Return-Path: Received: ( by via listexpand id ; Mon, 30 Apr 2001 06:01:39 -0400 Received: ( by id ; Mon, 30 Apr 2001 06:01:30 -0400 Received: from ([]:65028 "EHLO") by with ESMTP id ; Mon, 30 Apr 2001 06:01:17 -0400 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 15:42:45 +0530 (IST) From: Hanish Menon C To: cc: Subject: Patch to gdbstub++ taking care of possible stale data in Recieve buffers and qOffsets cmd for x86. Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="-1463769086-2108580470-988625565=:1474" Sender: X-Mailing-List: This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---1463769086-2108580470-988625565=:1474 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi This patch takes care of 2 things related to remote debuging of Linux kernel using Gdb Problem and Solution (1) ------------------------ When trying out Remote Debugging of Linux kernel using GDB, I found a possible protocol synchronisation issue between gdb (in host) and gdbstub (on RemoteTarget) in the current gdb remote protocol implementation (i.e which don't use the SequenceNumber mechanism of the protocol). The situation unfolds as follows 1) HostGdb sends a command to the RemoteTargetStub. 2) Before the RemoteTargetStub can process the command a exception or breakpoint occurs. Or the RemoteTargetStub is getting activated only now during booting of the RemoteTarget m/c. 3) RemoteTargetStub sends Sxx to HostGDB. HostGDB takes this as response to command from 1 above (or ignores the command from 1 due to this) 4) HostGDB sends a new gdb command. 5) RemoteTargetStub picks up the old gdb command (from 1), and responds to it. 6) HostGDB assumes its the response to the new command from 4 above, but actually its response to the old (now stale or no longer valid) command from 1 above. Thus the RemoteTargetGdbStub and the HostGDB go out of sync. I faced this problem when trying out remote debuging between a Linux Host and a PC Emulation software (vmware or so) using /dev/ptyq0 and /dev/ttyq0 for communication. On looking into this I found this possible synchronisation problem between the Host and Remote in GDB protocol, if there is any content or old command in the Recieve buffers (s/w buffer in gdbserial.c and or h/w buffer of uart) due to what ever reason. To solve this problem I have implemented a clearRecieveDataBufferGDB in gdbserail which when invoked will clear all buffered contents associated with recieving ((a) the s/w buffer in gdbserial and (b) the buffer in uart). It uses the existing read_char implementation of gdbserial in a loop to accomplish this. INTURN I call this from with in handle_exception of gdbstub just before sending SXX signal(to notify of the exception) to HostGDB, So that handle_exception won't respond to any old (and no longer valid)command or invalid data in the Recieve buffer. Problem and Solution (2) ------------------------ Also I noticed that HostGDB was sending a qOffsets query to the RemoteTargetStub, but x86 gdbstub doesn't currently provide a implementation for qOffset. So I implemented one which uses the following symbols to provide the required offsets stext for Text gdt_table for Data (currently corresponds to .data or sdata) __bss_start for Bss. However once Implemented I did find that HostGDBs symbol info was getting corrupted and I was forced to reload the symbols using symbol_file. On looking into gdb source casualy it felt as if I can ignore qOffsets command. Either way I already had a implementation (which is very simple) for qOffsets command, so I have retained it in the patch __as the bug__ seems to be __in the HostGDB code__. On looking into other gdbstub implementations in the linux kernel Even the PPC arch's gdbstub talks about this bug in HostGDB. Also I picked up the elegent sprintf solution to create the response string for qOffset from the PPC guys. Earlier I had tried a solution with mem2hex which retains the Bytes of the address in the Target Byte order, but for qOffset one requires to represent the address (in Hex) in the normal reading order (varified by looking into remote.c in gdb source) which automaticaly suites the sprintf solution. These problem seems to be universal as far as gdb remote debug protocols current implementations are concerned, so may be even the GDB guys need to be informed about these possible problems. But I am not in the GDB devel list, so someone on the list can inform them also. ----------- Keep :-) HanishKVC ---1463769086-2108580470-988625565=:1474 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="linux-2.4.3-kgdb-hankvc-30Apr2001-p1.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="linux-2.4.3-kgdb-hankvc-30Apr2001-p1.patch" ZGlmZiAtTmF1ciBsaW51eC0yLjQuMy1rZ2RiL2FyY2gvaTM4Ni9rZXJuZWwv Z2Ric3R1Yi5jIGxpbnV4LTIuNC4zLWtnZGItaGFua3ZjL2FyY2gvaTM4Ni9r ZXJuZWwvZ2Ric3R1Yi5jDQotLS0gbGludXgtMi40LjMta2dkYi9hcmNoL2kz ODYva2VybmVsL2dkYnN0dWIuYwlTdW4gQXByIDI5IDIxOjI1OjIwIDIwMDEN CisrKyBsaW51eC0yLjQuMy1rZ2RiLWhhbmt2Yy9hcmNoL2kzODYva2VybmVs L2dkYnN0dWIuYwlNb24gQXByIDMwIDAxOjUzOjEyIDIwMDENCkBAIC0xMTYs NiArMTE2LDcgQEANCiAvKiBUaHJlYWQgcmVmZXJlbmNlICovDQogdHlwZWRl ZiB1bnNpZ25lZCBjaGFyIHRocmVhZHJlZls4XTsNCiANCitleHRlcm4gdm9p ZCBjbGVhclJlY2lldmVEYXRhQnVmZmVyR0RCKHZvaWQpOyAvKiBjbGVhciB0 aGUgUmVjaWV2ZSBzb2Z0d2FyZSBhbmQgaGFyZHdhcmUgZGF0YSBidWZmZXJz ICovDQogZXh0ZXJuIGludCBwdXREZWJ1Z0NoYXIoaW50KTsgICAvKiB3cml0 ZSBhIHNpbmdsZSBjaGFyYWN0ZXIgICAgICAqLw0KIGV4dGVybiBpbnQgZ2V0 RGVidWdDaGFyKHZvaWQpOyAgIC8qIHJlYWQgYW5kIHJldHVybiBhIHNpbmds ZSBjaGFyICovDQogDQpAQCAtNzY1LDYgKzc2Niw3IEBADQogCWludAkJCWk7 