Received: by 2002:a05:6a10:206:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id 6csp2259521pxj; Sun, 30 May 2021 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJy4ldD2+J4L1DCoA5FKW2XFZfBIliGx0z5kmIyFYFCV8oMxPhziBXSUR7DdmVJvTAbzYHj2 X-Received: by 2002:a17:907:1c0f:: with SMTP id nc15mr21279340ejc.27.1622429706601; Sun, 30 May 2021 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1622429706; cv=pass;; s=arc-20160816; b=A8kgG8pj35mIhOlNwWn9vae6/0ir/QHTaR08oDs+T6zjGynSLrTxu7Rjhf/ahHN5XJ 34ESYGvP6tCsWx7PRBd9n9wVZRgFsHdurUfvdMe1j6Rc9Ctfh4/oG+vjar1r3NBryhTq Z6bpK6a1Zz6LeNAKXEKuyohUb0HFJ9/w5tSm6t8tHE7IP5jTp4sFjOfqDDMX4ye+eENu jwc8yC8ao+4Vu1BQ5Bg/5E8hJiY/U24I4373cll14pXZY++sCQmiIxfaBeX22MuYEjXh jpQp0lhp3chyVH/8G93CNRVlW4Y3lUhNdrZ+O485Usv2+TZXGv0wWlfsZK6ue5/wXvy7 w7ZA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=list-id:precedence:mime-version:content-transfer-encoding :references:in-reply-to:message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from :dkim-signature; bh=x1QS2N6OxeQSgTPmRauMB9hyftsk01KidLQXSM9gaMY=; b=ZxuErKUdzHLmxnsRvvHXQKgmhV2UhjezH+NAmPOn7K+Y1wvSrpZDrdlSXTAWt9Tg7u gH8jNZX1OkzcS1gximgEgFT76ECW9k2mjDKfIXWiphobRhruzCDuhXS2S5961xIxJSat 8sRDDyE7iZZcI43gp7hKwi51zp2F/IHXDDp8WabdZ7RLCb3wLKNjIZ88MOYd/fHj+GMb HtzvzRA/fkOY73GcYRlO5UXhLqfqaygOO0PkCNUxcU2pQ3ruMGA3MJvuua07XfxZC6mC cbX0cpC9CcC48BGYctCbBLnYSUmDzmVqArAkaTEYcJsLTwS/sZYZAipEhJ8J9AHF3r9b iWXA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dkim=pass header.s=selector2 header.b=Q7annSVT; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dkim=pass dmarc=pass; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id v13si11776861eju.482.2021.; Sun, 30 May 2021 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=selector2 header.b=Q7annSVT; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dkim=pass dmarc=pass; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: ( by via listexpand id S230147AbhEaCyY (ORCPT + 99 others); Sun, 30 May 2021 22:54:24 -0400 Received: from ([]:54529 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S230103AbhEaCyL (ORCPT ); Sun, 30 May 2021 22:54:11 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=RjS1bvSaDM96/g9vuwaJ+bD2GK0Lis8zOESMaAjTTu2BMXgP221kM/xrJLkgyIJsFP7ZIf7jnDQmVKa7J2M+m5sdIocpG8lGhbsSCGuINc0h4lr8zlc/PxPgTVYfuyFZb7AuOAqp12QlXMN7om8UqBU7ISI4BwtM4sjwj4FM5tIl561FBLBkbf2S3KQvESi5zPmN56b/cU7RGzZbgbag0AZuqyD0pevjymNjRPuOc0k83eG/nKAeQCVMYL4wFwLoSho3fWP2izF7rKEg9VNCVOsXi2ilULUo7NqUDs9aH/Hgj+b+LtCSkPY5huFZjrLdpFO8BTHpjXYL8W8Xjm5irQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=x1QS2N6OxeQSgTPmRauMB9hyftsk01KidLQXSM9gaMY=; b=hsN3dLERLcNWSP97CdpA7VtBEA5TXLhtmD+vTYf9a5ENVLnP5BSL1gvMc7KvPtWUNT575lDBKZL+T2b7PyfY0p9vZHrAba9N42FtFUXPGTgcpqc8eXLWAEs5jLLgtJACCcIuGbc71ZcWYrWC2xnW1bbqJ5aQhWGrR65zuemM8Mfia9lTHcuTozkALii6/6LNlwiEoWiSSGmTKsxqEu6zXlNs5clrLRLTz+GA0Ex+9e70xnqtLPGqTPhwvDaDOYGcLENLjywOF0O3oWUluqvAV7sYaHzWiz74j6SXW/k8NipRJhV6ziqfH3dWx8ocSgxrN5wBpV1caXIkVq+Frbzaag== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=x1QS2N6OxeQSgTPmRauMB9hyftsk01KidLQXSM9gaMY=; b=Q7annSVTn4BIlyV4mEt847Xq6C8mVS88cTKqTBjhl2bTws70b83HBb2omGDTHeYr7hyLZqBypHd+wQvKwOEX2Wam0DO5uChnWK5Hxuhq/roIhc+Xq3VAhw5hSbmETo/wFmhitXbVaCFdUUoA/NgIfIkLo+zFUKs9joIIPZQUchE= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) by (2603:10a6:203:38::12) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4173.24; Mon, 31 May 2021 02:52:11 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c5c1:3625:26e4:4276]) by ([fe80::c5c1:3625:26e4:4276%5]) with mapi id 15.20.4173.030; Mon, 31 May 2021 02:52:11 +0000 From: Ming Qian To:,,, Cc:,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH 3/5] media: imx: imx8q: add v4l2 m2m video codec driver Date: Mon, 31 May 2021 10:51:11 +0800 Message-Id: X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.31.1 In-Reply-To: References: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain X-Originating-IP: [] X-ClientProxiedBy: MA1PR01CA0160.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:1096:a00:71::30) To (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by MA1PR01CA0160.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:1096:a00:71::30) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4173.20 via Frontend Transport; Mon, 31 May 2021 02:52:06 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: c0082c20-9528-477a-7d77-08d923df1632 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM5PR0401MB2546: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:217; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(4636009)(396003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(39860400002)(136003)(5660300002)(4326008)(83380400001)(6666004)(966005)(36756003)(16526019)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(38350700002)(86362001)(38100700002)(44832011)(186003)(7696005)(2616005)(478600001)(30864003)(8676002)(6486002)(316002)(956004)(2906002)(26005)(7416002)(8936002)(52116002)(461764006)(32563001)(579004)(569008);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; 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This Driver is for this IP that is based on t he v4l2 mem2mem framework. Supported SoCs are: IMX8QXP, IMX8QM Signed-off-by: Ming Qian Signed-off-by: Shijie Qin Signed-off-by: Zhou Peng --- drivers/media/platform/Kconfig | 2 + drivers/media/platform/Makefile | 2 + drivers/media/platform/imx/Kconfig | 19 + drivers/media/platform/imx/Makefile | 1 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/Makefile | 23 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c | 1783 +++++++++++++++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/venc.c | 1411 +++++++++++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu.h | 339 ++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.c | 443 ++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.h | 34 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_codec.h | 77 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_color.c | 201 ++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.c | 923 +++++++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.h | 26 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dbg.c | 505 +++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_defs.h | 194 ++ .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dev_imx8q.c | 82 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_drv.c | 248 +++ .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.c | 405 ++++ .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.h | 80 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.c | 227 +++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.h | 125 ++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_log.h | 53 + .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c | 1744 ++++++++++++++++ .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h | 51 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.c | 135 ++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.h | 25 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.c | 420 ++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.h | 23 + drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.c | 266 +++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.h | 472 +++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.c | 730 +++++++ drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.h | 56 + .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.c | 1253 ++++++++++++ .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.h | 48 + include/linux/imx_vpu.h | 19 + include/uapi/linux/imx_vpu.h | 120 ++ 37 files changed, 12565 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/venc.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_codec.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_color.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dbg.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_defs.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dev_imx8q.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_drv.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_log.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.h create mode 100644 include/linux/imx_vpu.h create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/imx_vpu.h diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/Kconfig b/drivers/media/platform/Kconfig index a3cb104956d5..27e67cb1abb5 100644 --- a/drivers/media/platform/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/media/platform/Kconfig @@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ config VIDEO_TI_CAL In TI Technical Reference Manual this module is referred as Camera Interface Subsystem (CAMSS). +source "drivers/media/platform/imx/Kconfig" + endif # V4L_PLATFORM_DRIVERS menuconfig V4L_MEM2MEM_DRIVERS diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/Makefile b/drivers/media/platform/Makefile index 62b6cdc8c730..e564c0089012 100644 --- a/drivers/media/platform/Makefile +++ b/drivers/media/platform/Makefile @@ -80,3 +80,5 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_QCOM_CAMSS) += qcom/camss/ obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_QCOM_VENUS) += qcom/venus/ obj-y += sunxi/ + +obj-y += imx/ diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/Kconfig b/drivers/media/platform/imx/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..40cceb2cb526 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# +# Codec configuration +# + +config MXC_VPU_8Q + tristate "Support for MXC 8Q VPU(Video Processing Unit) Codec" + depends on ARCH_MXC + depends on MEDIA_SUPPORT + depends on VIDEO_DEV + depends on VIDEO_V4L2 + select V4L2_MEM2MEM_DEV + select VIDEOBUF2_DMA_CONTIG + select VIDEOBUF2_VMALLOC + default y + help + This is a V4L2 driver for NXP MXC 8Q video accelerator hardware. + It accelerates encoding and decoding operations on + various NXP SoCs. + To compile this driver as a module choose m here. diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/Makefile b/drivers/media/platform/imx/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..214f43ca390c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +obj-$(CONFIG_MXC_VPU_8Q) += vpu-8q/ diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/Makefile b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ecc74b63d536 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +# Makefile for NXP VPU driver + +vpu-8q-dev-objs += vpu_drv.o \ + vpu_dev_imx8q.o + +vpu-8q-core-objs += vpu_core.o \ + vpu_mbox.o \ + vpu_v4l2.o \ + vpu_helpers.o \ + vpu_cmds.o \ + vpu_msgs.o \ + vpu_rpc.o \ + vpu_imx8q.o \ + vpu_windsor.o \ + vpu_malone.o \ + vpu_color.o \ + vdec.o \ + venc.o \ + vpu_dbg.o + +obj-$(CONFIG_MXC_VPU_8Q) += vpu-8q-dev.o +obj-$(CONFIG_MXC_VPU_8Q) += vpu-8q-core.o diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7231e2554a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c @@ -0,0 +1,1783 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ +#define TAG "DEC" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +#define VDEC_FRAME_DEPTH 256 + +struct vdec_fs_info { + char name[8]; + u32 type; + u32 max_count; + u32 req_count; + u32 count; + u32 index; + u32 size; + struct vpu_buffer buffer[32]; + u32 tag; +}; + +struct vdec_t { + u32 seq_hdr_found; + struct vpu_buffer udata; + struct vpu_decode_params params; + struct vpu_dec_codec_info codec_info; + enum vpu_codec_state state; + + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *slots[VB2_MAX_FRAME]; + u32 req_frame_count; + struct vdec_fs_info mbi; + struct vdec_fs_info dcp; + u32 seq_tag; + + u32 decoded_frame_count; + u32 display_frame_count; + u32 eos_received; + u32 eos_subscribed; + u32 source_change; + u32 drain; + u32 ts_pre_count; + u32 frame_depth; + s64 ts_start; + s64 ts_input; + s64 timestamp; +}; + +static const struct vpu_format vdec_formats[] = { + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + }, + { + .name = "NXP Tiled NV12 Format", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT8, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + }, + { + .name = "NXP Tiled 10bit Format", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT10, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .name = "AVS", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_AVS, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .name = "VP6", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .name = "SPK", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + {0, 0, 0, 0}, +}; + +static int vdec_op_s_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = ctrl_to_inst(ctrl); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + switch (ctrl->id) { + case V4L2_CID_DIS_REORDER: + vdec->params.b_dis_reorder = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_NON_FRAME: + vdec->params.b_non_frame = ctrl->val; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops vdec_ctrl_ops = { + .s_ctrl = vdec_op_s_ctrl, + .g_volatile_ctrl = vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl, +}; + +static struct v4l2_ctrl_config vdec_custom_cfg[] = { + { + .id = V4L2_CID_DIS_REORDER, + .name = "frame disable reoder ctrl", + .ops = &vdec_ctrl_ops, + .type = V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + .min = 0, + .max = 1, + .step = 1, + .def = 0, + }, + { + .id = V4L2_CID_NON_FRAME, + .name = "stream input mode, is non frame or not", + .ops = &vdec_ctrl_ops, + .type = V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + .min = 0, + .max = 1, + .step = 1, + .def = 0, + }, + {0, 0, 0, 0}, +}; + +static int vdec_ctrl_init(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl; + int i; + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(&inst->ctrl_handler, 20); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &vdec_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_CAPTURE, 1, 32, 1, 2); + if (ctrl) + ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; + + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &vdec_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_OUTPUT, 1, 32, 1, 2); + if (ctrl) + ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vdec_custom_cfg); i++) + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_custom(&inst->ctrl_handler, + &vdec_custom_cfg[i], NULL); + + ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup(&inst->ctrl_handler); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "setup ctrls fail, ret = %d\n", ret); + v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&inst->ctrl_handler); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_handle_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_queue *dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + + if (!vdec->eos_received) + return 0; + + if (!vdec->eos_subscribed) + return 0; + + if (!list_empty(&dst_q->done_list)) + return 0; + + dst_q->last_buffer_dequeued = true; + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + vdec->eos_received--; + + return 0; +} + +static void vdec_handle_resolution_change(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_queue *q; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + return; + if (!vdec->source_change) + return; + + q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + if (!list_empty(&q->done_list)) + return; + + vdec->source_change--; + vpu_notify_source_change(inst); +} + +static int vdec_update_state(struct vpu_inst *inst, + enum vpu_codec_state state, u32 force) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + enum vpu_codec_state pre_state = inst->state; + + if (state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK) { + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec->state = inst->state; + else + vdec->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE; + } + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK || force) + inst->state = state; + else if (state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "state : %d -> %d\n", pre_state, inst->state); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec_handle_resolution_change(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_querycap(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_capability *cap) +{ + strscpy(cap->driver, "vpu B0", sizeof(cap->driver)); + strscpy(cap->card, "imx vpu decoder", sizeof(cap->card)); + strscpy(cap->bus_info, "platform: imx8q-vpu", sizeof(cap->bus_info)); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_enum_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_fmtdesc *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + const char *descr = NULL; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (!V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type) && vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + if (f->index == 0) { + f->pixelformat = inst->cap_format.pixfmt; + f->flags = inst->cap_format.flags; + descr = inst->; + ret = 0; + } + } else { + fmt = vpu_helper_enum_format(inst, f->type, f->index); + memset(f->reserved, 0, sizeof(f->reserved)); + if (!fmt) + goto exit; + + f->pixelformat = fmt->pixfmt; + f->flags = fmt->flags; + descr = fmt->name; + ret = 0; + } + if (descr && strlen(descr)) + strscpy(f->description, descr, sizeof(f->description)); + +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + return ret; +} + +static int vdec_g_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + int i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, f->type); + + pixmp->pixelformat = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + pixmp->num_planes = cur_fmt->num_planes; + pixmp->width = cur_fmt->width; + pixmp->height = cur_fmt->height; + pixmp->field = cur_fmt->field; + pixmp->flags = cur_fmt->flags; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = cur_fmt->bytesperline[i]; + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + } + + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = vdec->codec_info.color_primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = vdec->codec_info.full_range; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "%s g_fmt: %c%c%c%c %dx%d %d,%d, %d,%d\n", + vpu_type_name(f->type), + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 8, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 16, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 24, + f->fmt.pix_mp.width, + f->fmt.pix_mp.height, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].bytesperline, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].bytesperline); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_try_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + vpu_try_fmt_common(inst, f); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = vdec->codec_info.color_primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = vdec->codec_info.full_range; + } else { + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = V4L2_COLORSPACE_DEFAULT; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DEFAULT; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_DEFAULT; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT; + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_s_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + struct vb2_queue *q; + struct vdec_t *vdec; + int i; + + vdec = inst->priv; + q = v4l2_m2m_get_vq(inst->m2m_ctx, f->type); + if (!q) + return -EINVAL; + if (vb2_is_streaming(q)) + return -EBUSY; + + fmt = vpu_try_fmt_common(inst, f); + if (!fmt) + return -EINVAL; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, f->type); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + cur_fmt->pixfmt = fmt->pixfmt; + cur_fmt->type = fmt->type; + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type) || vdec->seq_hdr_found <= 0) { + cur_fmt->num_planes = fmt->num_planes; + cur_fmt->flags = fmt->flags; + cur_fmt->width = pixmp->width; + cur_fmt->height = pixmp->height; + for (i = 0; i < fmt->num_planes; i++) { + cur_fmt->sizeimage[i] = pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage; + cur_fmt->bytesperline[i] = pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline; + } + if (pixmp->field != V4L2_FIELD_ANY) + cur_fmt->field = pixmp->field; + } else { + pixmp->num_planes = cur_fmt->num_planes; + pixmp->width = cur_fmt->width; + pixmp->height = cur_fmt->height; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = cur_fmt->bytesperline[i]; + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + } + pixmp->field = cur_fmt->field; + } + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type)) + vdec->params.codec_format = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + else + vdec->params.output_format = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + + if (!vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + vdec->codec_info.color_primaries = f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace; + vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars = f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func; + vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs = f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc; + vdec->codec_info.full_range = f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization; + + inst->crop.left = 0; + inst-> = 0; + inst->crop.width = cur_fmt->width; + inst->crop.height = cur_fmt->height; + } else { + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = vdec->codec_info.color_primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = vdec->codec_info.full_range; + } + + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%s s_fmt: %c%c%c%c %dx%d %u,%u, %u,%u\n", + vpu_type_name(f->type), + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 8, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 16, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 24, + f->fmt.pix_mp.width, + f->fmt.pix_mp.height, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].bytesperline, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].bytesperline); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_g_selection(struct file *file, void *fh, + struct v4l2_selection *s) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + if (s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT && + s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE && + s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE && + s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (s->target) { + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS: + if (!V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r.left = 0; + s-> = 0; + s->r.width = inst->out_format.width; + s->r.height = inst->out_format.height; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_DEFAULT: + if (!V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r = inst->crop; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_DEFAULT: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_PADDED: + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r = inst->crop; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_BOUNDS: + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r.left = 0; + s-> = 0; + s->r.width = inst->cap_format.width; + s->r.height = inst->cap_format.height; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_drain(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (!vdec->drain) + return 0; + + if (v4l2_m2m_num_src_bufs_ready(inst->m2m_ctx)) + return 0; + + if (!vdec->params.frame_count) { + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + return 0; + } + + vpu_iface_add_scode(inst, SCODE_PADDING_EOS); + vdec->params.end_flag = 1; + vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, &vdec->params, 1); + vdec->drain = 0; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "append eos\n"); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_cmd_stop(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "stop cmd\n"); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) { + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + } else { + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->drain = 1; + vdec_drain(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_cmd_reset(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "reset cmd\n"); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + if (vb2_is_streaming(v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx))) + return -EINVAL; + if (vb2_is_streaming(v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx))) + return -EINVAL; + vpu_session_stop(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_decoder_cmd(struct file *file, + void *fh, + struct v4l2_decoder_cmd *cmd) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_try_decoder_cmd(file, fh, cmd); + if (ret) + return ret; + + switch (cmd->cmd) { + case V4L2_DEC_CMD_STOP: + vdec_cmd_stop(inst); + break; + case V4L2_DEC_CMD_RESET: + vdec_cmd_reset(inst); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_subscribe_event(struct v4l2_fh *fh, + const struct v4l2_event_subscription *sub) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = container_of(fh, struct vpu_inst, fh); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + switch (sub->type) { + case V4L2_EVENT_EOS: + vdec->eos_subscribed = true; + return v4l2_event_subscribe(fh, sub, 0, NULL); + case V4L2_EVENT_SOURCE_CHANGE: + return v4l2_src_change_event_subscribe(fh, sub); + case V4L2_EVENT_CTRL: + return v4l2_ctrl_subscribe_event(fh, sub); + case V4L2_EVENT_SKIP: + case V4L2_EVENT_CODEC_ERROR: + return v4l2_event_subscribe(fh, sub, 0, NULL); + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_unsubscribe_event(struct v4l2_fh *fh, + const struct v4l2_event_subscription *sub) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = container_of(fh, struct vpu_inst, fh); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_event_unsubscribe(fh, sub); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (sub->type == V4L2_EVENT_EOS) + vdec->eos_subscribed = false; + + return 0; +} + +static const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops vdec_ioctl_ops = { + .vidioc_querycap = vdec_querycap, + .vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap = vdec_enum_fmt, + .vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_out = vdec_enum_fmt, + .vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = vdec_g_fmt, + .vidioc_g_fmt_vid_out_mplane = vdec_g_fmt, + .vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = vdec_try_fmt, + .vidioc_try_fmt_vid_out_mplane = vdec_try_fmt, + .vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = vdec_s_fmt, + .vidioc_s_fmt_vid_out_mplane = vdec_s_fmt, + .vidioc_g_selection = vdec_g_selection, + .vidioc_try_decoder_cmd = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_try_decoder_cmd, + .vidioc_decoder_cmd = vdec_decoder_cmd, + .vidioc_subscribe_event = vdec_subscribe_event, + .vidioc_unsubscribe_event = vdec_unsubscribe_event, + .vidioc_reqbufs = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_reqbufs, + .vidioc_create_bufs = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_create_bufs, + .vidioc_prepare_buf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_prepare_buf, + .vidioc_querybuf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_querybuf, + .vidioc_qbuf = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_qbuf, + .vidioc_expbuf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_expbuf, + .vidioc_dqbuf = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_dqbuf, + .vidioc_streamon = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamon, + .vidioc_streamoff = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamoff, +}; + +static bool vdec_check_ready(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned int type) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + if (vdec->ts_pre_count >= vdec->frame_depth) + return false; + return true; + } + + if (vdec->req_frame_count || vdec->eos_received) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static int vdec_frame_decoded(struct vpu_inst *inst, void *arg) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_dec_pic_info *info = arg; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + int ret = 0; + + if (!info || info->id >= ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots)) + return -EINVAL; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_buf = vdec->slots[info->id]; + if (!vpu_buf) { + inst_err(inst, "decoded invalid frame[%d]\n", info->id); + ret = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + if (vpu_buf->state == VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED) + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_INFO, "buf[%d] has been decoded\n", info->id); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED; + vdec->decoded_frame_count++; + if (vdec->ts_pre_count >= info->consumed_count) + vdec->ts_pre_count -= info->consumed_count; + else + vdec->ts_pre_count = 0; +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return ret; +} + +static struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vdec_find_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 luma) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots); i++) { + if (!vdec->slots[i]) + continue; + if (luma == vdec->slots[i]->luma) + return vdec->slots[i]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static void vdec_buf_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_frame_info *frame) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + + if (!frame) + return; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_buf = vdec_find_buffer(inst, frame->luma); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + if (!vpu_buf) { + inst_err(inst, "can't find buffer, id = %d, addr = 0x%x\n", + frame->id, frame->luma); + return; + } + if (frame->skipped) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "frame skip\n"); + vpu_notify_skip(inst); + return; + } + + vbuf = &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb; + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.index != frame->id) + inst_err(inst, "buffer id(%d, %d) dismatch\n", + vbuf->vb2_buf.index, frame->id); + + if (vpu_buf->state != VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED) + inst_err(inst, "buffer(%d) ready without decoded\n", frame->id); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_READY; + vb2_set_plane_payload(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0, inst->cap_format.sizeimage[0]); + vb2_set_plane_payload(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 1, inst->cap_format.sizeimage[1]); + vbuf->vb2_buf.timestamp = frame->timestamp; + vbuf->field = inst->cap_format.field; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_TS, "[OUTPUT TS]%32lld\n", frame->timestamp); + + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->timestamp = frame->timestamp; + vdec->display_frame_count++; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "decoded : %d, display : %d\n", + vdec->decoded_frame_count, vdec->display_frame_count); +} + +static void vdec_stop_done(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT, 0); + vdec->seq_hdr_found = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_init_fmt(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst->out_format.width = vdec->codec_info.decoded_width; + inst->out_format.height = vdec->codec_info.decoded_height; + inst->cap_format.width = vdec->codec_info.decoded_width; + inst->cap_format.height = vdec->codec_info.decoded_height; + inst->cap_format.pixfmt = vdec->codec_info.pixfmt; + inst->cap_format.bytesperline[0] = vdec->codec_info.bytesperline[0]; + inst->cap_format.bytesperline[1] = vdec->codec_info.bytesperline[1]; + inst->cap_format.sizeimage[0] = vdec->codec_info.sizeimage[0]; + inst->cap_format.sizeimage[1] = vdec->codec_info.sizeimage[1]; + if (vdec-> + inst->cap_format.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + else + inst->cap_format.field = V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED; + if (vdec->codec_info.color_primaries == V4L2_COLORSPACE_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.color_primaries = V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709; + if (vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars == V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + if (vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs == V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709; + if (vdec->codec_info.full_range == V4L2_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; +} + +static void vdec_init_crop(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst->crop.left = vdec->codec_info.offset_x; + inst-> = vdec->codec_info.offset_y; + inst->crop.width = vdec->codec_info.width; + inst->crop.height = vdec->codec_info.height; +} + +static void vdec_init_mbi(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + vdec->mbi.size = vdec->codec_info.mbi_size; + vdec->mbi.max_count = ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->mbi.buffer); + scnprintf(vdec->, sizeof(vdec->, "mbi"); + vdec->mbi.type = MEM_RES_MBI; + vdec->mbi.tag = vdec->seq_tag; +} + +static void vdec_init_dcp(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + vdec->dcp.size = vdec->codec_info.dcp_size; + vdec->dcp.max_count = ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->dcp.buffer); + scnprintf(vdec->, sizeof(vdec->, "dcp"); + vdec->dcp.type = MEM_RES_DCP; + vdec->dcp.tag = vdec->seq_tag; +} + +static void vdec_request_one_fs(struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + WARN_ON(!fs); + + fs->req_count++; + if (fs->req_count > fs->max_count) { + vpu_err("error:request %s over %d\n", fs->name, fs->max_count); + fs->req_count = fs->max_count; + } +} + +static int vdec_alloc_fs_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vpu_buffer *buffer; + + if (!inst || !fs || !fs->size) + return -EINVAL; + + if (fs->count >= fs->req_count) + return -EINVAL; + + buffer = &fs->buffer[fs->count]; + if (buffer->virt && buffer->length >= fs->size) + return 0; + + vpu_free_dma(buffer); + buffer->length = fs->size; + return vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, buffer); +} + +static void vdec_alloc_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + int ret; + + while (fs->count < fs->req_count) { + ret = vdec_alloc_fs_buffer(inst, fs); + if (ret) + break; + fs->count++; + } +} + +static void vdec_clear_fs(struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!fs) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fs->buffer); i++) + vpu_free_dma(&fs->buffer[i]); + memset(fs, 0, sizeof(*fs)); +} + +static int vdec_response_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vpu_fs_info info; + int ret; + + if (fs->index >= fs->count) + return 0; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = fs->index; + info.type = fs->type; + info.tag = fs->tag; + info.luma_addr = fs->buffer[fs->index].phys; + info.luma_size = fs->buffer[fs->index].length; + ret = vpu_session_alloc_fs(inst, &info); + if (ret) + return ret; + + fs->index++; + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_response_frame_abnormal(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_fs_info info; + + if (!vdec->req_frame_count) + return 0; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.type = MEM_RES_FRAME; + info.tag = vdec->seq_tag + 0xf0; + vpu_session_alloc_fs(inst, &info); + vdec->req_frame_count--; + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_response_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vpu_fs_info info; + int ret; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vdec->req_frame_count) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vbuf) + return -EINVAL; + + if (vdec->slots[vbuf->vb2_buf.index]) { + inst_err(inst, "repeat alloc fs %d\n", vbuf->vb2_buf.index); + return -EINVAL; + } + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "inst->state = %d, alloc fs %d, tag = 0x%x\n", + inst->state, vbuf->vb2_buf.index, vdec->seq_tag); + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = vbuf->vb2_buf.index; + info.type = MEM_RES_FRAME; + info.tag = vdec->seq_tag; + info.luma_addr = vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0); + info.luma_size = inst->cap_format.sizeimage[0]; + info.chroma_addr = vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 1); + info.chromau_size = inst->cap_format.sizeimage[1]; + info.bytesperline = inst->cap_format.bytesperline[0]; + ret = vpu_session_alloc_fs(inst, &info); + if (ret) + return ret; + + vpu_buf->tag = info.tag; + vpu_buf->luma = info.luma_addr; + vpu_buf->chroma_u = info.chromau_size; + vpu_buf->chroma_v = 0; + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_INUSE; + vdec->slots[] = vpu_buf; + vdec->req_frame_count--; + + return 0; +} + +static void vdec_response_fs_request(struct vpu_inst *inst, bool force) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int i; + int ret; + + if (force) { + for (i = vdec->req_frame_count; i > 0; i--) + vdec_response_frame_abnormal(inst); + return; + } + + for (i = vdec->req_frame_count; i > 0; i--) { + ret = vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + if (ret) + break; + if (vdec->eos_received) + break; + } + + for (i = vdec->mbi.index; i < vdec->mbi.count; i++) { + if (vdec_response_fs(inst, &vdec->mbi)) + break; + if (vdec->eos_received) + break; + } + for (i = vdec->dcp.index; i < vdec->dcp.count; i++) { + if (vdec_response_fs(inst, &vdec->dcp)) + break; + if (vdec->eos_received) + break; + } +} + +static void vdec_response_fs_release(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 id, u32 tag) +{ + struct vpu_fs_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = id; + info.tag = tag; + vpu_session_release_fs(inst, &info); +} + +static void vdec_recycle_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + if (!inst || !vbuf) + return; + + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.state != VB2_BUF_STATE_ACTIVE) + return; + if (vpu_find_buf_by_idx(inst, vbuf->vb2_buf.type, vbuf->vb2_buf.index)) + return; + v4l2_m2m_buf_queue(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); +} + +static void vdec_clear_slots(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots); i++) { + if (!vdec->slots[i]) + continue; + + vpu_buf = vdec->slots[i]; + vbuf = &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb; + if (vpu_buf->tag == vdec->seq_tag) + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_WARN, "clear slot[%d], %d, %d\n", + i, + vdec->slots[i]->state, + vbuf->vb2_buf.state); + + vdec_response_fs_release(inst, i, vpu_buf->tag); + vdec_recycle_buffer(inst, vbuf); + vdec->slots[i]->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + vdec->slots[i] = NULL; + } +} + +static void vdec_event_seq_hdr(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_dec_codec_info *hdr) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + memcpy(&vdec->codec_info, hdr, sizeof(vdec->codec_info)); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%d x %d, crop : (%d, %d) %d x %d\n", + vdec->codec_info.decoded_width, + vdec->codec_info.decoded_height, + vdec->codec_info.offset_x, + vdec->codec_info.offset_y, + vdec->codec_info.width, + vdec->codec_info.height); + vdec_init_fmt(inst); + vdec_init_crop(inst); + inst->min_buffer_cap = hdr->num_ref_frms + hdr->num_dpb_frms; + vdec_init_mbi(inst); + vdec_init_dcp(inst); + if (!vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + vdec->seq_tag = vdec->codec_info.tag; + vpu_notify_source_change(inst); + } + if (vdec->seq_tag != vdec->codec_info.tag) { + vdec_response_fs_request(inst, true); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "seq tag change: %d -> %d\n", + vdec->seq_tag, vdec->codec_info.tag); + } + vdec->seq_hdr_found++; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_resolution_change(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "resolution change\n"); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->seq_tag = vdec->codec_info.tag; + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->mbi); + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->dcp); + vdec_clear_slots(inst); + vdec_init_mbi(inst); + vdec_init_dcp(inst); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE, 0); + vdec->source_change++; + vdec_handle_resolution_change(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_req_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (!fs) + return; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + + switch (fs->type) { + case MEM_RES_FRAME: + vdec->req_frame_count++; + break; + case MEM_RES_MBI: + vdec_request_one_fs(&vdec->mbi); + break; + case MEM_RES_DCP: + vdec_request_one_fs(&vdec->dcp); + break; + default: + break; + } + + vdec_alloc_fs(inst, &vdec->mbi); + vdec_alloc_fs(inst, &vdec->dcp); + + vdec_response_fs_request(inst, false); + + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_evnet_rel_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + + if (!fs || fs->id >= ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots)) + return; + if (fs->type != MEM_RES_FRAME) + return; + + if (fs->id >= vpu_get_num_buffers(inst, inst->cap_format.type)) { + inst_err(inst, "invalid fs(%d) to release\n", fs->id); + return; + } + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_buf = vdec->slots[fs->id]; + vdec->slots[fs->id] = NULL; + + if (!vpu_buf) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "fs[%d] has bee released\n", fs->id); + goto exit; + } + + if (vpu_buf->state == VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "this frame is skipped\n"); + vpu_notify_skip(inst); + } + + vdec_response_fs_release(inst, fs->id, vpu_buf->tag); + vbuf = &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb; + if (vpu_buf->state != VPU_BUF_STATE_READY) + vdec_recycle_buffer(inst, vbuf); + + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "eos\n"); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->eos_received++; + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DRAIN, 0); + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + vdec_handle_eos(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_notify(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 event, void *data) +{ + switch (event) { + case VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND: + vdec_event_seq_hdr(inst, data); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE: + vdec_event_resolution_change(inst); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ: + vdec_event_req_fs(inst, data); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE: + vdec_evnet_rel_fs(inst, data); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS: + vdec_event_eos(inst); + break; + default: + break; + } +} + +static int vdec_process_output(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + