Received: by 2002:a25:d7c1:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id o184csp695392ybg; Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:36:51 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-Source: APXvYqxGGeI6V0Ib2N2ikeiWUmh2uzhW92ZCiDEsCIc/1Nsf0jKH8DBRGauZ1+30mYSgtXyCGv9k X-Received: by 2002:a17:907:429e:: with SMTP id ny22mr6689124ejb.174.1571830611760; Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:36:51 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1571830611; cv=pass;; s=arc-20160816; b=oD5doSotm2SI4PGlBfIB/RJXd8Y4UKH44iJhhRl6C2mBcUOHL9GLRNm75xW6cQky4O 3Xx7UNnoO4sD4sWJaKeKPBPT+mPQ8XH3TIi+pSI6qEvXezlcEblAtZnXmIs71+1uM7jz ehWQlZJ1KQUkPr2VchGrau26USle0+gnL6Pks5v5sIVNGhmlNbuEqhnh9ykXb1vFuhBH /CCFFY4f/cPBqwkd+vKTnQ/pRgwFHjWSFiPWrgrgPGf+tLR0xYOhqaQqJXizyd6QXyQ1 RSWJODbUo27J4aQQV91kdS1Jq0uvMfcza4G2a/HqaCj/zbZ2N3fHFSXoJ0vXac+GP73Y g6/A== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=list-id:precedence:sender:mime-version:content-transfer-encoding :content-language:accept-language:in-reply-to:references:message-id :date:thread-index:thread-topic:subject:cc:to:from:dkim-signature; bh=hOHgdw3EHVUC1U/j4RaaXStACKmCy0XtxnB8gZRXVKQ=; b=JMvEU0s0FaLwxoZzVLxTlqWdFYu0mApgSyN/MpG4laNtPtHZOq19D7US/wiWhrzuvt 2U5xk8nRPbbTUUiEIIHHa+3/i9ZXWTwps68mCG1tGY+vy765U49gX64MMCtCZpZ1kvCc cnVPZw1kq3MASxPIsEbd4cBebLn9GZLWTlVVZr8rZysKzxwbeyeNKpreh0awQyM5DcUP wor9Wf2nsgrKXfvfpPrZLctO5eUakS3OvEB6qvO+ZczNiuYHQuY2b8/J1URSlsJGm6MF AiAtnhP1j2eqfvbqZuD4Z3A1WACCJg9af7jR6oJMJSLVDsamX3vFdbRjshg0xjnxtrwy EZ4w== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dkim=pass header.s=selector2-amdcloud-onmicrosoft-com header.b=mFCT3wUT; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dkim=pass dmarc=pass; spf=pass ( best guess record for domain of designates as permitted sender) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id l8si12502141ejc.432.2019.; Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:36:51 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: pass ( best guess record for domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=selector2-amdcloud-onmicrosoft-com header.b=mFCT3wUT; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dkim=pass dmarc=pass; spf=pass ( best guess record for domain of designates as permitted sender) Received: ( by via listexpand id S2404850AbfJWLd2 (ORCPT + 99 others); Wed, 23 Oct 2019 07:33:28 -0400 Received: from ([]:53228 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S2404669AbfJWLd2 (ORCPT ); Wed, 23 Oct 2019 07:33:28 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=iaPvUem9xMxUTPZyg6/uqP0nxRpXF2SvpaVQ+3zDv3DihEl4yiMHutrjYhcshFPmO/87qDRTvOjizdQVnEdeYRd+JCuGMz9hFh0VJtgKmMa+24PagRCoIpacdab0+HIx0zoD8mEgUJMJV+3w3L7P5aMv4zkpb7Wmj5CuOMvdCkGfBLd7OpgV5e8HR/w9NFqjE5br0mY+aetIqLvXjktnjo5RuvY0HmjCUOqFVwcjrYloXAaZSFqZi/vXEiS6vcLWhfxl6BkQOr2cMzRveEzeJlZK4Be0+jsWWPFSo86HBIjHmQrjtYMuYP02SG2emW82ySXWQzojMfiNWVhOvHCB1w== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=hOHgdw3EHVUC1U/j4RaaXStACKmCy0XtxnB8gZRXVKQ=; b=Pvz8UyHnbYk8P6YeHUcrGdNZYbHPrByeSexN16KEtOSAhUDnY1LimsOpPR+olpoYYbaztBLVFw6MgDug0YKMknaCnMfrolNgRsKulY2rBBqmuo4Dj6HPqQ5n47wLM6FtTRA159v4EiZoCNJ/R7FfNouDGIQGqfmTUJhLOwOwy+KR93jORwmOpVUpFUcK0k/47bFhisSbYgIgYVchynLGHLb457qssr+rlZkcYGy6l0aan4r5VOynApV6cBTzMR9LNgCfoqbcrRjCszU4+ClX9SLAiS/BC91L55px6DzQtnRhiqy4lY2nZYPFSQdMfEOSbnfdJkQQWkH8IfJm+O4nkg== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-amdcloud-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=hOHgdw3EHVUC1U/j4RaaXStACKmCy0XtxnB8gZRXVKQ=; b=mFCT3wUTYPWCZfVyrlFj606eVW03kqm69LgXPDtmocKaS2bQMLBW1OY/fiDuHVTNw4IJMvMK0KoXmh7xTzNgA2PK9wiOPTzMiDrGk6WjdLKrq8OJlMBFZx7q8lYx8mkcZOEilEeMMu04xw4a4HFfp5NjrqepQN4jBQJGDdJJZ6M= Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2387.20; Wed, 23 Oct 2019 11:31:01 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::a1f5:6f09:5c0d:78f1]) by ([fe80::a1f5:6f09:5c0d:78f1%11]) with mapi id 15.20.2387.019; Wed, 23 Oct 2019 11:31:01 +0000 From: "Thomas, Rijo-john" To: Jens Wiklander , "" , "" CC: "Thomas, Rijo-john" , "Easow, Nimesh" , "Rangasamy, Devaraj" Subject: [RFC PATCH 2/2] tee: add AMD-TEE driver Thread-Topic: [RFC PATCH 2/2] tee: add AMD-TEE driver Thread-Index: AQHViZVZciGFwXY/I0yiZSF/OkmewA== Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 11:31:01 +0000 Message-ID: References: In-Reply-To: Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-clientproxiedby: MAXPR01CA0093.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:1096:a00:49::35) To (2603:10b6:903:120::7) authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-ms-exchange-messagesentrepresentingtype: 1 x-mailer: git-send-email 1.9.1 x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-ht: Tenant x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 7c573a91-6773-422d-a533-08d757ac7b53 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: CY4PR12MB1527: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:260; x-forefront-prvs: 019919A9E4 x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM;SFS:(10009020)(979002)(4636009)(39860400002)(136003)(396003)(376002)(366004)(346002)(189003)(199004)(99286004)(71200400001)(118296001)(6512007)(25786009)(71190400001)(66946007)(30864003)(50226002)(3846002)(6116002)(6436002)(316002)(478600001)(66066001)(76176011)(52116002)(2201001)(66476007)(66556008)(64756008)(2501003)(36756003)(4326008)(66446008)(54906003)(110136005)(8676002)(486006)(8936002)(256004)(14444005)(2906002)(6506007)(6486002)(386003)(81156014)(14454004)(476003)(2616005)(5660300002)(305945005)(86362001)(102836004)(7736002)(186003)(11346002)(446003)(81166006)(26005)(959014)(559001)(579004)(569006);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101;SCL:1;SRVR:CY4PR12MB1527;;FPR:;SPF:None;LANG:en;PTR:InfoNoRecords;MX:1;A:1; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: