJTqPTpshqWSG3c SZpB+VddxhQ9PHJRnYTVCbItGQtoCpcDaXw5VSNTICqaZRLTGXX3KHs6m1tpCHLhkvvX DPfK47sVmQuWNp6PbVXt5HChWHM6lGoU27Y02z/Zw4VTUBDGb34gXswxm2UXEozCM1M0 Hmm13HVKN+J2K6dzGtk+ndbyok7Ro8tm5Uw+gMyNodMeMpVMUkCbwvVBJsvTt06zl56x aayA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=list-id:precedence:sender:mime-version:content-transfer-encoding :spamdiagnosticmetadata:spamdiagnosticoutput:content-language :accept-language:in-reply-to:references:message-id:date:thread-index :thread-topic:subject:cc:to:from:dkim-signature; bh=p11sQb8OtFWFbvMzPfNrTRxmUTIktvZ/J3VxNFHEVJY=; b=1BW/QEuH+XX8DUFOzrNw1s0EiXD1kyPuy12xFA3W/Y7d3CFscl7JEPjfDIWkdXCfLQ NMFiICBoTTFgC1Vndjqutpd2fiGMNHlVbz/dCIMqjP83mIE4nlFYjXioIfraU82k4coi tfaRaJXdQWQ15Vp7CzUkG11br/8sv8ZUMaifI9fy0bF16R0TKXSHVTKBec/VE1I0ER3D kQ/HtfpR+uo6p0XwwxRQDcSPZpW1NHZ8Sud7ztxWETSe187ICmrqrXNGz8FH+aNLo+gN t6WP4c2OKUNHJcAyiMPL1/S6ddNoCoQUgyw8OgZgKPZQET9XSWEDsBAVBkZD/D999RbF AzxA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=selector1 header.b=vEba+FWD; spf=pass ( best guess record for domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 31-v6si24500482plz.181.2018.; Wed, 14 Nov 2018 05:03:37 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( best guess record for domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=selector1 header.b=vEba+FWD; spf=pass ( best guess record for domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: ( by via listexpand id S2387481AbeKNXF0 (ORCPT + 99 others); Wed, 14 Nov 2018 18:05:26 -0500 Received: from ([]:57728 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1733004AbeKNXFZ (ORCPT ); Wed, 14 Nov 2018 18:05:25 -0500 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=p11sQb8OtFWFbvMzPfNrTRxmUTIktvZ/J3VxNFHEVJY=; b=vEba+FWDEBid6SJFVfgjtx71iMaVdmAs5l6/yOi8yJBq83vyyJWd/fPUqcs7m0u9hd3GiwATqW+LVxTDHMyAtlkIosCLdOfeHh2dOdeaxTWbzwnmZJNs5nUIBzTBYdgKNw1AUk49t1dB7vPQiafoOmCQjn2BLNz/DANFH3I2ixM= Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.1294.31; Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:02:08 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::797a:f972:9281:6d10]) by ([fe80::797a:f972:9281:6d10%2]) with mapi id 15.20.1294.045; Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:02:08 +0000 From: "A.s. Dong" To: "" CC: "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , Anson Huang , Jacky Bai , dl-linux-imx , "A.s. Dong" , Stephen Boyd Subject: [PATCH V6 9/9] clk: imx: add imx7ulp clk driver Thread-Topic: [PATCH V6 9/9] clk: imx: add imx7ulp clk driver Thread-Index: AQHUfBo/EdMn2RjnOkepQ5a3S64SEg== Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:02:08 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: zh-CN, en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.7.4 x-clientproxiedby: (2603:1096:203:a6::21) To (2603:10a6:208:66::21) authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-ms-exchange-messagesentrepresentingtype: 1 x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-microsoft-exchange-diagnostics: 1;AM0PR04MB4931;6:EzAB12UDKPp3VtVdrynrzHZMh5U7kBwNNmsJrrYX9/O2VEsrUrODtgdPRorZNgL09JsT1Amwdk4ML8nMFdw3EB4cpPcB/fQW5/UwVq1kGJJb8XuU1JeUjVTFLWr3LmUTuKTNQKRvWWdefkzUi8/PAwe4f7jHMYWyZY4/uHnqpAACtNf+G4g+AkjzMY7heJ/vqoIj6NVNKJk9Zf/fK5GtQhsWMKG7WAu+Q6VEFgNfV7s7r5utmQLlDPFc216Q8lAH0I8x7k63dnfLeN1ZrXSkzsntiNM/GPjc8Fv398rG+EF09rKiPmMszX2meIsQoz9+7TAcDOlz3bDDC2/ghgVk+nqywL0CSeBqWrqLaEaSp0S0xjpzffZ3jnE2fgXecNZl7qE83RneoxRDUdUHU3C1QwvLjummoynUy/x53ARsWtM2gKq4UV7HYxjsFGrLYEOm3DbUF5r295VaRTWk1/dVaA==;5:987kPzifBdhUuER+zf0N5FedehRNuaDYu4lsgx0nbS8kKzC+IWD90SEMuVjF+HpmSxYKDVPBnGT2KcxHbg3pfXRy9xEy3OrCp4N6jTMwyQ5nn/zElxCsFyUfeI+BzCzD0Y/pDfsjvsXt+e7mkAQxZwYK7gEl+2Lc867rDu7Orn4=;7:SLvcbPLUVddv/yFfPD1/jT8ta0pUaEWXAZe7TZkDGp05O0HMy0WnT+PCb6bzSH9K0EbOI0lztnTURrDXWNWX8D5wpUn2a5jFeOFh7tup95cytSJkXfoMqY0IBmENaUVkDqulHf8e8jiC0BwxZbH5vg== x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: b8d0bcbe-375f-4766-3446-08d64a316208 x-ms-office365-filtering-ht: Tenant x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(2390098)(7020095)(4652040)(8989299)(4534185)(4627221)(201703031133081)(201702281549075)(8990200)(5600074)(711020)(4618075)(2017052603328)(7153060)(7193020);SRVR:AM0PR04MB4931; x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: AM0PR04MB4931: x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-exchange-antispam-report-test: UriScan:(269456686620040)(185117386973197); x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-exchange-antispam-report-cfa-test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(8211001083)(6040522)(2401047)(8121501046)(5005006)(3231382)(944501410)(52105112)(3002001)(10201501046)(93006095)(93001095)(6055026)(148016)(149066)(150057)(6041310)(20161123558120)(20161123562045)(20161123564045)(20161123560045)(201703131423095)(201702281528075)(20161123555045)(201703061421075)(201703061406153)(201708071742011)(7699051)(76991095);SRVR:AM0PR04MB4931;BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:AM0PR04MB4931; x-forefront-prvs: 085634EFF4 x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM;SFS:(10009020)(396003)(136003)(39860400002)(346002)(366004)(376002)(54534003)(199004)(189003)(26005)(2351001)(106356001)(186003)(478600001)(2906002)(76176011)(316002)(2900100001)(86362001)(105586002)(14454004)(54906003)(5660300001)(386003)(52116002)(6506007)(50226002)(97736004)(2501003)(36756003)(102836004)(99286004)(8936002)(256004)(14444005)(8676002)(68736007)(81166006)(81156014)(25786009)(11346002)(446003)(2616005)(476003)(486006)(3846002)(6116002)(4744004)(71190400001)(71200400001)(7736002)(6486002)(6916009)(305945005)(66066001)(6512007)(4326008)(5640700003)(53936002)(6436002)(53946003);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101;SCL:1;SRVR:AM0PR04MB4931;;FPR:;SPF:None;LANG:en;PTR:InfoNoRecords;A:1;MX:3; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: Zis6QEVjfkAB96UyD1DdpJiGHJH2/4QEUdGdEsLNikTJgpRGohwHYRgcYAF4FtiJ+2eHbDzI9Lmm/jeWdMVd4563Fl9GKSVtxOQ0Fv2X4VHW/5BzMGLH/hEXRQJ6TB/oH3O5uVvHkX/Lc5jT/8pb5wQXiUJqiE9P0no/8R+PKKqdi/7lY/b0bDNY48WgAUKRZ/abfKHGglO3rM+1lKAoo5yie2/sVHhnJBY/nFttGvptZsac1TF45rJBrBbKnyvcW5/1dD4QCWx7oDR6iuu4n5u95tJ0lxdlEwjwA5f6AU/x2U+q1C75w8I0GiWohZ9Ex43SIXcEpp+6+/luqZprx1nbwDEolznTNVs8voy7ctg= spamdiagnosticoutput: 1:99 spamdiagnosticmetadata: NSPM Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: b8d0bcbe-375f-4766-3446-08d64a316208 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 14 Nov 2018 13:02:08.0893 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AM0PR04MB4931 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: i.MX7ULP Clock functions are under joint control of the System Clock Generation (SCG) modules, Peripheral Clock Control (PCC) modules, and Core Mode Controller (CMC)1 blocks The clocking scheme provides clear separation between M4 domain and A7 domain. Except for a few clock sources shared between two domains, such as the System Oscillator clock, the Slow IRC (SIRC), and and the Fast IRC clock (FIRCLK), clock sources and clock management are separated and contained within each domain. M4 clock management consists of SCG0, PCC0, PCC1, and CMC0 modules. A7 clock management consists of SCG1, PCC2, PCC3, and CMC1 modules. This driver only adds clock support in A7 domain. Note that most clocks required to be operated when gated, e.g. pll, pfd, pcc. And more special cases that scs/ddr/nic mux selecting different clock source requires that clock to be enabled first, then we need set CLK_OPS_PARENT_ENABLE flag for them properly. Cc: Stephen Boyd Cc: Michael Turquette Cc: Shawn Guo Cc: Anson Huang Cc: Bai Ping Signed-off-by: Dong Aisheng --- ChangeLog: v5->v6: * sosc/firc/dpll/ddr clock should use divider table as they're not 1:1 v4->v5: * clk-composite API name changed accordingly v3->v4: * update after changing scg and pcc into separete nodes according to Rob's suggestion v2->v3: * no changes v1->v2: * use of_clk_add_hw_provider instead * split the clocks register process into two parts: early part for possibl= e timers clocks registered by CLK_OF_DECLARE_DRIVER and the later part for the left normal peripheral clocks registered by a platform driver. --- drivers/clk/imx/Makefile | 1 + drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c | 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= ++++ 2 files changed, 221 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c diff --git a/drivers/clk/imx/Makefile b/drivers/clk/imx/Makefile index a5cab3e..615b413 100644 --- a/drivers/clk/imx/Makefile +++ b/drivers/clk/imx/Makefile @@ -30,4 +30,5 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX6SLL) +=3D clk-imx6sll.o obj-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX6SX) +=3D clk-imx6sx.o obj-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX6UL) +=3D clk-imx6ul.o obj-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX7D) +=3D