s64 timestamp; + u32 free_space; + int ret; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "dec output [%d] %d : %ld\n", + vbuf->sequence, vb->index, vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0)); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return -EINVAL; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED) + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE, 0); + + ret = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc); + if (ret) + return ret; + + free_space = vpu_helper_get_free_space(inst); + if (free_space < vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0) + 0x40000) + return -ENOMEM; + + timestamp = vb->timestamp; + if (timestamp >= 0 && vdec->ts_start < 0) + vdec->ts_start = timestamp; + if (vdec->ts_input < timestamp) + vdec->ts_input = timestamp; + + ret = vpu_iface_input_frame(inst, vb); + if (ret < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_TS, "[INPUT TS]%32lld\n", vb->timestamp); + vdec->ts_pre_count++; + vdec->params.frame_count++; + + v4l2_m2m_src_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + + if (vdec->drain) + vdec_drain(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_process_capture(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + int ret; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + return -EINVAL; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + + if (vdec->eos_received) { + if (vdec->eos_subscribed) { + vdec_handle_eos(inst); + } else { + vb2_set_plane_payload(vb, 0, 0); + vb2_set_plane_payload(vb, 1, 0); + vbuf->flags |= V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST; + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + vdec->eos_received--; + } + return 0; + } + + ret = vdec_response_frame(inst, vbuf); + if (ret) + return ret; + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + return 0; +} + +static void vdec_on_queue_emtpy(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + return; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_handle_resolution_change(inst); + vdec_handle_eos(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_abort(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + int ret; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "abort, inst->state = %d\n", inst->state); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_iface_add_scode(inst, SCODE_PADDING_ABORT); + vdec->params.end_flag = 1; + vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, &vdec->params, 1); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_session_abort(inst); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + ret = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc); + if (!ret) + vpu_iface_update_stream_buffer(inst, desc.rptr, 1); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_session_rst_buf(inst); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "input : %d, decoded : %d, display : %d\n", + vdec->params.frame_count, + vdec->decoded_frame_count, + vdec->display_frame_count); + vdec->params.end_flag = 0; + vdec->drain = 0; + vdec->ts_pre_count = 0; + vdec->timestamp = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_start = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_input = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->params.frame_count = 0; + vdec->decoded_frame_count = 0; + vdec->display_frame_count = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_release(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "release\n"); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_clear_slots(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + vpu_session_stop(inst); + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->mbi); + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->dcp); + vpu_free_dma(&vdec->udata); + vpu_free_dma(&inst->stream_buffer); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT, 1); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_cleanup(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec; + + if (!inst) + return; + + vdec = inst->priv; + if (vdec) + vfree(vdec); + inst->priv = NULL; + vfree(inst); +} + +static void vdec_init_params(struct vdec_t *vdec) +{ + vdec->params.frame_count = 0; + vdec->params.end_flag = 0; +} + +static int vdec_start(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int stream_buffer_size; + int ret; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "start\n"); + vdec->udata.length = 0x1000; + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &vdec->udata); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "alloc udata fail\n"); + goto error; + } + + vpu_iface_init_instance(inst); + stream_buffer_size = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_size(inst->core); + if (stream_buffer_size > 0) { + inst->stream_buffer.length = stream_buffer_size; + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &inst->stream_buffer); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "alloc stream buffer fail\n"); + goto error; + } + inst->use_stream_buffer = true; + vpu_iface_config_stream_buffer(inst, &inst->stream_buffer); + } + + vdec->params.udata.base = vdec->udata.phys; + vdec->params.udata.size = vdec->udata.length; + ret = vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, &vdec->params, 0); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "set decode params fail\n"); + goto error; + } + + vdec_init_params(vdec); + ret = vpu_session_start(inst); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "start fail\n"); + goto error; + } + + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED, 0); + + return 0; +error: + vpu_free_dma(&vdec->udata); + vpu_free_dma(&inst->stream_buffer); + return ret; +} + +static int vdec_start_session(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) { + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + ret = vdec_start(inst); + if (ret) + goto exit; + } + } + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK) + vdec_update_state(inst, vdec->state, 1); + vdec->eos_received = 0; + vpu_process_output_buffer(inst); + } else { + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE, 0); + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + } + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE) + vdec_response_fs_request(inst, false); + +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return ret; +} + +static int vdec_stop_session(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK, 0); + vdec->drain = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + } else { + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec_abort(inst); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->eos_received = 0; + vdec_clear_slots(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_get_debug_info(struct vpu_inst *inst, char *str, u32 size, u32 i) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int num = -1; + + switch (i) { + case 0: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "req_frame_count = %d\ninterlaced = %d\n", + vdec->req_frame_count, + vdec-> ? 0 : 1); + break; + case 1: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "mbi: size = 0x%x request = %d, alloc = %d, response = %d\n", + vdec->mbi.size, + vdec->mbi.req_count, + vdec->mbi.count, + vdec->mbi.index); + break; + case 2: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "dcp: size = 0x%x request = %d, alloc = %d, response = %d\n", + vdec->dcp.size, + vdec->dcp.req_count, + vdec->dcp.count, + vdec->dcp.index); + break; + case 3: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "input_frame_count = %d\n", vdec->params.frame_count); + break; + case 4: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "decoded_frame_count = %d\n", vdec->decoded_frame_count); + break; + case 5: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "display_frame_count = %d\n", vdec->display_frame_count); + break; + case 6: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "drain = %d, eos = %d, source_change = %d\n", + vdec->drain, vdec->eos_received, vdec->source_change); + break; + case 7: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "ts_pre_count = %d, frame_depth = %d\n", + vdec->ts_pre_count, vdec->frame_depth); + break; + case 8: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "b_dis_reorder = %d, b_non_frame = %d\n", + vdec->params.b_dis_reorder, + vdec->params.b_non_frame); + break; + case 9: + { + s64 timestamp = vdec->timestamp; + s64 ts_start = vdec->ts_start; + s64 ts_input = vdec->ts_input; + + num = scnprintf(str, size, "timestamp = %9lld.%09lld(%9lld.%09lld, %9lld.%09lld)\n", + timestamp / NSEC_PER_SEC, + timestamp % NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_start / NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_start % NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_input / NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_input % NSEC_PER_SEC); + } + break; + default: + break; + } + + return num; +} + +static struct vpu_inst_ops vdec_inst_ops = { + .ctrl_init = vdec_ctrl_init, + .check_ready = vdec_check_ready, + .buf_done = vdec_buf_done, + .get_one_frame = vdec_frame_decoded, + .stop_done = vdec_stop_done, + .event_notify = vdec_event_notify, + .release = vdec_release, + .cleanup = vdec_cleanup, + .start = vdec_start_session, + .stop = vdec_stop_session, + .process_output = vdec_process_output, + .process_capture = vdec_process_capture, + .on_queue_empty = vdec_on_queue_emtpy, + .get_debug_info = vdec_get_debug_info, +}; + +static void vdec_init(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec; + struct v4l2_format f; + + vdec = inst->priv; + vdec->frame_depth = VDEC_FRAME_DEPTH; + vdec->timestamp = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_start = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_input = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + + memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); + f.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264; + f.fmt.pix_mp.width = 1280; + f.fmt.pix_mp.height = 720; + f.fmt.pix_mp.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + vdec_s_fmt(file, &inst->fh, &f); + + memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); + f.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12; + f.fmt.pix_mp.width = 1280; + f.fmt.pix_mp.height = 720; + f.fmt.pix_mp.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + vdec_s_fmt(file, &inst->fh, &f); +} + +int vdec_open(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst; + struct vdec_t *vdec; + int ret; + + inst = vzalloc(sizeof(*inst)); + if (!inst) + return -ENOMEM; + + vdec = vzalloc(sizeof(*vdec)); + if (!vdec) { + vfree(inst); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + inst->ops = &vdec_inst_ops; + inst->formats = vdec_formats; + inst->type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC; + inst->priv = vdec; + + ret = vpu_v4l2_open(file, inst); + if (ret) { + vdec_cleanup(inst); + return ret; + } + + vdec_init(file); + + return 0; +} + +__poll_t vdec_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vb2_queue *src_q, *dst_q; + __poll_t ret; + + ret = v4l2_m2m_fop_poll(file, wait); + src_q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + if (vb2_is_streaming(src_q) && !vb2_is_streaming(dst_q)) + ret &= (~EPOLLERR); + + return ret; +} + +static const struct v4l2_file_operations vdec_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vdec_open, + .release = vpu_v4l2_close, + .unlocked_ioctl = video_ioctl2, + .poll = vdec_poll, + .mmap = v4l2_m2m_fop_mmap, +}; + +int vdec_create_video_device(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + struct video_device *vdec; + int ret; + + if (!vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + if (vpu->vdev_dec) + return 0; + + vdec = video_device_alloc(); + if (!vdec) { + vpu_err("alloc vpu decoder video device fail\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + strscpy(vdec->name, "imx-vpu-decoder", sizeof(vdec->name)); + vdec->release = video_device_release; + vdec->fops = &vdec_fops; + vdec->ioctl_ops = &vdec_ioctl_ops; + vdec->vfl_dir = VFL_DIR_M2M; + vdec->v4l2_dev = &vpu->v4l2_dev; + vdec->device_caps = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_M2M_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING; + + ret = video_register_device(vdec, VFL_TYPE_VIDEO, -1); + if (ret) { + video_device_release(vdec); + return ret; + } + video_set_drvdata(vdec, vpu); + vpu->vdev_dec = vdec; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/venc.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/venc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..32af6ab5202c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/venc.c @@ -0,0 +1,1411 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "ENC" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +#define VENC_OUTPUT_ENABLE (1 << 0) +#define VENC_CAPTURE_ENABLE (1 << 1) +#define VENC_ENABLE_MASK (VENC_OUTPUT_ENABLE | VENC_CAPTURE_ENABLE) +#define VENC_MAX_BUF_CNT 8 + +struct venc_t { + struct vpu_encode_params params; + u32 request_key_frame; + u32 input_ready; + u32 cpb_size; + bool bitrate_change; + + struct vpu_buffer enc[VENC_MAX_BUF_CNT]; + struct vpu_buffer ref[VENC_MAX_BUF_CNT]; + struct vpu_buffer act[VENC_MAX_BUF_CNT]; + struct list_head frames; + u32 frame_count; + u32 encode_count; + u32 ready_count; + u32 enable; + u32 stopped; + + u32 skipped_count; + u32 skipped_bytes; + + wait_queue_head_t wq; +}; + +struct venc_frame_t { + struct list_head list; + struct vpu_enc_pic_info info; + u32 bytesused; + s64 timestamp; +}; + +static const struct vpu_format venc_formats[] = { + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + {0, 0, 0, 0}, +}; + +static int venc_querycap(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_capability *cap) +{ + strscpy(cap->driver, "imx vpu encoder", sizeof(cap->driver)); + strscpy(cap->card, "imx vpu encoder", sizeof(cap->card)); + strscpy(cap->bus_info, "platform: imx8q-vpu", sizeof(cap->bus_info)); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_enum_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_fmtdesc *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + + memset(f->reserved, 0, sizeof(f->reserved)); + fmt = vpu_helper_enum_format(inst, f->type, f->index); + if (!fmt) + return -EINVAL; + + f->pixelformat = fmt->pixfmt; + f->flags = fmt->flags; + if (fmt->name && strlen(fmt->name)) + strscpy(f->description, fmt->name, sizeof(f->description)); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_enum_framesizes(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_frmsizeenum *fsize) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + if (!fsize || fsize->index) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_helper_find_format(inst, 0, fsize->pixel_format)) + return -EINVAL; + + fsize->type = V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_STEPWISE; + fsize->stepwise.max_width = inst->core->res->max_width; + fsize->stepwise.max_height = inst->core->res->max_height; + fsize->stepwise.min_width = inst->core->res->min_width; + fsize->stepwise.min_height = inst->core->res->min_height; + fsize->stepwise.step_width = inst->core->res->step_width; + fsize->stepwise.step_height = inst->core->res->step_height; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_enum_frameintervals(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_frmivalenum *fival) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + if (!fival || fival->index) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_helper_find_format(inst, 0, fival->pixel_format)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!fival->width || !fival->height) + return -EINVAL; + + if (fival->width < inst->core->res->min_width || + fival->width > inst->core->res->max_width || + fival->height < inst->core->res->min_height || + fival->height > inst->core->res->max_height) + return -EINVAL; + + fival->type = V4L2_FRMIVAL_TYPE_CONTINUOUS; + fival->stepwise.min.numerator = 1; + fival->stepwise.min.denominator = USHRT_MAX; + fival->stepwise.max.numerator = USHRT_MAX; + fival->stepwise.max.denominator = 1; + fival->stepwise.step.numerator = 1; + fival->stepwise.step.denominator = 1; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_g_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + int i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, f->type); + + pixmp->pixelformat = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + pixmp->num_planes = cur_fmt->num_planes; + pixmp->width = cur_fmt->width; + pixmp->height = cur_fmt->height; + pixmp->field = cur_fmt->field; + pixmp->flags = cur_fmt->flags; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = cur_fmt->bytesperline[i]; + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + } + + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = venc->params.color.primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = venc->params.color.transfer; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = venc->params.color.matrix; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = venc->params.color.full_range; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_try_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + vpu_try_fmt_common(inst, f); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_s_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + struct vb2_queue *q; + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pix_mp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + int i; + + q = v4l2_m2m_get_vq(inst->m2m_ctx, f->type); + if (!q) + return -EINVAL; + if (vb2_is_streaming(q)) + return -EBUSY; + + fmt = vpu_try_fmt_common(inst, f); + if (!fmt) + return -EINVAL; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, f->type); + + cur_fmt->pixfmt = fmt->pixfmt; + cur_fmt->num_planes = fmt->num_planes; + cur_fmt->type = fmt->type; + cur_fmt->flags = fmt->flags; + cur_fmt->width = pix_mp->width; + cur_fmt->height = pix_mp->height; + for (i = 0; i < fmt->num_planes; i++) { + cur_fmt->sizeimage[i] = pix_mp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage; + cur_fmt->bytesperline[i] = pix_mp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline; + } + + if (pix_mp->field != V4L2_FIELD_ANY) + cur_fmt->field = pix_mp->field; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type)) { + venc->params.input_format = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + venc->params.src_stride = cur_fmt->bytesperline[0]; + venc->params.src_width = cur_fmt->width; + venc->params.src_height = cur_fmt->height; + venc->params.crop.left = 0; + venc-> = 0; + venc->params.crop.width = cur_fmt->width; + venc->params.crop.height = cur_fmt->height; + } else { + venc->params.codec_format = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + venc->params.out_width = cur_fmt->width; + venc->params.out_height = cur_fmt->height; + } + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type)) { + if (!vpu_color_check_primaries(pix_mp->colorspace)) { + venc->params.color.primaries = pix_mp->colorspace; + vpu_color_get_default(venc->params.color.primaries, + &venc->params.color.transfer, + &venc->params.color.matrix, + &venc->params.color.full_range); + } + if (!vpu_color_check_transfers(pix_mp->xfer_func)) + venc->params.color.transfer = pix_mp->xfer_func; + if (!vpu_color_check_matrix(pix_mp->ycbcr_enc)) + venc->params.color.matrix = pix_mp->ycbcr_enc; + if (!vpu_color_check_full_range(pix_mp->quantization)) + venc->params.color.full_range = pix_mp->quantization; + } + + pix_mp->colorspace = venc->params.color.primaries; + pix_mp->xfer_func = venc->params.color.transfer; + pix_mp->ycbcr_enc = venc->params.color.matrix; + pix_mp->quantization = venc->params.color.full_range; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_g_parm(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_streamparm *parm) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + struct v4l2_fract *timeperframe = &parm->parm.capture.timeperframe; + + if (!parm) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_helper_check_type(inst, parm->type)) + return -EINVAL; + + parm->parm.capture.capability = V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME; + parm->parm.capture.readbuffers = 0; + timeperframe->numerator = venc->params.frame_rate_num; + timeperframe->denominator = venc->params.frame_rate_den; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_s_parm(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_streamparm *parm) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + struct v4l2_fract *timeperframe = &parm->parm.capture.timeperframe; + + if (!parm) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_helper_check_type(inst, parm->type)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!timeperframe->numerator) + timeperframe->numerator = venc->params.frame_rate_num; + if (!timeperframe->denominator) + timeperframe->denominator = venc->params.frame_rate_den; + + venc->params.frame_rate_num = timeperframe->numerator; + venc->params.frame_rate_den = timeperframe->denominator; + + vpu_helper_calc_coprime(&venc->params.frame_rate_num, + &venc->params.frame_rate_den); + + parm->parm.capture.capability = V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME; + memset(parm->parm.capture.reserved, + 0, sizeof(parm->parm.capture.reserved)); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_g_selection(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_selection *s) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + + if (s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT && s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (s->target) { + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_DEFAULT: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS: + s->r.left = 0; + s-> = 0; + s->r.width = inst->out_format.width; + s->r.height = inst->out_format.height; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP: + s->r = venc->params.crop; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_valid_crop(struct venc_t *venc, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct v4l2_rect *rect = NULL; + u32 min_width; + u32 min_height; + u32 src_width; + u32 src_height; + + rect = &venc->params.crop; + min_width = core->res->min_width; + min_height = core->res->min_height; + src_width = venc->params.src_width; + src_height = venc->params.src_height; + + if (rect->width == 0 || rect->height == 0) + return -EINVAL; + if (rect->left > src_width - min_width || + rect->top > src_height - min_height) + return -EINVAL; + + rect->width = min(rect->width, src_width - rect->left); + rect->width = max_t(u32, rect->width, min_width); + + rect->height = min(rect->height, src_height - rect->top); + rect->height = max_t(u32, rect->height, min_height); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_s_selection(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_selection *s) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + const struct vpu_core_resources *res = inst->core->res; + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + + if (s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT && s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE) + return -EINVAL; + if (s->target != V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP) + return -EINVAL; + + venc->params.crop.left = ALIGN(s->r.left, res->step_width); + venc-> = ALIGN(s->, res->step_height); + venc->params.crop.width = ALIGN(s->r.width, res->step_width); + venc->params.crop.height = ALIGN(s->r.height, res->step_height); + if (venc_valid_crop(venc, inst->core)) { + venc->params.crop.left = 0; + venc-> = 0; + venc->params.crop.width = venc->params.src_width; + venc->params.crop.height = venc->params.src_height; + } + + inst->crop = venc->params.crop; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_response_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + int ret; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DRAIN) + return 0; + + if (v4l2_m2m_num_src_bufs_ready(inst->m2m_ctx)) + return 0; + + if (!venc->input_ready) + return 0; + + venc->input_ready = false; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "stop\n"); + ret = vpu_session_stop(inst); + if (ret) + return ret; + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_STOP; + wake_up_all(&venc->wq); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_request_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DRAIN; + venc_response_eos(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_encoder_cmd(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_encoder_cmd *cmd) +{ + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_try_encoder_cmd(file, fh, cmd); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (cmd->cmd == V4L2_ENC_CMD_STOP) { + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + else + venc_request_eos(inst); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_subscribe_event(struct v4l2_fh *fh, const struct v4l2_event_subscription *sub) +{ + switch (sub->type) { + case V4L2_EVENT_EOS: + return v4l2_event_subscribe(fh, sub, 0, NULL); + case V4L2_EVENT_CTRL: + return v4l2_ctrl_subscribe_event(fh, sub); + default: + return -EINVAL; + } +} + +static const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops venc_ioctl_ops = { + .vidioc_querycap = venc_querycap, + .vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap = venc_enum_fmt, + .vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_out = venc_enum_fmt, + .vidioc_enum_framesizes = venc_enum_framesizes, + .vidioc_enum_frameintervals = venc_enum_frameintervals, + .vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = venc_g_fmt, + .vidioc_g_fmt_vid_out_mplane = venc_g_fmt, + .vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = venc_try_fmt, + .vidioc_try_fmt_vid_out_mplane = venc_try_fmt, + .vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = venc_s_fmt, + .vidioc_s_fmt_vid_out_mplane = venc_s_fmt, + .vidioc_g_parm = venc_g_parm, + .vidioc_s_parm = venc_s_parm, + .vidioc_g_selection = venc_g_selection, + .vidioc_s_selection = venc_s_selection, + .vidioc_try_encoder_cmd = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_try_encoder_cmd, + .vidioc_encoder_cmd = venc_encoder_cmd, + .vidioc_subscribe_event = venc_subscribe_event, + .vidioc_unsubscribe_event = v4l2_event_unsubscribe, + .vidioc_reqbufs = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_reqbufs, + .vidioc_querybuf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_querybuf, + .vidioc_create_bufs = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_create_bufs, + .vidioc_prepare_buf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_prepare_buf, + .vidioc_qbuf = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_qbuf, + .vidioc_expbuf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_expbuf, + .vidioc_dqbuf = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_dqbuf, + .vidioc_streamon = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamon, + .vidioc_streamoff = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamoff, +}; + +static int venc_op_s_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = ctrl_to_inst(ctrl); + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + switch (ctrl->id) { + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE: + venc->params.profile = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL: + venc->params.level = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE: + venc->params.rc_mode = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE: + if (ctrl->val != venc->params.bitrate) + venc->bitrate_change = true; + venc->params.bitrate = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_GOP_SIZE: + venc->params.gop_length = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_B_FRAMES: + venc->params.bframes = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_I_FRAME_QP: + venc->params.i_frame_qp = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_P_FRAME_QP: + venc->params.p_frame_qp = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_B_FRAME_QP: + venc->params.b_frame_qp = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_FORCE_KEY_FRAME: + venc->request_key_frame = 1; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_CPB_SIZE: + venc->cpb_size = ctrl->val * 1024; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_ENABLE: + venc->params.sar.enable = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_IDC: + venc->params.sar.idc = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_EXT_SAR_WIDTH: + venc->params.sar.width = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_EXT_SAR_HEIGHT: + venc->params.sar.height = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_HEADER_MODE: + break; + default: + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return ret; +} + +static const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops venc_ctrl_ops = { + .s_ctrl = venc_op_s_ctrl, + .g_volatile_ctrl = vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl, +}; + +static int venc_ctrl_init(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl; + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(&inst->ctrl_handler, 20); + if (ret) + return ret; + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_HIGH, + ~((1 << V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_BASELINE) | + (1 << V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_MAIN) | + (1 << V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_HIGH)), + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_HIGH); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_5_1, + 0x0, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_4_0); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_CBR, + 0x0, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_CBR); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE, + BITRATE_MIN, + BITRATE_MAX, + BITRATE_STEP, + BITRATE_DEFAULT); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_GOP_SIZE, 0, (1 << 16) - 1, 1, 30); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_B_FRAMES, 0, 4, 1, 0); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_I_FRAME_QP, 1, 51, 1, 26); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_P_FRAME_QP, 1, 51, 1, 28); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_B_FRAME_QP, 1, 51, 1, 30); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_FORCE_KEY_FRAME, 0, 0, 0, 0); + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_CAPTURE, 1, 32, 1, 2); + if (ctrl) + ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_OUTPUT, 1, 32, 1, 2); + if (ctrl) + ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_CPB_SIZE, 64, 10240, 1, 1024); + + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_ENABLE, 0, 1, 1, 1); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_IDC, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_IDC_EXTENDED, + 0x0, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_IDC_1x1); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_EXT_SAR_WIDTH, + 0, USHRT_MAX, 1, 1); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_EXT_SAR_HEIGHT, + 0, USHRT_MAX, 1, 1); + v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(&inst->ctrl_handler, &venc_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_HEADER_MODE, + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_HEADER_MODE_JOINED_WITH_1ST_FRAME, + ~(1 << V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_HEADER_MODE_JOINED_WITH_1ST_FRAME), + V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_HEADER_MODE_JOINED_WITH_1ST_FRAME); + + ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup(&inst->ctrl_handler); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "setup ctrls fail, ret = %d\n", ret); + v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&inst->ctrl_handler); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static bool venc_check_ready(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned int type) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + if (vpu_helper_get_free_space(inst) < venc->cpb_size) + return false; + return venc->input_ready; + } + + return true; +} + +static u32 venc_get_enable_mask(u32 type) +{ + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + return VENC_OUTPUT_ENABLE; + else + return VENC_CAPTURE_ENABLE; +} + +static void venc_set_enable(struct venc_t *venc, u32 type, int enable) +{ + u32 mask = venc_get_enable_mask(type); + + if (enable) + venc->enable |= mask; + else + venc->enable &= ~mask; +} + +static u32 venc_get_enable(struct venc_t *venc, u32 type) +{ + return venc->enable & venc_get_enable_mask(type); +} + +static void venc_input_done(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc->input_ready = true; + vpu_process_output_buffer(inst); + venc_response_eos(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +/* + * It's hardware limitation, that there may be several bytes + * redundant data at the beginning of frame. + * For android platform, the redundant data may cause cts test fail + * So driver will strip them + */ +static int venc_precheck_encoded_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct venc_frame_t *frame) +{ + struct venc_t *venc; + int skipped; + + if (!inst || !frame || !frame->bytesused) + return -EINVAL; + + venc = inst->priv; + skipped = vpu_helper_find_startcode(&inst->stream_buffer, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt, + frame->info.wptr - inst->stream_buffer.phys, + frame->bytesused); + if (skipped > 0) { + frame->bytesused -= skipped; + frame->info.wptr = vpu_helper_step_walk(&inst->stream_buffer, + frame->info.wptr, skipped); + venc->skipped_bytes += skipped; + venc->skipped_count++; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_get_one_encoded_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct venc_frame_t *frame, + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + + if (!vbuf) + return -EAGAIN; + + if (!venc_get_enable(inst->priv, vbuf->vb2_buf.type)) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, + "type %d is disabled, frame sequence %d\n", + vbuf->vb2_buf.type, frame->info.frame_id); + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR); + return 0; + } + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + if (frame->bytesused > vbuf->vb2_buf.planes[0].length) { + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + venc_precheck_encoded_frame(inst, frame); + + if (frame->bytesused) { + u32 rptr = frame->info.wptr; + void *dst = vb2_plane_vaddr(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0); + + vpu_helper_copy_from_stream_buffer(&inst->stream_buffer, + &rptr, frame->bytesused, dst); + vpu_iface_update_stream_buffer(inst, rptr, 0); + } + vb2_set_plane_payload(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0, frame->bytesused); + vbuf->sequence = frame->info.frame_id; + vbuf->vb2_buf.timestamp = frame->info.timestamp; + vbuf->flags |= frame->info.pic_type; + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_TS, "[OUTPUT TS]%32lld\n", frame->info.timestamp); + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + venc->ready_count++; + + if (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME) + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "[%d]Iframe\n", frame->info.frame_id); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_get_encoded_frames(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_t *venc; + struct venc_frame_t *frame; + struct venc_frame_t *tmp; + + if (!inst || !inst->priv) + return -EINVAL; + + venc = inst->priv; + list_for_each_entry_safe(frame, tmp, &venc->frames, list) { + if (venc_get_one_encoded_frame(inst, frame, + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove(inst->m2m_ctx))) + break; + list_del_init(&frame->list); + vfree(frame); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_frame_encoded(struct vpu_inst *inst, void *arg) +{ + struct vpu_enc_pic_info *info = arg; + struct venc_frame_t *frame; + struct venc_t *venc; + int ret = 0; + + if (!inst || !info) + return -EINVAL; + venc = inst->priv; + frame = vzalloc(sizeof(*frame)); + if (!frame) + return -ENOMEM; + + memcpy(&frame->info, info, sizeof(frame->info)); + frame->bytesused = info->frame_size; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + list_add_tail(&frame->list, &venc->frames); + venc->encode_count++; + venc_get_encoded_frames(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return ret; +} + +static void venc_buf_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_frame_info *frame) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + + if (!inst || !frame) + return; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "buf done : type = %d, sequence = %d\n", + frame->type, frame->sequence); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (!venc_get_enable(inst->priv, frame->type)) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, + "type %d is disabled, frame sequence %d\n", + frame->type, frame->sequence); + goto exit; + } + vbuf = vpu_find_buf_by_sequence(inst, frame->type, frame->sequence); + if (!vbuf) { + inst_err(inst, "can't find buf: type %d, sequence %d\n", + frame->type, frame->sequence); + goto exit; + } + + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(frame->type)) + v4l2_m2m_src_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + else + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static int venc_append_empty_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_frame_t *frame; + struct venc_t *venc; + + if (!inst || !inst->priv) + return -EINVAL; + + venc = inst->priv; + frame = vzalloc(sizeof(*frame)); + if (!frame) + return -ENOMEM; + + frame->bytesused = 0; + frame->info.pic_type = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST; + frame->info.frame_id = inst->sequence; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + list_add_tail(&frame->list, &venc->frames); + venc_get_encoded_frames(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return 0; +} + +static void venc_stop_done(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "append empty frame\n"); + venc_append_empty_frame(inst); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc->stopped = true; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + wake_up_all(&venc->wq); +} + +static void venc_event_notify(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 event, void *data) +{ +} + +static void venc_release(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ +} + +static void venc_cleanup(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_t *venc; + + if (!inst) + return; + + venc = inst->priv; + if (venc) + vfree(venc); + inst->priv = NULL; + vfree(inst); +} + +static int venc_start_session(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + int stream_buffer_size; + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc_set_enable(venc, type, 1); + if ((venc->enable & VENC_ENABLE_MASK) != VENC_ENABLE_MASK) { + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + return 0; + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_iface_init_instance(inst); + stream_buffer_size = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_size(inst->core); + if (stream_buffer_size > 0) { + inst->stream_buffer.length = max_t(u32, stream_buffer_size, venc->cpb_size * 3); + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &inst->stream_buffer); + if (ret) + goto error; + + inst->use_stream_buffer = true; + vpu_iface_config_stream_buffer(inst, &inst->stream_buffer); + } + + ret = vpu_iface_set_encode_params(inst, &venc->params, 0); + if (ret) + goto error; + ret = vpu_session_configure_codec(inst); + if (ret) + goto error; + + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_CONFIGURED; + /*vpu_iface_config_memory_resource*/ + + /*config enc expert mode parameter*/ + ret = vpu_iface_set_encode_params(inst, &venc->params, 1); + if (ret) + goto error; + + ret = vpu_session_start(inst); + if (ret) + goto error; + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc->bitrate_change = false; + venc->input_ready = true; + venc->frame_count = 0; + venc->encode_count = 0; + venc->ready_count = 0; + venc->stopped = false; + vpu_process_output_buffer(inst); + if (venc->frame_count == 0) + inst_err(inst, "there is no input when starting\n"); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return 0; +error: + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc_set_enable(venc, type, 0); + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_free_dma(&inst->stream_buffer); + return ret; +} + +static void venc_cleanup_mem_resource(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct venc_t *venc; + u32 i; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->priv || !inst->core); + + venc = inst->priv; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(venc->enc); i++) + vpu_free_dma(&venc->enc[i]); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(venc->ref); i++) + vpu_free_dma(&venc->ref[i]); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(venc->act); i++) + vpu_free_dma(&venc->act[i]); +} + +static void venc_request_mem_resource(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 enc_frame_size, + u32 enc_frame_num, + u32 ref_frame_size, + u32 ref_frame_num, + u32 act_frame_size, + u32 act_frame_num) +{ + struct venc_t *venc; + u32 i; + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->priv || !inst->core); + + venc = inst->priv; + + if (enc_frame_num > ARRAY_SIZE(venc->enc)) { + inst_err(inst, "enc num(%d) is out of range\n", enc_frame_num); + return; + } + if (ref_frame_num > ARRAY_SIZE(venc->ref)) { + inst_err(inst, "ref num(%d) is out of range\n", ref_frame_num); + return; + } + if (act_frame_num > ARRAY_SIZE(venc->act)) { + inst_err(inst, "act num(%d) is out of range\n", act_frame_num); + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < enc_frame_num; i++) { + venc->enc[i].length = enc_frame_size; + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &venc->enc[i]); + if (ret) { + venc_cleanup_mem_resource(inst); + return; + } + } + for (i = 0; i < ref_frame_num; i++) { + venc->ref[i].length = ref_frame_size; + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &venc->ref[i]); + if (ret) { + venc_cleanup_mem_resource(inst); + return; + } + } + for (i = 0; i < act_frame_num; i++) { + venc->act[i].length = act_frame_size; + ret = vpu_alloc_reserved_dma(inst->core, &venc->act[i]); + if (ret) { + venc_cleanup_mem_resource(inst); + return; + } + } + + for (i = 0; i < enc_frame_num; i++) + vpu_iface_config_memory_resource(inst, MEM_RES_ENC, i, &venc->enc[i]); + for (i = 0; i < ref_frame_num; i++) + vpu_iface_config_memory_resource(inst, MEM_RES_REF, i, &venc->ref[i]); + for (i = 0; i < act_frame_num; i++) + vpu_iface_config_memory_resource(inst, MEM_RES_ACT, i, &venc->act[i]); +} + +static void venc_cleanup_frames(struct venc_t *venc) +{ + struct venc_frame_t *frame; + struct venc_frame_t *tmp; + + if (!list_empty(&venc->frames)) + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "Warning some encoded frames are dropped\n"); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(frame, tmp, &venc->frames, list) { + list_del_init(&frame->list); + vfree(frame); + } +} + +static int venc_stop_session(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc_set_enable(venc, type, 0); + if (venc->enable & VENC_ENABLE_MASK) { + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + return 0; + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_STOP) + venc_request_eos(inst); + + if (!wait_event_timeout(venc->wq, venc->stopped, VPU_TIMEOUT)) { + set_bit(inst->id, &inst->core->hang_mask); + vpu_session_debug(inst); + } + + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + venc_cleanup_frames(inst->priv); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_free_dma(&inst->stream_buffer); + venc_cleanup_mem_resource(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_process_output(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = NULL; + u32 flags; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return -EINVAL; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED) + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE; + + flags = vbuf->flags; + if (venc->request_key_frame) { + vbuf->flags |= V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME; + venc->request_key_frame = 0; + } + if (venc->bitrate_change) { + vpu_session_update_parameters(inst, &venc->params); + venc->bitrate_change = false; + } + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_TS, "[INPUT TS]%32lld\n", vb->timestamp); + vpu_iface_input_frame(inst, vb); + vbuf->flags = flags; + venc->input_ready = false; + venc->frame_count++; + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_INUSE; + + return 0; +} + +static int venc_process_capture(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct venc_t *venc; + struct venc_frame_t *frame = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + int ret; + + venc = inst->priv; + if (list_empty(&venc->frames)) + return -EINVAL; + + frame = list_first_entry(&venc->frames, struct venc_frame_t, list); + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + ret = venc_get_one_encoded_frame(inst, frame, vbuf); + if (ret) + return ret; + + list_del_init(&frame->list); + vfree(frame); + return 0; +} + +static int venc_get_debug_info(struct vpu_inst *inst, char *str, u32 size, u32 i) +{ + struct venc_t *venc = inst->priv; + int num = -1; + + switch (i) { + case 0: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "profile = %d\n", venc->params.profile); + break; + case 1: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "level = %d\n", venc->params.level); + break; + case 2: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "fps = %d/%d\n", + venc->params.frame_rate_num, + venc->params.frame_rate_den); + break; + case 3: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "%d x %d -> %d x %d\n", + venc->params.src_width, + venc->params.src_height, + venc->params.out_width, + venc->params.out_height); + break; + case 4: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "(%d, %d) %d x %d\n", + venc->params.crop.left, + venc->, + venc->params.crop.width, + venc->params.crop.height); + break; + case 5: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "enable = 0x%x, input = %d, encode = %d, ready = %d, stopped = %d\n", + venc->enable, + venc->frame_count, venc->encode_count, + venc->ready_count, + venc->stopped); + break; + case 6: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "gop = %d\n", venc->params.gop_length); + break; + case 7: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "bframes = %d\n", venc->params.bframes); + break; + case 8: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "rc: mode = %d, bitrate = %d, qp = %d\n", + venc->params.rc_mode, + venc->params.bitrate, + venc->params.i_frame_qp); + break; + case 9: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "sar: enable = %d, idc = %d, %d x %d\n", + venc->params.sar.enable, + venc->params.sar.idc, + venc->params.sar.width, + venc->params.sar.height); + + break; + case 10: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "colorspace: primaries = %d, transfer = %d, matrix = %d, full_range = %d\n", + venc->params.color.primaries, + venc->params.color.transfer, + venc->params.color.matrix, + venc->params.color.full_range); + break; + case 11: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "skipped: count = %d, bytes = %d\n", + venc->skipped_count, venc->skipped_bytes); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return num; +} + +static struct vpu_inst_ops venc_inst_ops = { + .ctrl_init = venc_ctrl_init, + .check_ready = venc_check_ready, + .input_done = venc_input_done, + .get_one_frame = venc_frame_encoded, + .buf_done = venc_buf_done, + .stop_done = venc_stop_done, + .event_notify = venc_event_notify, + .release = venc_release, + .cleanup = venc_cleanup, + .start = venc_start_session, + .mem_request = venc_request_mem_resource, + .stop = venc_stop_session, + .process_output = venc_process_output, + .process_capture = venc_process_capture, + .get_debug_info = venc_get_debug_info, +}; + +static void venc_init(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct venc_t *venc; + struct v4l2_format f; + struct v4l2_streamparm parm; + + venc = inst->priv; + venc->params.qp_min = 1; + venc->params.qp_max = 51; + venc->params.qp_min_i = 1; + venc->params.qp_max_i = 51; + venc->params.bitrate_max = BITRATE_MAX; + venc->params.bitrate_min = BITRATE_MIN; + + memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); + f.