Return-Path: Received: ( by via listexpand id ; Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:58:41 -0500 Received: ( by id ; Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:58:23 -0500 Received: from ([]:22795 "EHLO") by with ESMTP id ; Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:58:00 -0500 Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:52:44 -0800 (PST) From: Linus Torvalds To: Ken Brownfield cc: , Andrea Arcangeli Subject: Re: [VM] 2.4.14/15-pre4 too "swap-happy"? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="168447515-340658433-1006213964=:19585" Sender: X-Mailing-List: This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --168447515-340658433-1006213964=:19585 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Ken Brownfield wrote: > > I went straight to the aa patch, and it looks like it either fixes the > problem or (because of the side-effects Linus mentioned) otherwise > prevents the issue: So is this pre6aa1, or pre6 + just the watermark patch? > The machine went into swap immediately when the page cache stopped > growing and hovered at 100-400MB. Also, in my experience the page cache > will grow until there's only 5ishMB of free RAM, but with the aa patch > it looks like it stops at 320MB or maybe 10% of RAM. Was that the aa > patch, or part of -pre6? That was the watermarking. The way Andrea did it, the page cache will basically refuse to touch as much of the "normal" page zone, because it would prefer to allocate more from highmem.. I think it's excessive to have 320MB free memory, though, that's just an insane waste. I suspect that the real number should be somewhere between the old behaviour and the new one. You can tweak the behaviour of andrea's kernel by changing the "reserved" page numbers, but I'd like to hear whether my simpler approach works too.. > The Oracle SGA is set to ~522MB, with nothing else running except a > couple of sshds, getty, etc. Now that I'm looking, 2.8GB page cache > plus 328MB free adds up to about 3.1GB of RAM -- where does the 512MB > shared memory segment fit? Is it being swapped out in deference to page > cache? Shared memory actually uses the page cache too, so it will be accounted for in the 2.8GB number. Anyway, can you try plain vanilla pre6, with the appended patch? This is my suggested simplified version of what Andrea tried to do, and it should try to keep only a few extra megs of memory free in the low memory regions, not 300+ MB. (and the profiling would be interesting regardless, but I think Andrea did find the real problem, his fix just seems a bit of an overkill ;) Linus --168447515-340658433-1006213964=:19585 