Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5BE35C433F5 for ; Tue, 28 Dec 2021 02:02:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S234532AbhL1CCy (ORCPT ); Mon, 27 Dec 2021 21:02:54 -0500 Received: from ([]:36104 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S234500AbhL1CCx (ORCPT ); Mon, 27 Dec 2021 21:02:53 -0500 Received: from localhost.localdomain (unknown []) by APP-05 (Coremail) with SMTP id zQCowAB3fAAucMphO0wtBQ--.52712S2; Tue, 28 Dec 2021 10:02:22 +0800 (CST) From: Jiasheng Jiang To:,,,, Cc:,,, Jiasheng Jiang Subject: Re: Re: [PATCH] staging: greybus: audio: Check null pointer Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 10:02:21 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-CM-TRANSID: zQCowAB3fAAucMphO0wtBQ--.52712S2 X-Coremail-Antispam: 1UD129KBjvJXoW7CF47uF4kKFWrXr1fXF17trb_yoW8CrWUpa yfK34Ik3Z8Xrn5ZF1kAw4fJa4S9w4kJrW5GFn8W39rZw43XF48GrZ3Kr4jgrWUAr4rZa1j vFW0yw1fCw1qvrDanT9S1TB71UUUUUUqnTZGkaVYY2UrUUUUjbIjqfuFe4nvWSU5nxnvy2 9KBjDU0xBIdaVrnRJUUUkm14x267AKxVW8JVW5JwAFc2x0x2IEx4CE42xK8VAvwI8IcIk0 rVWrJVCq3wAFIxvE14AKwVWUJVWUGwA2ocxC64kIII0Yj41l84x0c7CEw4AK67xGY2AK02 1l84ACjcxK6xIIjxv20xvE14v26r4j6ryUM28EF7xvwVC0I7IYx2IY6xkF7I0E14v26r4j 6F4UM28EF7xvwVC2z280aVAFwI0_Gr1j6F4UJwA2z4x0Y4vEx4A2jsIEc7CjxVAFwI0_Cr 1j6rxdM2AIxVAIcxkEcVAq07x20xvEncxIr21l5I8CrVACY4xI64kE6c02F40Ex7xfMcIj 6xIIjxv20xvE14v26r106r15McIj6I8E87Iv67AKxVWUJVW8JwAm72CE4IkC6x0Yz7v_Jr 0_Gr1lF7xvr2IYc2Ij64vIr41lF7I21c0EjII2zVCS5cI20VAGYxC7MxkIecxEwVAFwVW8 JwCF04k20xvY0x0EwIxGrwCFx2IqxVCFs4IE7xkEbVWUJVW8JwC20s026c02F40E14v26r 1j6r18MI8I3I0E7480Y4vE14v26r106r1rMI8E67AF67kF1VAFwI0_Jw0_GFylIxkGc2Ij 64vIr41lIxAIcVC0I7IYx2IY67AKxVWUJVWUCwCI42IY6xIIjxv20xvEc7CjxVAFwI0_Gr 0_Cr1lIxAIcVCF04k26cxKx2IYs7xG6Fyj6rWUJwCI42IY6I8E87Iv67AKxVWUJVW8JwCI 42IY6I8E87Iv6xkF7I0E14v26r4j6r4UJbIYCTnIWIevJa73UjIFyTuYvjfUF3kuDUUUU X-Originating-IP: [] X-CM-SenderInfo: pmld2xxhqjqxpvfd2hldfou0/ Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Sorry the previous email is forgetten to wrap line. This email is corrected and the content is the same. On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 11:54:10PM +0800, Alex Elder wrote: > I think this is a good change, but I would like you to improve > the description, and fix some different bugs introduced by your > change. > > What you are specifically doing is checking for a null return > from devm_kcalloc() in gb_generate_enum_strings(), and are > returning the NULL pointer if that occurs. That means you > need to update all the callers of gb_generate_enum_strings() > to also handle a possible null return value. > > The fix does a good thing, and your description is correct > about what you are fixing. But it should supply more > complete context for the change. Thanks for your advice, I will correct my description in next version. But I still have some question about the devm_kzalloc(). > You can't simply return here. If you look a bit above this, > where the call to allocate a control structure is done, you > see that a NULL return there jumps to the "error" label, so > any already allocated and initialized control widgets get > cleaned up before returning. Actually, I have already thought of whether it needs to free after the devm_kzalloc(). As we can find in the gbaudio_tplg_create_widget(), the widget_kctls is allocated by devm_kzalloc(), but isn't released when gbaudio_tplg_create_wcontrol() fails and goto error. And I check of the comment of the devm_kmalloc() in `drivers/base/devres.c`, because devm_kzalloc() returns devm_kmalloc(). And it says that "Memory allocated with this function is automatically freed on driver detach." So there is no need to free the memory manually. Is that right? And I am sorry again because of the lack of the above explanation in my commit message. I will also add to my new commit. Thanks, Jiang