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12; + f.fmt.pix_mp.width = 1280; + f.fmt.pix_mp.height = 720; + f.fmt.pix_mp.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709; + venc_s_fmt(file, &inst->fh, &f); + + memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); + f.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264; + f.fmt.pix_mp.width = 1280; + f.fmt.pix_mp.height = 720; + f.fmt.pix_mp.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + venc_s_fmt(file, &inst->fh, &f); + + memset(&parm, 0, sizeof(parm)); + parm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; + parm.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator = 1; + parm.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator = 30; + venc_s_parm(file, &inst->fh, &parm); +} + +int venc_open(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst; + struct venc_t *venc; + int ret; + + inst = vzalloc(sizeof(*inst)); + if (!inst) + return -ENOMEM; + + venc = vzalloc(sizeof(*venc)); + if (!venc) { + vfree(inst); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + inst->ops = &venc_inst_ops; + inst->formats = venc_formats; + inst->type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC; + inst->priv = venc; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&venc->frames); + init_waitqueue_head(&venc->wq); + + ret = vpu_v4l2_open(file, inst); + if (ret) { + vfree(venc); + vfree(inst); + return ret; + } + + venc_init(file); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct v4l2_file_operations venc_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = venc_open, + .release = vpu_v4l2_close, + .unlocked_ioctl = video_ioctl2, + .poll = v4l2_m2m_fop_poll, + .mmap = v4l2_m2m_fop_mmap, +}; + +int venc_create_video_device(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + struct video_device *venc; + int ret; + + if (!vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + if (vpu->vdev_enc) + return 0; + + venc = video_device_alloc(); + if (!venc) { + vpu_err("alloc vpu encoder video device fail\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + strscpy(venc->name, "imx-vpu-encoder", sizeof(venc->name)); + venc->release = video_device_release; + venc->fops = &venc_fops; + venc->ioctl_ops = &venc_ioctl_ops; + venc->vfl_dir = VFL_DIR_M2M; + venc->v4l2_dev = &vpu->v4l2_dev; + venc->device_caps = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_M2M_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING; + + ret = video_register_device(venc, VFL_TYPE_VIDEO, -1); + if (ret) { + video_device_release(venc); + return ret; + } + video_set_drvdata(venc, vpu); + vpu->vdev_enc = venc; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..af82e4bec108 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu.h @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_H +#define _IMX_VPU_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define VPU_TIMEOUT msecs_to_jiffies(1000) +#define VPU_INST_NULL_ID (-1L) +#define VPU_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE (8192) + +enum imx_plat_type { + IMX8QXP = 0, + IMX8QM = 1, + IMX8DM, + IMX8DX, + PLAT_TYPE_RESERVED +}; + +enum vpu_core_type { + VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC = 0, + VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC = 0x10, +}; + +struct vpu_dev; +struct vpu_resources { + enum imx_plat_type plat_type; + u32 mreg_base; + int (*setup)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + int (*setup_encoder)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + int (*setup_decoder)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + int (*reset)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); +}; + +struct vpu_buffer { + void *virt; + dma_addr_t phys; + u32 length; + u32 bytesused; + struct device *dev; +}; + +struct vpu_dev { + void __iomem *base; + struct platform_device *pdev; + struct device *dev; + struct mutex lock; + const struct vpu_resources *res; + struct list_head cores; + struct vpu_buffer memory; + + struct v4l2_device v4l2_dev; + struct video_device *vdev_dec; + struct video_device *vdev_enc; + + struct delayed_work watchdog_work; + void (*get_vpu)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + void (*put_vpu)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + void (*get_enc)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + void (*put_enc)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + void (*get_dec)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + void (*put_dec)(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + atomic_t ref_vpu; + atomic_t ref_enc; + atomic_t ref_dec; + + struct dentry *debugfs; +}; + +struct vpu_format { + const char *name; + u32 pixfmt; + unsigned int num_planes; + u32 type; + u32 flags; + u32 width; + u32 height; + u32 sizeimage[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES]; + u32 bytesperline[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES]; + u32 field; +}; + +struct vpu_core_resources { + enum vpu_core_type type; + const char *fwname; + u32 stride; + u32 max_width; + u32 min_width; + u32 step_width; + u32 max_height; + u32 min_height; + u32 step_height; + bool use_reserved_mem; + bool standalone; +}; + +struct vpu_mbox { + char name[20]; + struct mbox_client cl; + struct mbox_chan *ch; + bool block; +}; + +enum vpu_core_state { + VPU_CORE_DEINIT = 0, + VPU_CORE_ACTIVE, + VPU_CORE_SNAPSHOT, + VPU_CORE_HANG +}; + +struct vpu_core { + void __iomem *base; + struct platform_device *pdev; + struct device *dev; + struct device *parent; + struct device *pd; + struct device_link *pd_link; + struct mutex lock; + struct mutex cmd_lock; + struct list_head list; + enum vpu_core_type type; + u32 id; + const struct vpu_core_resources *res; + unsigned long instance_mask; + u32 supported_instance_count; + unsigned long hang_mask; + u32 request_count; + struct list_head instances; + enum vpu_core_state state; + u32 fw_version; + + struct vpu_buffer fw; + struct vpu_buffer rpc; + struct vpu_buffer log; + + struct vpu_mbox tx_type; + struct vpu_mbox tx_data; + struct vpu_mbox rx; + unsigned long cmd_seq; + + wait_queue_head_t ack_wq; + struct completion cmp; + struct workqueue_struct *workqueue; + struct work_struct msg_work; + struct delayed_work msg_delayed_work; + struct kfifo msg_fifo; + void *msg_buffer; + unsigned int msg_buffer_size; + + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + void *iface; + + struct dentry *debugfs; + struct dentry *debugfs_fwlog; +}; + +enum vpu_codec_state { + VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT = 1, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_CONFIGURED, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_START, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_STOP, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_DRAIN, + VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE, +}; + +struct vpu_frame_info { + u32 type; + u32 id; + u32 sequence; + u32 luma; + u32 chroma_u; + u32 chroma_v; + u32 data_offset; + u32 flags; + u32 skipped; + s64 timestamp; +}; + +struct vpu_inst; +struct vpu_inst_ops { + int (*ctrl_init)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + int (*start)(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); + int (*stop)(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); + int (*abort)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + bool (*check_ready)(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned int type); + void (*buf_done)(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_frame_info *frame); + void (*event_notify)(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 event, void *data); + void (*release)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + void (*cleanup)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + void (*mem_request)(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 enc_frame_size, + u32 enc_frame_num, + u32 ref_frame_size, + u32 ref_frame_num, + u32 act_frame_size, + u32 act_frame_num); + void (*input_done)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + void (*stop_done)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + int (*process_output)(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); + int (*process_capture)(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); + int (*get_one_frame)(struct vpu_inst *inst, void *info); + void (*on_queue_empty)(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); + int (*get_debug_info)(struct vpu_inst *inst, char *str, u32 size, u32 i); +}; + +struct vpu_inst { + struct list_head list; + struct mutex lock; + struct mutex ioctl_sync; + struct vpu_core *core; + int id; + + struct v4l2_fh fh; + struct v4l2_m2m_dev *m2m_dev; + struct v4l2_m2m_ctx *m2m_ctx; + struct v4l2_ctrl_handler ctrl_handler; + atomic_t ref_count; + int (*release)(struct vpu_inst *inst); + + enum vpu_codec_state state; + enum vpu_core_type type; + + struct workqueue_struct *workqueue; + struct work_struct msg_work; + struct kfifo msg_fifo; + u8 msg_buffer[VPU_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE]; + + struct vpu_buffer stream_buffer; + bool use_stream_buffer; + + struct list_head cmd_q; + void *pending; + + struct vpu_inst_ops *ops; + const struct vpu_format *formats; + struct vpu_format out_format; + struct vpu_format cap_format; + u32 min_buffer_cap; + u32 min_buffer_out; + + struct v4l2_rect crop; + u32 colorspace; + u8 ycbcr_enc; + u8 quantization; + u8 xfer_func; + u32 sequence; + u32 extra_size; + + u32 flows[16]; + u32 flow_idx; + + pid_t pid; + pid_t tgid; + struct dentry *debugfs; + + void *priv; +}; + +#define call_vop(inst, op, args...) \ + ((inst)->ops->op ? (inst)->ops->op(inst, ##args) : 0) \ + +enum { + VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE = 0, + VPU_BUF_STATE_INUSE, + VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED, + VPU_BUF_STATE_READY, + VPU_BUF_STATE_SKIP, + VPU_BUF_STATE_ERROR +}; + +struct vpu_vb2_buffer { + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer m2m_buf; + dma_addr_t luma; + dma_addr_t chroma_u; + dma_addr_t chroma_v; + unsigned int state; + u32 tag; +}; + +void vpu_writel(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 reg, u32 val); +u32 vpu_readl(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 reg); + +static inline struct vpu_vb2_buffer *to_vpu_vb2_buffer(struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *m2m_buf = container_of(vbuf, struct v4l2_m2m_buffer, vb); + + return container_of(m2m_buf, struct vpu_vb2_buffer, m2m_buf); +} + +static inline const char *vpu_core_type_desc(enum vpu_core_type type) +{ + return type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC ? "encoder" : "decoder"; +} + +static inline struct vpu_inst *to_inst(struct file *filp) +{ + return container_of(filp->private_data, struct vpu_inst, fh); +} + +#define ctrl_to_inst(ctrl) \ + container_of((ctrl)->handler, struct vpu_inst, ctrl_handler) + +int venc_create_video_device(struct vpu_dev *vpu); +int vdec_create_video_device(struct vpu_dev *vpu); + +struct vpu_inst *vpu_inst_get(struct vpu_inst *inst); +void vpu_inst_put(struct vpu_inst *inst); +struct vpu_core *vpu_request_core(struct vpu_dev *vpu, enum vpu_core_type type); +void vpu_release_core(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_inst_register(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_inst_unregister(struct vpu_inst *inst); + +int vpu_inst_create_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_inst_remove_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_core_create_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_core_remove_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_core *core); +void vpu_inst_record_flow(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 flow); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eb4c2bb08451 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.c @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ +#define TAG "CMD" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_mbox.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +struct vpu_cmd_request { + u32 request; + u32 response; + u32 handled; +}; + +struct vpu_cmd_t { + struct list_head list; + u32 id; + struct vpu_cmd_request *request; + struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt; + unsigned long key; +}; + +static struct vpu_cmd_request vpu_cmd_requests[] = { + { + .request = VPU_CMD_ID_CONFIGURE_CODEC, + .response = VPU_MSG_ID_MEM_REQUEST, + .handled = 1, + }, + { + .request = VPU_CMD_ID_START, + .response = VPU_MSG_ID_START_DONE, + .handled = 0, + }, + { + .request = VPU_CMD_ID_STOP, + .response = VPU_MSG_ID_STOP_DONE, + .handled = 0, + }, + { + .request = VPU_CMD_ID_ABORT, + .response = VPU_MSG_ID_ABORT_DONE, + .handled = 0, + }, + { + .request = VPU_CMD_ID_RST_BUF, + .response = VPU_MSG_ID_BUF_RST, + .handled = 1, + }, +}; + +int vpu_cmd_send(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + int ret = 0; + + WARN_ON(!core || !pkt); + + ret = vpu_iface_send_cmd(core, pkt); + if (ret) + return ret; + + /*write cmd data to cmd buffer before trigger a cmd interrupt*/ + mb(); + vpu_mbox_send_type(core, COMMAND); + + return ret; +} + +struct vpu_cmd_t *vpu_alloc_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 id, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd; + int i; + int ret; + + cmd = vzalloc(sizeof(*cmd)); + if (!cmd) + return NULL; + + cmd->pkt = vzalloc(sizeof(*cmd->pkt)); + if (!cmd->pkt) { + vfree(cmd); + return NULL; + } + + cmd->id = id; + ret = vpu_iface_pack_cmd(inst->core, cmd->pkt, inst->id, id, data); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "iface pack cmd(%d) fail\n", id); + vfree(cmd->pkt); + vfree(cmd); + return NULL; + } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vpu_cmd_requests); i++) { + if (vpu_cmd_requests[i].request == id) { + cmd->request = &vpu_cmd_requests[i]; + break; + } + } + + return cmd; +} + +void vpu_free_cmd(struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd) +{ + if (!cmd) + return; + if (cmd->pkt) + vfree(cmd->pkt); + vfree(cmd); +} + +int vpu_session_process_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd) +{ + int ret; + + if (!inst || !cmd || !cmd->pkt) + return -EINVAL; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_CMD, "send cmd(%d)\n", cmd->id); + vpu_iface_pre_send_cmd(inst); + ret = vpu_cmd_send(inst->core, cmd->pkt); + if (!ret) { + vpu_iface_post_send_cmd(inst); + vpu_inst_record_flow(inst, cmd->id); + } else { + inst_err(inst, "iface send cmd(%d) fail\n", cmd->id); + } + + return ret; +} + +void vpu_process_cmd_request(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd; + struct vpu_cmd_t *tmp; + + if (!inst || inst->pending) + return; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, &inst->cmd_q, list) { + list_del_init(&cmd->list); + if (vpu_session_process_cmd(inst, cmd)) + inst_err(inst, "process cmd(%d) fail\n", cmd->id); + if (cmd->request) { + inst->pending = (void *)cmd; + break; + } + vpu_free_cmd(cmd); + } +} + +int vpu_request_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 id, void *data, + unsigned long *key, int *sync) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd; + + if (!inst || !inst->core) + return -EINVAL; + + core = inst->core; + cmd = vpu_alloc_cmd(inst, id, data); + if (!cmd) + return -ENOMEM; + + mutex_lock(&core->cmd_lock); + cmd->key = core->cmd_seq++; + if (key) + *key = cmd->key; + if (sync) + *sync = cmd->request ? true : false; + list_add_tail(&cmd->list, &inst->cmd_q); + vpu_process_cmd_request(inst); + mutex_unlock(&core->cmd_lock); + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_clear_pending(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst || !inst->pending) + return; + + vpu_free_cmd(inst->pending); + wake_up_all(&inst->core->ack_wq); + inst->pending = NULL; +} + +bool vpu_check_response(struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd, u32 response, u32 handled) +{ + struct vpu_cmd_request *request; + + if (!cmd || !cmd->request) + return false; + + request = cmd->request; + if (request->response != response) + return false; + if (request->handled != handled) + return false; + + return true; +} + +int vpu_response_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 response, u32 handled) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + + if (!inst || !inst->core) + return -EINVAL; + + core = inst->core; + mutex_lock(&core->cmd_lock); + if (vpu_check_response(inst->pending, response, handled)) + vpu_clear_pending(inst); + + vpu_process_cmd_request(inst); + mutex_unlock(&core->cmd_lock); + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_clear_request(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd; + struct vpu_cmd_t *tmp; + + mutex_lock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + if (inst->pending) + vpu_clear_pending(inst); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, &inst->cmd_q, list) { + list_del_init(&cmd->list); + vpu_free_cmd(cmd); + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); +} + +static bool check_is_responsed(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned long key) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = inst->core; + struct vpu_cmd_t *cmd; + bool flag = true; + + mutex_lock(&core->cmd_lock); + cmd = inst->pending; + if (cmd && key == cmd->key) { + flag = false; + goto exit; + } + list_for_each_entry(cmd, &inst->cmd_q, list) { + if (key == cmd->key) { + flag = false; + break; + } + } +exit: + mutex_unlock(&core->cmd_lock); + + return flag; +} + +static int sync_session_response(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned long key) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + long ret; + + if (!inst || !inst->core) + return -EINVAL; + + core = inst->core; + ret = wait_event_timeout(core->ack_wq, + check_is_responsed(inst, key), + VPU_TIMEOUT); + + if (!check_is_responsed(inst, key)) { + inst_err(inst, "sync session timeout\n"); + set_bit(inst->id, &core->hang_mask); + mutex_lock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + vpu_clear_pending(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_session_send_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 id, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + unsigned long key; + int sync = false; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core || inst->id < 0); + core = inst->core; + + ret = vpu_request_cmd(inst, id, data, &key, &sync); + if (!ret && sync) + ret = sync_session_response(inst, key); + + if (ret) + inst_err(inst, "send cmd(%d) fail\n", id); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_session_configure_codec(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_CONFIGURE_CODEC, NULL); +} + +int vpu_session_start(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "send start cmd\n"); + + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_START, NULL); +} + +int vpu_session_stop(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "send stop cmd\n"); + + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_STOP, NULL); +} + +int vpu_session_encode_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, s64 timestamp) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_FRAME_ENCODE, ×tamp); +} + +int vpu_session_alloc_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_FS_ALLOC, fs); +} + +int vpu_session_release_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_FS_RELEASE, fs); +} + +int vpu_session_abort(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_ABORT, NULL); +} + +int vpu_session_rst_buf(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_RST_BUF, NULL); +} + +int vpu_session_fill_timestamp(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_ts_info *info) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_TIMESTAMP, info); +} + +int vpu_session_update_parameters(struct vpu_inst *inst, void *arg) +{ + if (inst->type & VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, arg, 1); + else + vpu_iface_set_encode_params(inst, arg, 1); + + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_UPDATE_PARAMETER, arg); +} + +int vpu_session_debug(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + return vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_DEBUG, NULL); +} + +int vpu_core_snapshot(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst; + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!core || list_empty(&core->instances)); + + inst = list_first_entry(&core->instances, struct vpu_inst, list); + + reinit_completion(&core->cmp); + ret = vpu_session_send_cmd(inst, VPU_CMD_ID_SNAPSHOT, NULL); + if (ret) + return ret; + ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&core->cmp, VPU_TIMEOUT); + if (!ret) { + vpu_err("core[%d] snapshot timeout\n", core->id); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_core_sw_reset(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_event pkt; + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!core); + + memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); + vpu_iface_pack_cmd(core, &pkt, 0, VPU_CMD_ID_FIRM_RESET, NULL); + + reinit_completion(&core->cmp); + mutex_lock(&core->cmd_lock); + ret = vpu_cmd_send(core, &pkt); + mutex_unlock(&core->cmd_lock); + if (ret) + return ret; + ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&core->cmp, VPU_TIMEOUT); + if (!ret) { + vpu_err("core[%d] sw reset timeout\n", core->id); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa114ed5ba7d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_cmds.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_CMDS_H +#define _IMX_VPU_CMDS_H + +int vpu_session_configure_codec(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_session_start(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_session_stop(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_session_abort(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_session_rst_buf(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_session_encode_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, s64 timestamp); +int vpu_session_alloc_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs); +int vpu_session_release_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs); +int vpu_session_fill_timestamp(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_ts_info *info); +int vpu_session_update_parameters(struct vpu_inst *inst, void *arg); +int vpu_core_snapshot(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_core_sw_reset(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_response_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 response, u32 handled); +void vpu_clear_request(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_session_debug(struct vpu_inst *inst); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_codec.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_codec.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1f1e6866d88d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_codec.h @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_CODEC_H +#define _IMX_VPU_CODEC_H + +struct vpu_encode_params { + u32 input_format; + u32 codec_format; + u32 profile; + u32 tier; + u32 level; + u32 frame_rate_num; + u32 frame_rate_den; + u32 src_stride; + u32 src_width; + u32 src_height; + struct v4l2_rect crop; + u32 out_width; + u32 out_height; + + u32 gop_length; + u32 bframes; + + u32 rc_mode; + u32 bitrate; + u32 bitrate_min; + u32 bitrate_max; + + u32 i_frame_qp; + u32 p_frame_qp; + u32 b_frame_qp; + u32 qp_min; + u32 qp_max; + u32 qp_min_i; + u32 qp_max_i; + + struct { + u32 enable; + u32 idc; + u32 width; + u32 height; + } sar; + + struct { + u32 primaries; + u32 transfer; + u32 matrix; + u32 full_range; + } color; +}; + +struct vpu_decode_params { + u32 codec_format; + u32 output_format; + u32 b_dis_reorder; + u32 b_non_frame; + u32 frame_count; + u32 end_flag; + struct { + u32 base; + u32 size; + } udata; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_color.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_color.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..62030a3db0ee --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_color.c @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "COLOR" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" + +static const u8 colorprimaries[] = { + 0, + V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6*/ + 0, + 0, + V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_M, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System M*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_BG,/*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System B, G*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE170M, /*SMPTE170M*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE240M, /*SMPTE240M*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_GENERIC_FILM, /*Generic film*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_ST428 /*SMPTE ST 428-1*/ +}; + +static const u8 colortransfers[] = { + 0, + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6*/ + 0, + 0, + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_GAMMA22, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System M*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_GAMMA28, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System B, G*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*SMPTE170M*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE240M,/*SMPTE240M*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_LINEAR, /*Linear transfer characteristics*/ + 0, + 0, + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_XVYCC, /*IEC 61966-2-4*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_BT1361, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.1361-0 extended colour gamut*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SRGB, /*IEC 61966-2-1 sRGB or sYCC*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 (10 bit system)*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 (12 bit system)*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE2084,/*SMPTE ST 2084*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_ST428, /*SMPTE ST 428-1*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_HLG /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2100-0 hybrid log-gamma (HLG)*/ +}; + +static const u8 colormatrixcoefs[] = { + 0, + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6*/ + 0, + 0, + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT470_6M, /*Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.601-7 625*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.601-7 525*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M, /*SMPTE240M*/ + 0, + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020_CONST_LUM /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 constant*/ +}; + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(u32 primaries) +{ + return VPU_ARRAY_FIND(colorprimaries, primaries); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_i2v(u32 primaries) +{ + return VPU_ARRAY_AT(colorprimaries, primaries); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(u32 transfers) +{ + return VPU_ARRAY_FIND(colortransfers, transfers); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_i2v(u32 transfers) +{ + return VPU_ARRAY_AT(colortransfers, transfers); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(u32 matrix) +{ + return VPU_ARRAY_FIND(colormatrixcoefs, matrix); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_i2v(u32 matrix) +{ + return VPU_ARRAY_AT(colormatrixcoefs, matrix); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_v2i(u32 full_range) +{ + return (full_range == V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_i2v(u32 full_range) +{ + if (full_range) + return V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE; + + return V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; +} + +int vpu_color_check_primaries(u32 primaries) +{ + return vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(primaries) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_color_check_transfers(u32 transfers) +{ + return vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(transfers) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_color_check_matrix(u32 matrix) +{ + return vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(matrix) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_color_check_full_range(u32 full_range) +{ + int ret = -EINVAL; + + switch (full_range) { + case V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE: + case V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE: + ret = 0; + break; + default: + break; + + } + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_color_get_default(u32 primaries, + u32 *ptransfers, u32 *pmatrix, u32 *pfull_range) +{ + u32 transfers; + u32 matrix; + u32 full_range; + + switch (primaries) { + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709; + full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; + break; + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_M: + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_BG: + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE170M: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601; + full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; + break; + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE240M: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE240M; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M; + full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; + break; + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020; + full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; + break; + default: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709; + full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; + break; + } + + if (ptransfers) + *ptransfers = transfers; + if (pmatrix) + *pmatrix = matrix; + if (pfull_range) + *pfull_range = full_range; + + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b498409d8c53 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.c @@ -0,0 +1,923 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "CORE" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_mbox.h" +#include "vpu_msgs.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" + +unsigned int vpu_dbg_level = LVL_ERR | LVL_WARN | LVL_INFO; +module_param(vpu_dbg_level, uint, 0644); + +void csr_writel(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg, u32 val) +{ + writel(val, core->base + reg); +} + +u32 csr_readl(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg) +{ + return readl(core->base + reg); +} + +static int vpu_core_load_firmware(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + const struct firmware *pfw = NULL; + int ret = 0; + + WARN_ON(!core || !core->res || !core->res->fwname); + if (!core->fw.virt) { + core_err(core, "firmware buffer is not ready\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = request_firmware(&pfw, core->res->fwname, core->dev); + core_dbg(core, LVL_DEBUG, "request_firmware %s : %d\n", core->res->fwname, ret); + if (ret) { + core_err(core, "request firmware %s failed, ret = %d\n", + core->res->fwname, ret); + return ret; + } + + if (core->fw.length < pfw->size) { + core_err(core, "firmware buffer size want %ld, but %d\n", + pfw->size, core->fw.length); + ret = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + + memset_io(core->fw.virt, 0, core->fw.length); + memcpy(core->fw.virt, pfw->data, pfw->size); + core->fw.bytesused = pfw->size; + ret = vpu_iface_on_firmware_loaded(core); +exit: + release_firmware(pfw); + pfw = NULL; + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_core_wait_boot_done(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + int ret; + u32 fw_version; + + ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&core->cmp, VPU_TIMEOUT); + if (!ret) { + core_err(core, "boot timeout\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + fw_version = vpu_iface_get_version(core); + core_dbg(core, LVL_WARN, "firmware version : %d.%d.