CdUr2cxB9HTb+UPQ4Cn5Q13s4kYajoQcXqYVanx2F3byo4EE7Ofhepe5/M4u6VQkMB9KL0ADXutRpGVDhR0P1HY8vsnpj0aR1XmBOZ5G90zaH6hUIcm2jrEODbX6cMtu287D0JpHMpMALm4Kq13EFWjxErqq8ezKxpsX6GGV2Jd0nV0JFAU8PyI2JvAbJol4VCGDO1lVCejwAkhjcHu2sNY/nfSupnTVgatsorT/p+iFizFTL9s3k0FieFZ9QBPw4KT2+t+p/dfInLycVjMU7WdxYtdk8ZZwfikwUjKTMb/WjJKrfwfCtC24d5+HxdFnkgilBAyT7aBbfntXQR8xnEqaC6WWiiOgLeLHwAnyQRIOfADIwTFIyFnpdeGZ6xTTkcilJRs8+S3xgvNXNpB7NjOo5bejzS9Lg1bJ2+NHBbZigx+MPsqhrsX2HqxNiW1L Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 7c573a91-6773-422d-a533-08d757ac7b53 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 23 Oct 2019 11:31:01.5683 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3dd8961f-e488-4e60-8e11-a82d994e183d X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: bgoPXQHAXOv5ZRq1BfqIyr6Grv6DCdrnA4QqXPUAIDHl6fS/JA0XD6VOXpDBhnFESmwwRkLZ8oktdtRqVVuEbw== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CY4PR12MB1527 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Adds AMD-TEE driver. * targets AMD APUs which has AMD Secure Processor with software-based Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) support * registers with TEE subsystem * defines tee_driver_ops function callbacks * kernel allocated memory is used as shared memory between normal world and secure world. * acts as REE (Rich Execution Environment) communication agent, which uses the services of AMD Secure Processor driver to submit commands for processing in TEE environment Signed-off-by: Rijo Thomas Signed-off-by: Devaraj Rangasamy --- drivers/tee/Kconfig | 2 +- drivers/tee/Makefile | 1 + drivers/tee/amdtee/Kconfig | 8 + drivers/tee/amdtee/Makefile | 5 + drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_if.h | 183 +++++++++++++ drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_private.h | 159 +++++++++++ drivers/tee/amdtee/call.c | 370 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/tee/amdtee/core.c | 510 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= ++++ drivers/tee/amdtee/shm_pool.c | 130 +++++++++ include/uapi/linux/tee.h | 1 + 10 files changed, 1368 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_if.h create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_private.h create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/call.c create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/core.c create mode 100644 drivers/tee/amdtee/shm_pool.c diff --git a/drivers/tee/Kconfig b/drivers/tee/Kconfig index 4f3197d..8da63f3 100644 --- a/drivers/tee/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/tee/Kconfig @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if TEE menu "TEE drivers" =20 source "drivers/tee/optee/Kconfig" - +source "drivers/tee/amdtee/Kconfig" endmenu =20 endif diff --git a/drivers/tee/Makefile b/drivers/tee/Makefile index 21f51fd..68da044 100644 --- a/drivers/tee/Makefile +++ b/drivers/tee/Makefile @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ tee-objs +=3D tee_core.o tee-objs +=3D tee_shm.o tee-objs +=3D tee_shm_pool.o obj-$(CONFIG_OPTEE) +=3D optee/ +obj-$(CONFIG_AMDTEE) +=3D amdtee/ diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/Kconfig b/drivers/tee/amdtee/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e32b64 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +# AMD-TEE Trusted Execution Environment Configuration +config AMDTEE + tristate "AMD-TEE" + default m + depends on CRYPTO_DEV_SP_PSP + help + This implements AMD's Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) driver. diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/Makefile b/drivers/tee/amdtee/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff14852 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +obj-$(CONFIG_AMDTEE) +=3D amdtee.o +amdtee-objs +=3D core.o +amdtee-objs +=3D call.o +amdtee-objs +=3D shm_pool.o diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_if.h b/drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_if.= h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff48c3e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_if.h @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ + +/* + * Copyright 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. + */ + +/* + * This file has definitions related to Host and AMD-TEE Trusted OS interf= ace. + * These definitions must match the definitions on the TEE side. + */ + +#ifndef AMDTEE_IF_H +#define AMDTEE_IF_H + +#include + +/*************************************************************************= **** + ** TEE Param + *************************************************************************= *****/ +#define TEE_MAX_PARAMS 4 + +/** + * struct memref - memory reference structure + * @buf_id: buffer ID of the buffer mapped by TEE_CMD_ID_MAP_SHARED_MEM + * @offset: offset in bytes from beginning of the buffer + * @size: data size in bytes + */ +struct memref { + u32 buf_id; + u32 offset; + u32 size; +}; + +struct value { + u32 a; + u32 b; +}; + +/* + * Parameters passed to open_session or invoke_command + */ +union tee_op_param { + struct memref mref; + struct value val; +}; + +struct tee_operation { + u32 param_types; + union tee_op_param params[TEE_MAX_PARAMS]; +}; + +/* Must be same as in GP TEE specification */ +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_NONE 0 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_INPUT 1 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_OUTPUT 2 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_INOUT 3 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_INVALID 4 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INPUT 5 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_OUTPUT 6 +#define TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INOUT 7 + +#define TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(t, i) (((t) >> ((i) * 4)) & 0xF) +#define TEE_PARAM_TYPES(t0, t1, t2, t3) \ + ((t0) | ((t1) << 4) | ((t2) << 8) | ((t3) << 12)) + +/*************************************************************************= **** + ** TEE Commands + *************************************************************************= ****/ + +/* + * The shared memory between rich world and secure world may be physically + * non-contiguous. Below structures are meant to describe a shared memory = region + * via scatter/gather (sg) list + */ + +/** + * struct tee_sg_desc - sg descriptor for a physically contiguous buffer + * @low_addr: [in] bits[31:0] of buffer's physical address. Must be 4KB al= igned + * @hi_addr: [in] bits[63:32] of the buffer's physical address + * @size: [in] size in bytes (must be multiple of 4KB) + */ +struct tee_sg_desc { + u32 low_addr; + u32 hi_addr; + u32 size; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_sg_list - structure describing a scatter/gather list + * @count: [in] number of sg descriptors + * @size: [in] total size of all buffers in the list. Must be multiple = of 4KB + * @buf: [in] list of sg buffer descriptors + */ +#define TEE_MAX_SG_DESC 64 +struct tee_sg_list { + u32 count; + u32 size; + struct tee_sg_desc buf[TEE_MAX_SG_DESC]; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_map_shared_mem - command to map shared memory + * @buf_id: [out] return buffer ID value + * @sg_list: [in] list describing memory to be mapped + */ +struct tee_cmd_map_shared_mem { + u32 buf_id; + struct tee_sg_list sg_list; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_unmap_shared_mem - command to unmap shared memory + * @buf_id: [in] buffer ID of memory to be unmapped + */ +struct tee_cmd_unmap_shared_mem { + u32 buf_id; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_load_ta - load Trusted Application (TA) binary into TEE + * @low_addr: [in] bits [31:0] of the physical address of the TA binary + * @hi_addr: [in] bits [63:32] of the physical address of the TA binar= y + * @size: [in] size of TA binary in bytes + * @ta_handle: [out] return handle of the loaded TA + */ +struct tee_cmd_load_ta { + u32 low_addr; + u32 hi_addr; + u32 size; + u32 ta_handle; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_unload_ta - command to unload TA binary from TEE environ= ment + * @ta_handle: [in] handle of the loaded TA to be unloaded + */ +struct tee_cmd_unload_ta { + u32 ta_handle; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_open_session - command to call TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint = in TA + * @ta_handle: [in] handle of the loaded TA + * @session_info: [out] pointer to TA allocated session data + * @op: [in/out] operation parameters + * @return_origin: [out] origin of return code after TEE processing + */ +struct tee_cmd_open_session { + u32 ta_handle; + u32 session_info; + struct tee_operation op; + u32 return_origin; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_close_session - command to call TA_CloseSessionEntryPoin= t() + * in TA + * @ta_handle: [in] handle of the loaded TA + * @session_info: [in] pointer to TA allocated session data + */ +struct tee_cmd_close_session { + u32 ta_handle; + u32 session_info; +}; + +/** + * struct tee_cmd_invoke_cmd - command to call TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint(= ) in + * TA + * @ta_handle: [in] handle of the loaded TA + * @cmd_id: [in] TA command ID + * @session_info: [in] pointer to TA allocated session data + * @op: [in/out] operation parameters + * @return_origin: [out] origin of return code after TEE processing + */ +struct tee_cmd_invoke_cmd { + u32 ta_handle; + u32 cmd_id; + u32 session_info; + struct tee_operation op; + u32 return_origin; +}; + +#endif /*AMDTEE_IF_H*/ diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_private.h b/drivers/tee/amdtee/amdte= e_private.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7f798c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/amdtee_private.h @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ + +/* + * Copyright 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. + */ + +#ifndef AMDTEE_PRIVATE_H +#define AMDTEE_PRIVATE_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "amdtee_if.h" + +#define DRIVER_NAME "amdtee" +#define DRIVER_AUTHOR "AMD-TEE Linux driver team" + +/* Some GlobalPlatform error codes used in this driver */ +#define TEEC_SUCCESS 0x00000000 +#define TEEC_ERROR_GENERIC 0xFFFF0000 +#define TEEC_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS 0xFFFF0006 +#define TEEC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION 0xFFFF000E + +#define TEEC_ORIGIN_COMMS 0x00000002 + +/* Maximum number of sessions which can be opened with a Trusted Applicati= on */ +#define TEE_NUM_SESSIONS 32 + +#define TA_LOAD_PATH "/amdtee" +#define TA_PATH_MAX 60 + +/** + * struct amdtee - main service struct + * @teedev: client device + * @pool: shared memory pool + */ +struct amdtee { + struct tee_device *teedev; + struct tee_shm_pool *pool; +}; + +/** + * struct amdtee_session - Trusted Application (TA) session related inform= ation. + * @ta_handle: handle to Trusted Application (TA) loaded in TEE enviro= nment + * @refcount: counter to keep track of sessions opened for the TA ins= tance + * @session_info: an array pointing to TA allocated session data. + * @sess_mask: session usage bit-mask. If a particular bit is set, the= n the + * corresponding @session_info entry is in use or valid. + * + * Session structure is updated on open_session and this information is us= ed for + * subsequent operations with the Trusted Application. + */ +struct amdtee_session { + struct list_head list_node; + u32 ta_handle; + struct kref refcount; + u32 