Received: by 2002:a19:651b:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id z27csp3627505lfb; Mon, 9 May 2022 00:18:08 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJz50a/ezLkE1kME2uBaDRH3ZoAtZ0erIV8OpYI33WCbZv/BgIgjMX9czigW7cMkeO227pEf X-Received: by 2002:a17:90a:4803:b0:1dc:b4c9:1958 with SMTP id a3-20020a17090a480300b001dcb4c91958mr24330764pjh.61.1652080687813; Mon, 09 May 2022 00:18:07 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1652080687; cv=pass;; s=arc-20160816; b=lY9phzv0bKMIxDrG2wHY+7jCmQkP0oL4WjRM1YDMi1KqPvTVdO+guv344vpIyY7MrZ DgK3xkKjCE4vjBeTDiGjUHI1KGwIOBjRtUYpTk1jX3FkzmYxSKUNHh004Eamp3cdwIN6 Aee31/Tevu7u/GsCGa+J0oCcTueWiQ71bUV8ia4fDVqJOvmhsiJqRtNS0s3q1YwDSOFr e4yCgVjMNVYDRK3d2mn9qKFlDS40+0FFuRJXlGvutPrbRgE4LUKsZyyDbMuzSHN/8G1B d64r2rqoz1CvXY4wiwIeQfSKrJEqQ2sE/JtcKZUXj21SN8FvYEeJf5RZ/Qe7sfhObvmq sf5g== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=list-id:precedence:mime-version:references:in-reply-to:message-id :date:subject:cc:to:from:dkim-signature; bh=IeKHDnQQqDzUbBjyyZT5UXJoe5dCPp+vn4KfbGVluQY=; b=lcpVMeadF7bX+mJGVA1gl2Zxyu3cevce5q/ySg1lgZJ8htiOsmN01k20QKZcBCZOwp l+PgvlwQqeLhNEI83jxlvWAMMB2LeuFRhTtcihEk3RUd8bRR8dWlxV2V2SaW7DTkZ5gd C9mYmMTd3AQbiUGmad9GwNrhMoF+LgdRs/Bmg74RgZFsgAm9njAjlricOLgOaNdfq0ME MIjueu7Mg+jHzUH3fBcs/2HPFzSKFsF+ZgZ6dr7UIhGE2U6ApNeYIe6WRcJ+WAsaD/Lu 0s/fX2Ro86EVrNrbU22458bMaTkTUxXbsMfwZ/9tly6zTTTNN5jmDY1vVR78tyaZygEV X6Cg== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dkim=pass header.s=selector2 header.b=bO65AMKR; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dmarc=pass; spf=softfail ( domain of transitioning does not designate as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by with ESMTPS id 31-20020a63145f000000b003ab19fb15f1si14796165pgu.382.2022. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 09 May 2022 00:18:07 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: softfail ( domain of transitioning does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=selector2 header.b=bO65AMKR; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dmarc=pass; spf=softfail ( domain of transitioning does not designate as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A77C816EC85; Mon, 9 May 2022 00:15:29 -0700 (PDT) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1382463AbiEERLf (ORCPT + 99 others); Thu, 5 May 2022 13:11:35 -0400 Received: from ([]:60366 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1382464AbiEERK6 (ORCPT ); Thu, 5 May 2022 13:10:58 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E34DD5C847; Thu, 5 May 2022 10:07:15 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Uk4vPaISMtp83ZwmIXIr/GtZBJnO5fi07UPqeQf4lEnMtTsu5p10kmi9VfAs52Zet1nV15XD4tRT378JtxszAAyBWx0vL2rmdoQrvebWEy8NMARKfSvVqngYVHfrkKZ86xJ89/0JSPV7X3jKf3Nem6PDqa6/nu4njy0TcQ2IzOSEa8mQh3B4UeRL2AG6Ovq9dbd25Wo93VJU64kF79qnopP1ZZw/bt0J7Qbz2oqOJu7Ayl5+bPw8ECGNNu4yFvdy3b2Y2ENCxdXFefcoEJbE1Eabu/4oR45hZsd+0GmAF/U6m2LJrUZa77q6s/UL9HfsgK8+0BCAHfxZiBx+9qL3Mg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=IeKHDnQQqDzUbBjyyZT5UXJoe5dCPp+vn4KfbGVluQY=; b=JAn00lk3i3eVg59uCr4+EQjvjY99iq96kDq0QbDgvvEDDDG8D2l2XhLnn4a1iItFy4luZm7XpbAs+SxqKO7TQoXvesG4fXUcaGXrWVP7ikWXGn6jSHhyrg7VxJse+jLVsYQy1wUGYEFlVocqLdf/5s2ttM4WC5tOsu+q7PXMUdwQvMrtGZ6iTjVIAkW+KpyW1U3+wj3F1st6YJu4rhOKJ/o7pV6lGo3dYBGSYgOSAW4zcyHvxIqU9ChIKD8MBiSfxG+8VNYha3F4+dxzjS1ndvxrYuxGnKjX/tabzbfAdsFH/CEcOpTiWYmfwWrAT6INyjZubqmsaKQDOPVKz/iYDQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass (sender ip is; dmarc=pass (p=reject sp=reject pct=100) action=none; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=IeKHDnQQqDzUbBjyyZT5UXJoe5dCPp+vn4KfbGVluQY=; b=bO65AMKRDtlrlYYVPNBSrW723nf2iEU2cr0Ve/OSSwQfO7tdfTZu0CXb2lPD0EIifRr2aHDj4SX7Wq3vW/RZ+sQbzwT8xM3/go3RAbbhn2G71GgHIpVm1BJrfpZ9HMrXQo2ZrAVPyMJswKhSFZdSKmUvFwCXTjDydNbGI1brjcXw1VdDsnsKiPnPMlKYxKOiIK1hx84r4qt9bGNdiv51EUBiZiyq7BjjtjFZGVhhf2HLNA2dzWMbqP4ZDFapL5i8+liCv+zAFwdvR+NPlZvS70R2YDJB+a/0GHwOr2y2kSoFaYqk+NxOK9vWcoaWyLKV2+rVFEpebUpaK+8DqClzyQ== Received: from (2603:10b6:408:138::30) by (2603:10b6:404:b0::22) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5206.27; Thu, 5 May 2022 17:07:13 +0000 Received: from (2603:10b6:408:138:cafe::87) by (2603:10b6:408:138::30) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5206.24 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 5 May 2022 17:07:13 +0000 X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=pass action=none; Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); client-ip=;; Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384) id 15.20.5227.15 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 5 May 2022 17:07:12 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 15.0.1497.32; Thu, 