%d\n", + (fw_version >> 16) & 0xff, + (fw_version >> 8) & 0xff, + fw_version & 0xff); + core->supported_instance_count = vpu_iface_get_max_instance_count(core); + core->fw_version = fw_version; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_core_boot(struct vpu_core *core, bool load) +{ + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!core); + + if (!core->res->standalone) + return 0; + + core_dbg(core, LVL_WARN, "boot\n"); + reinit_completion(&core->cmp); + if (load) { + ret = vpu_core_load_firmware(core); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + vpu_iface_boot_core(core); + return vpu_core_wait_boot_done(core); +} + +static int vpu_core_shutdown(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (!core->res->standalone) + return 0; + return vpu_iface_shutdown_core(core); +} + +static int vpu_core_restore(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (!core->res->standalone) + return 0; + return vpu_iface_restore_core(core); +} + +static int __vpu_alloc_dma(struct device *dev, struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + gfp_t gfp = GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA32; + + WARN_ON(!dev || !buf); + + if (!buf->length) + return 0; + + buf->virt = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, buf->length, &buf->phys, gfp); + if (!buf->virt) + return -ENOMEM; + + buf->dev = dev; + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_free_dma(struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + WARN_ON(!buf); + + if (!buf->virt || !buf->dev) + return; + + dma_free_coherent(buf->dev, buf->length, buf->virt, buf->phys); + buf->virt = NULL; + buf->phys = 0; + buf->length = 0; + buf->bytesused = 0; + buf->dev = NULL; +} + +int vpu_alloc_dma(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + WARN_ON(!core || !buf); + + return __vpu_alloc_dma(core->dev, buf); +} + +int vpu_alloc_reserved_dma(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + WARN_ON(!core || !buf); + + if (!core->vpu || !core->vpu->memory.phys || !core->res) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!core->res->use_reserved_mem) + return -EINVAL; + + return __vpu_alloc_dma(core->vpu->dev, buf); +} + +struct vpu_core *vpu_core_find_next_by_type(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 type) +{ + struct vpu_core *c; + + WARN_ON(!vpu); + + list_for_each_entry(c, &vpu->cores, list) { + if (c->type == type) + return c; + } + + return NULL; +} + +int vpu_core_check_fmt(struct vpu_core *core, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + if (!core) + return -EINVAL; + + if (vpu_iface_check_format(core, pixelfmt)) + return 0; + + return -EINVAL; +} + +static void vpu_core_check_hang(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (core->hang_mask) + core->state = VPU_CORE_HANG; +} + +struct vpu_core *vpu_core_find_proper_by_type(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 type) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = NULL; + int request_count = INT_MAX; + struct vpu_core *c; + + WARN_ON(!vpu); + + list_for_each_entry(c, &vpu->cores, list) { + core_dbg(c, LVL_DEBUG, "instance_mask = 0x%lx, state = %d\n", + c->instance_mask, + c->state); + if (c->type != type) + continue; + if (c->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) { + core = c; + break; + } + vpu_core_check_hang(c); + if (c->state != VPU_CORE_ACTIVE) + continue; + if (c->request_count < request_count) { + request_count = c->request_count; + core = c; + } + if (!request_count) + break; + } + + return core; +} + +static bool vpu_core_is_exist(struct vpu_dev *vpu, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_core *c; + + list_for_each_entry(c, &vpu->cores, list) { + if (c == core) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static void vpu_core_get_vpu(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + core->vpu->get_vpu(core->vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + core->vpu->get_enc(core->vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + core->vpu->get_dec(core->vpu); +} + +int vpu_core_register(struct device *dev, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret = 0; + + core_dbg(core, LVL_DEBUG, "register core\n"); + if (vpu_core_is_exist(vpu, core)) + return 0; + + core->workqueue = alloc_workqueue("vpu", WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + if (!core->workqueue) { + core_err(core, "fail to alloc workqueue\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + INIT_WORK(&core->msg_work, vpu_msg_run_work); + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&core->msg_delayed_work, vpu_msg_delayed_work); + core->msg_buffer_size = roundup_pow_of_two(VPU_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE); + core->msg_buffer = vzalloc(core->msg_buffer_size); + if (!core->msg_buffer) { + core_err(core, "failed allocate buffer for fifo\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto error; + } + ret = kfifo_init(&core->msg_fifo, core->msg_buffer, core->msg_buffer_size); + if (ret) { + core_err(core, "failed init kfifo\n"); + goto error; + } + + list_add_tail(&core->list, &vpu->cores); + + vpu_core_get_vpu(core); + + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC && !vpu->vdev_enc) + venc_create_video_device(vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC && !vpu->vdev_dec) + vdec_create_video_device(vpu); + + return 0; +error: + if (core->msg_buffer) { + vfree(core->msg_buffer); + core->msg_buffer = NULL; + } + if (core->workqueue) { + destroy_workqueue(core->workqueue); + core->workqueue = NULL; + } + return ret; +} + +static void vpu_core_put_vpu(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + core->vpu->put_enc(core->vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + core->vpu->put_dec(core->vpu); + core->vpu->put_vpu(core->vpu); +} + +int vpu_core_unregister(struct device *dev, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + + list_del_init(&core->list); + + vpu_core_put_vpu(core); + core->vpu = NULL; + vfree(core->msg_buffer); + core->msg_buffer = NULL; + + if (core->workqueue) { + cancel_work_sync(&core->msg_work); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&core->msg_delayed_work); + destroy_workqueue(core->workqueue); + core->workqueue = NULL; + } + + if (vpu_core_find_next_by_type(vpu, core->type)) + return 0; + + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + video_unregister_device(vpu->vdev_enc); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + video_unregister_device(vpu->vdev_dec); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_core_acquire_instance(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + int id; + + WARN_ON(!core); + + id = ffz(core->instance_mask); + if (id >= core->supported_instance_count) + return -EINVAL; + + set_bit(id, &core->instance_mask); + + return id; +} + +void vpu_core_release_instance(struct vpu_core *core, int id) +{ + WARN_ON(!core); + + if (id < 0 || id >= core->supported_instance_count) + return; + + clear_bit(id, &core->instance_mask); +} + +struct vpu_inst *vpu_inst_get(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst) + return NULL; + + atomic_inc(&inst->ref_count); + + return inst; +} + +void vpu_inst_put(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst) + return; + if (atomic_dec_and_test(&inst->ref_count)) { + if (inst->release) + inst->release(inst); + } +} + +struct vpu_core *vpu_request_core(struct vpu_dev *vpu, enum vpu_core_type type) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = NULL; + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&vpu->lock); + + core = vpu_core_find_proper_by_type(vpu, type); + if (!core) + goto exit; + + core_dbg(core, LVL_DEBUG, "is found\n"); + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_get_sync(core->dev); + + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) { + ret = vpu_core_boot(core, true); + if (ret) { + pm_runtime_put_sync(core->dev); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + core = NULL; + goto exit; + } + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + } + + core->request_count++; + + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +exit: + mutex_unlock(&vpu->lock); + + return core; +} + +void vpu_release_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (!core) + return; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_put_sync(core->dev); + if (core->request_count) + core->request_count--; + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +} + +int vpu_inst_register(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + int ret = 0; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + core = inst->core; + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (inst->id >= 0 && inst->id < core->supported_instance_count) + goto exit; + + ret = vpu_core_acquire_instance(core); + if (ret < 0) + goto exit; + + inst->id = ret; + list_add_tail(&inst->list, &core->instances); + ret = 0; + inst->pid = current->pid; + inst->tgid = current->tgid; + vpu_inst_create_dbgfs_file(inst); +exit: + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + if (ret) + core_err(core, "register instance fail\n"); + return ret; +} + +int vpu_inst_unregister(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + + WARN_ON(!inst); + + core = inst->core; + + vpu_clear_request(inst); + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (inst->id >= 0 && inst->id < core->supported_instance_count) { + vpu_inst_remove_dbgfs_file(inst); + list_del_init(&inst->list); + vpu_core_release_instance(core, inst->id); + inst->id = VPU_INST_NULL_ID; + } + vpu_core_check_hang(core); + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_HANG && !core->instance_mask) { + core_dbg(core, LVL_WARN, "reset hang core\n"); + if (!vpu_core_sw_reset(core)) { + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + core->hang_mask = 0; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + return 0; +} + +struct vpu_inst *vpu_core_find_instance(struct vpu_core *core, u32 index) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = NULL; + struct vpu_inst *tmp; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (!test_bit(index, &core->instance_mask)) + goto exit; + list_for_each_entry(tmp, &core->instances, list) { + if (tmp->id == index) { + inst = vpu_inst_get(tmp); + break; + } + } +exit: + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + return inst; +} + +static int vpu_core_parse_dt(struct vpu_core *core, struct device_node *np) +{ + struct device_node *node; + struct resource res; + u32 log_buf_offset = 0; + + of_property_read_u32(np, "id", &core->id); + + node = of_parse_phandle(np, "boot-region", 0); + if (!node) { + core_err(core, "boot-region of_parse_phandle error\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + if (of_address_to_resource(node, 0, &res)) { + core_err(core, "boot-region of_address_to_resource error\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + core->fw.phys = res.start; + core->fw.length = resource_size(&res); + core_dbg(core, LVL_INFO, "boot-region : <0x%llx, 0x%llx>\n", + res.start, resource_size(&res)); + + node = of_parse_phandle(np, "rpc-region", 0); + if (!node) { + core_err(core, "rpc-region of_parse_phandle error\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + if (of_address_to_resource(node, 0, &res)) { + core_err(core, "rpc-region of_address_to_resource error\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + core->rpc.phys = res.start; + core->rpc.length = resource_size(&res); + core_dbg(core, LVL_DEBUG, "rpc-region : <0x%llx, 0x%llx>\n", + res.start, resource_size(&res)); + + core->fw.virt = ioremap_wc(core->fw.phys, core->fw.length); + core->rpc.virt = ioremap_wc(core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length); + memset_io(core->rpc.virt, 0, core->rpc.length); + + if (vpu_iface_check_memory_region(core, + core->rpc.phys, + core->rpc.length) != VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED) { + core_err(core, "rpc region<0x%llx, 0x%x> isn't uncached\n", + core->rpc.phys, + core->rpc.length); + return -EINVAL; + } + + of_property_read_u32(np, "print-offset", &log_buf_offset); + if (log_buf_offset && log_buf_offset < core->rpc.length) { + core->log.phys = core->rpc.phys + log_buf_offset; + core->log.length = core->rpc.length - log_buf_offset; + core->log.virt = core->rpc.virt + log_buf_offset; + core_dbg(core, LVL_DEBUG, "log-region : <0x%llx, 0x%x>\n", + core->log.phys, core->log.length); + core->rpc.length = log_buf_offset; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_core_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct vpu_core *core; + struct vpu_dev *vpu = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); + struct vpu_shared_addr *iface; + u32 iface_data_size; + struct resource *r; + int ret; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_WARN, "core %s probe\n", pdev->dev.of_node->name); + if (!vpu) + return -EINVAL; + core = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*core), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!core) + return -ENOMEM; + + core->pdev = pdev; + core->dev = dev; + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, core); + core->vpu = vpu; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&core->instances); + mutex_init(&core->lock); + mutex_init(&core->cmd_lock); + init_completion(&core->cmp); + init_waitqueue_head(&core->ack_wq); + core->state = VPU_CORE_DEINIT; + + core->res = of_device_get_match_data(dev); + if (!core->res) + return -ENODEV; + + core->type = core->res->type; + ret = vpu_core_parse_dt(core, dev->of_node); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (core->res->use_reserved_mem) { + if (!vpu->memory.phys) { + core_err(core, "vpu don't have reserved memory\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (vpu_iface_check_memory_region(core, + vpu->memory.phys, + vpu->memory.length) != VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED) { + core_err(core, + "reserved mem<0x%llx, 0x%x> isn't uncached\n", + vpu->memory.phys, + vpu->memory.length); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + r = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); + if (!r) { + core_err(core, "fail to get core reg\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + core->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, r); + if (IS_ERR(core->base)) + return PTR_ERR(core->base); + core_dbg(core, LVL_WARN, "reg : <0x%llx, 0x%llx>\n", r->start, resource_size(r)); + + if (!vpu_iface_check_codec(core)) { + core_err(core, "is not supported\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = vpu_mbox_init(core); + if (ret) + return ret; + + iface = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*iface), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iface) + return -ENOMEM; + + iface_data_size = vpu_iface_get_data_size(core); + if (iface_data_size) { + iface->priv = devm_kzalloc(dev, iface_data_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iface->priv) + return -ENOMEM; + } + + ret = vpu_iface_init(core, iface, &core->rpc, core->fw.phys); + if (ret) { + core_err(core, "init iface fail, ret = %d\n", ret); + return ret; + } + + vpu_iface_config_system(core, vpu->res->mreg_base, vpu->base); + vpu_iface_set_log_buf(core, &core->log); + + pm_runtime_enable(dev); + ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + if (ret) { + pm_runtime_put_noidle(dev); + pm_runtime_set_suspended(dev); + goto err_runtime_disable; + } + + if (vpu_iface_get_power_state(core)) + ret = vpu_core_restore(core); + if (ret) + goto err_core_boot; + + ret = vpu_core_register(dev->parent, core); + if (ret) + goto err_core_register; + core->parent = dev->parent; + + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + vpu_core_create_dbgfs_file(core); + + return 0; + +err_core_register: + vpu_core_shutdown(core); +err_core_boot: + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); +err_runtime_disable: + pm_runtime_disable(dev); + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_core_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct vpu_core *core = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + int ret; + + vpu_core_remove_dbgfs_file(core); + ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + WARN_ON(ret < 0); + + vpu_core_shutdown(core); + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + pm_runtime_disable(dev); + + vpu_core_unregister(core->parent, core); + iounmap(core->fw.virt); + iounmap(core->rpc.virt); + mutex_destroy(&core->lock); + mutex_destroy(&core->cmd_lock); + + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_runtime_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + + return vpu_mbox_request(core); +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + + vpu_mbox_free(core); + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_core_cancel_work(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = NULL; + + cancel_work_sync(&core->msg_work); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&core->msg_delayed_work); + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + list_for_each_entry(inst, &core->instances, list) + cancel_work_sync(&inst->msg_work); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +} + +static void vpu_core_resume_work(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = NULL; + unsigned long delay = msecs_to_jiffies(10); + + queue_work(core->workqueue, &core->msg_work); + queue_delayed_work(core->workqueue, &core->msg_delayed_work, delay); + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + list_for_each_entry(inst, &core->instances, list) + queue_work(inst->workqueue, &inst->msg_work); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret = 0; + + if (!core->res->standalone) + return 0; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + vpu_core_get_vpu(core); + if (core->state != VPU_CORE_SNAPSHOT) + goto exit; + + if (!vpu_iface_get_power_state(core)) { + if (!list_empty(&core->instances)) { + ret = vpu_core_boot(core, false); + if (ret) { + core_err(core, "%s boot fail\n", __func__); + core->state = VPU_CORE_DEINIT; + goto exit; + } + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + } else { + core->state = VPU_CORE_DEINIT; + } + } else { + if (!list_empty(&core->instances)) { + ret = vpu_core_sw_reset(core); + if (ret) { + core_err(core, "%s sw_reset fail\n", __func__); + core->state = VPU_CORE_HANG; + goto exit; + } + } + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + } + +exit: + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + vpu_core_resume_work(core); + return ret; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret = 0; + + if (!core->res->standalone) + return 0; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_ACTIVE) { + if (!list_empty(&core->instances)) { + ret = vpu_core_snapshot(core); + if (ret) { + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + return ret; + } + } + + core->state = VPU_CORE_SNAPSHOT; + } + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + vpu_core_cancel_work(core); + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + vpu_core_put_vpu(core); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + return ret; +} + +static const struct dev_pm_ops vpu_core_pm_ops = { + SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(vpu_core_runtime_suspend, vpu_core_runtime_resume, NULL) + SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(vpu_core_suspend, vpu_core_resume) +}; + +static struct vpu_core_resources imx8q_enc = { + .type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC, + .fwname = "vpu/vpu_fw_imx8_enc.bin", + .stride = 16, + .max_width = 1920, + .max_height = 1920, + .min_width = 64, + .min_height = 48, + .step_width = 2, + .step_height = 2, + .use_reserved_mem = true, + .standalone = true, +}; + +static struct vpu_core_resources imx8q_dec = { + .type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC, + .fwname = "vpu/vpu_fw_imx8_dec.bin", + .stride = 1, + .max_width = 8188, + .max_height = 8188, + .min_width = 16, + .min_height = 16, + .step_width = 1, + .step_height = 1, + .standalone = true, +}; + +static const struct of_device_id vpu_core_dt_match[] = { + { .compatible = "nxp,imx8q-vpu-encoder", .data = &imx8q_enc }, + { .compatible = "nxp,imx8q-vpu-decoder", .data = &imx8q_dec }, + {} +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, vpu_core_dt_match); + +static struct platform_driver imx_vpu_core_driver = { + .probe = vpu_core_probe, + .remove = vpu_core_remove, + .driver = { + .name = "imx-vpu-core", + .of_match_table = vpu_core_dt_match, + .pm = &vpu_core_pm_ops, + }, +}; +module_platform_driver(imx_vpu_core_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Freescale Semiconductor, Inc."); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Linux VPU driver for Freescale i.MX/MXC"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5d4cb56f3de1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_core.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_CORE_H +#define _IMX_VPU_CORE_H + +void csr_writel(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg, u32 val); +u32 csr_readl(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg); +int vpu_alloc_dma(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_buffer *buf); +void vpu_free_dma(struct vpu_buffer *buf); +int vpu_alloc_reserved_dma(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_buffer *buf); +struct vpu_inst *vpu_core_find_instance(struct vpu_core *core, u32 index); +int vpu_core_check_fmt(struct vpu_core *core, u32 pixelfmt); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dbg.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dbg.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..480770068659 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dbg.c @@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "DEBUG" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +struct print_buf_desc { + u32 start_h_phy; + u32 start_h_vir; + u32 start_m; + u32 bytes; + u32 read; + u32 write; + char buffer[0]; +}; + +static char *vb2_stat_name[] = { + [VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED] = "dequeued", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_IN_REQUEST] = "in_request", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_PREPARING] = "preparing", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED] = "queued", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_ACTIVE] = "active", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE] = "done", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR] = "error", +}; + +static char *vpu_stat_name[] = { + [VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE] = "idle", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_INUSE] = "inuse", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED] = "decoded", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_READY] = "ready", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_SKIP] = "skip", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_ERROR] = "error", +}; + +static int vpu_dbg_instance(struct seq_file *s, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = s->private; + char str[128]; + int num; + struct vb2_queue *vq; + int i; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "[%s]\n", vpu_core_type_desc(inst->type)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "tgig = %d,pid = %d\n", inst->tgid, inst->pid); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "state = %d\n", inst->state); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "min_buffer_out = %d, min_buffer_cap = %d\n", + inst->min_buffer_out, inst->min_buffer_cap); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "output(%d) : fmt = %c%c%c%c %d x %d, %d;", + vb2_is_streaming(vq), + inst->out_format.pixfmt, + inst->out_format.pixfmt >> 8, + inst->out_format.pixfmt >> 16, + inst->out_format.pixfmt >> 24, + inst->out_format.width, + inst->out_format.height, + vq->last_buffer_dequeued); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + for (i = 0; i < inst->out_format.num_planes; i++) { + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %d(%d)", + inst->out_format.sizeimage[i], + inst->out_format.bytesperline[i]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + if (seq_write(s, "\n", 1)) + return 0; + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "capture(%d): fmt = %c%c%c%c %d x %d, %d;", + vb2_is_streaming(vq), + inst->cap_format.pixfmt, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt >> 8, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt >> 16, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt >> 24, + inst->cap_format.width, + inst->cap_format.height, + vq->last_buffer_dequeued); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + for (i = 0; i < inst->cap_format.num_planes; i++) { + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %d(%d)", + inst->cap_format.sizeimage[i], + inst->cap_format.bytesperline[i]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + if (seq_write(s, "\n", 1)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "crop: (%d, %d) %d x %d\n", + inst->crop.left, + inst->, + inst->crop.width, + inst->crop.height); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + for (i = 0; i < vq->num_buffers; i++) { + struct vb2_buffer *vb = vq->bufs[i]; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + if (vb->state == VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) + continue; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "output [%2d] state = %10s, %8s\n", + i, vb2_stat_name[vb->state], + vpu_stat_name[vpu_buf->state]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + for (i = 0; i < vq->num_buffers; i++) { + struct vb2_buffer *vb = vq->bufs[i]; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + if (vb->state == VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) + continue; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "capture[%2d] state = %10s, %8s\n", + i, vb2_stat_name[vb->state], + vpu_stat_name[vpu_buf->state]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "sequence = %d\n", inst->sequence); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + if (inst->use_stream_buffer) { + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "stream_buffer = %d / %d, [0x%llx, 0x%llx]\n", + vpu_helper_get_used_space(inst), + inst->stream_buffer.length, + inst->stream_buffer.phys, + inst->stream_buffer.phys + inst->stream_buffer.length); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "kfifo len = 0x%x\n", kfifo_len(&inst->msg_fifo)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "flow :\n"); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + mutex_lock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(inst->flows); i++) { + u32 idx = (inst->flow_idx + i) % (ARRAY_SIZE(inst->flows)); + + if (!inst->flows[idx]) + continue; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "\t[%s]0x%x\n", + inst->flows[idx] >= VPU_MSG_ID_NOOP ? "M" : "C", + inst->flows[idx]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) { + mutex_unlock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + return 0; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + + i = 0; + while (true) { + num = call_vop(inst, get_debug_info, str, sizeof(str), i++); + if (num <= 0) + break; + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_core(struct seq_file *s, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = s->private; + struct vpu_shared_addr *iface = core->iface; + char str[128]; + int num; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "[%s]\n", vpu_core_type_desc(core->type)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "boot_region = <0x%08llx, 0x%x>\n", + core->fw.phys, core->fw.length); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "rpc_region = <0x%08llx, 0x%x> used = 0x%x\n", + core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length, core->rpc.bytesused); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "fwlog_region = <0x%08llx, 0x%x>\n", + core->log.phys, core->log.length); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "state = %d\n", core->state); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "fw version = %d.%d.%d\n", + (core->fw_version >> 16) & 0xff, + (core->fw_version >> 8) & 0xff, + core->fw_version & 0xff); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "instances = %d/%d (0x%02lx), %d\n", + hweight32(core->instance_mask), + core->supported_instance_count, + core->instance_mask, + core->request_count); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "kfifo len = 0x%x\n", kfifo_len(&core->msg_fifo)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "cmd_buf:[0x%x, 0x%x], wptr = 0x%x, rptr = 0x%x\n", + iface->cmd_desc->start, + iface->cmd_desc->end, + iface->cmd_desc->wptr, + iface->cmd_desc->rptr); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "msg_buf:[0x%x, 0x%x], wptr = 0x%x, rptr = 0x%x\n", + iface->msg_desc->start, + iface->msg_desc->end, + iface->msg_desc->wptr, + iface->msg_desc->rptr); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_fwlog(struct seq_file *s, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = s->private; + struct print_buf_desc *print_buf; + int length; + u32 rptr; + u32 wptr; + int ret = 0; + + if (!core->log.virt || core->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + print_buf = core->log.virt; + rptr = print_buf->read; + wptr = print_buf->write; + + if (rptr == wptr) + return 0; + else if (rptr < wptr) + length = wptr - rptr; + else + length = print_buf->bytes + wptr - rptr; + + if (s->count + length >= s->size) { + s->count = s->size; + return 0; + } + + if (rptr + length >= print_buf->bytes) { + int num = print_buf->bytes - rptr; + + if (seq_write(s, print_buf->buffer + rptr, num)) + ret = -1; + length -= num; + rptr = 0; + } + + if (length) { + if (seq_write(s, print_buf->buffer + rptr, length)) + ret = -1; + rptr += length; + } + if (!ret) + print_buf->read = rptr; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_inst_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) +{ + return single_open(filp, vpu_dbg_instance, inode->i_private); +} + +static ssize_t vpu_dbg_inst_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct seq_file *s = file->private_data; + struct vpu_inst *inst = s->private; + + vpu_session_debug(inst); + + return size; +} + +static ssize_t vpu_dbg_core_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct seq_file *s = file->private_data; + struct vpu_core *core = s->private; + + pm_runtime_get_sync(core->dev); + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (core->state != VPU_CORE_DEINIT && !core->instance_mask) { + core_dbg(core, LVL_INFO, "reset core\n"); + if (!vpu_core_sw_reset(core)) { + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + core->hang_mask = 0; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_put_sync(core->dev); + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_core_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) +{ + return single_open(filp, vpu_dbg_core, inode->i_private); +} + +static int vpu_dbg_fwlog_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) +{ + return single_open(filp, vpu_dbg_fwlog, inode->i_private); +} + +static const struct file_operations vpu_dbg_inst_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vpu_dbg_inst_open, + .release = single_release, + .read = seq_read, + .write = vpu_dbg_inst_write, +}; + +static const struct file_operations vpu_dbg_core_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vpu_dbg_core_open, + .release = single_release, + .read = seq_read, + .write = vpu_dbg_core_write, +}; + +static const struct file_operations vpu_dbg_fwlog_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vpu_dbg_fwlog_open, + .release = single_release, + .read = seq_read, +}; + +int vpu_inst_create_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + char name[64]; + + if (!inst || !inst->core || !inst->core->vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + vpu = inst->core->vpu; + if (!vpu->debugfs) + return -EINVAL; + + if (inst->debugfs) + return 0; + + scnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "instance.%d.%d", + inst->core->id, inst->id); + inst->debugfs = debugfs_create_file((const char *)name, + VERIFY_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS(0644), + vpu->debugfs, + inst, + &vpu_dbg_inst_fops); + if (!inst->debugfs) { + vpu_err("vpu create debugfs %s fail\n", name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_inst_remove_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst) + return 0; + + debugfs_remove(inst->debugfs); + inst->debugfs = NULL; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_core_create_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + char name[64]; + + if (!core || !core->vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + vpu = core->vpu; + if (!vpu->debugfs) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!core->debugfs) { + scnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "core.%d", core->id); + core->debugfs = debugfs_create_file((const char *)name, + VERIFY_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS(0644), + vpu->debugfs, + core, + &vpu_dbg_core_fops); + if (!core->debugfs) { + vpu_err("vpu create debugfs %s fail\n", name); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + if (!core->debugfs_fwlog) { + scnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "fwlog.%d", core->id); + core->debugfs_fwlog = debugfs_create_file((const char *)name, + VERIFY_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS(0444), + vpu->debugfs, + core, + &vpu_dbg_fwlog_fops); + if (!core->debugfs_fwlog) { + vpu_err("vpu create debugfs %s fail\n", name); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_core_remove_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (!core) + return 0; + debugfs_remove(core->debugfs); + core->debugfs = NULL; + debugfs_remove(core->debugfs_fwlog); + core->debugfs_fwlog = NULL; + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_inst_record_flow(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 flow) +{ + if (!inst) + return; + + inst->flows[inst->flow_idx] = flow; + inst->flow_idx = (inst->flow_idx + 1) % (ARRAY_SIZE(inst->flows)); +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_defs.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_defs.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..308f461486c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_defs.h @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_DEFS_H +#define _IMX_VPU_DEFS_H + +enum MSG_TYPE { + INIT_DONE = 1, + PRC_BUF_OFFSET, + BOOT_ADDRESS, + COMMAND, + EVENT, +}; + +enum { + VPU_IRQ_CODE_BOOT_DONE = 0x55, + VPU_IRQ_CODE_SNAPSHOT_DONE = 0xa5, + VPU_IRQ_CODE_SYNC = 0xaa, +}; + +enum { + VPU_CMD_ID_NOOP = 0x0, + VPU_CMD_ID_CONFIGURE_CODEC, + VPU_CMD_ID_START, + VPU_CMD_ID_STOP, + VPU_CMD_ID_ABORT, + VPU_CMD_ID_RST_BUF, + VPU_CMD_ID_SNAPSHOT, + VPU_CMD_ID_FIRM_RESET, + VPU_CMD_ID_UPDATE_PARAMETER, + VPU_CMD_ID_FRAME_ENCODE, + VPU_CMD_ID_SKIP, + VPU_CMD_ID_PARSE_NEXT_SEQ, + VPU_CMD_ID_PARSE_NEXT_I, + VPU_CMD_ID_PARSE_NEXT_IP, + VPU_CMD_ID_PARSE_NEXT_ANY, + VPU_CMD_ID_DEC_PIC, + VPU_CMD_ID_FS_ALLOC, + VPU_CMD_ID_FS_RELEASE, + VPU_CMD_ID_TIMESTAMP, + VPU_CMD_ID_DEBUG +}; + +enum { + VPU_MSG_ID_NOOP = 0x100, + VPU_MSG_ID_RESET_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_START_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_STOP_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_ABORT_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_BUF_RST, + VPU_MSG_ID_MEM_REQUEST, + VPU_MSG_ID_PARAM_UPD_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_INPUT_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_ENC_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_DEC_DONE, + VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ, + VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE, + VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND, + VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE, + VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_HDR_FOUND, + VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_DECODED, + VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS, + VPU_MSG_ID_FIFO_LOW, + VPU_MSG_ID_FIFO_HIGH, + VPU_MSG_ID_FIFO_EMPTY, + VPU_MSG_ID_FIFO_FULL, + VPU_MSG_ID_BS_ERROR, + VPU_MSG_ID_UNSUPPORTED, + VPU_MSG_ID_TIMESTAMP_INFO, + + VPU_MSG_ID_FIRMWARE_XCPT, +}; + +enum VPU_ENC_MEMORY_RESOURSE { + MEM_RES_ENC, + MEM_RES_REF, + MEM_RES_ACT +}; + +enum VPU_DEC_MEMORY_RESOURCE { + MEM_RES_FRAME, + MEM_RES_MBI, + MEM_RES_DCP +}; + +enum VPU_SCODE_TYPE { + SCODE_PADDING_EOS = 1, + SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH = 2, + SCODE_PADDING_ABORT = 3, + SCODE_SEQUENCE = 0x31, + SCODE_PICTURE = 0x32, + SCODE_SLICE = 0x33 +}; + +struct vpu_pkt_mem_req_data { + u32 enc_frame_size; + u32 enc_frame_num; + u32 ref_frame_size; + u32 ref_frame_num; + u32 act_buf_size; + u32 act_buf_num; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_pic_info { + u32 frame_id; + u32 pic_type; + u32 skipped_frame; + u32 error_flag; + u32 psnr; + u32 frame_size; + u32 wptr; + u32 crc; + s64 timestamp; +}; + +struct vpu_dec_codec_info { + u32 pixfmt; + u32 num_ref_frms; + u32 num_dpb_frms; + u32 num_dfe_area; + u32 color_primaries; + u32 transfer_chars; + u32 matrix_coeffs; + u32 full_range; + u32 vui_present; + u32 progressive; + u32 width; + u32 height; + u32 decoded_width; + u32 decoded_height; + u32 frame_rate; + u32 dsp_asp_ratio; + u32 level_idc; + u32 bit_depth_luma; + u32 bit_depth_chroma; + u32 chroma_fmt; + u32 mvc_num_views; + u32 offset_x; + u32 offset_y; + u32 tag; + u32 sizeimage[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES]; + u32 bytesperline[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES]; + u32 mbi_size; + u32 dcp_size; +}; + +struct vpu_dec_pic_info { + u32 id; + u32 luma; + u32 start; + u32 end; + u32 pic_size; + u32 stride; + u32 skipped; + s64 timestamp; + u32 consumed_count; +}; + +struct vpu_fs_info { + u32 id; + u32 type; + u32 tag; + u32 luma_addr; + u32 luma_size; + u32 chroma_addr; + u32 chromau_size; + u32 chromav_addr; + u32 chromav_size; + u32 bytesperline; + u32 not_displayed; +}; + +struct vpu_ts_info { + s64 timestamp; + u32 size; +}; + +#define BITRATE_STEP (1024) +#define BITRATE_MIN (16 * BITRATE_STEP) +#define BITRATE_MAX (240 * 1024 * BITRATE_STEP) +#define BITRATE_DEFAULT (2 * 1024 * BITRATE_STEP) + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dev_imx8q.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dev_imx8q.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e88b0693ea8e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_dev_imx8q.c @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" + +int vpu_imx8q_setup_dec(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + const off_t offset = DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE + MFD_BLK_CTRL; + + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE_SET, 0x1f); + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_RESET_SET, 0xffffffff); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_imx8q_setup_enc(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + return 0; +} + +int vpu_imx8q_setup(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + const off_t offset = SCB_XREG_SLV_BASE + SCB_SCB_BLK_CTRL; + u32 read_data; + + read_data = vpu_readl(vpu, offset + 0x108); + + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + SCB_BLK_CTRL_SCB_CLK_ENABLE_SET, 0x1); + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + 0x190, 0xffffffff); + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + SCB_BLK_CTRL_XMEM_RESET_SET, 0xffffffff); + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + SCB_BLK_CTRL_SCB_CLK_ENABLE_SET, 0xE); + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + SCB_BLK_CTRL_CACHE_RESET_SET, 0x7); + vpu_writel(vpu, XMEM_CONTROL, 0x102); + + read_data = vpu_readl(vpu, offset + 0x108); + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_imx8q_reset_enc(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_imx8q_reset_dec(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + const off_t offset = DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE + MFD_BLK_CTRL; + + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_RESET_CLR, 0xffffffff); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_imx8q_reset(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + const off_t offset = SCB_XREG_SLV_BASE + SCB_SCB_BLK_CTRL; + + vpu_writel(vpu, offset + SCB_BLK_CTRL_CACHE_RESET_CLR, 0x7); + vpu_imx8q_reset_enc(vpu); + vpu_imx8q_reset_dec(vpu); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_drv.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_drv.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..acc69899a828 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_drv.c @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" + +void vpu_writel(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 reg, u32 val) +{ + writel(val, vpu->base + reg); +} + +u32 vpu_readl(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 reg) +{ + return readl(vpu->base + reg); +} + +static void vpu_dev_get(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + if (atomic_inc_return(&vpu->ref_vpu) == 1 && vpu->res->setup) + vpu->res->setup(vpu); +} + +static void vpu_dev_put(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + atomic_dec(&vpu->ref_vpu); +} + +static void vpu_enc_get(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + if (atomic_inc_return(&vpu->ref_enc) == 1 && vpu->res->setup_encoder) + vpu->res->setup_encoder(vpu); +} + +static void vpu_enc_put(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + atomic_dec(&vpu->ref_enc); +} + +static void vpu_dec_get(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + if (atomic_inc_return(&vpu->ref_dec) == 1 && vpu->res->setup_decoder) + vpu->res->setup_decoder(vpu); +} + +static void vpu_dec_put(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + atomic_dec(&vpu->ref_dec); +} + +static void vpu_init_reserved_memory(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + struct device_node *node; + struct resource res; + int ret; + + if (!vpu || !vpu->dev) + return; + + node = of_parse_phandle(vpu->dev->of_node, "memory-region", 0); + if (!node) + return; + if (of_address_to_resource(node, 0, &res)) + return; + + ret = of_reserved_mem_device_init(vpu->dev); + if (ret) { + pr_err("vpu declare reserved dma fail, ret = %d\n", ret); + return; + } + vpu->memory.phys = res.start; + vpu->memory.length = resource_size(&res); +} + +static int vpu_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + struct resource *r; + int ret; + + vpu = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*vpu), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!vpu) + return -ENOMEM; + + vpu->pdev = pdev; + vpu->dev = dev; + mutex_init(&vpu->lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vpu->cores); + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, vpu); + atomic_set(&vpu->ref_vpu, 0); + atomic_set(&vpu->ref_enc, 0); + atomic_set(&vpu->ref_dec, 0); + vpu->get_vpu = vpu_dev_get; + vpu->put_vpu = vpu_dev_put; + vpu->get_enc = vpu_enc_get; + vpu->put_enc = vpu_enc_put; + vpu->get_dec = vpu_dec_get; + vpu->put_dec = vpu_dec_put; + + r = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); + vpu->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, r); + if (IS_ERR(vpu->base)) + return PTR_ERR(vpu->base); + + vpu->res = of_device_get_match_data(dev); + if (!vpu->res) + return -ENODEV; + + vpu_init_reserved_memory(vpu); + + pm_runtime_enable(dev); + ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + if (ret) + goto err_runtime_disable; + + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + + ret = v4l2_device_register(dev, &vpu->v4l2_dev); + if (ret) + goto err_vpu_deinit; + + vpu->debugfs = debugfs_create_dir("vpu-8q", NULL); + + return 0; + +err_vpu_deinit: +err_runtime_disable: + pm_runtime_set_suspended(dev); + pm_runtime_disable(dev); + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + int ret; + + ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + WARN_ON(ret < 0); + + debugfs_remove_recursive(vpu->debugfs); + vpu->debugfs = NULL; + + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + pm_runtime_disable(dev); + + v4l2_device_unregister(&vpu->v4l2_dev); + mutex_destroy(&vpu->lock); + + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_runtime_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + return 0; +} + +static const struct dev_pm_ops vpu_pm_ops = { + SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(vpu_runtime_suspend, vpu_runtime_resume, NULL) + SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(vpu_suspend, vpu_resume) +}; + +struct vpu_resources imx8qxp_res = { + .plat_type = IMX8QXP, + .mreg_base = 0x40000000, + .setup = vpu_imx8q_setup, + .setup_encoder = vpu_imx8q_setup_enc, + .setup_decoder = vpu_imx8q_setup_dec, + .reset = vpu_imx8q_reset +}; + +struct vpu_resources imx8qm_res = { + .plat_type = IMX8QM, + .mreg_base = 0x40000000, + .setup = vpu_imx8q_setup, + .setup_encoder = vpu_imx8q_setup_enc, + .setup_decoder = vpu_imx8q_setup_dec, + .reset = vpu_imx8q_reset +}; + +static const struct of_device_id vpu_dt_match[] = { + { .compatible = "nxp,imx8qxp-vpu", .data = &imx8qxp_res }, + { .compatible = "nxp,imx8qm-vpu", .data = &imx8qm_res }, + {} +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, vpu_dt_match); + +static struct platform_driver imx_vpu_driver = { + .probe = vpu_probe, + .remove = vpu_remove, + .driver = { + .name = "imx-vpu", + .of_match_table = vpu_dt_match, + .pm = &vpu_pm_ops, + }, +}; +module_platform_driver(imx_vpu_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Freescale Semiconductor, Inc."); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Linux VPU driver for Freescale i.MX/MXC"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c21da2f26163 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.c @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "HELPER" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +int vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(const u8 *array, u32 size, u32 x) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + if (array[i] == x) + return i; + } + + return 0; +} + +bool vpu_helper_check_type(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + const struct vpu_format *pfmt; + + for (pfmt = inst->formats; pfmt->pixfmt; pfmt++) { + if (vpu_core_check_fmt(inst->core, pfmt->pixfmt)) + continue; + if (pfmt->type == type) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_find_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + const struct vpu_format *pfmt; + + if (!inst || !inst->formats) + return NULL; + + if (vpu_core_check_fmt(inst->core, pixelfmt)) + return NULL; + + for (pfmt = inst->formats; pfmt->pixfmt; pfmt++) { + if (vpu_core_check_fmt(inst->core, pfmt->pixfmt)) + continue; + + if (pfmt->pixfmt == pixelfmt && (!type || type == pfmt->type)) + return pfmt; + } + + return NULL; +} + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_enum_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, int index) +{ + const struct vpu_format *pfmt; + int i = 0; + + if (!inst || !inst->formats) + return