session_info[TEE_NUM_SESSIONS]; + DECLARE_BITMAP(sess_mask, TEE_NUM_SESSIONS); + spinlock_t lock; /* synchronizes access to @sess_mask */ +}; + +/** + * struct amdtee_context_data - AMD-TEE driver context data + * @sess_list: Keeps track of sessions opened in current TEE context + */ +struct amdtee_context_data { + struct list_head sess_list; +}; + +struct amdtee_driver_data { + struct amdtee *amdtee; +}; + +struct shmem_desc { + void *kaddr; + u64 size; +}; + +/** + * struct amdtee_shm_data - Shared memory data + * @kaddr: Kernel virtual address of shared memory + * @buf_id: Buffer id of memory mapped by TEE_CMD_ID_MAP_SHARED_MEM + */ +struct amdtee_shm_data { + struct list_head shm_node; + void *kaddr; + u32 buf_id; +}; + +struct amdtee_shm_context { + struct list_head shmdata_list; +}; + +#define LOWER_TWO_BYTE_MASK 0x0000FFFF + +/** + * set_session_id() - Sets the session identifier. + * @ta_handle: [in] handle of the loaded Trusted Application (TA) + * @session_index: [in] Session index. Range: 0 to (TEE_NUM_SESSIONS - 1)= . + * @session: [out] Pointer to session id + * + * Lower two bytes of the session identifier represents the TA handle and = the + * upper two bytes is session index. + */ +static inline void set_session_id(u32 ta_handle, u32 session_index, + u32 *session) +{ + *session =3D (session_index << 16) | (LOWER_TWO_BYTE_MASK & ta_handle); +} + +static inline u32 get_ta_handle(u32 session) +{ + return session & LOWER_TWO_BYTE_MASK; +} + +static inline u32 get_session_index(u32 session) +{ + return (session >> 16) & LOWER_TWO_BYTE_MASK; +} + +int amdtee_open_session(struct tee_context *ctx, + struct tee_ioctl_open_session_arg *arg, + struct tee_param *param); + +int amdtee_close_session(struct tee_context *ctx, u32 session); + +int amdtee_invoke_func(struct tee_context *ctx, + struct tee_ioctl_invoke_arg *arg, + struct tee_param *param); + +int amdtee_cancel_req(struct tee_context *ctx, u32 cancel_id, u32 session)= ; + +int amdtee_map_shmem(struct tee_shm *shm); + +void amdtee_unmap_shmem(struct tee_shm *shm); + +int handle_load_ta(void *data, u32 size, + struct tee_ioctl_open_session_arg *arg); + +int handle_unload_ta(u32 ta_handle); + +int handle_open_session(struct tee_ioctl_open_session_arg *arg, u32 *info, + struct tee_param *p); + +int handle_close_session(u32 ta_handle, u32 info); + +int handle_map_shmem(u32 count, struct shmem_desc *start, u32 *buf_id); + +void handle_unmap_shmem(u32 buf_id); + +int handle_invoke_cmd(struct tee_ioctl_invoke_arg *arg, u32 sinfo, + struct tee_param *p); + +struct tee_shm_pool *amdtee_config_shm(void); + +u32 get_buffer_id(struct tee_shm *shm); +#endif /*AMDTEE_PRIVATE_H*/ diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/call.c b/drivers/tee/amdtee/call.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e87b0d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/call.c @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +/* + * Copyright 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../tee_private.h" +#include "amdtee_if.h" +#include "amdtee_private.h" + +static int tee_params_to_amd_params(struct tee_param *tee, u32 count, + struct tee_operation *amd) +{ + int i, ret =3D 0; + u32 type; + + if (!count) + return 0; + + if (!tee || !amd || count > TEE_MAX_PARAMS) + return -EINVAL; + + amd->param_types =3D 0; + for (i =3D 0; i < count; i++) + amd->param_types |=3D ((tee[i].attr & 0xF) << i * 4); + + for (i =3D 0; i < count; i++) { + type =3D TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(amd->param_types, i); + pr_debug("%s: type[%d] =3D 0x%x\n", __func__, i, type); + + if (type =3D=3D TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_INVALID || + type > TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INOUT) + return -EINVAL; + + if (type =3D=3D TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_NONE) + continue; + + /* It is assumed that all values are within 2^32-1 */ + if (type > TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_INOUT) { + u32 buf_id =3D get_buffer_id(tee[i].u.memref.shm); + + amd->params[i].mref.buf_id =3D buf_id; + amd->params[i].mref.offset =3D tee[i].u.memref.shm_offs; + amd->params[i].mref.size =3D tee[i].u.memref.size; + pr_debug("%s: bufid[%d] =3D 0x%x, offset[%d] =3D 0x%x, size[%d] =3D 0x%= x\n", + __func__, + i, amd->params[i].mref.buf_id, + i, amd->params[i].mref.offset, + i, amd->params[i].mref.size); + } else { + if (tee[i].u.value.c) + pr_warn("%s: Discarding value c", __func__); + + amd->params[i].val.a =3D tee[i].u.value.a; + amd->params[i].val.b =3D tee[i].u.value.b; + pr_debug("%s: a[%d] =3D 0x%x, b[%d] =3D 0x%x\n", __func__, + i, amd->params[i].val.a, + i, amd->params[i].val.b); + } + } + return ret; +} + +static int amd_params_to_tee_params(struct tee_param *tee, u32 count, + struct tee_operation *amd) +{ + int i, ret =3D 0; + u32 type; + + if (!count) + return 0; + + if (!tee || !amd || count > TEE_MAX_PARAMS) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Assumes amd->param_types is valid */ + for (i =3D 0; i < count; i++) { + type =3D TEE_PARAM_TYPE_GET(amd->param_types, i); + pr_debug("%s: type[%d] =3D 0x%x\n", __func__, i, type); + + if (type =3D=3D TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_INVALID || + type > TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INOUT) + return -EINVAL; + + if (type =3D=3D TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_NONE || + type =3D=3D TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_INPUT || + type =3D=3D TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INPUT) + continue; + + /* + * It is assumed that buf_id remains unchanged for + * both open_session and invoke_cmd call + */ + if (type > TEE_OP_PARAM_TYPE_MEMREF_INPUT) { + tee[i].u.memref.shm_offs =3D amd->params[i].mref.offset; + tee[i].u.memref.size =3D amd->params[i].mref.size; + pr_debug("%s: bufid[%d] =3D 0x%x, offset[%d] =3D 0x%x, size[%d] =3D 0x%= x\n", + __func__, + i, amd->params[i].mref.buf_id, + i, amd->params[i].mref.offset, + i, amd->params[i].mref.size); + } else { + /* field 'c' not supported by AMD */ + tee[i].u.value.a =3D amd->params[i].val.a; + tee[i].u.value.b =3D amd->params[i].val.b; + tee[i].u.value.c =3D 0; + pr_debug("%s: a[%d] =3D 0x%x, b[%d] =3D 0x%x\n", + __func__, + i, amd->params[i].val.a, + i, amd->params[i].val.b); + } + } + return ret; +} + +int handle_unload_ta(u32 ta_handle) +{ + struct tee_cmd_unload_ta cmd =3D {0}; + int ret =3D 0; + u32 status; + + if (!ta_handle) + return -EINVAL; + + cmd.ta_handle =3D ta_handle; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_UNLOAD_TA, (void *)&cmd, + sizeof(cmd), &status); + if (!ret && status !