DQogCWludAkJCWRyNjsNCiAJc3RydWN0IHB0X3JlZ3MJCXRlbXByZWdzOw0K KwlleHRlcm4gaW50CQlzdGV4dCxnZHRfdGFibGUsX19ic3Nfc3RhcnQ7DQog I2RlZmluZQlyZWdzCSgqbGludXhfcmVncykNCiANCiAJLyoNCkBAIC04MzAs NiArODMyLDEwIEBADQogCWdkYl9pMzg2dmVjdG9yICA9IGV4Y2VwdGlvblZl Y3RvcjsNCiAJZ2RiX2kzODZlcnJjb2RlID0gZXJyX2NvZGUgOw0KIA0KKwkv KiBjbGVhciBleGlzdGluZyAocG9zc2libHkgc3RhbGUpIGNvbnRlbnRzIGlu IHRoZSBSZWNpZXZlIGJ1ZmZlcnMgDQorCSAgIChzL3coZ2Ric2VyaWFsKSBh bmQgaC93KSBvZiB0aGUgdGVybWluYWwvU2VyaWFsUG9ydCB1c2VkIGZvciAN CisJICAgcmVtb3RlIGRlYnVnZ2luZywgc28gdGhhdCB3ZSBzdGFydCB3aXRo IGEgY2xlYW4gc2xhdGUgKi8NCisJY2xlYXJSZWNpZXZlRGF0YUJ1ZmZlckdE QigpOw0KIAkvKiByZXBseSB0byBob3N0IHRoYXQgYW4gZXhjZXB0aW9uIGhh cyBvY2N1cnJlZCAqLw0KIAlyZW1jb21PdXRCdWZmZXJbMF0gPSAnUyc7DQog CXJlbWNvbU91dEJ1ZmZlclsxXSA9ICBoZXhjaGFyc1tzaWdubyA+PiA0XTsN CkBAIC0xMDQzLDYgKzEwNDksMTcgQEANCiAJCQljYXNlICdFJzoNCiAJCQkJ LyogUHJpbnQgZXhjZXB0aW9uIGluZm8gKi8NCiAJCQkJcHJpbnRleGNlcHRp b25pbmZvKGV4Y2VwdGlvblZlY3RvciwgZXJyX2NvZGUsIHJlbWNvbU91dEJ1 ZmZlcik7DQorCQkJCWJyZWFrOw0KKw0KKwkJCWNhc2UgJ08nOg0KKwkJCQkv KiBnZXQgU2VjdGlvbiBvZmZzZXRzICovDQorCQkJCS8qIGdkYidzIHN5bWJv bCBpbmZvIHNlZW1zIHRvIGJlIGdldHRpbmcgY29ycnVwdGVkIGFmdGVyIA0K KwkJCQkgICB0aGlzIGNvbW1hbmQsIGV2ZW4gcHBjIGd1eXMgaGF2ZSBtZW50 aW9uZWQgdGhpcy4gDQorCQkJCSAgIE9uZSBpcyByZXF1aXJlZCB0byByZWxv YWQgdXNpbmcgc3ltYm9sLWZpbGUgY21kICovDQorCQkJCS8qIC5kYXRhIChv ciBzZGF0YSkgY3VycmVudGx5IGNvcnJlc3BvbmQgdG8gZ2R0X3RhYmxlICov DQorCQkJCXNwcmludGYocmVtY29tT3V0QnVmZmVyLCANCisJCQkJICAiVGV4 dD0lOC44eDtEYXRhPSU4Ljh4O0Jzcz0lOC44eCIsDQorCQkJCSAgKGludCkm c3RleHQsIChpbnQpJmdkdF90YWJsZSwgKGludCkmX19ic3Nfc3RhcnQpOw0K IAkJCQlicmVhazsNCiAJCQl9DQogCQkJYnJlYWs7DQpkaWZmIC1OYXVyIGxp bnV4LTIuNC4zLWtnZGIvZHJpdmVycy9jaGFyL2dkYnNlcmlhbC5jIGxpbnV4 LTIuNC4zLWtnZGItaGFua3ZjL2RyaXZlcnMvY2hhci9nZGJzZXJpYWwuYw0K LS0tIGxpbnV4LTIuNC4zLWtnZGIvZHJpdmVycy9jaGFyL2dkYnNlcmlhbC5j CVN1biBBcHIgMjkgMjE6MjU6MjAgMjAwMQ0KKysrIGxpbnV4LTIuNC4zLWtn ZGItaGFua3ZjL2RyaXZlcnMvY2hhci9nZGJzZXJpYWwuYwlNb24gQXByIDMw IDAyOjE0OjE1IDIwMDENCkBAIC0yNzgsMyArMjc4LDI1IEBADQogDQogfSAv KiBwdXREZWJ1Z0NoYXIgKi8NCiANCisvKg0KKyAqIENsZWFyIHRoZSBSZWNp ZXZlIHNvZnR3YXJlIGFuZCBoYXJkd2FyZSBidWZmZXJzDQorICovDQordm9p ZCBjbGVhclJlY2lldmVEYXRhQnVmZmVyR0RCKHZvaWQpDQorew0KKyAgaW50 IGlDdXI7DQorDQorI2lmZGVmIFBSTlQNCisgIHByaW50aygiY2xlYXJSZWNp ZXZlRGF0YUJ1ZmZlckdEQjogRW50ZXJpbmcgXG4iKTsNCisjZW5kaWYNCisg IC8qIHdoaWxlKChpQ3VyPXJlYWRfZGF0YV9iZnIoKSkgIT0gLTEpICovDQor ICB3aGlsZSgoaUN1cj1yZWFkX2NoYXIoKSkgIT0gLTEpIA0KKyNpZmRlZiBQ Uk5UDQorICAgIHByaW50aygiY2xlYXJSZWNpZXZlRGF0YUJ1ZmZlckdEQjog cmVhZCAlYyBcbiIsaUN1cik7DQorI2Vsc2UNCisgICAgOw0KKyNlbmRpZg0K KyNpZmRlZiBQUk5UDQorICBwcmludGsoImNsZWFyUmVjaWV2ZURhdGFCdWZm ZXJHREI6IExlYXZpbmcgXG4iKTsNCisjZW5kaWYNCit9DQorDQo= ---1463769086-2108580470-988625565=:1474-- - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at