NULL; + + for (pfmt = inst->formats; pfmt->pixfmt; pfmt++) { + if (vpu_core_check_fmt(inst->core, pfmt->pixfmt)) + continue; + + if (pfmt->type == type) { + if (index == i) + return pfmt; + i++; + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_width(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 width) +{ + const struct vpu_core_resources *res; + + if (!inst || !inst->core || !inst->core->res) + return width; + + res = inst->core->res; + if (res->max_width) + width = clamp(width, res->min_width, res->max_width); + if (res->step_width) + width = ALIGN(width, res->step_width); + + return width; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_height(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 height) +{ + const struct vpu_core_resources *res; + + if (!inst || !inst->core || !inst->core->res) + return height; + + res = inst->core->res; + if (res->max_height) + height = clamp(height, res->min_height, res->max_height); + if (res->step_height) + height = ALIGN(height, res->step_height); + + return height; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_frame_size(u32 fmt, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + switch (fmt) { + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12: + return ((width * 3) >> 1) * height; + default: + return width * height; + } +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_plane_size(u32 fmt, u32 width, u32 height, int plane_no, u32 stride) +{ + width = ALIGN(width, stride); + + switch (fmt) { + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12: + if (plane_no == 0) + return width * height; + else if (plane_no == 1) + return (width >> 1) * height; + else + return 0; + default: + if (plane_no == 0) + return width * height; + else + return 0; + } +} + +u32 vpu_helper_copy_from_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *rptr, u32 size, void *dst) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 start; + u32 end; + void *virt; + + if (!stream_buffer || !rptr || !dst) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + offset = *rptr; + start = stream_buffer->phys; + end = start + stream_buffer->length; + virt = stream_buffer->virt; + + if (offset < start || offset > end) { + vpu_err("rptr 0x%x is out of range [0x%x, 0x%x]\n", + offset, start, end); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (offset + size <= end) { + memcpy(dst, virt + (offset - start), size); + } else { + memcpy(dst, virt + (offset - start), end - offset); + memcpy(dst + end - offset, virt, size + offset - end); + } + + *rptr = vpu_helper_step_walk(stream_buffer, offset, size); + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u32 size, void *src) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 start; + u32 end; + void *virt; + + if (!stream_buffer || !wptr || !src) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + offset = *wptr; + start = stream_buffer->phys; + end = start + stream_buffer->length; + virt = stream_buffer->virt; + if (offset < start || offset > end) { + vpu_err("wptr 0x%x is out of range [0x%x, 0x%x]\n", + offset, start, end); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (offset + size <= end) { + memcpy(virt + (offset - start), src, size); + } else { + memcpy(virt + (offset - start), src, end - offset); + memcpy(virt, src + end - offset, size + offset - end); + } + + *wptr = vpu_helper_step_walk(stream_buffer, offset, size); + + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u8 val, u32 size) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 start; + u32 end; + void *virt; + + if (!stream_buffer || !wptr) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + offset = *wptr; + start = stream_buffer->phys; + end = start + stream_buffer->length; + virt = stream_buffer->virt; + if (offset < start || offset > end) { + vpu_err("wptr 0x%x is out of range [0x%x, 0x%x]\n", + offset, start, end); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (offset + size <= end) { + memset(virt + (offset - start), val, size); + } else { + memset(virt + (offset - start), val, end - offset); + memset(virt, val, size + offset - end); + } + + offset += size; + if (offset >= end) + offset -= stream_buffer->length; + + *wptr = offset; + + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_free_space(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + + if (vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc)) + return 0; + + if (desc.rptr > desc.wptr) + return desc.rptr - desc.wptr; + else if (desc.rptr < desc.wptr) + return (desc.end - desc.start + desc.rptr - desc.wptr); + else + return desc.end - desc.start; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_used_space(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + + if (vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc)) + return 0; + + if (desc.wptr > desc.rptr) + return desc.wptr - desc.rptr; + else if (desc.wptr < desc.rptr) + return (desc.end - desc.start + desc.wptr - desc.rptr); + else + return 0; +} + +int vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = ctrl_to_inst(ctrl); + + switch (ctrl->id) { + case V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_CAPTURE: + ctrl->val = inst->min_buffer_cap; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_OUTPUT: + ctrl->val = inst->min_buffer_out; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_calc_coprime(u32 *a, u32 *b) +{ + int m = *a; + int n = *b; + + if (m == 0) + return n; + if (n == 0) + return m; + + while (n != 0) { + int tmp = m % n; + + m = n; + n = tmp; + } + *a = (*a) / m; + *b = (*b) / m; + + return m; +} + +#define READ_BYTE(buffer, pos) (*(u8 *)((buffer)->virt + ((pos) % buffer->length))) +int vpu_helper_find_startcode(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, u32 offset, u32 bytesused) +{ + u32 start_code; + int start_code_size; + u32 val = 0; + int i; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + if (!stream_buffer || !stream_buffer->virt) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (pixelformat) { + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264: + start_code_size = 4; + start_code = 0x00000001; + break; + default: + return 0; + } + + for (i = 0; i < bytesused; i++) { + val = (val << 8) | READ_BYTE(stream_buffer, offset + i); + if (i < start_code_size - 1) + continue; + if (val == start_code) { + ret = i + 1 - start_code_size; + break; + } + } + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_find_dst_by_src(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 src) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!pairs || !cnt) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + if (pairs[i].src == src) + return pairs[i].dst; + } + + return -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_find_src_by_dst(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 dst) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!pairs || !cnt) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + if (pairs[i].dst == dst) + return pairs[i].src; + } + + return -EINVAL; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f0acda8522c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_helpers.h @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_HELPERS_H +#define _IMX_VPU_HELPERS_H + +struct vpu_pair { + u32 src; + u32 dst; +}; + +#define MAKE_TIMESTAMP(s, ns) (((s32)(s) * NSEC_PER_SEC) + (ns)) +#define VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP MAKE_TIMESTAMP(-1, 0) +#define VPU_ARRAY_AT(array, i) (((i) < ARRAY_SIZE(array)) ? array[i] : 0) +#define VPU_ARRAY_FIND(array, x) vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(array, ARRAY_SIZE(array), x) + +int vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(const u8 *array, u32 size, u32 x); +bool vpu_helper_check_type(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_find_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 pixelfmt); +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_enum_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, int index); +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_width(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 width); +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_height(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 height); +u32 vpu_helper_get_frame_size(u32 fmt, u32 width, u32 height); +u32 vpu_helper_get_plane_size(u32 fmt, u32 width, u32 height, int plane_no, u32 stride); +u32 vpu_helper_copy_from_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *rptr, u32 size, void *dst); +u32 vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u32 size, void *src); +u32 vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u8 val, u32 size); +u32 vpu_helper_get_free_space(struct vpu_inst *inst); +u32 vpu_helper_get_used_space(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl); +u32 vpu_helper_calc_coprime(u32 *a, u32 *b); +void vpu_helper_get_kmp_next(const u8 *pattern, int *next, int size); +int vpu_helper_kmp_search(u8 *s, int s_len, const u8 *p, int p_len, int *next); +int vpu_helper_kmp_search_in_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 offset, int bytesused, + const u8 *p, int p_len, int *next); +int vpu_helper_find_startcode(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, u32 offset, u32 bytesused); + +static inline u32 vpu_helper_step_walk(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, u32 pos, u32 step) +{ + pos += step; + if (pos > stream_buffer->phys + stream_buffer->length) + pos -= stream_buffer->length; + + return pos; +} + +int vpu_color_check_primaries(u32 primaries); +int vpu_color_check_transfers(u32 transfers); +int vpu_color_check_matrix(u32 matrix); +int vpu_color_check_full_range(u32 full_range); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(u32 primaries); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_i2v(u32 primaries); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(u32 transfers); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_i2v(u32 transfers); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(u32 matrix); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_i2v(u32 matrix); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_v2i(u32 full_range); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_i2v(u32 full_range); +int vpu_color_get_default(u32 primaries, + u32 *ptransfers, u32 *pmatrix, u32 *pfull_range); + +int vpu_find_dst_by_src(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 src); +int vpu_find_src_by_dst(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 dst); +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ee1ed1b02256 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.c @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "IMX8Q" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +#define IMX8Q_CSR_CM0Px_ADDR_OFFSET 0x00000000 +#define IMX8Q_CSR_CM0Px_CPUWAIT 0x00000004 + +#ifdef CONFIG_IMX_SCU +#include +#include + +#define VPU_DISABLE_BITS 0x7 +#define VPU_IMX_DECODER_FUSE_OFFSET 14 +#define VPU_ENCODER_MASK 0x1 +#define VPU_DECODER_MASK 0x3UL +#define VPU_DECODER_H264_MASK 0x2UL +#define VPU_DECODER_HEVC_MASK 0x1UL + +static u32 imx8q_fuse; + +struct vpu_sc_msg_misc { + struct imx_sc_rpc_msg hdr; + u32 word; +} __packed; +#endif + +int vpu_imx8q_set_system_cfg_common(struct vpu_rpc_system_config *config, + u32 regs, u32 core_id) +{ + if (!config) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (core_id) { + case 0: + config->malone_base_addr[0] = regs + DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE; + config->num_malones = 1; + config->num_windsors = 0; + break; + case 1: + config->windsor_base_addr[0] = regs + ENC_MFD_XREG_SLV_0_BASE; + config->num_windsors = 1; + config->num_malones = 0; + break; + case 2: + config->windsor_base_addr[0] = regs + ENC_MFD_XREG_SLV_1_BASE; + config->num_windsors = 1; + config->num_malones = 0; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + if (config->num_windsors) { + config->windsor_irq_pin[0x0][0x0] = WINDSOR_PAL_IRQ_PIN_L; + config->windsor_irq_pin[0x0][0x1] = WINDSOR_PAL_IRQ_PIN_H; + } + + config->malone_base_addr[0x1] = 0x0; + config->hif_offset[0x0] = MFD_HIF; + config->hif_offset[0x1] = 0x0; + + config->dpv_base_addr = 0x0; + config->dpv_irq_pin = 0x0; + config->pixif_base_addr = regs + DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE + MFD_PIX_IF; + config->cache_base_addr[0] = regs + MC_CACHE_0_BASE; + config->cache_base_addr[1] = regs + MC_CACHE_1_BASE; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_imx8q_boot_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + csr_writel(core, IMX8Q_CSR_CM0Px_ADDR_OFFSET, core->fw.phys); + csr_writel(core, IMX8Q_CSR_CM0Px_CPUWAIT, 0); + return 0; +} + +int vpu_imx8q_get_power_state(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (csr_readl(core, IMX8Q_CSR_CM0Px_CPUWAIT) == 1) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +int vpu_imx8q_on_firmware_loaded(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + u8 *p; + + p = core->fw.virt; + p[16] = core->vpu->res->plat_type; + p[17] = core->id; + p[18] = 1; + + return 0; +} + +u32 vpu_imx8q_check_memory_region(dma_addr_t base, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size) +{ + const struct vpu_rpc_region_t imx8q_regions[] = { + {0x00000000, 0x08000000, VPU_CORE_MEMORY_CACHED}, + {0x08000000, 0x10000000, VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED}, + {0x10000000, 0x20000000, VPU_CORE_MEMORY_CACHED}, + {0x20000000, 0x40000000, VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED} + }; + int i; + + if (addr < base) + return VPU_CORE_MEMORY_INVALID; + + addr -= base; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(imx8q_regions); i++) { + const struct vpu_rpc_region_t *region = &imx8q_regions[i]; + + if (addr >= region->start && addr + size < region->end) + return region->type; + } + + return VPU_CORE_MEMORY_INVALID; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_IMX_SCU +u32 vpu_imx8q_get_fuse(void) +{ + static u32 fuse_got; + struct imx_sc_ipc *ipc; + struct vpu_sc_msg_misc msg; + struct imx_sc_rpc_msg *hdr = &msg.hdr; + int ret; + + if (fuse_got) + return imx8q_fuse; + + ret = imx_scu_get_handle(&ipc); + if (ret) { + vpu_err("error: scu get handle fail: %d\n", ret); + return 0; + } + + hdr->ver = IMX_SC_RPC_VERSION; + hdr->svc = IMX_SC_RPC_SVC_MISC; + hdr->func = IMX_SC_MISC_FUNC_OTP_FUSE_READ; + hdr->size = 2; + + msg.word = VPU_DISABLE_BITS; + + ret = imx_scu_call_rpc(ipc, &msg, true); + if (ret) + return 0; + + imx8q_fuse = msg.word; + fuse_got = 1; + vpu_dbg(LVL_INFO, "imx8q fuse = 0x%x\n", imx8q_fuse); + return imx8q_fuse; +} + +bool vpu_imx8q_check_codec(enum vpu_core_type type) +{ + u32 fuse = vpu_imx8q_get_fuse(); + + if (type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) { + if (fuse & VPU_ENCODER_MASK) + return false; + } else if (type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) { + fuse >>= VPU_IMX_DECODER_FUSE_OFFSET; + fuse &= VPU_DECODER_MASK; + + if (fuse == VPU_DECODER_MASK) + return false; + } + return true; +} + +bool vpu_imx8q_check_fmt(enum vpu_core_type type, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + u32 fuse = vpu_imx8q_get_fuse(); + + if (type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) { + fuse >>= VPU_IMX_DECODER_FUSE_OFFSET; + fuse &= VPU_DECODER_MASK; + + if (fuse == VPU_DECODER_HEVC_MASK && pixelfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC) + return false; + if (fuse == VPU_DECODER_H264_MASK && pixelfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264) + return false; + if (fuse == VPU_DECODER_MASK) + return false; + } + + return true; +} +#else +bool vpu_imx8q_check_codec(enum vpu_core_type type) +{ + return true; +} + +bool vpu_imx8q_check_fmt(enum vpu_core_type type, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + return true; +} +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dfbce235641c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_imx8q.h @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_8Q_H +#define _IMX_VPU_8Q_H + +#define SCB_XREG_SLV_BASE 0x00000000 +#define SCB_SCB_BLK_CTRL 0x00070000 +#define SCB_BLK_CTRL_XMEM_RESET_SET 0x00000090 +#define SCB_BLK_CTRL_CACHE_RESET_SET 0x000000A0 +#define SCB_BLK_CTRL_CACHE_RESET_CLR 0x000000A4 +#define SCB_BLK_CTRL_SCB_CLK_ENABLE_SET 0x00000100 + +#define XMEM_CONTROL 0x00041000 + +#define MC_CACHE_0_BASE 0x00060000 +#define MC_CACHE_1_BASE 0x00068000 + +#define DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE 0x00180000 +#define ENC_MFD_XREG_SLV_0_BASE 0x00800000 +#define ENC_MFD_XREG_SLV_1_BASE 0x00A00000 + +#define MFD_HIF 0x0001C000 +#define MFD_HIF_MSD_REG_INTERRUPT_STATUS 0x00000018 +#define MFD_SIF 0x0001D000 +#define MFD_SIF_CTRL_STATUS 0x000000F0 +#define MFD_SIF_INTR_STATUS 0x000000F4 +#define MFD_MCX 0x00020800 +#define MFD_MCX_OFF 0x00000020 +#define MFD_PIX_IF 0x00020000 + +#define MFD_BLK_CTRL 0x00030000 +#define MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_RESET_SET 0x00000000 +#define MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_RESET_CLR 0x00000004 +#define MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE_SET 0x00000100 +#define MFD_BLK_CTRL_MFD_SYS_CLOCK_ENABLE_CLR 0x00000104 + +#define VID_API_NUM_STREAMS 8 +#define VID_API_MAX_BUF_PER_STR 3 +#define VID_API_MAX_NUM_MVC_VIEWS 4 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONES 2 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONE_IRQ_PINS 2 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSORS 1 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSOR_IRQ_PINS 2 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_CMD_IRQ_PINS 2 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MSG_IRQ_PINS 1 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_TIMER_IRQ_PINS 4 +#define MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_TIMER_IRQ_SLOTS 4 + +#define WINDSOR_PAL_IRQ_PIN_L 0x4 +#define WINDSOR_PAL_IRQ_PIN_H 0x5 + +struct vpu_rpc_system_config { + u32 cfg_cookie; + + u32 num_malones; + u32 malone_base_addr[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONES]; + u32 hif_offset[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONES]; + u32 malone_irq_pin[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONES][MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONE_IRQ_PINS]; + u32 malone_irq_target[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONES][MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MALONE_IRQ_PINS]; + + u32 num_windsors; + u32 windsor_base_addr[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSORS]; + u32 windsor_irq_pin[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSORS][MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSOR_IRQ_PINS]; + u32 windsor_irq_target[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSORS][MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_WINDSOR_IRQ_PINS]; + + u32 cmd_irq_pin[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_CMD_IRQ_PINS]; + u32 cmd_irq_target[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_CMD_IRQ_PINS]; + + u32 msg_irq_pin[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MSG_IRQ_PINS]; + u32 msg_irq_target[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_MSG_IRQ_PINS]; + + u32 sys_clk_freq; + u32 num_timers; + u32 timer_base_addr; + u32 timer_irq_pin[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_TIMER_IRQ_PINS]; + u32 timer_irq_target[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_TIMER_IRQ_PINS]; + u32 timer_slots[MEDIAIP_MAX_NUM_TIMER_IRQ_SLOTS]; + + u32 gic_base_addr; + u32 uart_base_addr; + + u32 dpv_base_addr; + u32 dpv_irq_pin; + u32 dpv_irq_target; + + u32 pixif_base_addr; + + u32 pal_trace_level; + u32 pal_trace_destination; + + u32 pal_trace_level1; + u32 pal_trace_destination1; + + u32 uHeapBase; + u32 uHeapSize; + + u32 cache_base_addr[2]; +}; + +int vpu_imx8q_setup_dec(struct vpu_dev *vpu); +int vpu_imx8q_setup_enc(struct vpu_dev *vpu); +int vpu_imx8q_setup(struct vpu_dev *vpu); +int vpu_imx8q_reset(struct vpu_dev *vpu); +int vpu_imx8q_set_system_cfg_common(struct vpu_rpc_system_config *config, + u32 regs, u32 core_id); +int vpu_imx8q_boot_core(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_imx8q_get_power_state(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_imx8q_on_firmware_loaded(struct vpu_core *core); +u32 vpu_imx8q_check_memory_region(dma_addr_t base, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size); +bool vpu_imx8q_check_codec(enum vpu_core_type type); +bool vpu_imx8q_check_fmt(enum vpu_core_type type, u32 pixelfmt); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_log.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_log.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c889ba7bd624 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_log.h @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_LOG_H +#define _IMX_VPU_LOG_H + +#define LVL_ERR (1 << 0) +#define LVL_WARN (1 << 1) +#define LVL_INFO (1 << 2) +#define LVL_DEBUG (1 << 3) +#define LVL_IRQ (1 << 4) +#define LVL_CMD (1 << 5) +#define LVL_EVT (1 << 6) +#define LVL_CTRL (1 << 7) +#define LVL_TS (1 << 8) +#define LVL_FLOW (1 << 13) + +extern unsigned int vpu_dbg_level; + +#ifdef TAG +#define vpu_dbg(level, fmt, arg...) \ + do { \ + if ((vpu_dbg_level & (level)) || ((level) & LVL_ERR)) \ + pr_info("[VPU "TAG"]"fmt, ## arg); \ + } while (0) +#else +#define vpu_dbg(level, fmt, arg...) \ + do { \ + if ((vpu_dbg_level & (level)) || ((level) & LVL_ERR)) \ + pr_info("[VPU]"fmt, ## arg); \ + } while (0) +#endif + +#define vpu_err(fmt, arg...) vpu_dbg(LVL_ERR, fmt, ##arg) +#define inst_dbg(inst, level, fmt, arg...) \ + vpu_dbg(level, "[%d:%d] "fmt, inst->core->id, inst->id, ## arg) +#define inst_err(inst, fmt, arg...) inst_dbg(inst, LVL_ERR, fmt, ## arg) +#define core_dbg(core, level, fmt, arg...) \ + vpu_dbg(level, "[%d] %s "fmt, core->id, vpu_core_type_desc(core->type), ## arg) +#define core_err(core, fmt, arg...) core_dbg(core, LVL_ERR, fmt, ## arg) + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..be67b491494f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c @@ -0,0 +1,1744 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "MALONE" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" +#include "vpu_malone.h" + +#define CMD_SIZE 25600 +#define MSG_SIZE 25600 +#define CODEC_SIZE 0x1000 +#define JPEG_SIZE 0x1000 +#define SEQ_SIZE 0x1000 +#define GOP_SIZE 0x1000 +#define PIC_SIZE 0x1000 +#define QMETER_SIZE 0x1000 +#define DBGLOG_SIZE 0x10000 +#define DEBUG_SIZE 0x80000 +#define ENG_SIZE 0x1000 +#define MALONE_SKIPPED_FRAME_ID 0x555 + +#define MALONE_TILE_W 8 +#define MALONE_TILE_H 128 +#define MALONE_ALIGN_W (MALONE_TILE_W * 1) +#define MALONE_ALIGN_H (MALONE_TILE_H * 2) +#define MALONE_ALIGN_LINE (256) +#define MALONE_ALIGN_MBI 0x800 +#define MALONE_DCP_CHUNK_BIT 16 +#define MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MAX 0x3000000 +#define MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MIN 0x100000 +#define MALONE_DCP_FIXED_MB_ALLOC 250 + +#define CONFIG_SET(val, cfg, pos, mask) \ + (*(cfg) |= (((val) << (pos)) & (mask))) +//x means source data , y means destination data +#define STREAM_CONFIG_FORMAT_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 0, 0x0000000F) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_STRBUFIDX_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 8, 0x00000300) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_NOSEQ_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 10, 0x00000400) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_DEBLOCK_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 11, 0x00000800) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_DERING_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 12, 0x00001000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_IBWAIT_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 13, 0x00002000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_FBC_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 14, 0x00004000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_PLAY_MODE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 16, 0x00030000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_ENABLE_DCP_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 20, 0x00100000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_STR_BUF_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 21, 0x00600000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_MALONE_USAGE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 23, 0x01800000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_MULTI_VID_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 25, 0x02000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_OBFUSC_EN_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 26, 0x04000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_RC4_EN_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 27, 0x08000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_MCX_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 28, 0x10000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_PES_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 29, 0x20000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_DBE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 30, 0x40000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_FS_CTRL_MODE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 31, 0x80000000) + +enum vpu_malone_stream_input_mode { + INVALID_MODE = 0, + FRAME_LVL, + NON_FRAME_LVL +}; + +enum vpu_malone_format { + MALONE_FMT_NULL = 0x0, + MALONE_FMT_AVC = 0x1, + MALONE_FMT_MP2 = 0x2, + MALONE_FMT_VC1 = 0x3, + MALONE_FMT_AVS = 0x4, + MALONE_FMT_ASP = 0x5, + MALONE_FMT_JPG = 0x6, + MALONE_FMT_RV = 0x7, + MALONE_FMT_VP6 = 0x8, + MALONE_FMT_SPK = 0x9, + MALONE_FMT_VP8 = 0xA, + MALONE_FMT_HEVC = 0xB, + MALONE_FMT_LAST = MALONE_FMT_HEVC +}; + +enum { + VID_API_CMD_NULL = 0x00, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_SEQ = 0x01, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_I = 0x02, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_IP = 0x03, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_ANY = 0x04, + VID_API_CMD_DEC_PIC = 0x05, + VID_API_CMD_UPDATE_ES_WR_PTR = 0x06, + VID_API_CMD_UPDATE_ES_RD_PTR = 0x07, + VID_API_CMD_UPDATE_UDATA = 0x08, + VID_API_CMD_GET_FSINFO = 0x09, + VID_API_CMD_SKIP_PIC = 0x0a, + VID_API_CMD_DEC_CHUNK = 0x0b, + VID_API_CMD_START = 0x10, + VID_API_CMD_STOP = 0x11, + VID_API_CMD_ABORT = 0x12, + VID_API_CMD_RST_BUF = 0x13, + VID_API_CMD_FS_RELEASE = 0x15, + VID_API_CMD_MEM_REGION_ATTACH = 0x16, + VID_API_CMD_MEM_REGION_DETACH = 0x17, + VID_API_CMD_MVC_VIEW_SELECT = 0x18, + VID_API_CMD_FS_ALLOC = 0x19, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_GET_STATUS = 0x1C, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_START_LOG = 0x1D, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_STOP_LOG = 0x1E, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_DUMP_LOG = 0x1F, + VID_API_CMD_YUV_READY = 0x20, + VID_API_CMD_TS = 0x21, + + VID_API_CMD_FIRM_RESET = 0x40, + + VID_API_CMD_SNAPSHOT = 0xAA, + VID_API_CMD_ROLL_SNAPSHOT = 0xAB, + VID_API_CMD_LOCK_SCHEDULER = 0xAC, + VID_API_CMD_UNLOCK_SCHEDULER = 0xAD, + VID_API_CMD_CQ_FIFO_DUMP = 0xAE, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_FIFO_DUMP = 0xAF, + VID_API_CMD_SVC_ILP = 0xBB, + VID_API_CMD_FW_STATUS = 0xF0, + VID_API_CMD_INVALID = 0xFF +}; + +enum { + VID_API_EVENT_NULL = 0x00, + VID_API_EVENT_RESET_DONE = 0x01, + VID_API_EVENT_SEQ_HDR_FOUND = 0x02, + VID_API_EVENT_PIC_HDR_FOUND = 0x03, + VID_API_EVENT_PIC_DECODED = 0x04, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_LOW = 0x05, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_HIGH = 0x06, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_EMPTY = 0x07, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_FULL = 0x08, + VID_API_EVENT_BS_ERROR = 0x09, + VID_API_EVENT_UDATA_FIFO_UPTD = 0x0A, + VID_API_EVENT_RES_CHANGE = 0x0B, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_OVF = 0x0C, + VID_API_EVENT_CHUNK_DECODED = 0x0D, + VID_API_EVENT_REQ_FRAME_BUFF = 0x10, + VID_API_EVENT_FRAME_BUFF_RDY = 0x11, + VID_API_EVENT_REL_FRAME_BUFF = 0x12, + VID_API_EVENT_STR_BUF_RST = 0x13, + VID_API_EVENT_RET_PING = 0x14, + VID_API_EVENT_QMETER = 0x15, + VID_API_EVENT_STR_FMT_CHANGE = 0x16, + VID_API_EVENT_FIRMWARE_XCPT = 0x17, + VID_API_EVENT_START_DONE = 0x18, + VID_API_EVENT_STOPPED = 0x19, + VID_API_EVENT_ABORT_DONE = 0x1A, + VID_API_EVENT_FINISHED = 0x1B, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_STAT_UPDATE = 0x1C, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_LOG_STARTED = 0x1D, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_LOG_STOPPED = 0x1E, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_LOG_UPDATED = 0x1F, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_MSG_DEC = 0x20, + VID_API_EVENT_DEC_SC_ERR = 0x21, + VID_API_EVENT_CQ_FIFO_DUMP = 0x22, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_FIFO_DUMP = 0x23, + VID_API_EVENT_DEC_CHECK_RES = 0x24, + VID_API_EVENT_DEC_CFG_INFO = 0x25, + VID_API_EVENT_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM = 0x26, + VID_API_EVENT_STR_SUSPENDED = 0x30, + VID_API_EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DONE = 0x40, + VID_API_EVENT_FW_STATUS = 0xF0, + VID_API_EVENT_INVALID = 0xFF +}; + +struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc { + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc buffer; + u32 low; + u32 high; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_str_buffer { + u32 wptr; + u32 rptr; + u32 start; + u32 end; + u32 lwm; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_picth_info { + u32 frame_pitch; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_table_desc { + u32 array_base; + u32 size; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_dbglog_desc { + u32 addr; + u32 size; + u32 level; + u32 reserved; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_frame_buffer { + u32 addr; + u32 size; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_udata { + u32 base; + u32 total_size; + u32 slot_size; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_buffer_info { + u32 stream_input_mode; + u32 stream_pic_input_count; + u32 stream_pic_parsed_count; + u32 stream_buffer_threshold; + u32 stream_pic_end_flag; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_encrypt_info { + u32 rec4key[8]; + u32 obfusc; +}; + +struct malone_iface { + u32 exec_base_addr; + u32 exec_area_size; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc cmd_buffer_desc; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc msg_buffer_desc; + u32 cmd_int_enable[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_picth_info stream_pitch_info[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 stream_config[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc codec_param_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc jpeg_param_tab_desc; + u32 stream_buffer_desc[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS][VID_API_MAX_BUF_PER_STR]; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc seq_info_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc pic_info_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc gop_info_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc qmeter_info_tab_desc; + u32 stream_error[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 fw_version; + u32 fw_offset; + u32 max_streams; + struct vpu_malone_dbglog_desc dbglog_desc; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc api_cmd_buffer_desc[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_udata udata_buffer[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc debug_buffer_desc; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc eng_access_buff_desc[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 encrypt_info[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_rpc_system_config system_cfg; + u32 api_version; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_info stream_buff_info[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; +}; + +struct malone_jpg_params { + u32 rotation_angle; + u32 horiz_scale_factor; + u32 vert_scale_factor; + u32 rotation_mode; + u32 rgb_mode; + u32 chunk_mode; /* 0 ~ 1 */ + u32 last_chunk; /* 0 ~ 1 */ + u32 chunk_rows; /* 0 ~ 255 */ + u32 num_bytes; + u32 jpg_crop_x; + u32 jpg_crop_y; + u32 jpg_crop_width; + u32 jpg_crop_height; + u32 jpg_mjpeg_mode; + u32 jpg_mjpeg_interlaced; +}; + +struct malone_codec_params { + u32 disp_imm; + u32 fourcc; + u32 codec_version; + u32 frame_rate; + u32 dbglog_enable; + u32 bsdma_lwm; + u32 bbd_coring; + u32 bbd_s_thr_row; + u32 bbd_p_thr_row; + u32 bbd_s_thr_logo_row; + u32 bbd_p_thr_logo_row; + u32 bbd_s_thr_col; + u32 bbd_p_thr_col; + u32 bbd_chr_thr_row; + u32 bbd_chr_thr_col; + u32 bbd_uv_mid_level; + u32 bbd_excl_win_mb_left; + u32 bbd_excl_win_mb_right; +}; + +struct malone_padding_scode { + u32 scode_type; + u32 pixelformat; + u32 data[2]; +}; + +struct malone_fmt_mapping { + u32 pixelformat; + enum vpu_malone_format malone_format; +}; + +struct malone_scode_t { + struct vpu_inst *inst; + struct vb2_buffer *vb; + u32 wptr; + u32 need_data; +}; + +struct malone_scode_handler { + u32 pixelformat; + int (*insert_scode_seq)(struct malone_scode_t *scode); + int (*insert_scode_pic)(struct malone_scode_t *scode); +}; + +struct vpu_dec_ctrl { + struct malone_codec_params *codec_param; + struct malone_jpg_params *jpg; + void *seq_mem; + void *pic_mem; + void *gop_mem; + void *qmeter_mem; + void *dbglog_mem; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 buf_addr[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; +}; + +u32 vpu_malone_get_data_size(void) +{ + return sizeof(struct vpu_dec_ctrl); +} + +void vpu_malone_init_rpc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + unsigned long base_phy_addr; + unsigned long phy_addr; + unsigned long offset; + unsigned int i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->priv); + WARN_ON(!rpc || !rpc->phys || !rpc->length || rpc->phys < boot_addr); + + iface = rpc->virt; + base_phy_addr = rpc->phys - boot_addr; + hc = shared->priv; + + shared->iface = iface; + shared->boot_addr = boot_addr; + + iface->exec_base_addr = base_phy_addr; + iface->exec_area_size = rpc->length; + + offset = sizeof(struct malone_iface); + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + shared->cmd_desc = &iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer; + shared->cmd_mem_vir = rpc->virt + offset; + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.start = + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.rptr = + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.wptr = phy_addr; + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.end = iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.start + CMD_SIZE; + offset += CMD_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + shared->msg_desc = &iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer; + shared->msg_mem_vir = rpc->virt + offset; + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.start = + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.wptr = + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.rptr = phy_addr; + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.end = iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.start + MSG_SIZE; + offset += MSG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->codec_param_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->codec_param = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += CODEC_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->jpeg_param_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->jpg = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += JPEG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->seq_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->seq_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += SEQ_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->pic_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->pic_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += PIC_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->gop_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->gop_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += GOP_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->qmeter_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->qmeter_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += QMETER_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->dbglog_desc.addr = phy_addr; + iface->dbglog_desc.size = DBGLOG_SIZE; + hc->dbglog_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += DBGLOG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + for (i = 0; i < VID_API_NUM_STREAMS; i++) { + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.start = + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.wptr = + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.rptr = phy_addr; + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.end = + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.start + ENG_SIZE; + offset += ENG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + } + + for (i = 0; i < VID_API_NUM_STREAMS; i++) { + iface->encrypt_info[i] = phy_addr; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_malone_encrypt_info); + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + } + + rpc->bytesused = offset; +} + +void vpu_malone_set_log_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !log || !log->phys); + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "set log area <0x%llx, 0x%x> (0x%lx)\n", + log->phys, log->length, shared->boot_addr); + iface = shared->iface; + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.start = + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.wptr = + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.rptr = log->phys - shared->boot_addr; + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.end = iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.start + log->length; +} + +static u32 get_str_buffer_offset(u32 instance) +{ + return DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE + MFD_MCX + MFD_MCX_OFF * instance; +} + +void vpu_malone_set_system_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_system_config *config; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + int i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + iface = shared->iface; + config = &iface->system_cfg; + hc = shared->priv; + + vpu_imx8q_set_system_cfg_common(config, regs_base, core_id); + for (i = 0; i < VID_API_NUM_STREAMS; i++) { + u32 offset = get_str_buffer_offset(i); + + hc->buf_addr[i] = regs_base + offset; + hc->str_buf[i] = regs + offset; + } +} + +u32 vpu_malone_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface); + + iface = shared->iface; + return iface->fw_version; +} + +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + return 0xc00000; +} + +int vpu_malone_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + iface = shared->iface; + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + str_buf->wptr = str_buf->rptr = str_buf->start = buf->phys; + str_buf->end = buf->phys + buf->length; + str_buf->lwm = 0x1; + + iface->stream_buffer_desc[instance][0] = hc->buf_addr[instance]; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + + if (desc) { + desc->wptr = str_buf->wptr; + desc->rptr = str_buf->rptr; + desc->start = str_buf->start; + desc->end = str_buf->end; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_malone_update_wptr(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + u32 wptr) +{ + u32 size = str_buf->end - str_buf->start; + u32 space = (str_buf->rptr + size - str_buf->wptr) % size; + u32 step = (wptr + size - str_buf->wptr) % size; + + if (space && step > space) + vpu_err("update wptr from 0x%x to 0x%x, cross over rptr 0x%x\n", + str_buf->wptr, wptr, str_buf->rptr); + + /*update wptr after data is written*/ + mb(); + str_buf->wptr = wptr; +} + +static void vpu_malone_update_rptr(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + u32 rptr) +{ + u32 size = str_buf->end - str_buf->start; + u32 space = (str_buf->wptr + size - str_buf->rptr) % size; + u32 step = (rptr + size - str_buf->rptr) % size; + + if (step > space) + vpu_err("update rptr from 0x%x to 0x%x, cross over wptr 0x%x\n", + str_buf->rptr, rptr, str_buf->wptr); + /*update rptr after data is read*/ + mb(); + str_buf->rptr = rptr; +} + +int vpu_malone_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + + if (write) + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, ptr); + else + vpu_malone_update_rptr(str_buf, ptr); + + return 0; +} + +static struct malone_fmt_mapping fmt_mappings[] = { + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, MALONE_FMT_AVC}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, MALONE_FMT_AVC}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, MALONE_FMT_HEVC}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, MALONE_FMT_VC1}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, MALONE_FMT_VC1}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, MALONE_FMT_MP2}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, MALONE_FMT_ASP}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, MALONE_FMT_ASP}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, MALONE_FMT_ASP}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_AVS, MALONE_FMT_AVS}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, MALONE_FMT_JPG}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6, MALONE_FMT_VP6}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, MALONE_FMT_VP8}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK, MALONE_FMT_SPK}, +}; + +static enum vpu_malone_format vpu_malone_format_remap(u32 pixelformat) +{ + u32 i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fmt_mappings); i++) { + if (pixelformat == fmt_mappings[i].pixelformat) + return fmt_mappings[i].malone_format; + } + + return MALONE_FMT_NULL; +} + +static void vpu_malone_set_stream_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, enum vpu_malone_format malone_format) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + u32 *curr_str_cfg; + + iface = shared->iface; + curr_str_cfg = &iface->stream_config[instance]; + + *curr_str_cfg = 0; + STREAM_CONFIG_FORMAT_SET(malone_format, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_STRBUFIDX_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_NOSEQ_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_DEBLOCK_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_DERING_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_PLAY_MODE_SET(0x3, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_FS_CTRL_MODE_SET(0x1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_ENABLE_DCP_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_STR_BUF_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_MALONE_USAGE_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_MULTI_VID_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_OBFUSC_EN_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_RC4_EN_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_MCX_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_PES_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_DBE_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); +} + +static int vpu_malone_set_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + enum vpu_malone_format malone_format; + + iface = shared->iface; + hc = shared->priv; + malone_format = vpu_malone_format_remap(params->codec_format); + iface->udata_buffer[instance].base = params->udata.base; + iface->udata_buffer[instance].slot_size = params->udata.size; + + vpu_malone_set_stream_cfg(shared, instance, malone_format); + + if (malone_format == MALONE_FMT_JPG) { + //1:JPGD_MJPEG_MODE_A; 2:JPGD_MJPEG_MODE_B + hc->jpg[instance].jpg_mjpeg_mode = 1; + //0: JPGD_MJPEG_PROGRESSIVE + hc->jpg[instance].jpg_mjpeg_interlaced = 0; + } + + hc->codec_param[instance].disp_imm = params->b_dis_reorder ? 