Return-Path: Received: ( by via listexpand id ; Fri, 23 Nov 2001 04:39:07 -0500 Received: ( by id ; Fri, 23 Nov 2001 04:39:01 -0500 Received: from ([]:11210 "HELO") by with SMTP id ; Fri, 23 Nov 2001 04:38:45 -0500 Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:36:27 +0100 (CET) From: Ingo Molnar Reply-To: To: Ryan Cumming Cc: Robert Love , , Subject: Re: [patch] sched_[set|get]_affinity() syscall, 2.4.15-pre9 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="8323328-421162814-1006515387=:3988" Sender: X-Mailing-List: This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --8323328-421162814-1006515387=:3988 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Ryan Cumming wrote: > [...] a /proc interface would allow me to change the CPU affinity of > processes that aren't {get, set}_affinity aware (i.e., all Linux > applications written up to this point). [...] had you read my patch then you'd perhaps have noticed how easy it is actually. I've attached a simple utility called 'chaff' (change affinity) that allows to change the affinity of unaware processes: mars:~> ./chaff 714 0xf0 pid 714's old affinity: 000000ff. pid 714's new affinity: 000000f0. > And one final thing... what sort of benifit does CPU affinity have if > we have the scheduler take in account CPU migration costs correctly? > [...] while you are right that the scheduler can and should guess lots of things, but it cannot guess some things. Eg. it has no idea whether a particular process' workload is related to any IRQ source or not. And if we bind IRQ sources for performance reasons, then the scheduler has no chance finding the right CPU for the process. (I have attempted to implement such a generic mechanizm a few months ago but quickly realized that nothing like that will ever be accepted in the mainline kernel - there is simply no way establish any reliable link between IRQ load and process activities.) So i implemented the smp_affinity and ->cpus_allowed mechanizms to allow specific applications (who know the kind of load they generate) to bind to specific CPUs, and to bind IRQs to CPUs. Obviously we still want the scheduler to make good decisions - but linking IRQ load and scheduling activity is too expensive. (i have a scheduler improvement patch that does do some of this work at wakeup time, and which patch benefits Apache, but this is still not enough to get the 'best' affinity.) Ingo --8323328-421162814-1006515387=:3988 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="chaff.c" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="chaff.c" DQovKg0KICogU2ltcGxlIGxvb3AgdGVzdGluZyB0aGUgQ1BVLWFmZmluaXR5 IHN5c2NhbGwuDQogKi8NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDx0aW1lLmg+DQojaW5jbHVkZSA8 c3RkaW8uaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzdGRsaWIuaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxsaW51 eC91bmlzdGQuaD4NCg0KI2RlZmluZSBfX05SX3NjaGVkX3NldF9hZmZpbml0 eSAyMjYNCl9zeXNjYWxsMyAoaW50LCBzY2hlZF9zZXRfYWZmaW5pdHksIHBp ZF90LCBwaWQsIHVuc2lnbmVkIGludCwgbWFza19sZW4sIHVuc2lnbmVkIGxv bmcgKiwgbWFzaykNCg0KI2RlZmluZSBfX05SX3NjaGVkX2dldF9hZmZpbml0 eSAyMjcNCl9zeXNjYWxsMyAoaW50LCBzY2hlZF9nZXRfYWZmaW5pdHksIHBp ZF90LCBwaWQsIHVuc2lnbmVkIGludCAqLCBtYXNrX2xlbiwgdW5zaWduZWQg bG9uZyAqLCBtYXNrKQ0KDQppbnQgbWFpbiAoaW50IGFyZ2MsIGNoYXIgKiph cmd2KQ0Kew0KCWludCBwaWQsIHJldDsNCgl1bnNpZ25lZCBpbnQgbWFza19s ZW47DQoJdW5zaWduZWQgbG9uZyBtYXNrLCBuZXdfbWFzazsNCg0KCWlmIChh cmdjICE9IDMpIHsNCgkJcHJpbnRmKCJ1c2FnZTogY2hhZmYgPHBpZD4gPGhl eF9tYXNrPlxuIik7DQoJCWV4aXQoLTEpOw0KCX0NCglwaWQgPSBhdG9sKGFy Z3ZbMV0pOw0KCXNzY2FuZihhcmd2WzJdLCAiJWx4IiwgJm5ld19tYXNrKTsN Cg0KcHJpbnRmKCJwaWQ6ICVkLiBuZXdfbWFzazogKCVzKSAlMDhseC5cbiIs IHBpZCwgYXJndlsyXSwgbmV3X21hc2spOw0KDQoJcmV0ID0gc2NoZWRfZ2V0 X2FmZmluaXR5KHBpZCwgJm1hc2tfbGVuLCAmbWFzayk7DQoJaWYgKHJldCkg ew0KCQlwcmludGYoImNvdWxkIG5vdCBnZXQgcGlkICVkJ3MgYWZmaW5pdHku XG4iLCBwaWQpOw0KCQlyZXR1cm4gLTE7DQoJfQ0KCXByaW50ZigicGlkICVk J3Mgb2xkIGFmZmluaXR5OiAlMDhseC4iLCBwaWQsIG1hc2spOw0KDQoJcmV0 ID0gc2NoZWRfc2V0X2FmZmluaXR5KHBpZCwgc2l6ZW9mKG5ld19tYXNrKSwg Jm5ld19tYXNrKTsNCglpZiAocmV0KSB7DQoJCXByaW50ZigiY291bGQgbm90 IHNldCBwaWQgJWQncyBhZmZpbml0eS5cbiIsIHBpZCk7DQoJCXJldHVybiAt MTsNCgl9DQoJcmV0ID0gc2NoZWRfZ2V0X2FmZmluaXR5KHBpZCwgJm1hc2tf bGVuLCAmbWFzayk7DQoJaWYgKHJldCkgew0KCQlwcmludGYoInNjaGVkX2dl dF9hZmZpbml0eSByZXR1cm5lZCAlZCwgZXhpdGluZy5cbiIsIHJldCk7DQoJ CXJldHVybiAtMTsNCgl9DQoJcHJpbnRmKCJwaWQgJWQncyBuZXcgYWZmaW5p dHk6ICUwOGx4LiIsIHBpZCwgbWFzayk7DQoJcmV0dXJuIDA7DQp9DQo= --8323328-421162814-1006515387=:3988-- - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at