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=p6p7 Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=p6p7 ZGlmZiAtdSAtLXJlY3Vyc2l2ZSAtLW5ldy1maWxlIHByZTYvbGludXgvbW0v cGFnZV9hbGxvYy5jIGxpbnV4L21tL3BhZ2VfYWxsb2MuYw0KLS0tIHByZTYv bGludXgvbW0vcGFnZV9hbGxvYy5jCVNhdCBOb3YgMTcgMTk6MDc6NDMgMjAw MQ0KKysrIGxpbnV4L21tL3BhZ2VfYWxsb2MuYwlNb24gTm92IDE5IDE1OjEz OjM2IDIwMDENCkBAIC0yOTksMjkgKzI5OSwyNiBAQA0KIAlyZXR1cm4gcGFn ZTsNCiB9DQogDQotc3RhdGljIGlubGluZSB1bnNpZ25lZCBsb25nIHpvbmVf ZnJlZV9wYWdlcyh6b25lX3QgKiB6b25lLCB1bnNpZ25lZCBpbnQgb3JkZXIp DQotew0KLQlsb25nIGZyZWUgPSB6b25lLT5mcmVlX3BhZ2VzIC0gKDFVTCA8 PCBvcmRlcik7DQotCXJldHVybiBmcmVlID49IDAgPyBmcmVlIDogMDsNCi19 DQotDQogLyoNCiAgKiBUaGlzIGlzIHRoZSAnaGVhcnQnIG9mIHRoZSB6b25l ZCBidWRkeSBhbGxvY2F0b3I6DQogICovDQogc3RydWN0IHBhZ2UgKiBfX2Fs bG9jX3BhZ2VzKHVuc2lnbmVkIGludCBnZnBfbWFzaywgdW5zaWduZWQgaW50 IG9yZGVyLCB6b25lbGlzdF90ICp6b25lbGlzdCkNCiB7DQorCXVuc2lnbmVk IGxvbmcgbWluOw0KIAl6b25lX3QgKip6b25lLCAqIGNsYXNzem9uZTsNCiAJ c3RydWN0IHBhZ2UgKiBwYWdlOw0KIAlpbnQgZnJlZWQ7DQogDQogCXpvbmUg PSB6b25lbGlzdC0+em9uZXM7DQogCWNsYXNzem9uZSA9ICp6b25lOw0KKwlt aW4gPSAxVUwgPDwgb3JkZXI7DQogCWZvciAoOzspIHsNCiAJCXpvbmVfdCAq eiA9ICooem9uZSsrKTsNCiAJCWlmICgheikNCiAJCQlicmVhazsNCiANCi0J CWlmICh6b25lX2ZyZWVfcGFnZXMoeiwgb3JkZXIpID4gei0+cGFnZXNfbG93 KSB7DQorCQltaW4gKz0gei0+cGFnZXNfbG93Ow0KKwkJaWYgKHotPmZyZWVf cGFnZXMgPiBtaW4pIHsNCiAJCQlwYWdlID0gcm1xdWV1ZSh6LCBvcmRlcik7 DQogCQkJaWYgKHBhZ2UpDQogCQkJCXJldHVybiBwYWdlOw0KQEAgLTMzNCwx NiArMzMxLDE4IEBADQogCQl3YWtlX3VwX2ludGVycnVwdGlibGUoJmtzd2Fw ZF93YWl0KTsNCiANCiAJem9uZSA9IHpvbmVsaXN0LT56b25lczsNCisJbWlu ID0gMVVMIDw8IG9yZGVyOw0KIAlmb3IgKDs7KSB7DQotCQl1bnNpZ25lZCBs b25nIG1pbjsNCisJCXVuc2lnbmVkIGxvbmcgbG9jYWxfbWluOw0KIAkJem9u ZV90ICp6ID0gKih6b25lKyspOw0KIAkJaWYgKCF6KQ0KIAkJCWJyZWFrOw0K IA0KLQkJbWluID0gei0+cGFnZXNfbWluOw0KKwkJbG9jYWxfbWluID0gei0+ cGFnZXNfbWluOw0KIAkJaWYgKCEoZ2ZwX21hc2sgJiBfX0dGUF9XQUlUKSkN Ci0JCQltaW4gPj49IDI7DQotCQlpZiAoem9uZV9mcmVlX3BhZ2VzKHosIG9y ZGVyKSA+IG1pbikgew0KKwkJCWxvY2FsX21pbiA+Pj0gMjsNCisJCW1pbiAr PSBsb2NhbF9taW47DQorCQlpZiAoei0+ZnJlZV9wYWdlcyA+IG1pbikgew0K IAkJCXBhZ2UgPSBybXF1ZXVlKHosIG9yZGVyKTsNCiAJCQlpZiAocGFnZSkN CiAJCQkJcmV0dXJuIHBhZ2U7DQpAQCAtMzc2LDEyICszNzUsMTQgQEANCiAJ CXJldHVybiBwYWdlOw0KIA0KIAl6b25lID0gem9uZWxpc3QtPnpvbmVzOw0K KwltaW4gPSAxVUwgPDwgb3JkZXI7DQogCWZvciAoOzspIHsNCiAJCXpvbmVf dCAqeiA9ICooem9uZSsrKTsNCiAJCWlmICgheikNCiAJCQlicmVhazsNCiAN Ci0JCWlmICh6b25lX2ZyZWVfcGFnZXMoeiwgb3JkZXIpID4gei0+cGFnZXNf bWluKSB7DQorCQltaW4gKz0gei0+cGFnZXNfbWluOw0KKwkJaWYgKHotPmZy ZWVfcGFnZXMgPiBtaW4pIHsNCiAJCQlwYWdlID0gcm1xdWV1ZSh6LCBvcmRl cik7DQogCQkJaWYgKHBhZ2UpDQogCQkJCXJldHVybiBwYWdlOw0K --168447515-340658433-1006213964=:19585-- - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at