clk-imx7d.o +obj-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX7ULP) +=3D clk-imx7ulp.o obj-$(CONFIG_SOC_VF610) +=3D clk-vf610.o diff --git a/drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c b/drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b7507f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. + * Copyright 2017~2018 NXP + * + * Author: Dong Aisheng + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "clk.h" + +static const char * const pll_pre_sels[] =3D { "sosc", "firc", }; +static const char * const spll_pfd_sels[] =3D { "spll_pfd0", "spll_pfd1", = "spll_pfd2", "spll_pfd3", }; +static const char * const spll_sels[] =3D { "spll", "spll_pfd_sel", }; +static const char * const apll_pfd_sels[] =3D { "apll_pfd0", "apll_pfd1", = "apll_pfd2", "apll_pfd3", }; +static const char * const apll_sels[] =3D { "apll", "apll_pfd_sel", }; +static const char * const scs_sels[] =3D { "dummy", "sosc", "sirc", "firc= ", "dummy", "apll_sel", "spll_sel", "upll", }; +static const char * const ddr_sels[] =3D { "apll_pfd_sel", "upll", }; +static const char * const nic_sels[] =3D { "firc", "ddr_clk", }; +static const char * const periph_plat_sels[] =3D { "dummy", "nic1_bus_clk"= , "nic1_clk", "ddr_clk", "apll_pfd2", "apll_pfd1", "apll_pfd0", "upll", }; +static const char * const periph_bus_sels[] =3D { "dummy", "sosc_bus_clk",= "mpll", "firc_bus_clk", "rosc", "nic1_bus_clk", "nic1_clk", "spll_bus_clk"= , }; + +/* used by sosc/sirc/firc/ddr/spll/apll dividers */ +static const struct clk_div_table ulp_div_table[] =3D { + { .val =3D 1, .div =3D 1, }, + { .val =3D 2, .div =3D 2, }, + { .val =3D 3, .div =3D 4, }, + { .val =3D 4, .div =3D 8, }, + { .val =3D 5, .div =3D 16, }, + { .val =3D 6, .div =3D 32, }, + { .val =3D 7, .div =3D 64, }, +}; + +static void __init imx7ulp_clk_scg1_init(struct device_node *np) +{ + struct clk_hw_onecell_data *clk_data; + struct clk_hw **clks; + void __iomem *base; + + clk_data =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*clk_data) + sizeof(*clk_data->hws) * + IMX7ULP_CLK_SCG1_END, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!clk_data) + return; + + clk_data->num =3D IMX7ULP_CLK_SCG1_END; + clks =3D clk_data->hws; + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DUMMY] =3D imx_clk_hw_fixed("dummy", 0); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_ROSC] =3D imx_obtain_fixed_clk_hw(np, "rosc"); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SOSC] =3D imx_obtain_fixed_clk_hw(np, "sosc"); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SIRC] =3D imx_obtain_fixed_clk_hw(np, "sirc"); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_FIRC] =3D imx_obtain_fixed_clk_hw(np, "firc"); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_MIPI_PLL] =3D imx_obtain_fixed_clk_hw(np, "mpll"); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_UPLL] =3D imx_obtain_fixed_clk_hw(np, "upll"); + + /* SCG1 */ + base =3D of_iomap(np, 0); + WARN_ON(!base); + + /* NOTE: xPLL config can't be changed when xPLL is enabled */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PRE_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("apll_pre_sel", b= ase + 0x508, 0, 1, pll_pre_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(pll_pre_sels), CLK_SET_PARENT_G= ATE); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PRE_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("spll_pre_sel", b= ase + 0x608, 0, 1, pll_pre_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(pll_pre_sels), CLK_SET_PARENT_G= ATE); + + /* name parent_name reg shift width flags */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PRE_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("apll_pre_div= ", "apll_pre_sel", base + 0x508, 8, 3, CLK_SET_RATE_GATE); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PRE_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("spll_pre_div= ", "spll_pre_sel", base + 0x608, 8, 3, CLK_SET_RATE_GATE); + + /* name parent_name base */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL] =3D imx_clk_pllv4("apll", "apll_pre_div", base += 0x500); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL] =3D imx_clk_pllv4("spll", "spll_pre_div", base += 0x600); + + /* APLL PFDs */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PFD0] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("apll_pfd0", "apll", base += 0x50c, 0); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PFD1] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("apll_pfd1", "apll", base += 0x50c, 1); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PFD2] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("apll_pfd2", "apll", base += 0x50c, 2); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PFD3] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("apll_pfd3", "apll", base += 0x50c, 3); + + /* SPLL PFDs */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PFD0] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("spll_pfd0", "spll", base += 0x60C, 0); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PFD1] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("spll_pfd1", "spll", base += 0x60C, 1); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PFD2] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("spll_pfd2", "spll", base += 0x60C, 2); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PFD3] =3D imx_clk_pfdv2("spll_pfd3", "spll", base += 0x60C, 3); + + /* PLL Mux */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_PFD_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("apll_pfd_sel", b= ase + 0x508, 14, 2, apll_pfd_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(apll_pfd_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_= PARENT | CLK_SET_PARENT_GATE); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_PFD_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("spll_pfd_sel", b= ase + 0x608, 14, 2, spll_pfd_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(spll_pfd_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_= PARENT | CLK_SET_PARENT_GATE); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_APLL_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("apll_sel", base + 0x= 508, 1, 1, apll_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(apll_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_= PARENT_GATE); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("spll_sel", base + 0x= 608, 1, 1, spll_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(spll_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_SET_= PARENT_GATE); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SPLL_BUS_CLK] =3D imx_clk_divider_gate("spll_bus_clk", "= spll_sel", CLK_SET_RATE_GATE, base + 0x604, 8, 3, 0, ulp_div_table, &imx_cc= m_lock); + + /* scs/ddr/nic select different clock source requires that clock to be en= abled first */ + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SYS_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux2("scs_sel", base + 0x14, 24,= 4, scs_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(scs_sels)); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_NIC_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux2("nic_sel", base + 0x40, 28,= 1, nic_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(nic_sels)); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DDR_SEL] =3D imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("ddr_sel", base + 0x30= , 24, 1, ddr_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_OPS_PARE= NT_ENABLE); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_CORE_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("divcore", "scs_s= el", base + 0x14, 16, 4, CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_IS_CRITICAL); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DDR_DIV] =3D imx_clk_divider_gate("ddr_clk", "ddr_sel", = CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_IS_CRITICAL, base + 0x30, 0, 3, + 0, ulp_div_table, &imx_ccm_lock); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_NIC0_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("nic0_clk", "nic= _sel", base + 0x40, 24, 4, CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_IS_CRITICAL); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_NIC1_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("nic1_clk", "nic= 0_clk", base + 0x40, 16, 4, CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_IS_CRITICAL); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_NIC1_BUS_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("nic1_bus_clk= ", "nic1_clk", base + 0x40, 4, 4, CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_IS_CRITICAL); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_GPU_DIV] =3D imx_clk_hw_divider("gpu_clk", "nic0_clk", b= ase + 0x40, 