5 May 2022 17:07:12 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.2.986.22; Thu, 5 May 2022 10:07:12 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id 15.2.986.22 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 5 May 2022 10:07:09 -0700 From: Sumit Gupta To: , , , , , , CC: , , , Subject: [Patch v4 8/9] soc: tegra: cbb: Add driver for Tegra234 CBB2.0 Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 22:36:36 +0530 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-NVConfidentiality: public MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 63fc3f7e-0f21-479f-ec64-08da2eb9b2f0 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BN6PR1201MB2546:EE_ X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:US;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:InfoNoRecords;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230001)(4636009)(36840700001)(40470700004)(46966006)(82310400005)(426003)(336012)(6666004)(7696005)(186003)(110136005)(86362001)(2906002)(316002)(47076005)(81166007)(2616005)(26005)(5660300002)(1076003)(70206006)(70586007)(4326008)(36860700001)(30864003)(36756003)(8936002)(508600001)(8676002)(356005)(107886003)(83380400001)(40460700003)(54906003)(36900700001);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 May 2022 17:07:12.9807 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 63fc3f7e-0f21-479f-ec64-08da2eb9b2f0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 43083d15-7273-40c1-b7db-39efd9ccc17a X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=43083d15-7273-40c1-b7db-39efd9ccc17a;Ip=[];Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BN6PR1201MB2546 X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIMWL_WL_HIGH, DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, MAILING_LIST_MULTI,RDNS_NONE,SPF_HELO_NONE,T_SCC_BODY_TEXT_LINE autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.6 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Adding driver to handle errors from CBB version 2.0 which is used in Tegra234 SOC. The driver prints debug information about failed transaction on receiving interrupt from Error Notifier. Error notifier collates the interrupts from various Error Monitor blocks and presents a single interrupt to the SOC Interrupt Controller. For timeout errors, the driver also does the lookup to find timedout clients and prints client id. The IP's who want to reset if there is a timeout will have to call BPMP from the client IP's driver. BPMP firmware will also clear the timeout bit after resetting the IP so that next transactions are send to them after reset. Signed-off-by: Sumit Gupta --- drivers/soc/tegra/Kconfig | 2 +- drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/Makefile | 1 + drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/tegra234-cbb.c | 743 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ include/soc/tegra/tegra234-cbb.h | 342 ++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 1087 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/tegra234-cbb.c create mode 100644 include/soc/tegra/tegra234-cbb.h diff --git a/drivers/soc/tegra/Kconfig b/drivers/soc/tegra/Kconfig index 0520b9744ec4..f0cf6a33cb5b 100644 --- a/drivers/soc/tegra/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/soc/tegra/Kconfig @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ config SOC_TEGRA30_VOLTAGE_COUPLER config SOC_TEGRA_CBB tristate "Tegra driver to handle error from CBB" - depends on ARCH_TEGRA_194_SOC + depends on ARCH_TEGRA_194_SOC || ARCH_TEGRA_234_SOC default y help Support for handling error from Tegra Control Backbone(CBB). diff --git a/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/Makefile b/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/Makefile index 3f9ff6575628..71877d20651f 100644 --- a/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/Makefile +++ b/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/Makefile @@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ ifdef CONFIG_SOC_TEGRA_CBB obj-y += tegra-cbb.o obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_194_SOC) += tegra194-cbb.o +obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_234_SOC) += tegra234-cbb.o endif diff --git a/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/tegra234-cbb.c b/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/tegra234-cbb.