1 : 0; + hc->codec_param[instance].dbglog_enable = 0; + iface->dbglog_desc.level = 0; + + if (params->b_non_frame) + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_input_mode = NON_FRAME_LVL; + else + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_input_mode = FRAME_LVL; + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_buffer_threshold = 0; + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_pic_input_count = 0; + + return 0; +} + +static bool vpu_malone_is_non_frame_mode(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + iface = shared->iface; + if (iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_input_mode == NON_FRAME_LVL) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static int vpu_malone_update_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + iface = shared->iface; + + if (params->end_flag) + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_pic_end_flag = params->end_flag; + params->end_flag = 0; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_set_decode_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + if (!params) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!update) + return vpu_malone_set_params(shared, instance, params); + else + return vpu_malone_update_params(shared, instance, params); +} + +static struct vpu_pair malone_cmds[] = { + {VPU_CMD_ID_START, VID_API_CMD_START}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_STOP, VID_API_CMD_STOP}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_ABORT, VID_API_CMD_ABORT}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_RST_BUF, VID_API_CMD_RST_BUF}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_SNAPSHOT, VID_API_CMD_SNAPSHOT}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FIRM_RESET, VID_API_CMD_FIRM_RESET}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FS_ALLOC, VID_API_CMD_FS_ALLOC}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FS_RELEASE, VID_API_CMD_FS_RELEASE}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_TIMESTAMP, VID_API_CMD_TS}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_DEBUG, VID_API_CMD_FW_STATUS}, +}; + +static struct vpu_pair malone_msgs[] = { + {VPU_MSG_ID_RESET_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_RESET_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_START_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_START_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_STOP_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_STOPPED}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_ABORT_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_ABORT_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_BUF_RST, VID_API_EVENT_STR_BUF_RST}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS, VID_API_EVENT_FINISHED}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND, VID_API_EVENT_SEQ_HDR_FOUND}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE, VID_API_EVENT_RES_CHANGE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_HDR_FOUND, VID_API_EVENT_PIC_HDR_FOUND}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_DECODED, VID_API_EVENT_PIC_DECODED}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_DEC_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_FRAME_BUFF_RDY}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ, VID_API_EVENT_REQ_FRAME_BUFF}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE, VID_API_EVENT_REL_FRAME_BUFF}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FIFO_LOW, VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_LOW}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_BS_ERROR, VID_API_EVENT_BS_ERROR}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_UNSUPPORTED, VID_API_EVENT_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FIRMWARE_XCPT, VID_API_EVENT_FIRMWARE_XCPT}, +}; + +static void vpu_malone_pack_fs_alloc(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + const u32 fs_type[] = { + [MEM_RES_FRAME] = 0, + [MEM_RES_MBI] = 1, + [MEM_RES_DCP] = 2, + }; + + pkt->hdr.num = 7; + pkt->data[0] = fs->id | (fs->tag << 24); + pkt->data[1] = fs->luma_addr; + if (fs->type == MEM_RES_FRAME) { + /* + * if luma_addr equal to chroma_addr, + * means luma(plane[0]) and chromau(plane[1]) used the + * same fd -- usage of NXP codec2. Need to manually + * offset chroma addr. + */ + if (fs->luma_addr == fs->chroma_addr) + fs->chroma_addr = fs->luma_addr + fs->luma_size; + pkt->data[2] = fs->luma_addr + fs->luma_size / 2; + pkt->data[3] = fs->chroma_addr; + pkt->data[4] = fs->chroma_addr + fs->chromau_size / 2; + pkt->data[5] = fs->bytesperline; + } else { + pkt->data[2] = fs->luma_size; + pkt->data[3] = 0; + pkt->data[4] = 0; + pkt->data[5] = 0; + } + pkt->data[6] = fs_type[fs->type]; +} + +static void vpu_malone_pack_fs_release(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + pkt->hdr.num = 1; + pkt->data[0] = fs->id | (fs->tag << 24); +} + +static void vpu_malone_pack_timestamp(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_ts_info *info) +{ + pkt->hdr.num = 3; + if (info->timestamp < 0) { + pkt->data[0] = (u32)-1; + pkt->data[1] = 0; + } else { + pkt->data[0] = info->timestamp / NSEC_PER_SEC; + pkt->data[1] = info->timestamp % NSEC_PER_SEC; + } + pkt->data[2] = info->size; +} + +int vpu_malone_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data) +{ + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!pkt); + + ret = vpu_find_dst_by_src(malone_cmds, ARRAY_SIZE(malone_cmds), id); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + pkt-> = ret; + pkt->hdr.num = 0; + pkt->hdr.index = index; + + switch (id) { + case VPU_CMD_ID_FS_ALLOC: + vpu_malone_pack_fs_alloc(pkt, data); + break; + case VPU_CMD_ID_FS_RELEASE: + vpu_malone_pack_fs_release(pkt, data); + break; + case VPU_CMD_ID_TIMESTAMP: + vpu_malone_pack_timestamp(pkt, data); + break; + } + + pkt->hdr.index = index; + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_convert_msg_id(u32 id) +{ + return vpu_find_src_by_dst(malone_msgs, ARRAY_SIZE(malone_msgs), id); +} + +void vpu_malone_init_seq_hdr(struct vpu_dec_codec_info *info) +{ + const u32 align_width = MALONE_ALIGN_W; + const u32 align_height = MALONE_ALIGN_H; + u32 width; + u32 height; + u32 bytesperline; + u32 chunks = info->num_dfe_area >> MALONE_DCP_CHUNK_BIT; + + width = ALIGN(info->decoded_width, align_width); + height = ALIGN(info->decoded_height, align_height); + if (!info->progressive) + height = ALIGN(info->decoded_height, align_height * 2); + + bytesperline = DIV_ROUND_UP((width * info->bit_depth_luma), BITS_PER_BYTE); + bytesperline = ALIGN(bytesperline, MALONE_ALIGN_LINE); + + info->bytesperline[0] = bytesperline; + info->bytesperline[1] = bytesperline; + info->sizeimage[0] = bytesperline * height; + info->sizeimage[1] = (bytesperline * height) >> 1; + info->mbi_size = (info->sizeimage[0] + info->sizeimage[1]) >> 2; + info->mbi_size = ALIGN(info->mbi_size, MALONE_ALIGN_MBI); + + info->dcp_size = MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MAX; + if (chunks) { + u32 mb_num; + u32 mb_w; + u32 mb_h; + + mb_w = DIV_ROUND_UP(info->decoded_width, 16); + mb_h = DIV_ROUND_UP(info->decoded_height, 16); + mb_num = mb_w * mb_h; + info->dcp_size = mb_num * MALONE_DCP_FIXED_MB_ALLOC * chunks; + info->dcp_size = clamp_t(u32, info->dcp_size, + MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MIN, MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MAX); + } + + info->decoded_width = width; + info->decoded_height = height; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_seq_hdr(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_dec_codec_info *info) +{ + info->num_ref_frms = pkt->data[0]; + info->num_dpb_frms = pkt->data[1]; + info->num_dfe_area = pkt->data[2]; + info->progressive = pkt->data[3]; + info->width = pkt->data[5]; + info->height = pkt->data[4]; + info->decoded_width = pkt->data[12]; + info->decoded_height = pkt->data[11]; + info->frame_rate = pkt->data[8]; + info->dsp_asp_ratio = pkt->data[9]; + info->level_idc = pkt->data[10]; + info->bit_depth_luma = pkt->data[13]; + info->bit_depth_chroma = pkt->data[14]; + info->chroma_fmt = pkt->data[15]; + info->color_primaries = vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_i2v(pkt->data[16]); + info->transfer_chars = vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_i2v(pkt->data[17]); + info->matrix_coeffs = vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_i2v(pkt->data[18]); + info->full_range = vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_i2v(pkt->data[19]); + info->vui_present = pkt->data[20]; + info->mvc_num_views = pkt->data[21]; + info->offset_x = pkt->data[23]; + info->offset_y = pkt->data[25]; + info->tag = pkt->data[27]; + if (info->bit_depth_luma > 8) + info->pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT10; + else /* fix me: should set to V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT8 for NXP Tiled NV12 Format in future*/ + info->pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12; + vpu_malone_init_seq_hdr(info); +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_pic_info(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_dec_pic_info *info) +{ + info->id = pkt->data[7]; + info->luma = pkt->data[0]; + info->start = pkt->data[10]; + info->end = pkt->data[12]; + info->pic_size = pkt->data[11]; + info->stride = pkt->data[5]; + info->consumed_count = pkt->data[13]; + if (info->id == MALONE_SKIPPED_FRAME_ID) + info->skipped = 1; + else + info->skipped = 0; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_req_frame(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *info) +{ + info->type = pkt->data[1]; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_rel_frame(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *info) +{ + info->id = pkt->data[0]; + info->type = pkt->data[1]; + info->not_displayed = pkt->data[2]; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_buff_rdy(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_dec_pic_info *info) +{ + info->id = pkt->data[0]; + info->luma = pkt->data[1]; + info->stride = pkt->data[3]; + if (info->id == MALONE_SKIPPED_FRAME_ID) + info->skipped = 1; + else + info->skipped = 0; + info->timestamp = MAKE_TIMESTAMP(pkt->data[9], pkt->data[10]); +} + +int vpu_malone_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + if (!pkt || !data) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (pkt-> { + case VID_API_EVENT_SEQ_HDR_FOUND: + vpu_malone_unpack_seq_hdr(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_PIC_DECODED: + vpu_malone_unpack_pic_info(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_REQ_FRAME_BUFF: + vpu_malone_unpack_req_frame(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_REL_FRAME_BUFF: + vpu_malone_unpack_rel_frame(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_FRAME_BUFF_RDY: + vpu_malone_unpack_buff_rdy(pkt, data); + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +static const struct malone_padding_scode padding_scodes[] = { + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, {0x4A010000, 0x20}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, {0xCC010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_AVS, {0xCC010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, {0xefff0000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, {0x4A010000, 0x20}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, {0xb7010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_AVS, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, {0x0, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, {0x15010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, {0x15010000, 0x0}}, +}; +static const struct malone_padding_scode padding_scode_dft = {0x0, 0x0}; + +static const struct malone_padding_scode *get_padding_scode(u32 type, u32 fmt) +{ + const struct malone_padding_scode *s; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(padding_scodes); i++) { + s = &padding_scodes[i]; + + if (s->scode_type == type && s->pixelformat == fmt) + return s; + } + + if (type != SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH) + return &padding_scode_dft; + + return NULL; +} + +static int vpu_malone_add_padding_scode(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + u32 pixelformat, u32 scode_type) +{ + u32 wptr; + u32 size; + u32 total_size = 0; + const struct malone_padding_scode *ps; + const u32 padding_size = 4096; + int ret; + + ps = get_padding_scode(scode_type, pixelformat); + if (!ps) + return -EINVAL; + + wptr = str_buf->wptr; + size = ALIGN(wptr, 4) - wptr; + if (size) + vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(stream_buffer, &wptr, 0, size); + total_size += size; + + size = sizeof(ps->data); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(stream_buffer, &wptr, size, (void *)ps->data); + if (ret < size) + return -EINVAL; + total_size += size; + + size = padding_size - sizeof(ps->data); + vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(stream_buffer, &wptr, 0, size); + total_size += size; + + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + return total_size; +} + +int vpu_malone_add_scode(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, + u32 scode_type) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + + switch (scode_type) { + case SCODE_PADDING_EOS: + case SCODE_PADDING_ABORT: + case SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH: + ret = vpu_malone_add_padding_scode(stream_buffer, + str_buf, pixelformat, scode_type); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return ret; +} + +#define MALONE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE 16 +#define MALONE_CODEC_VERSION_ID 0x1 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_SIMPLE 0x10 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_MAIN 0x11 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_ARV8 0x28 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_ARV9 0x29 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP6 0x36 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP8 0x36 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_DIVX3 0x38 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_SPK 0x39 + +#define MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN 32 +#define MALONE_VP8_IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LEN 8 + +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_CODEC_V1_VERSION 0x85 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_CODEC_V2_VERSION 0xC5 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_NUM_FRAMES 0xFF +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_EXT_DATA_SIZE 4 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_HEADER_LEN 20 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_PIC_HEADER_LEN 4 +#define MALONE_VC1_NAL_HEADER_LEN 4 +#define MALONE_VC1_CONTAIN_NAL(data) ((data & 0x00FFFFFF) == 0x00010000) + + +static void set_payload_hdr(u8 *dst, u32 scd_type, u32 codec_id, + u32 buffer_size, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + unsigned int payload_size; + /* payload_size = buffer_size + itself_size(16) - start_code(4) */ + payload_size = buffer_size + 12; + + dst[0] = 0x00; + dst[1] = 0x00; + dst[2] = 0x01; + dst[3] = scd_type; + + /* length */ + dst[4] = ((payload_size>>16)&0xff); + dst[5] = ((payload_size>>8)&0xff); + dst[6] = 0x4e; + dst[7] = ((payload_size>>0)&0xff); + + /* Codec ID and Version */ + dst[8] = codec_id; + dst[9] = MALONE_CODEC_VERSION_ID; + + /* width */ + dst[10] = ((width>>8)&0xff); + dst[11] = ((width>>0)&0xff); + dst[12] = 0x58; + + /* height */ + dst[13] = ((height>>8)&0xff); + dst[14] = ((height>>0)&0xff); + dst[15] = 0x50; +} + +static void set_vp8_ivf_seqhdr(u8 *dst, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + /* 0-3byte signature "DKIF" */ + dst[0] = 0x44; + dst[1] = 0x4b; + dst[2] = 0x49; + dst[3] = 0x46; + /* 4-5byte version: should be 0*/ + dst[4] = 0x00; + dst[5] = 0x00; + /* 6-7 length of Header */ + dst[6] = MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN; + dst[7] = MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN >> 8; + /* 8-11 VP8 fourcc */ + dst[8] = 0x56; + dst[9] = 0x50; + dst[10] = 0x38; + dst[11] = 0x30; + /* 12-13 width in pixels */ + dst[12] = width; + dst[13] = width >> 8; + /* 14-15 height in pixels */ + dst[14] = height; + dst[15] = height >> 8; + /* 16-19 frame rate */ + dst[16] = 0xe8; + dst[17] = 0x03; + dst[18] = 0x00; + dst[19] = 0x00; + /* 20-23 time scale */ + dst[20] = 0x01; + dst[21] = 0x00; + dst[22] = 0x00; + dst[23] = 0x00; + /* 24-27 number frames */ + dst[24] = 0xdf; + dst[25] = 0xf9; + dst[26] = 0x09; + dst[27] = 0x00; + /* 28-31 reserved */ +} + +static void set_vp8_ivf_pichdr(u8 *dst, u32 frame_size) +{ + /* + * firmware just parse 64-bit timestamp(8 bytes). + * As not transfer timestamp to firmware, use default value(ZERO). + * No need to do anything here + */ +} + +static void set_vc1_rcv_seqhdr(u8 *dst, u8 *src, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + u32 frames = MALONE_VC1_RCV_NUM_FRAMES; + u32 ext_data_size = MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_EXT_DATA_SIZE; + + /* 0-2 Number of frames, used default value 0xFF */ + dst[0] = frames; + dst[1] = frames >> 8; + dst[2] = frames >> 16; + + /* 3 RCV version, used V1 */ + dst[3] = MALONE_VC1_RCV_CODEC_V1_VERSION; + + /* 4-7 extension data size */ + dst[4] = ext_data_size; + dst[5] = ext_data_size >> 8; + dst[6] = ext_data_size >> 16; + dst[7] = ext_data_size >> 24; + /* 8-11 extension data */ + dst[8] = src[0]; + dst[9] = src[1]; + dst[10] = src[2]; + dst[11] = src[3]; + + /* height */ + dst[12] = height; + dst[13] = (height >> 8) & 0xff; + dst[14] = (height >> 16) & 0xff; + dst[15] = (height >> 24) & 0xff; + /* width */ + dst[16] = width; + dst[17] = (width >> 8) & 0xff; + dst[18] = (width >> 16) & 0xff; + dst[19] = (width >> 24) & 0xff; +} + +static void set_vc1_rcv_pichdr(u8 *dst, u32 buffer_size) +{ + dst[0] = buffer_size; + dst[1] = buffer_size >> 8; + dst[2] = buffer_size >> 16; + dst[3] = buffer_size >> 24; +} + +static void create_vc1_nal_pichdr(u8 *dst) +{ + /* need insert nal header: special ID */ + dst[0] = 0x0; + dst[1] = 0x0; + dst[2] = 0x01; + dst[3] = 0x0D; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode, u32 codec_id, u32 ext_size) +{ + u8 hdr[MALONE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE]; + int ret; + + set_payload_hdr(hdr, + SCODE_SEQUENCE, + codec_id, + ext_size, + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(hdr), + hdr); + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode, u32 codec_id, u32 ext_size) +{ + u8 hdr[MALONE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE]; + int ret; + + set_payload_hdr(hdr, + SCODE_PICTURE, + codec_id, + ext_size + vb2_get_plane_payload(scode->vb, 0), + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(hdr), + hdr); + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_g_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + u8 nal_hdr[MALONE_VC1_NAL_HEADER_LEN]; + u32 *data = NULL; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(scode->vb); + data = vb2_plane_vaddr(scode->vb, 0); + + if (vbuf->sequence == 0 || (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) + return 0; + if (MALONE_VC1_CONTAIN_NAL(*data)) + return 0; + + create_vc1_nal_pichdr(nal_hdr); + return vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(nal_hdr), + nal_hdr); +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 rcv_seqhdr[MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_HEADER_LEN]; + + scode->need_data = 0; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_SIMPLE, + sizeof(rcv_seqhdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vc1_rcv_seqhdr(rcv_seqhdr, + vb2_plane_vaddr(scode->vb, 0), + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(rcv_seqhdr), + rcv_seqhdr); + + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 rcv_pichdr[MALONE_VC1_RCV_PIC_HEADER_LEN]; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_SIMPLE, + sizeof(rcv_pichdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vc1_rcv_pichdr(rcv_pichdr, vb2_get_plane_payload(scode->vb, 0)); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(rcv_pichdr), + rcv_pichdr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp6_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + return vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP6, 0); +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp6_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + return vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP6, 0); +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 ivf_hdr[MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN]; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP8, sizeof(ivf_hdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vp8_ivf_seqhdr(ivf_hdr, + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(ivf_hdr), + ivf_hdr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 ivf_hdr[MALONE_VP8_IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LEN] = {0}; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP8, sizeof(ivf_hdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vp8_ivf_pichdr(ivf_hdr, vb2_get_plane_payload(scode->vb, 0)); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(ivf_hdr), + ivf_hdr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_spk_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + return vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_SPK, 0); +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_spk_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + return vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_SPK, 0); +} + +static const struct malone_scode_handler scode_handlers[] = { + { + /* fix me, need to swap return operation after gstreamer swap */ + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, + .insert_scode_seq = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_seq, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_pic, + }, + { + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_g_pic, + }, + { + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6, + .insert_scode_seq = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp6_seq, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp6_pic, + }, + { + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, + .insert_scode_seq = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_seq, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_pic, + }, + { + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK, + .insert_scode_seq = vpu_malone_insert_scode_spk_seq, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_spk_pic, + }, +}; + +const struct malone_scode_handler *get_scode_handler(u32 pixelformat) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(scode_handlers); i++) { + if (scode_handlers[i].pixelformat == pixelformat) + return &scode_handlers[i]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode(struct malone_scode_t *scode, u32 type) +{ + const struct malone_scode_handler *handler; + int ret = 0; + + if (!scode || !scode->inst || !scode->vb) + return 0; + + scode->need_data = 1; + handler = get_scode_handler(scode->inst->out_format.pixfmt); + if (!handler) + return 0; + + switch (type) { + case SCODE_SEQUENCE: + if (handler->insert_scode_seq) + ret = handler->insert_scode_seq(scode); + break; + case SCODE_PICTURE: + if (handler->insert_scode_pic) + ret = handler->insert_scode_pic(scode); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_malone_input_frame_data(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb, + u32 disp_imm) +{ + struct malone_scode_t scode; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + u32 wptr; + int size = 0; + int ret = 0; + + wptr = str_buf->wptr; + + /*add scode: SCODE_SEQUENCE, SCODE_PICTURE, SCODE_SLICE*/ + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + scode.inst = inst; + scode.vb = vb; + scode.wptr = wptr; + scode.need_data = 1; + if (vbuf->sequence == 0 || (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode(&scode, SCODE_SEQUENCE); + + if (ret < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + size += ret; + wptr = scode.wptr; + if (!scode.need_data) { + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + return size; + } + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode(&scode, SCODE_PICTURE); + if (ret < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + size += ret; + wptr = scode.wptr; + + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&inst->stream_buffer, + &wptr, + vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0), + vb2_plane_vaddr(vb, 0)); + if (ret < vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0)) + return -ENOMEM; + size += ret; + + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + + if (disp_imm && !(vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) { + ret = vpu_malone_add_scode(inst->core->iface, + inst->id, + &inst->stream_buffer, + inst->out_format.pixfmt, + SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + } + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_input_stream_data(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + u32 wptr; + int ret = 0; + + wptr = str_buf->wptr; + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&inst->stream_buffer, + &wptr, + vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0), + vb2_plane_vaddr(vb, 0)); + if (ret < vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0)) + return -ENOMEM; + + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_malone_input_ts(struct vpu_inst *inst, s64 timestamp, u32 size) +{ + struct vpu_ts_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.timestamp = timestamp; + info.size = size; + + return vpu_session_fill_timestamp(inst, &info); +} + +int vpu_malone_input_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + u32 disp_imm = 0; + u32 size; + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[inst->id]; + disp_imm = hc->codec_param[inst->id].disp_imm; + + if (vpu_malone_is_non_frame_mode(shared, inst->id)) + ret = vpu_malone_input_stream_data(str_buf, inst, vb); + else + ret = vpu_malone_input_frame_data(str_buf, inst, vb, disp_imm); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + /* + * if buffer only contain codec data, and the timestamp is invalid, + * don't put the invalid timestamp to resync + * merge the data to next frame + */ + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + if ((vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG) && (s64)vb->timestamp < 0) { + inst->extra_size += size; + return 0; + } + if (inst->extra_size) { + size += inst->extra_size; + inst->extra_size = 0; + } + + ret = vpu_malone_input_ts(inst, vb->timestamp, size); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return 0; +} + +static bool vpu_malone_check_ready(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 size; + u32 rptr; + u32 wptr; + u32 used; + + iface = shared->iface; + desc = &iface->api_cmd_buffer_desc[instance]; + size = desc->end - desc->start; + rptr = desc->rptr; + wptr = desc->wptr; + used = (wptr + size - rptr) % size; + if (!size || used < size / 2) + return true; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "[%d]api cmd used = %d/%d\n", instance, used, size); + + return false; +} + +bool vpu_malone_is_ready(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + u32 cnt = 0; + + while (!vpu_malone_check_ready(shared, instance)) { + if (cnt > 30) + return false; + mdelay(1); + cnt++; + } + return true; +} + +int vpu_malone_pre_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + if (!vpu_malone_is_ready(shared, instance)) { + vpu_err("[%d] is not ready\n", instance); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_post_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + + iface = shared->iface; + desc = &iface->api_cmd_buffer_desc[instance]; + desc->wptr++; + if (desc->wptr == desc->end) + desc->wptr = desc->start; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_init_instance(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + + iface = shared->iface; + desc = &iface->api_cmd_buffer_desc[instance]; + desc->wptr = desc->rptr; + if (desc->wptr == desc->end) + desc->wptr = desc->start; + + return 0; +} + +u32 vpu_malone_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface = shared->iface; + + return iface->max_streams; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3e637374bc44 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_MALONE_H +#define _IMX_VPU_MALONE_H + +u32 vpu_malone_get_data_size(void); +void vpu_malone_init_rpc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr); +void vpu_malone_set_log_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log); +void vpu_malone_set_system_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id); +u32 vpu_malone_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); +int vpu_malone_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_buffer *buf); +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc); +int vpu_malone_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write); +int vpu_malone_set_decode_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update); +int vpu_malone_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data); +int vpu_malone_convert_msg_id(u32 msg_id); +int vpu_malone_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data); +int vpu_malone_add_scode(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, + u32 scode_type); +int vpu_malone_input_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); +bool vpu_malone_is_ready(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +int vpu_malone_pre_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +int vpu_malone_post_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +int vpu_malone_init_instance(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +u32 vpu_malone_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c20aebb16991 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.c @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "MBOX" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_mbox.h" +#include "vpu_msgs.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +static void vpu_mbox_rx_callback(struct mbox_client *cl, void *msg) +{ + struct vpu_mbox *rx = container_of(cl, struct vpu_mbox, cl); + struct vpu_core *core = container_of(rx, struct vpu_core, rx); + + vpu_isr(core, *(u32 *)msg); +} + +static int vpu_mbox_request_channel(struct device *dev, struct vpu_mbox *mbox) +{ + struct mbox_chan *ch; + struct mbox_client *cl; + + if (!dev || !mbox) + return -EINVAL; + if (mbox->ch) + return 0; + + cl = &mbox->cl; + cl->dev = dev; + if (mbox->block) { + cl->tx_block = true; + cl->tx_tout = 1000; + } else { + cl->tx_block = false; + } + cl->knows_txdone = false; + cl->rx_callback = vpu_mbox_rx_callback; + + ch = mbox_request_channel_byname(cl, mbox->name); + if (IS_ERR(ch)) { + vpu_err("Failed to request mbox chan %s, ret : %ld\n", + mbox->name, PTR_ERR(ch)); + return PTR_ERR(ch); + } + + mbox->ch = ch; + return 0; +} + +int vpu_mbox_init(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + WARN_ON(!core); + + scnprintf(core->, sizeof(core-> - 1, "tx0"); + core->tx_type.block = true; + + scnprintf(core->, sizeof(core-> - 1, "tx1"); + core->tx_data.block = false; + + scnprintf(core->, sizeof(core-> - 1, "rx"); + core->rx.block = true; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_mbox_request(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!core); + + ret = vpu_mbox_request_channel(core->dev, &core->tx_type); + if (ret) + goto error; + ret = vpu_mbox_request_channel(core->dev, &core->tx_data); + if (ret) + goto error; + ret = vpu_mbox_request_channel(core->dev, &core->rx); + if (ret) + goto error; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "mbox request\n"); + return 0; +error: + vpu_mbox_free(core); + return ret; +} + +void vpu_mbox_free(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + WARN_ON(!core); + + mbox_free_channel(core->; + mbox_free_channel(core->; + mbox_free_channel(core->; + core-> = NULL; + core-> = NULL; + core-> = NULL; + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "mbox free\n"); +} + +void vpu_mbox_send_type(struct vpu_core *core, u32 type) +{ + mbox_send_message(core->, &type); +} + +void vpu_mbox_send_msg(struct vpu_core *core, u32 type, u32 data) +{ + mbox_send_message(core->, &data); + mbox_send_message(core->, &type); +} + +void vpu_mbox_enable_rx(struct vpu_dev *dev) +{ +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..60fb797ccb0c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_mbox.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_MBOX_H +#define _IMX_VPU_MBOX_H + +int vpu_mbox_init(struct vpu_core *core); +int vpu_mbox_request(struct vpu_core *core); +void vpu_mbox_free(struct vpu_core *core); +void vpu_mbox_send_msg(struct vpu_core *core, u32 type, u32 data); +void vpu_mbox_send_type(struct vpu_core *core, u32 type); +void vpu_mbox_enable_rx(struct vpu_dev *dev); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cbd15e384922 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.c @@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "MSG" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_mbox.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +#define VPU_PKT_HEADER_LENGTH 3 + +struct vpu_msg_handler { + u32 id; + void (*done)(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt); +}; + +void vpu_session_handle_start_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "start done\n"); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_mem_request(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + struct vpu_pkt_mem_req_data req_data; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core || !inst->ops); + + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, (void *)&req_data); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "mem request event : %d:%d %d:%d %d:%d\n", + req_data.enc_frame_size, + req_data.enc_frame_num, + req_data.ref_frame_size, + req_data.ref_frame_num, + req_data.act_buf_size, + req_data.act_buf_num); + call_vop(inst, mem_request, + req_data.enc_frame_size, + req_data.enc_frame_num, + req_data.ref_frame_size, + req_data.ref_frame_num, + req_data.act_buf_size, + req_data.act_buf_num); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_stop_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "stop done\n"); + + call_vop(inst, stop_done); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_seq_hdr(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + struct vpu_dec_codec_info info; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, (void *)&info); + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND, &info); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_resolution_change(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE, NULL); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_enc_frame_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + struct vpu_enc_pic_info info; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, (void *)&info); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "frame id = %d, wptr = 0x%x, size = %d\n", + info.frame_id, info.wptr, info.frame_size); + call_vop(inst, get_one_frame, &info); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_frame_request(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + struct vpu_fs_info fs; + + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, &fs); + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ, &fs); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_frame_release(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + if (inst->core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) { + struct vpu_frame_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, (void *)&info.sequence); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "frame release:%d\n", info.sequence); + info.type = inst->out_format.type; + call_vop(inst, buf_done, &info); + } else if (inst->core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) { + struct vpu_fs_info fs; + + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, &fs); + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE, &fs); + } +} + +void vpu_session_handle_input_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "frame input done\n"); + call_vop(inst, input_done); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_pic_decoded(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + struct vpu_dec_pic_info info; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, (void *)&info); + call_vop(inst, get_one_frame, &info); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_pic_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + struct vpu_dec_pic_info info; + struct vpu_frame_info frame; + + WARN_ON(!inst || !inst->core); + + memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); + vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(inst->core, pkt, (void *)&info); + if (inst->core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + frame.type = inst->cap_format.type; + =; + frame.luma = info.luma; + frame.skipped = info.skipped; + frame.timestamp = info.timestamp; + + call_vop(inst, buf_done, &frame); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS, NULL); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_error(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_UNSUPPORTED, NULL); + vpu_notify_codec_error(inst); +} + +void vpu_session_handle_firmware_xcpt(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + char *str = (char *)pkt->data; + + inst_err(inst, "%s firmware xcpt: %s\n", + vpu_core_type_desc(inst->core->type), str); + call_vop(inst, event_notify, VPU_MSG_ID_FIRMWARE_XCPT, NULL); + set_bit(inst->id, &inst->core->hang_mask); + vpu_notify_codec_error(inst); +} + +struct vpu_msg_handler handlers[] = { + {VPU_MSG_ID_START_DONE, vpu_session_handle_start_done}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_STOP_DONE, vpu_session_handle_stop_done}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_MEM_REQUEST, vpu_session_handle_mem_request}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND, vpu_session_handle_seq_hdr}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE, vpu_session_handle_resolution_change}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_INPUT_DONE, vpu_session_handle_input_done}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ, vpu_session_handle_frame_request}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE, vpu_session_handle_frame_release}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_ENC_DONE, vpu_session_handle_enc_frame_done}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_DECODED, vpu_session_handle_pic_decoded}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_DEC_DONE, vpu_session_handle_pic_done}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS, vpu_session_handle_eos}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_UNSUPPORTED, vpu_session_handle_error}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FIRMWARE_XCPT, vpu_session_handle_firmware_xcpt}, +}; + +int vpu_session_handle_msg(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *msg) +{ + int ret; + u32 msg_id; + struct vpu_msg_handler *handler = NULL; + unsigned int i; + + ret = vpu_iface_convert_msg_id(inst->core, msg->; + if (ret < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + msg_id = ret; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_EVT, "receive event(%d)\n", msg_id); + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(handlers); i++) { + if (handlers[i].id == msg_id) { + handler = &handlers[i]; + break; + } + } + + if (handler && handler->done) + handler->done(inst, msg); + + vpu_response_cmd(inst, msg_id, 1); + + return 0; +} + +static bool vpu_inst_receive_msg(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + u32 bytes = sizeof(struct vpu_rpc_event_header); + u32 ret; + + memset(pkt, 0, sizeof(*pkt)); + if (kfifo_len(&inst->msg_fifo) < bytes) + return false; + + ret = kfifo_out(&inst->msg_fifo, pkt, bytes); + if (ret != bytes) + return false; + + if (pkt->hdr.num > 0) { + bytes = pkt->hdr.num * sizeof(u32); + ret = kfifo_out(&inst->msg_fifo, pkt->data, bytes); + if (ret != bytes) + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +void vpu_inst_run_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = container_of(work, struct vpu_inst, msg_work); + struct vpu_rpc_event pkt; + + while (vpu_inst_receive_msg(inst, &pkt)) + vpu_session_handle_msg(inst, &pkt); +} + +void vpu_inst_handle_msg(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt) +{ + u32 bytes; + u32 id = pkt->; + int ret; + + if (!inst->workqueue) { + vpu_session_handle_msg(inst, pkt); + return; + } + + bytes = sizeof(pkt->hdr) + pkt->hdr.num * sizeof(u32); + ret = kfifo_in(&inst->msg_fifo, pkt, bytes); + if (ret != bytes) + vpu_err("[%d:%d]overflow: %d\n", inst->core->id, inst->id, id); + queue_work(inst->workqueue, &inst->msg_work); +} + +int vpu_handle_msg(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_event pkt; + struct vpu_inst *inst; + int ret; + + memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); + while (!vpu_iface_receive_msg(core, &pkt)) { + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "event index = %d, id = %d, num = %d\n", + pkt.hdr.index,, pkt.hdr.num); + + ret = vpu_iface_convert_msg_id(core,; + if (ret < 0) + continue; + + inst = vpu_core_find_instance(core, pkt.hdr.index); + if (inst) { + vpu_response_cmd(inst, ret, 0); + mutex_lock(&core->cmd_lock); + vpu_inst_record_flow(inst, ret); + mutex_unlock(&core->cmd_lock); + + vpu_inst_handle_msg(inst, &pkt); + vpu_inst_put(inst); + } + memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_isr_thread(struct vpu_core *core, u32 irq_code) +{ + WARN_ON(!core); + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "core[%d] irq code = 0x%x\n", core->id, irq_code); + switch (irq_code) { + case VPU_IRQ_CODE_SYNC: + vpu_mbox_send_msg(core, PRC_BUF_OFFSET, core->rpc.phys - core->fw.phys); + vpu_mbox_send_msg(core, BOOT_ADDRESS, core->fw.phys); + vpu_mbox_send_msg(core, INIT_DONE, 2); + break; + case VPU_IRQ_CODE_BOOT_DONE: + break; + case VPU_IRQ_CODE_SNAPSHOT_DONE: + break; + default: + vpu_handle_msg(core); + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_core_run_msg_work(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + const unsigned int SIZE = sizeof(u32); + + while (kfifo_len(&core->msg_fifo) >= SIZE) { + u32 data; + + if (kfifo_out(&core->msg_fifo, &data, SIZE) == SIZE) + vpu_isr_thread(core, data); + } +} + +void vpu_msg_run_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = container_of(work, struct vpu_core, msg_work); + unsigned long delay = msecs_to_jiffies(10); + + vpu_core_run_msg_work(core); + queue_delayed_work(core->workqueue, &core->msg_delayed_work, delay); +} + +void vpu_msg_delayed_work(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + struct delayed_work *dwork; + u32 bytes = sizeof(bytes); + u32 i; + + if (!work) + return; + + dwork = to_delayed_work(work); + core = container_of(dwork, struct vpu_core, msg_delayed_work); + if (kfifo_len(&core->msg_fifo) >= bytes) + vpu_core_run_msg_work(core); + + bytes = sizeof(struct vpu_rpc_event_header); + for (i = 0; i < core->supported_instance_count; i++) { + struct vpu_inst *inst = vpu_core_find_instance(core, i); + + if (!inst) + continue; + + if (inst->workqueue && kfifo_len(&inst->msg_fifo) >= bytes) + queue_work(inst->workqueue, &inst->msg_work); + + vpu_inst_put(inst); + } +} + + +int vpu_isr(struct vpu_core *core, u32 irq) +{ + WARN_ON(!core); + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "core[%d] irq code = 0x%x\n", core->id, irq); + switch (irq) { + case VPU_IRQ_CODE_SYNC: + break; + case VPU_IRQ_CODE_BOOT_DONE: + complete(&core->cmp); + break; + case VPU_IRQ_CODE_SNAPSHOT_DONE: + complete(&core->cmp); + break; + default: + break; + } + + if (kfifo_in(&core->msg_fifo, &irq, sizeof(irq)) != sizeof(irq)) + vpu_err("[%d]overflow: %d\n", core->id, irq); + queue_work(core->workqueue, &core->msg_work); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4bcf7be34097 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_msgs.