=3D 0) { + pr_err("unload ta: status =3D 0x%x\n", status); + ret =3D -EBUSY; + } + + return ret; +} + +int handle_close_session(u32 ta_handle, u32 info) +{ + struct tee_cmd_close_session cmd =3D {0}; + int ret =3D 0; + u32 status; + + if (ta_handle =3D=3D 0) + return -EINVAL; + + cmd.ta_handle =3D ta_handle; + cmd.session_info =3D info; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_CLOSE_SESSION, (void *)&cmd, + sizeof(cmd), &status); + if (!ret && status !=3D 0) { + pr_err("close session: status =3D 0x%x\n", status); + ret =3D -EBUSY; + } + + return ret; +} + +void handle_unmap_shmem(u32 buf_id) +{ + struct tee_cmd_unmap_shared_mem cmd =3D {0}; + int ret =3D 0; + u32 status; + + cmd.buf_id =3D buf_id; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_UNMAP_SHARED_MEM, (void *)&cmd, + sizeof(cmd), &status); + if (!ret) + pr_debug("unmap shared memory: buf_id %u status =3D 0x%x\n", + buf_id, status); +} + +int handle_invoke_cmd(struct tee_ioctl_invoke_arg *arg, u32 sinfo, + struct tee_param *p) +{ + struct tee_cmd_invoke_cmd cmd =3D {0}; + int ret =3D 0; + + if (!arg || (!p && arg->num_params)) + return -EINVAL; + + arg->ret_origin =3D TEEC_ORIGIN_COMMS; + + if (arg->session =3D=3D 0) { + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret =3D tee_params_to_amd_params(p, arg->num_params, &cmd.op); + if (ret) { + pr_err("invalid Params. Abort invoke command\n"); + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; + return ret; + } + + cmd.ta_handle =3D get_ta_handle(arg->session); + cmd.cmd_id =3D arg->func; + cmd.session_info =3D sinfo; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_INVOKE_CMD, (void *)&cmd, + sizeof(cmd), &arg->ret); + if (ret) { + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION; + } else { + ret =3D amd_params_to_tee_params(p, arg->num_params, &cmd.op); + if (unlikely(ret)) { + pr_err("invoke command: failed to copy output\n"); + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_GENERIC; + return ret; + } + arg->ret_origin =3D cmd.return_origin; + pr_debug("invoke command: RO =3D 0x%x ret =3D 0x%x\n", + arg->ret_origin, arg->ret); + } + + return ret; +} + +int handle_map_shmem(u32 count, struct shmem_desc *start, u32 *buf_id) +{ + struct tee_cmd_map_shared_mem *cmd; + phys_addr_t paddr; + int ret =3D 0, i; + u32 status; + + if (!count || !start || !buf_id) + return -EINVAL; + + cmd =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*cmd), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!cmd) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* Size must be page aligned */ + for (i =3D 0; i < count ; i++) { + if (!start[i].kaddr || (start[i].size & (PAGE_SIZE - 1))) { + ret =3D -EINVAL; + goto free_cmd; + } + + if ((u64)start[i].kaddr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) { + pr_err("map shared memory: page unaligned. addr 0x%llx", + (u64)start[i].kaddr); + ret =3D -EINVAL; + goto free_cmd; + } + } + + cmd->sg_list.count =3D count; + + /* Create buffer list */ + for (i =3D 0; i < count ; i++) { + paddr =3D __psp_pa(start[i].kaddr); + cmd->sg_list.buf[i].hi_addr =3D upper_32_bits(paddr); + cmd->sg_list.buf[i].low_addr =3D lower_32_bits(paddr); + cmd->sg_list.buf[i].size =3D start[i].size; + cmd->sg_list.size +=3D cmd->sg_list.buf[i].size; + + pr_debug("buf[%d]:hi addr =3D 0x%x\n", i, + cmd->sg_list.buf[i].hi_addr); + pr_debug("buf[%d]:low addr =3D 0x%x\n", i, + cmd->sg_list.buf[i].low_addr); + pr_debug("buf[%d]:size =3D 0x%x\n", i, cmd->sg_list.buf[i].size); + pr_debug("list size =3D 0x%x\n", cmd->sg_list.size); + } + + *buf_id =3D 0; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_MAP_SHARED_MEM, (void *)cmd, + sizeof(*cmd), &status); + if (!ret && !status) { + *buf_id =3D cmd->buf_id; + pr_debug("mapped buffer ID =3D 0x%x\n", *buf_id); + } else { + pr_err("map shared memory: status =3D 0x%x\n", status); + ret =3D -ENOMEM; + } + +free_cmd: + kfree(cmd); + + return ret; +} + +int handle_open_session(struct tee_ioctl_open_session_arg *arg, u32 *info, + struct tee_param *p) +{ + struct tee_cmd_open_session cmd =3D {0}; + int ret =3D 0; + + if (!arg || !info || (!p && arg->num_params)) + return -EINVAL; + + arg->ret_origin =3D TEEC_ORIGIN_COMMS; + + if (arg->session =3D=3D 0) { + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_GENERIC; + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret =3D tee_params_to_amd_params(p, arg->num_params, &cmd.op); + if (ret) { + pr_err("invalid Params. Abort open session\n"); + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; + return ret; + } + + cmd.ta_handle =3D get_ta_handle(arg->session); + *info =3D 0; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_OPEN_SESSION, (void *)&cmd, + sizeof(cmd), &arg->ret); + if (ret) { + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION; + } else { + ret =3D amd_params_to_tee_params(p, arg->num_params, &cmd.op); + if (unlikely(ret)) { + pr_err("open session: failed to copy