20, 4); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SOSC_BUS_CLK] =3D imx_clk_divider_gate("sosc_bus_clk", "= sosc", 0, base + 0x104, 8, 3, + CLK_DIVIDER_READ_ONLY, ulp_div_table, &imx_ccm_lock); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_FIRC_BUS_CLK] =3D imx_clk_divider_gate("firc_bus_clk", "= firc", 0, base + 0x304, 8, 3, + CLK_DIVIDER_READ_ONLY, ulp_div_table, &imx_ccm_lock); + + imx_check_clk_hws(clks, clk_data->num); + + of_clk_add_hw_provider(np, of_clk_hw_onecell_get, clk_data); +} +CLK_OF_DECLARE(imx7ulp_clk_scg1, "fsl,imx7ulp-scg1", imx7ulp_clk_scg1_init= ); + +static void __init imx7ulp_clk_pcc2_init(struct device_node *np) +{ + struct clk_hw_onecell_data *clk_data; + struct clk_hw **clks; + void __iomem *base; + + clk_data =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*clk_data) + sizeof(*clk_data->hws) * + IMX7ULP_CLK_PCC2_END, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!clk_data) + return; + + clk_data->num =3D IMX7ULP_CLK_PCC2_END; + clks =3D clk_data->hws; + + /* PCC2 */ + base =3D of_iomap(np, 0); + WARN_ON(!base); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DMA1] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("dma1", "nic1_clk", base + 0x= 20, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_RGPIO2P1] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("rgpio2p1", "nic1_bus_clk"= , base + 0x3c, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DMA_MUX1] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("dma_mux1", "nic1_bus_clk"= , base + 0x84, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SNVS] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("snvs", "nic1_bus_clk", base = + 0x8c, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_CAAM] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("caam", "nic1_clk", base + 0x= 90, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPTPM4] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lptpm4", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x94); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPTPM5] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lptpm5", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x98); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPIT1] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpit1", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x9c); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPSPI2] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpspi2", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xa4); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPSPI3] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpspi3", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xa8); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPI2C4] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpi2c4", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xac); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPI2C5] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpi2c5", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xb0); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPUART4] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpuart4", periph_bus= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xb4); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPUART5] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpuart5", periph_bus= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xb8); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_FLEXIO1] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("flexio1", periph_bus= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0xc4); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_USB0] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("usb0", periph_plat_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xcc); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_USB1] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("usb1", periph_plat_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xd0); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_USB_PHY] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("usb_phy", "nic1_bus_clk", = base + 