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_MSGS_H +#define _IMX_VPU_MSGS_H + +int vpu_isr(struct vpu_core *core, u32 irq); +void vpu_inst_run_work(struct work_struct *work); +void vpu_msg_run_work(struct work_struct *work); +void vpu_msg_delayed_work(struct work_struct *work); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6d701cacdb11 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.c @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "RPC" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" +#include "vpu_windsor.h" +#include "vpu_malone.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +u32 vpu_iface_check_memory_region(struct vpu_core *core, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->check_memory_region) + return VPU_CORE_MEMORY_INVALID; + + return ops->check_memory_region(core->fw.phys, addr, size); +} + +u32 vpu_rpc_check_buffer_space(struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc, bool write) +{ + u32 ptr1; + u32 ptr2; + u32 size; + + WARN_ON(!desc); + + size = desc->end - desc->start; + if (write) { + ptr1 = desc->wptr; + ptr2 = desc->rptr; + } else { + ptr1 = desc->rptr; + ptr2 = desc->wptr; + } + + if (ptr1 == ptr2) { + if (!write) + return 0; + else + return size; + } + + return (ptr2 + size - ptr1) % size; +} + +int vpu_rpc_send_cmd_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_rpc_event *cmd) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 space = 0; + u32 *data; + u32 wptr; + u32 i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->cmd_mem_vir || !cmd); + + desc = shared->cmd_desc; + space = vpu_rpc_check_buffer_space(desc, true); + if (space < (((cmd->hdr.num + 1) << 2) + 16)) { + vpu_err("Cmd Buffer is no space for [%d] %d\n", + cmd->hdr.index, cmd->; + return -EINVAL; + } + wptr = desc->wptr; + data = (u32 *)(shared->cmd_mem_vir + desc->wptr - desc->start); + *data = 0; + *data |= ((cmd->hdr.index & 0xff) << 24); + *data |= ((cmd->hdr.num & 0xff) << 16); + *data |= (cmd-> & 0x3fff); + wptr += 4; + data++; + if (wptr >= desc->end) { + wptr = desc->start; + data = shared->cmd_mem_vir; + } + + for (i = 0; i < cmd->hdr.num; i++) { + *data = cmd->data[i]; + wptr += 4; + data++; + if (wptr >= desc->end) { + wptr = desc->start; + data = shared->cmd_mem_vir; + } + } + + /*update wptr after data is written*/ + mb(); + desc->wptr = wptr; + + return 0; +} + +bool vpu_rpc_check_msg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 space = 0; + u32 msgword; + u32 msgnum; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->msg_desc); + + desc = shared->msg_desc; + space = vpu_rpc_check_buffer_space(desc, 0); + space = (space >> 2); + + if (space) { + msgword = *(u32 *)(shared->msg_mem_vir + desc->rptr - desc->start); + msgnum = (msgword & 0xff0000) >> 16; + if (msgnum <= space) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +int vpu_rpc_receive_msg_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, struct vpu_rpc_event *msg) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 *data; + u32 msgword; + u32 rptr; + u32 i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->msg_desc || !msg); + + if (!vpu_rpc_check_msg(shared)) + return -EINVAL; + + desc = shared->msg_desc; + data = (u32 *)(shared->msg_mem_vir + desc->rptr - desc->start); + rptr = desc->rptr; + msgword = *data; + data++; + rptr += 4; + if (rptr >= desc->end) { + rptr = desc->start; + data = shared->msg_mem_vir; + } + + msg->hdr.index = (msgword >> 24) & 0xff; + msg->hdr.num = (msgword >> 16) & 0xff; + msg-> = msgword & 0x3fff; + + for (i = 0; i < msg->hdr.num; i++) { + msg->data[i] = *data; + data++; + rptr += 4; + if (rptr >= desc->end) { + rptr = desc->start; + data = shared->msg_mem_vir; + } + } + + /*update rptr after data is read*/ + mb(); + desc->rptr = rptr; + + return 0; +} + +struct vpu_iface_ops imx8q_rpc_ops[] = { + [VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC] = { + .check_codec = vpu_imx8q_check_codec, + .check_fmt = vpu_imx8q_check_fmt, + .boot_core = vpu_imx8q_boot_core, + .get_power_state = vpu_imx8q_get_power_state, + .on_firmware_loaded = vpu_imx8q_on_firmware_loaded, + .get_data_size = vpu_windsor_get_data_size, + .check_memory_region = vpu_imx8q_check_memory_region, + .init_rpc = vpu_windsor_init_rpc, + .set_log_buf = vpu_windsor_set_log_buf, + .set_system_cfg = vpu_windsor_set_system_cfg, + .get_version = vpu_windsor_get_version, + .send_cmd_buf = vpu_rpc_send_cmd_buf, + .receive_msg_buf = vpu_rpc_receive_msg_buf, + .pack_cmd = vpu_windsor_pack_cmd, + .convert_msg_id = vpu_windsor_convert_msg_id, + .unpack_msg_data = vpu_windsor_unpack_msg_data, + .config_memory_resource = vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource, + .get_stream_buffer_size = vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_size, + .config_stream_buffer = vpu_windsor_config_stream_buffer, + .get_stream_buffer_desc = vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_desc, + .update_stream_buffer = vpu_windsor_update_stream_buffer, + .set_encode_params = vpu_windsor_set_encode_params, + .input_frame = vpu_windsor_input_frame, + .get_max_instance_count = vpu_windsor_get_max_instance_count, + }, + [VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC] = { + .check_codec = vpu_imx8q_check_codec, + .check_fmt = vpu_imx8q_check_fmt, + .boot_core = vpu_imx8q_boot_core, + .get_power_state = vpu_imx8q_get_power_state, + .on_firmware_loaded = vpu_imx8q_on_firmware_loaded, + .get_data_size = vpu_malone_get_data_size, + .check_memory_region = vpu_imx8q_check_memory_region, + .init_rpc = vpu_malone_init_rpc, + .set_log_buf = vpu_malone_set_log_buf, + .set_system_cfg = vpu_malone_set_system_cfg, + .get_version = vpu_malone_get_version, + .send_cmd_buf = vpu_rpc_send_cmd_buf, + .receive_msg_buf = vpu_rpc_receive_msg_buf, + .get_stream_buffer_size = vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_size, + .config_stream_buffer = vpu_malone_config_stream_buffer, + .set_decode_params = vpu_malone_set_decode_params, + .pack_cmd = vpu_malone_pack_cmd, + .convert_msg_id = vpu_malone_convert_msg_id, + .unpack_msg_data = vpu_malone_unpack_msg_data, + .get_stream_buffer_desc = vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_desc, + .update_stream_buffer = vpu_malone_update_stream_buffer, + .add_scode = vpu_malone_add_scode, + .input_frame = vpu_malone_input_frame, + .pre_send_cmd = vpu_malone_pre_cmd, + .post_send_cmd = vpu_malone_post_cmd, + .init_instance = vpu_malone_init_instance, + .get_max_instance_count = vpu_malone_get_max_instance_count, + }, +}; + +struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_iface_get(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *rpc_ops = NULL; + u32 size = 0; + + WARN_ON(!core || !core->vpu || !core->vpu->res); + + switch (core->vpu->res->plat_type) { + case IMX8QXP: + case IMX8QM: + rpc_ops = imx8q_rpc_ops; + size = ARRAY_SIZE(imx8q_rpc_ops); + break; + default: + return NULL; + } + + if (core->type >= size) + return NULL; + + return &rpc_ops[core->type]; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a874817a4021 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_rpc.h @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_RPC_H +#define _IMX_VPU_RPC_H + +#include +#include "vpu_codec.h" + +struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc { + u32 wptr; + u32 rptr; + u32 start; + u32 end; +}; + +struct vpu_shared_addr { + void *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *cmd_desc; + void *cmd_mem_vir; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *msg_desc; + void *msg_mem_vir; + + unsigned long boot_addr; + struct vpu_core *core; + void *priv; +}; + +struct vpu_rpc_event_header { + u32 index; + u32 id; + u32 num; +}; + +struct vpu_rpc_event { + struct vpu_rpc_event_header hdr; + u32 data[256]; +}; + +struct vpu_iface_ops { + bool (*check_codec)(enum vpu_core_type type); + bool (*check_fmt)(enum vpu_core_type type, u32 pixelfmt); + u32 (*get_data_size)(void); + u32 (*check_memory_region)(dma_addr_t base, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size); + int (*boot_core)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*shutdown_core)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*restore_core)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*get_power_state)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*on_firmware_loaded)(struct vpu_core *core); + void (*init_rpc)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr); + void (*set_log_buf)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log); + void (*set_system_cfg)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 index); + void (*set_stream_cfg)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 index); + u32 (*get_version)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + u32 (*get_max_instance_count)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + int (*get_stream_buffer_size)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + int (*send_cmd_buf)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_rpc_event *cmd); + int (*receive_msg_buf)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_rpc_event *msg); + int (*pack_cmd)(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data); + int (*convert_msg_id)(u32 msg_id); + int (*unpack_msg_data)(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data); + int (*input_frame)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); + int (*config_memory_resource)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + u32 type, + u32 index, + struct vpu_buffer *buf); + int (*config_stream_buffer)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *buf); + int (*update_stream_buffer)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write); + int (*get_stream_buffer_desc)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc); + int (*set_encode_params)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_encode_params *params, u32 update); + int (*set_decode_params)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update); + int (*add_scode)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, + u32 scode_type); + int (*pre_send_cmd)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); + int (*post_send_cmd)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); + int (*init_instance)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +}; + +enum { + VPU_CORE_MEMORY_INVALID = 0, + VPU_CORE_MEMORY_CACHED, + VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED +}; + +struct vpu_rpc_region_t { + dma_addr_t start; + dma_addr_t end; + dma_addr_t type; +}; + +struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_iface_get(struct vpu_core *core); +u32 vpu_iface_check_memory_region(struct vpu_core *core, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size); + +static inline bool vpu_iface_check_codec(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->check_codec) + return ops->check_codec(core->type); + + return true; +} + +static inline bool vpu_iface_check_format(struct vpu_core *core, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->check_fmt) + return ops->check_fmt(core->type, pixelfmt); + + return true; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_boot_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->boot_core) + return ops->boot_core(core); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_get_power_state(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->get_power_state) + return ops->get_power_state(core); + return 1; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_shutdown_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->shutdown_core) + return ops->shutdown_core(core); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_restore_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->restore_core) + return ops->restore_core(core); + return -EINVAL; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_on_firmware_loaded(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (ops && ops->on_firmware_loaded) + return ops->on_firmware_loaded(core); + + return 0; +} + +static inline u32 vpu_iface_get_data_size(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_data_size) + return 0; + + return ops->get_data_size(); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_init(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, + dma_addr_t boot_addr) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->init_rpc) + return -EINVAL; + + ops->init_rpc(shared, rpc, boot_addr); + core->iface = shared; + shared->core = core; + if (rpc->bytesused > rpc->length) + return -ENOSPC; + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_set_log_buf(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_buffer *log) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops) + return -EINVAL; + + if (ops->set_log_buf) + ops->set_log_buf(core->iface, log); + + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_system(struct vpu_core *core, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops) + return -EINVAL; + if (ops->set_system_cfg) + ops->set_system_cfg(core->iface, regs_base, regs, core->id); + + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_stream_buffer_size) + return 0; + + return ops->get_stream_buffer_size(core->iface); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_stream(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops) + return -EINVAL; + if (ops->set_stream_cfg) + ops->set_stream_cfg(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_send_cmd(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_rpc_event *cmd) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->send_cmd_buf) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->send_cmd_buf(core->iface, cmd); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_receive_msg(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_rpc_event *msg) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->receive_msg_buf) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->receive_msg_buf(core->iface, msg); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_pack_cmd(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + u32 index, u32 id, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->pack_cmd) + return -EINVAL; + return ops->pack_cmd(pkt, index, id, data); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_convert_msg_id(struct vpu_core *core, u32 msg_id) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->convert_msg_id) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->convert_msg_id(msg_id); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->unpack_msg_data) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->unpack_msg_data(pkt, data); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_input_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->input_frame) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->input_frame(inst->core->iface, inst, vb); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_memory_resource(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 type, u32 index, struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->config_memory_resource) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->config_memory_resource(inst->core->iface, + inst->id, + type, index, buf); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->config_stream_buffer) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->config_stream_buffer(inst->core->iface, inst->id, buf); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 ptr, bool write) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->update_stream_buffer) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->update_stream_buffer(inst->core->iface, inst->id, ptr, write); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->get_stream_buffer_desc) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!desc) + return 0; + + return ops->get_stream_buffer_desc(inst->core->iface, inst->id, desc); +} + +static inline u32 vpu_iface_get_version(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_version) + return 0; + + return ops->get_version(core->iface); +} + +static inline u32 vpu_iface_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_max_instance_count) + return 0; + + return ops->get_max_instance_count(core->iface); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_set_encode_params(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_encode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->set_encode_params) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->set_encode_params(inst->core->iface, inst->id, params, update); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_set_decode_params(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->set_decode_params) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->set_decode_params(inst->core->iface, inst->id, params, update); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_add_scode(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 scode_type) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (!ops || !ops->add_scode) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->add_scode(inst->core->iface, inst->id, + &inst->stream_buffer, + inst->out_format.pixfmt, + scode_type); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_pre_send_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (ops && ops->pre_send_cmd) + return ops->pre_send_cmd(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_post_send_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (ops && ops->post_send_cmd) + return ops->post_send_cmd(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_init_instance(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_iface_get(inst->core); + + WARN_ON(inst->id < 0); + if (ops && ops->init_instance) + return ops->init_instance(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + + return 0; +} + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c3953165d08a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.c @@ -0,0 +1,730 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "V4L2" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_msgs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +dma_addr_t vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no) +{ + return vb2_dma_contig_plane_dma_addr(vb, plane_no) + + vb->planes[plane_no].data_offset; +} + +unsigned int vpu_get_vb_length(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no) +{ + if (plane_no >= vb->num_planes) + return 0; + return vb2_plane_size(vb, plane_no) - vb->planes[plane_no].data_offset; +} + +void vpu_v4l2_set_error(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vb2_queue *src_q; + struct vb2_queue *dst_q; + + src_q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + if (src_q) + src_q->error = 1; + if (dst_q) + dst_q->error = 1; +} + +int vpu_notify_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + const struct v4l2_event ev = { + .id = 0, + .type = V4L2_EVENT_EOS + }; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "notify eos event\n"); + v4l2_event_queue_fh(&inst->fh, &ev); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_notify_source_change(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + const struct v4l2_event ev = { + .id = 0, + .type = V4L2_EVENT_SOURCE_CHANGE, + .u.src_change.changes = V4L2_EVENT_SRC_CH_RESOLUTION + }; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "notify source change event\n"); + v4l2_event_queue_fh(&inst->fh, &ev); + return 0; +} + +int vpu_notify_skip(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + const struct v4l2_event ev = { + .id = 0, + .type = V4L2_EVENT_SKIP, +[0] = 0xff, + }; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "notify skip event\n"); + v4l2_event_queue_fh(&inst->fh, &ev); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_notify_codec_error(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + const struct v4l2_event ev = { + .id = 0, + .type = V4L2_EVENT_CODEC_ERROR, + }; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "notify error event\n"); + v4l2_event_queue_fh(&inst->fh, &ev); + vpu_v4l2_set_error(inst); + + return 0; +} + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_try_fmt_common(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + u32 type = f->type; + u32 stride; + u32 bytesperline; + u32 sizeimage; + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + int i; + + fmt = vpu_helper_find_format(inst, type, pixmp->pixelformat); + if (!fmt) { + fmt = vpu_helper_enum_format(inst, type, 0); + if (!fmt) + return NULL; + pixmp->pixelformat = fmt->pixfmt; + } + + stride = inst->core->res->stride; + pixmp->width = vpu_helper_valid_frame_width(inst, pixmp->width); + pixmp->height = vpu_helper_valid_frame_height(inst, pixmp->height); + pixmp->flags = fmt->flags; + pixmp->num_planes = fmt->num_planes; + if (pixmp->field == V4L2_FIELD_ANY) + pixmp->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + bytesperline = ALIGN(pixmp->width, stride); + sizeimage = vpu_helper_get_plane_size(pixmp->pixelformat, + pixmp->width, pixmp->height, i, stride); + if ((s32)(pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline) <= 0) + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = bytesperline; + if ((s32)(pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage) <= 0) + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = sizeimage; + if (pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline < bytesperline) + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = bytesperline; + if (pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage <= sizeimage) + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = sizeimage; + } + + return fmt; +} + +static bool vpu_check_ready(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + if (!inst) + return false; + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT || inst->id < 0) + return false; + if (!inst->ops->check_ready) + return true; + return call_vop(inst, check_ready, type); +} + +int vpu_process_output_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = NULL; + + if (!inst) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_check_ready(inst, inst->out_format.type)) + return -EINVAL; + + v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, buf) { + vpu_buf = container_of(buf, struct vpu_vb2_buffer, m2m_buf); + if (vpu_buf->state == VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE) + break; + vpu_buf = NULL; + } + + if (!vpu_buf) + return -EINVAL; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "frame id = %d / %d\n", + vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb.sequence, inst->sequence); + return call_vop(inst, process_output, &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb.vb2_buf); +} + +int vpu_process_capture_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = NULL; + + if (!inst) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_check_ready(inst, inst->cap_format.type)) + return -EINVAL; + + v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, buf) { + vpu_buf = container_of(buf, struct vpu_vb2_buffer, m2m_buf); + if (vpu_buf->state == VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE) + break; + vpu_buf = NULL; + } + if (!vpu_buf) + return -EINVAL; + + return call_vop(inst, process_capture, &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb.vb2_buf); +} + +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_sequence(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 type, u32 sequence) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = NULL; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->sequence == sequence) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } else { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->sequence == sequence) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } + + return vbuf; +} + +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_idx(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 type, u32 idx) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = NULL; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.index == idx) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } else { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.index == idx) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } + + return vbuf; +} + +int vpu_get_num_buffers(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct vb2_queue *q; + + if (!inst || !inst->m2m_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + else + q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + + return q->num_buffers; +} + +static void vpu_m2m_device_run(void *priv) +{ +} + +static void vpu_m2m_job_abort(void *priv) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = priv; + + v4l2_m2m_job_finish(inst->m2m_dev, inst->m2m_ctx); +} + +static const struct v4l2_m2m_ops vpu_m2m_ops = { + .device_run = vpu_m2m_device_run, + .job_abort = vpu_m2m_job_abort +}; + +static int vpu_vb2_queue_setup(struct vb2_queue *vq, + unsigned int *buf_count, + unsigned int *plane_count, + unsigned int psize[], + struct device *allocators[]) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vq); + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + int i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, vq->type); + + if (*plane_count) { + if (*plane_count != cur_fmt->num_planes) + return -EINVAL; + for (i = 0; i < cur_fmt->num_planes; i++) { + if (psize[i] < cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]) + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + *plane_count = cur_fmt->num_planes; + for (i = 0; i < cur_fmt->num_planes; i++) + psize[i] = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%s queue setup : %u; %u, %u\n", + vpu_type_name(vq->type), + *buf_count, + psize[0], psize[1]); + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_vb2_buf_init(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_vb2_buf_cleanup(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ +} + +static int vpu_vb2_buf_prepare(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue); + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + u32 i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, vb->type); + if (vb->num_planes != cur_fmt->num_planes) + return -EINVAL; + for (i = 0; i < cur_fmt->num_planes; i++) { + if (vpu_get_vb_length(vb, i) < cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]) { + inst_err(inst, "%s buf[%d] is invalid\n", + vpu_type_name(vb->type), + vb->index); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_ERROR; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_vb2_buf_finish(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue); + struct vb2_queue *q = vb->vb2_queue; + + if (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST) + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + + if (list_empty(&q->done_list)) + call_vop(inst, on_queue_empty, q->type); +} + +void vpu_vb2_buffers_return(struct vpu_inst *inst, + unsigned int type, enum vb2_buffer_state state) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *buf; + + if (!inst || !inst->m2m_ctx) + return; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + while ((buf = v4l2_m2m_src_buf_remove(inst->m2m_ctx))) + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(buf, state); + } else { + while ((buf = v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove(inst->m2m_ctx))) + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(buf, state); + } +} + +static int vpu_vb2_start_streaming(struct vb2_queue *q, unsigned int count) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(q); + + vpu_inst_get(inst); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%s start streaming : %d\n", + vpu_type_name(q->type), q->num_buffers); + call_vop(inst, start, q->type); + vb2_clear_last_buffer_dequeued(q); + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_vb2_stop_streaming(struct vb2_queue *q) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(q); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%s stop streaming\n", vpu_type_name(q->type)); + + call_vop(inst, stop, q->type); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_vb2_buffers_return(inst, q->type, VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR); + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(q->type)) + inst->sequence = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_inst_put(inst); +} + +static void vpu_vb2_buf_queue(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "%s buf queue\n", vpu_type_name(vb->type)); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(vb->type)) { + vbuf->sequence = inst->sequence++; + if ((s64)vb->timestamp < 0) + vb->timestamp = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + } + + v4l2_m2m_buf_queue(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + vpu_process_output_buffer(inst); + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static struct vb2_ops vpu_vb2_ops = { + .queue_setup = vpu_vb2_queue_setup, + .buf_init = vpu_vb2_buf_init, + .buf_cleanup = vpu_vb2_buf_cleanup, + .buf_prepare = vpu_vb2_buf_prepare, + .buf_finish = vpu_vb2_buf_finish, + .start_streaming = vpu_vb2_start_streaming, + .stop_streaming = vpu_vb2_stop_streaming, + .buf_queue = vpu_vb2_buf_queue, +}; + +static int vpu_m2m_queue_init(void *priv, struct vb2_queue *src_vq, + struct vb2_queue *dst_vq) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = priv; + int ret; + + src_vq->type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; + src_vq->io_modes = VB2_MMAP | VB2_USERPTR | VB2_DMABUF; + src_vq->timestamp_flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY; + src_vq->ops = &vpu_vb2_ops; + src_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_dma_contig_memops; + if (inst->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC && inst->use_stream_buffer) + src_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_vmalloc_memops; + src_vq->drv_priv = inst; + src_vq->buf_struct_size = sizeof(struct vpu_vb2_buffer); + src_vq->allow_zero_bytesused = 1; + src_vq->min_buffers_needed = 1; + src_vq->dev = inst->core->dev; + ret = vb2_queue_init(src_vq); + if (ret) + return ret; + + dst_vq->type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; + dst_vq->io_modes = VB2_MMAP | VB2_USERPTR | VB2_DMABUF; + dst_vq->timestamp_flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY; + dst_vq->ops = &vpu_vb2_ops; + dst_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_dma_contig_memops; + if (inst->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC && inst->use_stream_buffer) + dst_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_vmalloc_memops; + dst_vq->drv_priv = inst; + dst_vq->buf_struct_size = sizeof(struct vpu_vb2_buffer); + dst_vq->allow_zero_bytesused = 1; + dst_vq->min_buffers_needed = 1; + dst_vq->dev = inst->core->dev; + ret = vb2_queue_init(dst_vq); + if (ret) { + vb2_queue_release(src_vq); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_reqbufs(struct file *file, void *priv, + struct v4l2_requestbuffers *rb) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_reqbufs(file, priv, rb); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_create_bufs(struct file *file, void *priv, + struct v4l2_create_buffers *create) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_create_bufs(file, priv, create); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_qbuf(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_qbuf(file, priv, buf); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_dqbuf(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_dqbuf(file, priv, buf); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamon(struct file *file, void *priv, + enum v4l2_buf_type type) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + ret = vpu_inst_register(inst); + if (ret) + return ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_streamon(file, priv, type); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamoff(struct file *file, void *priv, + enum v4l2_buf_type type) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_streamoff(file, priv, type); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_v4l2_release(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = inst->core; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%s\n", __func__); + + vpu_release_core(core); + + if (inst->workqueue) { + cancel_work_sync(&inst->msg_work); + destroy_workqueue(inst->workqueue); + inst->workqueue = NULL; + } + if (inst->m2m_ctx) { + v4l2_m2m_ctx_release(inst->m2m_ctx); + inst->m2m_ctx = NULL; + } + if (inst->m2m_dev) { + v4l2_m2m_release(inst->m2m_dev); + inst->m2m_dev = NULL; + } + + v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&inst->ctrl_handler); + mutex_destroy(&inst->lock); + mutex_destroy(&inst->ioctl_sync); + v4l2_fh_del(&inst->fh); + v4l2_fh_exit(&inst->fh); + + call_vop(inst, cleanup); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_open(struct file *file, struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = video_drvdata(file); + struct video_device *vdev; + struct vpu_core *core = NULL; + int ret = 0; + + WARN_ON(!file || !inst || !inst->ops); + + if (inst->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + vdev = vpu->vdev_enc; + else + vdev = vpu->vdev_dec; + + mutex_init(&inst->lock); + mutex_init(&inst->ioctl_sync); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&inst->cmd_q); + + inst->id = VPU_INST_NULL_ID; + inst->release = vpu_v4l2_release; + inst->core = vpu_request_core(vpu, inst->type); + + core = inst->core; + if (!core) { + vpu_err("there is no core for %s\n", + vpu_core_type_desc(inst->type)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + inst->min_buffer_cap = 2; + inst->min_buffer_out = 2; + + ret = call_vop(inst, ctrl_init); + if (ret) + goto error; + + inst->m2m_dev = v4l2_m2m_init(&vpu_m2m_ops); + if (IS_ERR(inst->m2m_dev)) { + vpu_err("v4l2_m2m_init fail\n"); + ret = PTR_ERR(inst->m2m_dev); + goto error; + } + + inst->m2m_ctx = v4l2_m2m_ctx_init(inst->m2m_dev, + inst, vpu_m2m_queue_init); + if (IS_ERR(inst->m2m_ctx)) { + vpu_err("v4l2_m2m_ctx_init fail\n"); + ret = PTR_ERR(inst->m2m_dev); + goto error; + } + + v4l2_fh_init(&inst->fh, vdev); + v4l2_fh_add(&inst->fh); + inst->fh.ctrl_handler = &inst->ctrl_handler; + inst->fh.m2m_ctx = inst->m2m_ctx; + file->private_data = &inst->fh; + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT; + inst->workqueue = alloc_workqueue("vpu_inst", WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + if (inst->workqueue) { + INIT_WORK(&inst->msg_work, vpu_inst_run_work); + ret = kfifo_init(&inst->msg_fifo, + inst->msg_buffer, + roundup_pow_of_two(sizeof(inst->msg_buffer))); + if (ret) { + destroy_workqueue(inst->workqueue); + inst->workqueue = NULL; + } + } + atomic_set(&inst->ref_count, 0); + vpu_inst_get(inst); + vpu_dbg(LVL_FLOW, "open, tgid = %d, pid = %d\n", inst->tgid, inst->pid); + + return 0; +error: + if (inst->m2m_ctx) { + v4l2_m2m_ctx_release(inst->m2m_ctx); + inst->m2m_ctx = NULL; + } + if (inst->m2m_dev) { + v4l2_m2m_release(inst->m2m_dev); + inst->m2m_dev = NULL; + } + v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&inst->ctrl_handler); + vpu_release_core(inst->core); + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_close(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vb2_queue *src_q; + struct vb2_queue *dst_q; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "close\n"); + src_q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + mutex_lock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + if (vb2_is_streaming(src_q)) + v4l2_m2m_streamoff(file, inst->m2m_ctx, src_q->type); + if (vb2_is_streaming(dst_q)) + v4l2_m2m_streamoff(file, inst->m2m_ctx, dst_q->type); + mutex_unlock(&inst->ioctl_sync); + + call_vop(inst, release); + vpu_inst_unregister(inst); + vpu_inst_put(inst); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b187dc24d48 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_v4l2.