output\n"); + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_GENERIC; + return ret; + } + arg->ret_origin =3D cmd.return_origin; + *info =3D cmd.session_info; + pr_debug("open session: session info =3D 0x%x\n", *info); + } + + pr_debug("open session: ret =3D 0x%x RO =3D 0x%x\n", arg->ret, + arg->ret_origin); + + return ret; +} + +int handle_load_ta(void *data, u32 size, struct tee_ioctl_open_session_arg= *arg) +{ + struct tee_cmd_load_ta cmd =3D {0}; + phys_addr_t blob; + int ret =3D 0; + + if (size =3D=3D 0 || !data || !arg) + return -EINVAL; + + blob =3D __psp_pa(data); + if (blob & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) { + pr_err("load TA: page unaligned. blob 0x%llx", blob); + return -EINVAL; + } + + cmd.hi_addr =3D upper_32_bits(blob); + cmd.low_addr =3D lower_32_bits(blob); + cmd.size =3D size; + + ret =3D psp_tee_process_cmd(TEE_CMD_ID_LOAD_TA, (void *)&cmd, + sizeof(cmd), &arg->ret); + if (ret) { + arg->ret_origin =3D TEEC_ORIGIN_COMMS; + arg->ret =3D TEEC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION; + } else { + set_session_id(cmd.ta_handle, 0, &arg->session); + } + + pr_debug("load TA: TA handle =3D 0x%x, RO =3D 0x%x, ret =3D 0x%x\n", + cmd.ta_handle, arg->ret_origin, arg->ret); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/core.c b/drivers/tee/amdtee/core.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b184463 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/core.c @@ -0,0 +1,510 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +/* + * Copyright 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "amdtee_private.h" +#include "../tee_private.h" + +static struct amdtee_driver_data *drv_data; +static DEFINE_MUTEX(session_list_mutex); +struct amdtee_shm_context shmctx; + +static void amdtee_get_version(struct tee_device *teedev, + struct tee_ioctl_version_data *vers) +{ + struct tee_ioctl_version_data v =3D { + .impl_id =3D TEE_IMPL_ID_AMDTEE, + .impl_caps =3D 0, + .gen_caps =3D TEE_GEN_CAP_GP, + }; + *vers =3D v; +} + +static int amdtee_open(struct tee_context *ctx) +{ + struct amdtee_context_data *ctxdata; + + ctxdata =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*ctxdata), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ctxdata) + return -ENOMEM; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxdata->sess_list); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&shmctx.shmdata_list); + + ctx->data =3D ctxdata; + return 0; +} + +static void release_session(struct amdtee_session *sess) +{ + int i =3D 0; + + /* Close any open session */ + for (i =3D 0; i < TEE_NUM_SESSIONS; ++i) { + /* Check if session entry 'i' is valid */ + if (!test_bit(i, sess->sess_mask)) + continue; + + handle_close_session(sess->ta_handle, sess->session_info[i]); + } + + /* Unload Trusted Application once all sessions are closed */ + handle_unload_ta(sess->ta_handle); + kfree(sess); +} + +static void amdtee_release(struct tee_context *ctx) +{ + struct amdtee_context_data *ctxdata =3D ctx->data; + + if (!ctxdata) + return; + + while (true) { + struct amdtee_session *sess; + + sess =3D list_first_entry_or_null(&ctxdata->sess_list, + struct amdtee_session, + list_node); + + if (!sess) + break; + + list_del(&sess->list_node); + release_session(sess); + } + kfree(ctxdata); + + ctx->data =3D NULL; +} + +/** + * alloc_session() - Allocate a session structure + * @ctxdata: TEE Context data structure + * @session: Session ID for which 'struct amdtee_session' structure is = to be + * allocated. + * + * Scans the TEE context's session list to check if TA is already loaded i= n to + * TEE. If yes, returns the 'session' structure for that TA. Else allocate= s, + * initializes a new 'session' structure and adds it to context's session = list. + * + * The caller must hold a mutex. + * + * Returns: + * 'struct amdtee_session *' on success and NULL on failure. + */ +static struct amdtee_session *alloc_session(struct amdtee_context_data *ct= xdata, + u32 session) +{ + struct amdtee_session *sess; + u32 ta_handle =3D get_ta_handle(session); + + /* Scan session list to check if TA is already loaded in to TEE */ + list_for_each_entry(sess, &ctxdata->sess_list, list_node) + if (sess->ta_handle =3D=3D ta_handle) { + kref_get(&sess->refcount); + return sess; + } + + /* Allocate a new session and add to list */ + sess =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*sess), GFP_KERNEL); + if (sess) { + sess->ta_handle =3D ta_handle; + kref_init(&sess->refcount); + spin_lock_init(&sess->lock); + list_add(&sess->list_node, &ctxdata->sess_list); + } + + return sess; +} + +/* Requires mutex to be held */ +static struct amdtee_session *find_session(struct amdtee_context_data *ctx= data, + u32 session) +{ + u32 ta_handle =3D get_ta_handle(session); + u32 index =3D get_session_index(session); + struct amdtee_session *sess; + + list_for_each_entry(sess, &ctxdata->sess_list, list_node) + if (ta_handle =3D=3D sess->ta_handle && + test_bit(index, sess->sess_mask)) + return sess; + + return NULL; +} + +u32 get_buffer_id(struct tee_shm *shm) +{ + u32 buf_id =3D 0; + struct amdtee_shm_data *shmdata; + + list_for_each_entry(shmdata, &shmctx.shmdata_list, shm_node) + if (shmdata->kaddr =3D=3D shm->kaddr) { + buf_id =3D shmdata->buf_id; + break; + } + + return buf_id; +} + +static DEFINE_MUTEX(drv_mutex); +static int copy_ta_binary(struct tee_context *ctx, void *ptr, void **ta, + size_t *ta_size) +{ + const struct firmware *fw; + char fw_name[TA_PATH_MAX]; + struct { + u32 lo; + u16 mid; + u16 hi_ver; + u8 seq_n[8]; + } *uuid =3D ptr; + int n =3D 0, rc =3D 0; + + n =3D snprintf(fw_name, TA_PATH_MAX, + "%s/%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x.bin", + TA_LOAD_PATH, uuid->lo, uuid->mid, uuid->hi_ver, + uuid->seq_n[0], uuid->seq_n[1], + uuid->seq_n[2], uuid->seq_n[3], + uuid->seq_n[4], uuid->seq_n[5], + uuid->seq_n[6], uuid->seq_n[7]); + if (n < 0 || n >=3D TA_PATH_MAX) { + pr_err("failed to get firmware name\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + mutex_lock(&drv_mutex); + n =3D request_firmware(&fw, fw_name, &ctx->teedev->dev); + if (n) { + pr_err("failed to load firmware %s\n", fw_name); + rc =3D -ENOMEM; + goto unlock; + } + + *ta_size =3D roundup(fw->size, PAGE_SIZE); + *ta =3D (void *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, get_order(*ta_size)); + if (IS_ERR(*ta)) { + pr_err("%s: get_free_pages failed 0x%llx\n", __func__, + (u64)*ta); + rc =3D -ENOMEM; + goto rel_fw; + } + + memcpy(*ta, fw->data, fw->size); +rel_fw: + release_firmware(fw); +unlock: + mutex_unlock(&drv_mutex); + return rc; +} + +int amdtee_open_session(struct tee_context *ctx, + struct tee_ioctl_open_session_arg *arg, + struct tee_param *param) +{ + struct amdtee_context_data *ctxdata =3D ctx->data; + struct amdtee_session *sess =3D NULL; + u32 session_info; + void *ta =3D NULL; + size_t ta_size; + int rc =3D 0, i; + + if (arg->clnt_login !=3D TEE_IOCTL_LOGIN_PUBLIC) { + pr_err("unsupported client login method\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + rc =3D copy_ta_binary(ctx, &arg->uuid[0], &ta, &ta_size); + if (rc) { + pr_err("failed to copy TA binary\n"); + return rc; + } + + /* Load the TA binary into TEE environment */ + handle_load_ta(ta, ta_size, arg); + if (arg->ret =3D=3D TEEC_SUCCESS) { + mutex_lock(&session_list_mutex); + sess =3D alloc_session(ctxdata, arg->session); + mutex_unlock(&session_list_mutex); + } + + if (arg->ret !=3D TEEC_SUCCESS) + goto out; + + if (!sess) { + rc =3D -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + /* Find an empty session index for the given TA */ + spin_lock(&sess->lock); + i =3D find_first_zero_bit(sess->sess_mask, TEE_NUM_SESSIONS); + if (i < TEE_NUM_SESSIONS) + set_bit(i, sess->sess_mask); + spin_unlock(&sess->lock); + + if (i >=3D TEE_NUM_SESSIONS) { + pr_err("reached maximum session count %d\n", TEE_NUM_SESSIONS); + rc =3D -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + /* Open session with loaded TA */ + handle_open_session(arg, &session_info, param); + + if (arg->ret =3D=3D TEEC_SUCCESS) { + sess->session_info[i] =3D session_info; + set_session_id(sess->ta_handle, i, &arg->session); + } else { + pr_err("open_session failed %d\n", arg->ret); + spin_lock(&sess->lock); + clear_bit(i, sess->sess_mask); + spin_unlock(&sess->lock); + } +out: + free_pages((u64)ta, get_order(ta_size)); + return rc; +} + +static void destroy_session(struct kref *ref) +{ + struct amdtee_session *sess =3D container_of(ref, struct amdtee_session, + refcount); + + /* Unload the TA from TEE */ + handle_unload_ta(sess->ta_handle); + mutex_lock(&session_list_mutex); + list_del(&sess->list_node); + mutex_unlock(&session_list_mutex); + kfree(sess); +} + +int amdtee_close_session(struct tee_context *ctx, u32 session) +{ + struct amdtee_context_data *ctxdata =3D ctx->data; + u32 i, ta_handle, session_info; + struct amdtee_session *sess; + + pr_debug("%s: sid =3D 0x%x\n", __func__, session); + + /* + * Check that the session is valid and clear the session + * usage bit + */ + mutex_lock(&session_list_mutex); + sess =3D find_session(ctxdata, session); + if (sess) { + ta_handle =3D get_ta_handle(session); + i =3D get_session_index(session); + session_info =3D sess->session_info[i]; + spin_lock(&sess->lock); + clear_bit(i, sess->sess_mask); + spin_unlock(&sess->lock); + } + mutex_unlock(&session_list_mutex); + + if (!sess) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Close the session */ + handle_close_session(ta_handle, session_info); + + kref_put(&sess->refcount, destroy_session); + + return 0; +} + +int amdtee_map_shmem(struct tee_shm *shm) +{ + struct shmem_desc shmem; + struct amdtee_shm_data *shmnode; + int rc, count; + u32 buf_id; + + if (!shm) + return -EINVAL; + + shmnode =3D kmalloc(sizeof(*shmnode), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!shmnode) + return -ENOMEM; + + count =3D 1; + shmem.kaddr =3D shm->kaddr; + shmem.size =3D shm->size; + + /* + * Send a MAP command to TEE and get the corresponding + * buffer Id + */ + rc =3D handle_map_shmem(count, &shmem, &buf_id); + if (rc) { + pr_err("map_shmem failed: ret =3D %d\n", rc); + kfree(shmnode); + return rc; + } + + shmnode->kaddr =3D shm->kaddr; + shmnode->buf_id =3D buf_id; + list_add(&shmnode->shm_node, &shmctx.shmdata_list); + + pr_debug("buf_id :[%x] kaddr[%p]\n", shmnode->buf_id, shmnode->kaddr); + + return 0; +} + +void amdtee_unmap_shmem(struct tee_shm *shm) +{ + u32 buf_id; + struct amdtee_shm_data *shmnode =3D NULL; + + if (!shm) + return; + + buf_id =3D get_buffer_id(shm); + /* Unmap the shared memory from TEE */ + handle_unmap_shmem(buf_id); + + list_for_each_entry(shmnode, &shmctx.shmdata_list, shm_node) + if (buf_id =3D=3D shmnode->buf_id) { + list_del(&shmnode->shm_node); + kfree(shmnode); + break; + } +} + +int amdtee_invoke_func(struct tee_context *ctx, + struct tee_ioctl_invoke_arg *arg, + struct tee_param *param) +{ + struct amdtee_context_data *ctxdata =3D ctx->data; + struct amdtee_session *sess; + u32 i, session_info; + + /* Check that the session is valid */ + mutex_lock(&session_list_mutex); + sess =3D find_session(ctxdata, arg->session); + if (sess) { + i =3D get_session_index(arg->session); + session_info =3D sess->session_info[i]; + } + mutex_unlock(&session_list_mutex); + + if (!sess) + return -EINVAL; + + handle_invoke_cmd(arg, session_info, param); + + return 0; +} + +int amdtee_cancel_req(struct tee_context *ctx, u32 cancel_id, u32 session) +{ + return -EINVAL; +} + +static const struct tee_driver_ops amdtee_ops =3D { + .get_version =3D amdtee_get_version, + .open =3D amdtee_open, + .release =3D