0xd4, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_USDHC0] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("usdhc0", periph_plat= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xdc); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_USDHC1] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("usdhc1", periph_plat= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xe0); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_WDG1] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("wdg1", periph_bus_s= els, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xf4); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_WDG2] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("sdg2", periph_bus_s= els, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, true, true, base + 0x10c); + + imx_check_clk_hws(clks, clk_data->num); + + of_clk_add_hw_provider(np, of_clk_hw_onecell_get, clk_data); +} +CLK_OF_DECLARE(imx7ulp_clk_pcc2, "fsl,imx7ulp-pcc2", imx7ulp_clk_pcc2_init= ); + +static void __init imx7ulp_clk_pcc3_init(struct device_node *np) +{ + struct clk_hw_onecell_data *clk_data; + struct clk_hw **clks; + void __iomem *base; + + clk_data =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*clk_data) + sizeof(*clk_data->hws) * + IMX7ULP_CLK_PCC3_END, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!clk_data) + return; + + clk_data->num =3D IMX7ULP_CLK_PCC3_END; + clks =3D clk_data->hws; + + /* PCC3 */ + base =3D of_iomap(np, 0); + WARN_ON(!base); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPTPM6] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lptpm6", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x84); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPTPM7] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lptpm7", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x88); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_MMDC] =3D clk_hw_register_gate(NULL, "mmdc", "nic1_clk"= , CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_IS_CRITICAL, + base + 0xac, 30, 0, &imx_ccm_lock); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPI2C6] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpi2c6", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x90); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPI2C7] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpi2c7", periph_bus_= sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x94); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPUART6] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpuart6", periph_bus= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x98); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LPUART7] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lpuart7", periph_bus= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x9c); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DSI] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("dsi", periph_bus_se= ls, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_bus_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xa4); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_LCDIF] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("lcdif", periph_plat= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, true, true, base + 0xa8); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_VIU] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("viu", "nic1_clk", base += 0xa0, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_PCTLC] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("pctlc", "nic1_bus_clk", bas= e + 0xb8, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_PCTLD] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("pctld", "nic1_bus_clk", bas= e + 0xbc, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_PCTLE] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("pctle", "nic1_bus_clk", bas= e + 0xc0, 30); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_PCTLF] =3D imx_clk_hw_gate("pctlf", "nic1_bus_clk", bas= e + 0xc4, 30); + + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_GPU3D] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("gpu3d", periph_plat= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x140); + clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_GPU2D] =3D imx7ulp_clk_composite("gpu2d", periph_plat= _sels, ARRAY_SIZE(periph_plat_sels), true, false, true, base + 0x144); + + imx_check_clk_hws(clks, clk_data->num); + + of_clk_add_hw_provider(np, of_clk_hw_onecell_get, clk_data); +} +CLK_OF_DECLARE(imx7ulp_clk_pcc3, "fsl,imx7ulp-pcc3", imx7ulp_clk_pcc3_init= ); --=20 2.7.4