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_V4L2_H +#define _IMX_VPU_V4L2_H + +int vpu_v4l2_open(struct file *file, struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_v4l2_close(struct file *file); +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_reqbufs(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *rb); +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_create_bufs(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_create_buffers *create); +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_qbuf(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_buffer *buf); +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_dqbuf(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_buffer *buf); +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamon(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type type); +int vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamoff(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type type); + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_try_fmt_common(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct v4l2_format *f); +int vpu_process_output_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_process_capture_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst); +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_sequence(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 sequence); +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_idx(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 idx); +void vpu_v4l2_set_error(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_notify_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_notify_source_change(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_notify_skip(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_notify_codec_error(struct vpu_inst *inst); +void vpu_vb2_buffers_return(struct vpu_inst *inst, + unsigned int type, enum vb2_buffer_state state); +int vpu_get_num_buffers(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); + +dma_addr_t vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no); +unsigned int vpu_get_vb_length(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no); +static inline struct vpu_format *vpu_get_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + return &inst->out_format; + else + return &inst->cap_format; +} + +static inline char *vpu_type_name(u32 type) +{ + return V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type) ? "output" : "capture"; +} + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..646b6040e798 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.c @@ -0,0 +1,1253 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#define TAG "WINDSOR" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" +#include "vpu_windsor.h" + +#define CMD_SIZE 2560 +#define MSG_SIZE 25600 +#define WINDSOR_USER_DATA_WORDS 16 +#define WINDSOR_MAX_SRC_FRAMES 0x6 +#define WINDSOR_MAX_REF_FRAMES 0x3 +#define WINDSOR_BITRATE_UNIT 1024 +#define WINDSOR_H264_EXTENDED_SAR 255 + +enum { + GTB_ENC_CMD_NOOP = 0x0, + GTB_ENC_CMD_STREAM_START, + GTB_ENC_CMD_FRAME_ENCODE, + GTB_ENC_CMD_FRAME_SKIP, + GTB_ENC_CMD_STREAM_STOP, + GTB_ENC_CMD_PARAMETER_UPD, + GTB_ENC_CMD_TERMINATE, + GTB_ENC_CMD_SNAPSHOT, + GTB_ENC_CMD_ROLL_SNAPSHOT, + GTB_ENC_CMD_LOCK_SCHEDULER, + GTB_ENC_CMD_UNLOCK_SCHEDULER, + GTB_ENC_CMD_CONFIGURE_CODEC, + GTB_ENC_CMD_DEAD_MARK, + GTB_ENC_CMD_FIRM_RESET, + GTB_ENC_CMD_FW_STATUS, + GTB_ENC_CMD_RESERVED +}; + +enum { + VID_API_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 0x0, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_RESET_DONE = 0x1, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_START_DONE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_STOP_DONE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_TERMINATE_DONE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_INPUT_DONE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_DONE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_RELEASE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_PARA_UPD_DONE, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_MEM_REQUEST, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FIRMWARE_XCPT, + VID_API_ENC_EVENT_RESERVED +}; + +enum { + MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_B_FRAME = 0, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_P_FRAME, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_I_FRAME, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_IDR_FRAME, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_BI_FRAME +}; + +struct windsor_iface { + u32 exec_base_addr; + u32 exec_area_size; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc cmd_buffer_desc; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc msg_buffer_desc; + u32 cmd_int_enable[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 fw_version; + u32 mvd_fw_offset; + u32 max_streams; + u32 ctrl_iface[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_rpc_system_config system_config; + u32 api_version; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc log_buffer_desc; +}; + +struct windsor_ctrl_iface { + u32 enc_yuv_buffer_desc; + u32 enc_stream_buffer_desc; + u32 enc_expert_mode_param; + u32 enc_param; + u32 enc_mem_pool; + u32 enc_encoding_status; + u32 enc_dsa_status; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_yuv_desc { + u32 frame_id; + u32 luma_base; + u32 chroma_base; + u32 param_idx; + u32 key_frame; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_calib_params { + u32 use_ame; + + u32 cme_mvx_max; + u32 cme_mvy_max; + u32 ame_prefresh_y0; + u32 ame_prefresh_y1; + u32 fme_min_sad; + u32 cme_min_sad; + + u32 fme_pred_int_weight; + u32 fme_pred_hp_weight; + u32 fme_pred_qp_weight; + u32 fme_cost_weight; + u32 fme_act_thold; + u32 fme_sad_thold; + u32 fme_zero_sad_thold; + + u32 fme_lrg_mvx_lmt; + u32 fme_lrg_mvy_lmt; + u32 fme_force_mode; + u32 fme_force4mvcost; + u32 fme_force2mvcost; + + u32 h264_inter_thrd; + + u32 i16x16_mode_cost; + u32 i4x4_mode_lambda; + u32 i8x8_mode_lambda; + + u32 inter_mod_mult; + u32 inter_sel_mult; + u32 inter_bid_cost; + u32 inter_bwd_cost; + u32 inter_4mv_cost; + s32 one_mv_i16_cost; + s32 one_mv_i4x4_cost; + s32 one_mv_i8x8_cost; + s32 two_mv_i16_cost; + s32 two_mv_i4x4_cost; + s32 two_mv_i8x8_cost; + s32 four_mv_i16_cost; + s32 four_mv_i4x4_cost; + s32 four_mv_i8x8_cost; + + u32 intra_pred_enab; + u32 intra_chr_pred; + u32 intra16_pred; + u32 intra4x4_pred; + u32 intra8x8_pred; + + u32 cb_base; + u32 cb_size; + u32 cb_head_room; + + u32 mem_page_width; + u32 mem_page_height; + u32 mem_total_size; + u32 mem_chunk_phys_addr; + u32 mem_chunk_virt_addr; + u32 mem_chunk_size; + u32 mem_y_stride; + u32 mem_uv_stride; + + u32 split_wr_enab; + u32 split_wr_req_size; + u32 split_rd_enab; + u32 split_rd_req_size; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_config_params { + u32 param_change; + u32 start_frame; + u32 end_frame; + u32 userdata_enable; + u32 userdata_id[4]; + u32 userdata_message[WINDSOR_USER_DATA_WORDS]; + u32 userdata_length; + u32 h264_profile_idc; + u32 h264_level_idc; + u32 h264_au_delimiter; + u32 h264_seq_end_code; + u32 h264_recovery_points; + u32 h264_vui_parameters; + u32 h264_aspect_ratio_present; + u32 h264_aspect_ratio_sar_width; + u32 h264_aspect_ratio_sar_height; + u32 h264_overscan_present; + u32 h264_video_type_present; + u32 h264_video_format; + u32 h264_video_full_range; + u32 h264_video_colour_descriptor; + u32 h264_video_colour_primaries; + u32 h264_video_transfer_char; + u32 h264_video_matrix_coeff; + u32 h264_chroma_loc_info_present; + u32 h264_chroma_loc_type_top; + u32 h264_chroma_loc_type_bot; + u32 h264_timing_info_present; + u32 h264_buffering_period_present; + u32 h264_low_delay_hrd_flag; + u32 aspect_ratio; + u32 test_mode; // Automated firmware test mode + u32 dsa_test_mode; // Automated test mode for the DSA. + u32 fme_test_mode; // Automated test mode for the fme + u32 cbr_row_mode; //0: FW mode; 1: HW mode + u32 windsor_mode; //0: normal mode; 1: intra only mode; 2: intra+0MV mode + u32 encode_mode; // H264, VC1, MPEG2, DIVX + u32 frame_width; // display width + u32 frame_height; // display height + u32 enc_frame_width; // encoding width, should be 16-pix align + u32 enc_frame_height; // encoding height, should be 16-pix aligned + u32 frame_rate_num; + u32 frame_rate_den; + u32 vi_field_source; + u32 vi_frame_width; + u32 vi_frame_height; + u32 crop_frame_width; + u32 crop_frame_height; + u32 crop_x_start_posn; + u32 crop_y_start_posn; + u32 mode422; + u32 mode_yuy2; + u32 dsa_luma_en; + u32 dsa_chroma_en; + u32 dsa_ext_hfilt_en; + u32 dsa_di_en; + u32 dsa_di_top_ref; + u32 dsa_vertf_disable; + u32 dsa_disable_pwb; + u32 dsa_hor_phase; + u32 dsa_ver_phase; + u32 dsa_iac_enable; + u32 iac_sc_threshold; + u32 iac_vm_threshold; + u32 iac_skip_mode; + u32 iac_grp_width; + u32 iac_grp_height; + u32 rate_control_mode; + u32 rate_control_resolution; + u32 buffer_size; + u32 buffer_level_init; + u32 buffer_I_bit_budget; + u32 top_field_first; + u32 intra_lum_qoffset; + u32 intra_chr_qoffset; + u32 inter_lum_qoffset; + u32 inter_chr_qoffset; + u32 use_def_scaling_mtx; + u32 inter_8x8_enab; + u32 inter_4x4_enab; + u32 fme_enable_qpel; + u32 fme_enable_hpel; + u32 fme_nozeromv; + u32 fme_predmv_en; + u32 fme_pred_2mv4mv; + u32 fme_smallsadthresh; + u32 ame_en_lmvc; + u32 ame_x_mult; + u32 cme_enable_4mv; + u32 cme_enable_1mv; + u32 hme_enable_16x8mv; + u32 hme_enable_8x16mv; + u32 cme_mv_weight; + u32 cme_mv_cost; + u32 ame_mult_mv; + u32 ame_shift_mv; + u32 hme_forceto1mv_en; + u32 hme_2mv_cost; + u32 hme_pred_mode; + u32 hme_sc_rnge; + u32 hme_sw_rnge; + u32 output_format; + u32 timestamp_enab; + u32 initial_pts_enab; + u32 initial_pts; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_static_params { + u32 param_change; + u32 gop_length; + u32 rate_control_bitrate; + u32 rate_control_bitrate_min; + u32 rate_control_bitrate_max; + u32 rate_control_content_models; + u32 rate_control_iframe_maxsize; + u32 rate_control_qp_init; + u32 rate_control_islice_qp; + u32 rate_control_pslice_qp; + u32 rate_control_bslice_qp; + u32 adaptive_quantization; + u32 aq_variance; + u32 cost_optimization; + u32 fdlp_mode; + u32 enable_isegbframes; + u32 enable_adaptive_keyratio; + u32 keyratio_imin; + u32 keyratio_imax; + u32 keyratio_pmin; + u32 keyratio_pmax; + u32 keyratio_bmin; + u32 keyratio_bmax; + s32 keyratio_istep; + s32 keyratio_pstep; + s32 keyratio_bstep; + u32 enable_paff; + u32 enable_b_frame_ref; + u32 enable_adaptive_gop; + u32 enable_closed_gop; + u32 open_gop_refresh_freq; + u32 enable_adaptive_sc; + u32 enable_fade_detection; + s32 fade_detection_threshold; + u32 enable_repeat_b; + u32 enable_low_delay_b; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_dynamic_params { + u32 param_change; + u32 rows_per_slice; + u32 mbaff_enable; + u32 dbf_enable; + u32 field_source; + u32 gop_b_length; + u32 mb_group_size; + u32 cbr_rows_per_group; + u32 skip_enable; + u32 pts_bits_0_to_31; + u32 pts_bit_32; + u32 rm_expsv_cff; + u32 const_ipred; + s32 chr_qp_offset; + u32 intra_mb_qp_offset; + u32 h264_cabac_init_method; + u32 h264_cabac_init_idc; + u32 h264_cabac_enable; + s32 alpha_c0_offset_div2; + s32 beta_offset_div2; + u32 intra_prefresh_y0; + u32 intra_prefresh_y1; + u32 dbg_dump_rec_src; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param { + struct vpu_enc_calib_params calib_param; + struct vpu_enc_config_params config_param; + struct vpu_enc_static_params static_param; + struct vpu_enc_dynamic_params dynamic_param; +}; + +enum MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT { + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_H264 = 0, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_VC1, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_MPEG2, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_MPEG4SP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_H263, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_MPEG1, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_SHORT_HEADER, + MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_NULL +}; + +enum MEDIAIP_ENC_PROFILE { + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_MPEG2_SP = 0, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_MPEG2_MP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_MPEG2_HP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_H264_BP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_H264_MP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_H264_HP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_MPEG4_SP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_MPEG4_ASP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_VC1_SP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_VC1_MP, + MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_VC1_AP +}; + +enum MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE { + MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE_VBR = 0x00000001, + MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE_CBR = 0x00000002, + MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE_CONSTANT_QP = 0x00000004 +}; + +struct vpu_enc_memory_resource { + u32 phys; + u32 virt; + u32 size; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_param { + enum MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT codec_mode; + enum MEDIAIP_ENC_PROFILE profile; + u32 level; + + struct vpu_enc_memory_resource enc_mem_desc; + + u32 frame_rate; + u32 src_stride; + u32 src_width; + u32 src_height; + u32 src_offset_x; + u32 src_offset_y; + u32 src_crop_width; + u32 src_crop_height; + u32 out_width; + u32 out_height; + u32 iframe_interval; + u32 bframes; + u32 low_latency_mode; + + enum MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE bitrate_mode; + u32 target_bitrate; + u32 max_bitrate; + u32 min_bitrate; + u32 init_slice_qp; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_mem_pool { + struct vpu_enc_memory_resource enc_frames[WINDSOR_MAX_SRC_FRAMES]; + struct vpu_enc_memory_resource ref_frames[WINDSOR_MAX_REF_FRAMES]; + struct vpu_enc_memory_resource act_frame; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_encoding_status { + u32 frame_id; + u32 error_flag; //Error type + u32 mb_y; + u32 mb_x; + u32 reserved[12]; + +}; + +struct vpu_enc_dsa_status { + u32 frame_id; + u32 dsa_cyle; + u32 mb_y; + u32 mb_x; + u32 reserved[4]; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_ctrl { + struct vpu_enc_yuv_desc *yuv_desc; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *stream_desc; + struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert; + struct vpu_enc_param *param; + struct vpu_enc_mem_pool *pool; + struct vpu_enc_encoding_status *status; + struct vpu_enc_dsa_status *dsa; +}; + +struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls { + struct vpu_enc_ctrl ctrls[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; +}; + +struct windsor_pic_info { + u32 frame_id; + u32 pic_encod_done; + u32 pic_type; + u32 skipped_frame; + u32 error_flag; + u32 psnr; + u32 flush_done; + u32 mb_y; + u32 mb_x; + u32 frame_size; + u32 frame_enc_ttl_cycles; + u32 frame_enc_ttl_frm_cycles; + u32 frame_enc_ttl_slc_cycles; + u32 frame_enc_ttl_enc_cycles; + u32 frame_enc_ttl_hme_cycles; + u32 frame_enc_ttl_dsa_cycles; + u32 frame_enc_fw_cycles; + u32 frame_crc; + u32 num_interrupts_1; + u32 num_interrupts_2; + u32 poc; + u32 ref_info; + u32 pic_num; + u32 pic_activity; + u32 scene_change; + u32 mb_stats; + u32 enc_cache_count0; + u32 enc_cache_count1; + u32 mtl_wr_strb_cnt; + u32 mtl_rd_strb_cnt; + u32 str_buff_wptr; + u32 diagnosticEvents; + u32 proc_iacc_tot_rd_cnt; + u32 proc_dacc_tot_rd_cnt; + u32 proc_dacc_tot_wr_cnt; + u32 proc_dacc_reg_rd_cnt; + u32 proc_dacc_reg_wr_cnt; + u32 proc_dacc_rng_rd_cnt; + u32 proc_dacc_rng_wr_cnt; + s32 tv_s; + u32 tv_ns; +}; + +u32 vpu_windsor_get_data_size(void) +{ + return sizeof(struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls); +} + +static struct vpu_enc_yuv_desc *get_yuv_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls *hcs = shared->priv; + + return hcs->ctrls[instance].yuv_desc; +} + +static struct vpu_enc_mem_pool *get_mem_pool(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls *hcs = shared->priv; + + return hcs->ctrls[instance].pool; +} + +static struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *get_stream_buf_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls *hcs = shared->priv; + + return hcs->ctrls[instance].stream_desc; +} + +static struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *get_expert_param(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls *hcs = shared->priv; + + return hcs->ctrls[instance].expert; +} + +static struct vpu_enc_param *get_enc_param(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls *hcs = shared->priv; + + return hcs->ctrls[instance].param; +} + +static u32 get_ptr(u32 ptr) +{ + return (ptr | 0x80000000); +} + +void vpu_windsor_init_rpc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr) +{ + unsigned long base_phy_addr; + unsigned long phy_addr; + unsigned long offset; + struct windsor_iface *iface; + struct windsor_ctrl_iface *ctrl; + struct vpu_enc_host_ctrls *hcs; + unsigned int i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->priv); + WARN_ON(!rpc || !rpc->phys || !rpc->length || rpc->phys < boot_addr); + + base_phy_addr = rpc->phys - boot_addr; + iface = rpc->virt; + shared->iface = iface; + shared->boot_addr = boot_addr; + hcs = shared->priv; + + iface->exec_base_addr = base_phy_addr; + iface->exec_area_size = rpc->length; + + offset = sizeof(struct windsor_iface); + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + shared->cmd_desc = &iface->cmd_buffer_desc; + shared->cmd_mem_vir = rpc->virt + offset; + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.start = + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.rptr = + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.wptr = phy_addr; + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.end = iface->cmd_buffer_desc.start + CMD_SIZE; + + offset += CMD_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + shared->msg_desc = &iface->msg_buffer_desc; + shared->msg_mem_vir = rpc->virt + offset; + iface->msg_buffer_desc.start = + iface->msg_buffer_desc.wptr = + iface->msg_buffer_desc.rptr = phy_addr; + iface->msg_buffer_desc.end = iface->msg_buffer_desc.start + MSG_SIZE; + + offset += MSG_SIZE; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iface->ctrl_iface); i++) { + iface->ctrl_iface[i] = base_phy_addr + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct windsor_ctrl_iface); + } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iface->ctrl_iface); i++) { + ctrl = rpc->virt + (iface->ctrl_iface[i] - base_phy_addr); + + ctrl->enc_yuv_buffer_desc = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].yuv_desc = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_enc_yuv_desc); + + ctrl->enc_stream_buffer_desc = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].stream_desc = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc); + + ctrl->enc_expert_mode_param = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].expert = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param); + + ctrl->enc_param = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].param = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_enc_param); + + ctrl->enc_mem_pool = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].pool = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_enc_mem_pool); + + ctrl->enc_encoding_status = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].status = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_enc_encoding_status); + + ctrl->enc_dsa_status = base_phy_addr + offset; + hcs->ctrls[i].dsa = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_enc_dsa_status); + } + + rpc->bytesused = offset; +} + +void vpu_windsor_set_log_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log) +{ + struct windsor_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !log || !log->phys); + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "set log area <0x%llx, 0x%x> (0x%lx)\n", + log->phys, log->length, shared->boot_addr); + iface = shared->iface; + iface->log_buffer_desc.start = + iface->log_buffer_desc.wptr = + iface->log_buffer_desc.rptr = log->phys - shared->boot_addr; + iface->log_buffer_desc.end = iface->log_buffer_desc.start + log->length; +} + +void vpu_windsor_set_system_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id) +{ + struct windsor_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_system_config *config; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface); + + iface = shared->iface; + config = &iface->system_config; + + vpu_imx8q_set_system_cfg_common(config, regs_base, core_id); +} + +int vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + return 0x300000; +} + +static struct vpu_pair windsor_cmds[] = { + {VPU_CMD_ID_CONFIGURE_CODEC, GTB_ENC_CMD_CONFIGURE_CODEC}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_START, GTB_ENC_CMD_STREAM_START}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_STOP, GTB_ENC_CMD_STREAM_STOP}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FRAME_ENCODE, GTB_ENC_CMD_FRAME_ENCODE}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_SNAPSHOT, GTB_ENC_CMD_SNAPSHOT}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FIRM_RESET, GTB_ENC_CMD_FIRM_RESET}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_UPDATE_PARAMETER, GTB_ENC_CMD_PARAMETER_UPD}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_DEBUG, GTB_ENC_CMD_FW_STATUS} +}; + +static struct vpu_pair windsor_msgs[] = { + {VPU_MSG_ID_RESET_DONE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_RESET_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_START_DONE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_START_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_STOP_DONE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_STOP_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_INPUT_DONE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_INPUT_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_ENC_DONE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_RELEASE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_MEM_REQUEST, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_MEM_REQUEST}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PARAM_UPD_DONE, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_PARA_UPD_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FIRMWARE_XCPT, VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FIRMWARE_XCPT}, +}; + +int vpu_windsor_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data) +{ + int ret; + s64 timestamp; + + WARN_ON(!pkt); + + ret = vpu_find_dst_by_src(windsor_cmds, ARRAY_SIZE(windsor_cmds), id); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + pkt-> = ret; + pkt->hdr.num = 0; + pkt->hdr.index = index; + if (id == VPU_CMD_ID_FRAME_ENCODE) { + pkt->hdr.num = 2; + timestamp = *(s64 *)data; + if (timestamp < 0) { + pkt->data[0] = (u32)-1; + pkt->data[1] = 0; + } else { + pkt->data[0] = timestamp / NSEC_PER_SEC; + pkt->data[1] = timestamp % NSEC_PER_SEC; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_windsor_convert_msg_id(u32 id) +{ + return vpu_find_src_by_dst(windsor_msgs, ARRAY_SIZE(windsor_msgs), id); +} + +static void vpu_windsor_unpack_pic_info(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_enc_pic_info *info = data; + struct windsor_pic_info *windsor = (struct windsor_pic_info *)pkt->data; + + info->frame_id = windsor->frame_id; + switch (windsor->pic_type) { + case MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_I_FRAME: + case MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_IDR_FRAME: + info->pic_type = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME; + break; + case MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_P_FRAME: + info->pic_type = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_PFRAME; + break; + case MEDIAIP_ENC_PIC_TYPE_B_FRAME: + info->pic_type = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_BFRAME; + break; + default: + break; + } + info->skipped_frame = windsor->skipped_frame; + info->error_flag = windsor->error_flag; + info->psnr = windsor->psnr; + info->frame_size = windsor->frame_size; + info->wptr = get_ptr(windsor->str_buff_wptr); + info->crc = windsor->frame_crc; + info->timestamp = MAKE_TIMESTAMP(windsor->tv_s, windsor->tv_ns); +} + +static void vpu_windsor_unpack_mem_req(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_pkt_mem_req_data *req_data = data; + + req_data->enc_frame_size = pkt->data[0]; + req_data->enc_frame_num = pkt->data[1]; + req_data->ref_frame_size = pkt->data[2]; + req_data->ref_frame_num = pkt->data[3]; + req_data->act_buf_size = pkt->data[4]; + req_data->act_buf_num = 1; +} + +int vpu_windsor_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + if (!pkt || !data) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (pkt-> { + case VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_DONE: + vpu_windsor_unpack_pic_info(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_ENC_EVENT_MEM_REQUEST: + vpu_windsor_unpack_mem_req(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_ENC_EVENT_FRAME_RELEASE: + *(u32 *)data = pkt->data[0]; + break; + default: + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_fill_yuv_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_enc_yuv_desc *desc; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !vb || instance >= VID_API_NUM_STREAMS); + + desc = get_yuv_desc(shared, instance); + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "fill yuv with id : %d\n", vbuf->sequence); + desc->frame_id = vbuf->sequence; + if (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME) + desc->key_frame = 1; + else + desc->key_frame = 0; + desc->luma_base = vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(vb, 0); + desc->chroma_base = vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(vb, 1); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_windsor_input_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + vpu_windsor_fill_yuv_frame(shared, inst->id, vb); + return vpu_session_encode_frame(inst, vb->timestamp); +} + +int vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + u32 type, + u32 index, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_enc_mem_pool *pool; + struct vpu_enc_memory_resource *res; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !buf || instance >= VID_API_NUM_STREAMS); + + pool = get_mem_pool(shared, instance); + + switch (type) { + case MEM_RES_ENC: + res = &pool->enc_frames[index]; + break; + case MEM_RES_REF: + res = &pool->ref_frames[index]; + break; + case MEM_RES_ACT: + res = &pool->act_frame; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + res->phys = buf->phys; + res->virt = buf->phys - shared->boot_addr; + res->size = buf->length; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "[%d] type = %d, phys = 0x%x, size = 0x%x\n", + instance, type, res->phys, res->size); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_windsor_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert; + + desc = get_stream_buf_desc(shared, instance); + expert = get_expert_param(shared, instance); + + desc->start = desc->wptr = desc->rptr = buf->phys; + desc->end = buf->phys + buf->length; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "stream_buf:[0x%x, 0x%x]\n", desc->start, desc->end); + + expert->calib_param.mem_chunk_phys_addr = 0; + expert->calib_param.mem_chunk_virt_addr = 0; + expert->calib_param.mem_chunk_size = 0; + expert->calib_param.cb_base = buf->phys; + expert->calib_param.cb_size = buf->length; + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_windsor_update_wptr(struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc, u32 wptr) +{ + u32 pre_wptr = get_ptr(desc->wptr); + u32 new_wptr = get_ptr(wptr); + u32 rptr = get_ptr(desc->rptr); + u32 size = get_ptr(desc->end) - get_ptr(desc->start); + u32 space = (rptr + size - pre_wptr) % size; + u32 step = (new_wptr + size - pre_wptr) % size; + + if (space && step > space) + vpu_err("update wptr from 0x%x to 0x%x, cross over rptr 0x%x\n", + pre_wptr, new_wptr, rptr); + + desc->wptr = wptr; +} + +static void vpu_windsor_update_rptr(struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc, u32 rptr) +{ + u32 pre_rptr = get_ptr(desc->rptr); + u32 new_rptr = get_ptr(rptr); + u32 wptr = get_ptr(desc->wptr); + u32 size = get_ptr(desc->end) - get_ptr(desc->start); + u32 space = (wptr + size - pre_rptr) % size; + u32 step = (new_rptr + size - pre_rptr) % size; + + if (step > space) + vpu_err("update rptr from 0x%x to 0x%x, cross over wptr 0x%x\n", + pre_rptr, new_rptr, wptr); + + desc->rptr = rptr; +} + +int vpu_windsor_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + + desc = get_stream_buf_desc(shared, instance); + + /*update wptr/rptr after data is written or read*/ + mb(); + if (write) + vpu_windsor_update_wptr(desc, ptr); + else + vpu_windsor_update_rptr(desc, ptr); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *rpc_desc; + + rpc_desc = get_stream_buf_desc(shared, instance); + if (desc) { + desc->wptr = get_ptr(rpc_desc->wptr); + desc->rptr = get_ptr(rpc_desc->rptr); + desc->start = get_ptr(rpc_desc->start); + desc->end = get_ptr(rpc_desc->end); + } + + return 0; +} + +u32 vpu_windsor_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct windsor_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface); + + iface = shared->iface; + return iface->fw_version; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_frame_rate(struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert, + struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + expert->config_param.frame_rate_num = params->frame_rate_num; + expert->config_param.frame_rate_den = params->frame_rate_den; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_format(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 pixelformat) +{ + switch (pixelformat) { + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264: + param->codec_mode = MEDIAIP_ENC_FMT_H264; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_profile(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 profile) +{ + switch (profile) { + case V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_BASELINE: + param->profile = MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_H264_BP; + break; + case V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_MAIN: + param->profile = MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_H264_MP; + break; + case V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_HIGH: + param->profile = MEDIAIP_ENC_PROF_H264_HP; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static const u32 h264_level[] = { + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_1_0] = 10, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_1B] = 14, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_1_1] = 11, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_1_2] = 12, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_1_3] = 13, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_2_0] = 20, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_2_1] = 21, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_2_2] = 22, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_3_0] = 30, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_3_1] = 31, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_3_2] = 32, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_4_0] = 40, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_4_1] = 41, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_4_2] = 42, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_5_0] = 50, + [V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_5_1] = 51 +}; + +static int vpu_windsor_set_level(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 level) +{ + + if (level >= ARRAY_SIZE(h264_level)) + return -EINVAL; + + param->level = h264_level[level]; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_size(struct vpu_enc_param *windsor, + struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + windsor->src_stride = params->src_stride; + windsor->src_width = params->src_width; + windsor->src_height = params->src_height; + windsor->src_offset_x = params->crop.left; + windsor->src_offset_y = params->; + windsor->src_crop_width = params->crop.width; + windsor->src_crop_height = params->crop.height; + windsor->out_width = params->out_width; + windsor->out_height = params->out_height; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "%d %dx%d (%d,%d) %dx%d, %dx%d\n", + windsor->src_stride, + windsor->src_width, + windsor->src_height, + windsor->src_offset_x, + windsor->src_offset_y, + windsor->src_crop_width, + windsor->src_crop_height, + windsor->out_width, + windsor->out_height); + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_gop(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 gop) +{ + param->iframe_interval = gop; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_bframes(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 bframes) +{ + if (bframes) { + param->low_latency_mode = 0; + param->bframes = bframes; + } else { + param->low_latency_mode = 1; + param->bframes = 0; + } + + if (param->low_latency_mode) + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "low latency mode\n"); + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_bitrate_mode(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 mode) +{ + switch (mode) { + case V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_VBR: + param->bitrate_mode = MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE_CONSTANT_QP; + break; + case V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_CBR: + param->bitrate_mode = MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE_CBR; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static u32 vpu_windsor_bitrate(u32 bitrate) +{ + return DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(bitrate, WINDSOR_BITRATE_UNIT); +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_bitrate(struct vpu_enc_param *windsor, + struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + windsor->target_bitrate = vpu_windsor_bitrate(params->bitrate); + windsor->min_bitrate = vpu_windsor_bitrate(params->bitrate_min); + windsor->max_bitrate = vpu_windsor_bitrate(params->bitrate_max); + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_qp(struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert, + struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + expert->static_param.rate_control_islice_qp = params->i_frame_qp; + expert->static_param.rate_control_pslice_qp = params->p_frame_qp; + expert->static_param.rate_control_bslice_qp = params->b_frame_qp; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_sar(struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert, + struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + expert->config_param.h264_aspect_ratio_present = params->sar.enable; + if (params->sar.idc == V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_VUI_SAR_IDC_EXTENDED) + expert->config_param.aspect_ratio = WINDSOR_H264_EXTENDED_SAR; + else + expert->config_param.aspect_ratio = params->sar.idc; + expert->config_param.h264_aspect_ratio_sar_width = params->sar.width; + expert->config_param.h264_aspect_ratio_sar_height = params->sar.height; + + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_color(struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert, + struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + expert->config_param.h264_video_type_present = 1; + expert->config_param.h264_video_format = 5; + expert->config_param.h264_video_colour_descriptor = 1; + expert->config_param.h264_video_colour_primaries = + vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(params->color.primaries); + expert->config_param.h264_video_transfer_char = + vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(params->color.transfer); + expert->config_param.h264_video_matrix_coeff = + vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(params->color.matrix); + expert->config_param.h264_video_full_range = + vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_v2i(params->color.full_range); + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_update_bitrate(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + struct vpu_enc_param *windsor; + struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert; + + windsor = get_enc_param(shared, instance); + expert = get_expert_param(shared, instance); + + if (windsor->bitrate_mode != MEDIAIP_ENC_BITRATE_MODE_CBR) + return 0; + if (params->rc_mode != V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_CBR) + return 0; + if (vpu_windsor_bitrate(params->bitrate) == windsor->target_bitrate) + return 0; + + vpu_windsor_set_bitrate(windsor, params); + expert->static_param.rate_control_bitrate = windsor->target_bitrate; + expert->static_param.rate_control_bitrate_min = windsor->min_bitrate; + expert->static_param.rate_control_bitrate_max = windsor->max_bitrate; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_set_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + struct vpu_enc_param *windsor; + int ret; + + windsor = get_enc_param(shared, instance); + + if (params->input_format != V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12) + return -EINVAL; + + ret = vpu_windsor_set_format(windsor, params->codec_format); + if (ret) + return ret; + vpu_windsor_set_profile(windsor, params->profile); + vpu_windsor_set_level(windsor, params->level); + vpu_windsor_set_size(windsor, params); + vpu_windsor_set_gop(windsor, params->gop_length); + vpu_windsor_set_bframes(windsor, params->bframes); + vpu_windsor_set_bitrate_mode(windsor, params->rc_mode); + vpu_windsor_set_bitrate(windsor, params); + windsor->init_slice_qp = params->i_frame_qp; + + if (!params->frame_rate_num) + return -EINVAL; + windsor->frame_rate = params->frame_rate_den / params->frame_rate_num; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_windsor_update_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params) +{ + struct vpu_enc_expert_mode_param *expert; + + expert = get_expert_param(shared, instance); + + vpu_windsor_set_frame_rate(expert, params); + vpu_windsor_set_qp(expert, params); + vpu_windsor_set_sar(expert, params); + vpu_windsor_set_color(expert, params); + vpu_windsor_update_bitrate(shared, instance, params); + /*expert->config_param.iac_sc_threshold = 0;*/ + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_windsor_set_encode_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + if (!params) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!update) + return vpu_windsor_set_params(shared, instance, params); + else + return vpu_windsor_update_params(shared, instance, params); +} + +u32 vpu_windsor_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct windsor_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface); + + iface = shared->iface; + + return iface->max_streams; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a5f6421fce1f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_windsor.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_WINDSOR_H +#define _IMX_VPU_WINDSOR_H + +u32 vpu_windsor_get_data_size(void); +void vpu_windsor_init_rpc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr); +void vpu_windsor_set_log_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log); +void vpu_windsor_set_system_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id); +int vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); +int vpu_windsor_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + u32 index, u32 id, void *data); +int vpu_windsor_convert_msg_id(u32 msg_id); +int vpu_windsor_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data); +int vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 type, u32 index, + struct vpu_buffer *buf); +int vpu_windsor_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_buffer *buf); +int vpu_windsor_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write); +int vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc); +u32 vpu_windsor_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); +int vpu_windsor_set_encode_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_encode_params *params, + u32 update); +int vpu_windsor_input_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); +u32 vpu_windsor_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + +#endif diff --git a/include/linux/imx_vpu.h b/include/linux/imx_vpu.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..46aa2464e6fe --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/imx_vpu.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2018-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ +#ifndef __LINUX_IMX_VPU_H +#define __LINUX_IMX_VPU_H + +#include + +#endif diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/imx_vpu.h b/include/uapi/linux/imx_vpu.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..330082d1c13f --- /dev/null +++ b/include/uapi/linux/imx_vpu.h @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */ +/* + * Copyright 2018-2020 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ +#ifndef _UAPI__LINUX_IMX_VPU_H +#define _UAPI__LINUX_IMX_VPU_H + +#include +#include + +/*imx v4l2 controls & extension controls*/ + +//ctrls & extension ctrls definitions +#define V4L2_CID_NON_FRAME (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE) +#define V4L2_CID_DIS_REORDER (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 1) +#define V4L2_CID_ROI_COUNT (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 2) +#define V4L2_CID_ROI (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 3) +#define V4L2_CID_IPCM_COUNT (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 4) +#define V4L2_CID_IPCM (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 5) +#define V4L2_CID_HDR10META (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 6) +#define V4L2_CID_SECUREMODE (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 7) +#define V4L2_CID_SC_ENABLE (V4L2_CID_USER_IMX_BASE + 8) + +#define V4L2_MAX_ROI_REGIONS 8 +struct v4l2_enc_roi_param { + struct v4l2_rect rect; + __u32 enable; + __s32 qp_delta; + __u32 reserved[2]; +}; + +struct v4l2_enc_roi_params { + __u32 num_roi_regions; + struct v4l2_enc_roi_param roi_params[V4L2_MAX_ROI_REGIONS]; + __u32 config_store; + __u32 reserved[2]; +}; + +#define V4L2_MAX_IPCM_REGIONS 2 +struct v4l2_enc_ipcm_param { + struct v4l2_rect rect; + __u32 enable; + __u32 reserved[2]; +}; +struct v4l2_enc_ipcm_params { + __u32 num_ipcm_regions; + struct v4l2_enc_ipcm_param ipcm_params[V4L2_MAX_IPCM_REGIONS]; + __u32 config_store; + __u32 reserved[2]; +}; + +struct v4l2_hdr10_meta { + __u32 hasHdr10Meta; + __u32 redPrimary[2]; + __u32 greenPrimary[2]; + __u32 bluePrimary[2]; + __u32 whitePoint[2]; + __u32 maxMasteringLuminance; + __u32 minMasteringLuminance; + __u32 maxContentLightLevel; + __u32 maxFrameAverageLightLevel; +}; + +/*imx v4l2 command*/ +#define V4L2_DEC_CMD_IMX_BASE (0x08000000) +#define V4L2_DEC_CMD_RESET (V4L2_DEC_CMD_IMX_BASE + 1) + +/*imx v4l2 event*/ +//error happened in dec/enc +#define V4L2_EVENT_CODEC_ERROR (V4L2_EVENT_PRIVATE_START + 1) +//frame loss in dec/enc +#define V4L2_EVENT_SKIP (V4L2_EVENT_PRIVATE_START + 2) +//crop area change in dec, not reso change +#define V4L2_EVENT_CROPCHANGE (V4L2_EVENT_PRIVATE_START + 3) +//some options can't be handled by codec, so might be ignored or updated. But codec could go on. +#define V4L2_EVENT_INVALID_OPTION (V4L2_EVENT_PRIVATE_START + 4) + +/*imx v4l2 warning msg, attached with event V4L2_EVENT_INVALID_OPTION*/ +enum { + UNKONW_WARNING = -1, //not known warning type + RIOREGION_NOTALLOW, //(part of)roi region can not work with media setting and be ignored by enc + IPCMREGION_NOTALLOW, //(part of)ipcm region can not work with media setting and be ignored by enc + LEVEL_UPDATED, //current level cant't work with media setting and be updated by enc +}; + +/* Flags for 'flags' field */ +/* Buffer only contains codec config data, eg. sps and pps*/ +#define V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG 0x00200000 + +/* imx v4l2 formats */ +/*raw formats*/ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGR565 v4l2_fourcc('B', 'G', 'R', 'P') /* 16 BGR-5-6-5 */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12X v4l2_fourcc('N', 'V', 'X', '2') /* Y/CbCr 4:2:0 for 10bit */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_DTRC v4l2_fourcc('D', 'T', 'R', 'C') /* 8bit tile output, uncompressed */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_P010 v4l2_fourcc('P', '0', '1', '0') /* ms p010, data stored in upper 10 bits of 16 */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_TILEX v4l2_fourcc('D', 'T', 'R', 'X') /* 10 bit tile output, uncompressed */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_RFC v4l2_fourcc('R', 'F', 'C', '0') /* 8bit tile output, with rfc*/ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_RFCX v4l2_fourcc('R', 'F', 'C', 'X') /* 10 bit tile output, with rfc */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_411SP v4l2_fourcc('4', '1', 'S', 'P') /* YUV 411 Semi planar */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT8 v4l2_fourcc('N', 'A', '1', '2') /* NXP Tiled NV12 Format*/ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT10 v4l2_fourcc('N', 'T', '1', '2') /* NXP Tiled 10 bit Format*/ + +/*codec format*/ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_AV1 v4l2_fourcc('A', 'V', '1', '0') /* av1 */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_RV v4l2_fourcc('R', 'V', '0', '0') /* rv */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_AVS v4l2_fourcc('A', 'V', 'S', '0') /* avs */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6 v4l2_fourcc('V', 'P', '6', '0') /* vp6 */ +#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK v4l2_fourcc('S', 'P', 'K', '0') /* spk */ + +/*codec formats*/ +#endif //#ifndef _UAPI__LINUX_IMX_VPU_H -- 2.31.1