amdtee_release, + .open_session =3D amdtee_open_session, + .close_session =3D amdtee_close_session, + .invoke_func =3D amdtee_invoke_func, + .cancel_req =3D amdtee_cancel_req, +}; + +static const struct tee_desc amdtee_desc =3D { + .name =3D DRIVER_NAME "-clnt", + .ops =3D &amdtee_ops, + .owner =3D THIS_MODULE, +}; + +static int __init amdtee_driver_init(void) +{ + struct amdtee *amdtee =3D NULL; + struct tee_device *teedev; + struct tee_shm_pool *pool =3D ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); + int rc; + + drv_data =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*drv_data), GFP_KERNEL); + if (IS_ERR(drv_data)) + return -ENOMEM; + + amdtee =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*amdtee), GFP_KERNEL); + if (IS_ERR(amdtee)) { + rc =3D -ENOMEM; + goto err_kfree_drv_data; + } + + pool =3D amdtee_config_shm(); + if (IS_ERR(pool)) { + pr_err("shared pool configuration error\n"); + rc =3D PTR_ERR(pool); + goto err_kfree_amdtee; + } + + teedev =3D tee_device_alloc(&amdtee_desc, NULL, pool, amdtee); + if (IS_ERR(teedev)) { + rc =3D PTR_ERR(teedev); + goto err; + } + amdtee->teedev =3D teedev; + + rc =3D tee_device_register(amdtee->teedev); + if (rc) + goto err; + + amdtee->pool =3D pool; + + drv_data->amdtee =3D amdtee; + + pr_info("amd-tee driver initialization successful\n"); + return 0; + +err: + tee_device_unregister(amdtee->teedev); + if (pool) + tee_shm_pool_free(pool); + +err_kfree_amdtee: + kfree(amdtee); + +err_kfree_drv_data: + kfree(drv_data); + drv_data =3D NULL; + + pr_err("amd-tee driver initialization failed\n"); + return rc; +} +module_init(amdtee_driver_init); + +static void __exit amdtee_driver_exit(void) +{ + struct amdtee *amdtee; + + if (!drv_data || !drv_data->amdtee) + return; + + amdtee =3D drv_data->amdtee; + + tee_device_unregister(amdtee->teedev); + tee_shm_pool_free(amdtee->pool); +} +module_exit(amdtee_driver_exit); + +MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AMD-TEE driver"); +MODULE_VERSION("1.0"); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual MIT/GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/tee/amdtee/shm_pool.c b/drivers/tee/amdtee/shm_pool.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10392d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/tee/amdtee/shm_pool.c @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +/* + * Copyright 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "../tee_private.h" +#include "amdtee_private.h" + +static int pool_op_alloc(struct tee_shm_pool_mgr *poolm, struct tee_shm *s= hm, + size_t size) +{ + unsigned long va; + int min_alloc_order =3D *(int *)poolm->private_data; + size_t s =3D roundup(size, 1 << min_alloc_order); + int rc; + + va =3D __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, get_order(s)); + if (!va) + return -ENOMEM; + + memset((void *)va, 0, s); + shm->kaddr =3D (void *)va; + shm->paddr =3D __psp_pa((void *)va); + shm->size =3D s; + + /* Map the allocated memory in to TEE */ + rc =3D amdtee_map_shmem(shm); + if (rc) { + free_pages(va, get_order(s)); + shm->kaddr =3D NULL; + return rc; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void pool_op_free(struct tee_shm_pool_mgr *poolm, struct tee_shm *s= hm) +{ + /* Unmap the shared memory from TEE */ + amdtee_unmap_shmem(shm); + free_pages((unsigned long)shm->kaddr, get_order(shm->size)); + shm->kaddr =3D NULL; +} + +static void pool_op_destroy_poolmgr(struct tee_shm_pool_mgr *poolm) +{ + if (poolm && poolm->private_data) { + kfree(poolm->private_data); + poolm->private_data =3D NULL; + } + + kfree(poolm); +} + +static const struct tee_shm_pool_mgr_ops pool_ops =3D { + .alloc =3D pool_op_alloc, + .free =3D pool_op_free, + .destroy_poolmgr =3D pool_op_destroy_poolmgr, +}; + +static int pool_mem_mgr_init(struct tee_shm_pool_mgr *mgr, int min_alloc_o= rder) +{ + int *order; + + order =3D kmalloc(sizeof(min_alloc_order), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!order) + return -ENOMEM; + + *order =3D min_alloc_order; + mgr->private_data =3D order; + mgr->ops =3D &pool_ops; + return 0; +} + +struct tee_shm_pool *amdtee_config_shm(void) +{ + struct tee_shm_pool *pool =3D NULL; + struct tee_shm_pool_mgr *priv_mgr; + struct tee_shm_pool_mgr *dmabuf_mgr; + int ret; + + pool =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*pool), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!pool) { + ret =3D -ENOMEM; + goto err; + } + + priv_mgr =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*priv_mgr), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!priv_mgr) { + ret =3D -ENOMEM; + goto err; + } + + dmabuf_mgr =3D kzalloc(sizeof(*dmabuf_mgr), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dmabuf_mgr) { + ret =3D -ENOMEM; + goto err; + } + + pool->private_mgr =3D priv_mgr; + pool->dma_buf_mgr =3D dmabuf_mgr; + /* + * Initialize memory manager for driver private shared memory + */ + ret =3D pool_mem_mgr_init(pool->private_mgr, 3 /* 8 byte aligned */); + if (ret) + goto err; + + /* + * Initialize memory manager for dma_buf shared memory + */ + ret =3D pool_mem_mgr_init(pool->dma_buf_mgr, PAGE_SHIFT); + if (ret) + goto err; + + return pool; +err: + if (ret =3D=3D -ENOMEM) + pr_err("%s: failed to configure shared memory pool\n", + __func__); + if (pool && pool->private_mgr->private_data) + kfree(pool->private_mgr->private_data); + kfree(pool); + kfree(priv_mgr); + kfree(dmabuf_mgr); + return ERR_PTR(ret); +} diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tee.h b/include/uapi/linux/tee.h index 4b9eb06..6596f3a 100644 --- a/include/uapi/linux/tee.h +++ b/include/uapi/linux/tee.h @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ * TEE Implementation ID */ #define TEE_IMPL_ID_OPTEE 1 +#define TEE_IMPL_ID_AMDTEE 2 =20 /* * OP-TEE specific capabilities --=20 1.9.1