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..782d28e50ca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/soc/tegra/cbb/tegra234-cbb.c @@ -0,0 +1,743 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved + * + * The driver handles Error's from Control Backbone(CBB) version 2.0. + * generated due to illegal accesses. The driver prints debug information + * about failed transaction on receiving interrupt from Error Notifier. + * Error types supported by CBB2.0 are: + * UNSUPPORTED_ERR, PWRDOWN_ERR, TIMEOUT_ERR, FIREWALL_ERR, DECODE_ERR, + * SLAVE_ERR + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static LIST_HEAD(cbb_errmon_list); +static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(cbb_errmon_lock); + +static void tegra234_cbb_errmon_faulten(struct tegra_cbb *cbb) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + void __iomem *addr; + + errmon = (struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec; + + addr = errmon->vaddr + errmon->err_notifier_base; + writel(0x1FF, addr + FABRIC_EN_CFG_INTERRUPT_ENABLE_0_0); + dsb(sy); +} + +static void tegra234_cbb_errmon_errclr(struct tegra_cbb *cbb) +{ + void __iomem *addr; + + addr = ((struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec)->addr_errmon; + + writel(0x3F, addr + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_STATUS_0); + dsb(sy); +} + +static u32 tegra234_cbb_errmon_errvld(struct tegra_cbb *cbb) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + void __iomem *addr; + u32 errvld; + + errmon = (struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec; + + addr = errmon->vaddr + errmon->err_notifier_base; + errvld = readl(addr + FABRIC_EN_CFG_STATUS_0_0); + dsb(sy); + + return errvld; +} + +static void tegra234_cbb_mn_mask_serror(struct tegra_cbb *cbb) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + void __iomem *erd_mask; + + errmon = (struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec; + + erd_mask = errmon->vaddr + errmon->off_mask_erd; + writel(0x1, erd_mask); + dsb(sy); +} + +u32 tegra234_cbb_readl(unsigned long offset) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + bool flag = 0; + u32 val = 0; + + if (offset > 0x3FFFFF) { + pr_err("%s: wrong offset value\n", __func__); + return 0; + } + + list_for_each_entry(errmon, &cbb_errmon_list, node) { + if (strstr(errmon->name, "cbb")) { + val = readl(errmon->vaddr + offset); + flag = true; + break; + } + } + if (!flag) + pr_err("%s: cbb fabric not initialized\n", __func__); + + return val; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(tegra234_cbb_readl); + +void tegra234_cbb_writel(unsigned long offset, u32 val) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + bool flag = 0; + + if (offset > 0x3FFFFF) { + pr_err("%s: wrong offset value\n", __func__); + return; + } + + list_for_each_entry(errmon, &cbb_errmon_list, node) { + if (strstr(errmon->name, "cbb")) { + writel(val, errmon->vaddr + offset); + flag = true; + break; + } + } + if (!flag) + pr_err("%s: cbb fabric not initialized\n", __func__); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(tegra234_cbb_writel); + +static u32 tegra234_cbb_get_tmo_slv(void __iomem *addr) +{ + u32 timeout; + + timeout = readl(addr); + return timeout; +} + +static void tegra234_cbb_tmo_slv(struct seq_file *file, char *slv_name, + void __iomem *addr, u32 tmo_status) +{ + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t %s : 0x%x\n", slv_name, tmo_status); +} + +static void tegra234_cbb_lookup_apbslv(struct seq_file *file, char *slave_name, u64 addr) +{ + unsigned int blkno_tmo_status, tmo_status; + unsigned int reset_client, client_id; + char slv_name[40]; + int block_num = 0; + + tmo_status = tegra234_cbb_get_tmo_slv((void __iomem *)addr); + if (tmo_status) + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t %s_BLOCK_TMO_STATUS : 0x%x\n", + slave_name, tmo_status); + + while (tmo_status) { + if (!(tmo_status & BIT(0))) + goto next_iter; + + addr = addr + APB_BLOCK_NUM_TMO_OFFSET + (block_num * 4); + blkno_tmo_status = tegra234_cbb_get_tmo_slv((void __iomem *)addr); + reset_client = blkno_tmo_status; + + if (blkno_tmo_status) { + client_id = 1; + while (blkno_tmo_status) { + if (blkno_tmo_status & 0x1) { + if (reset_client != 0xffffffff) + reset_client &= client_id; + + sprintf(slv_name, "%s_BLOCK%d_TMO", slave_name, block_num); + + tegra234_cbb_tmo_slv(file, slv_name, (void __iomem *)addr, + reset_client); + } + blkno_tmo_status >>= 1; + client_id <<= 1; + } + } +next_iter: + tmo_status >>= 1; + block_num++; + } +} + +static void tegra234_lookup_slave_timeout(struct seq_file *file, + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon, + u8 slave_id, u8 fab_id) +{ + struct tegra_sn_addr_map *sn_lookup = errmon->sn_addr_map; + void __iomem *base_addr = errmon->vaddr; + unsigned int tmo_status; + char slv_name[40]; + int i = slave_id; + u64 addr = 0; + + /* + * 1) Get slave node name and address mapping using slave_id. + * 2) Check if the timed out slave node is APB or AXI. + * 3) If AXI, then print timeout register and reset axi slave + * using _SN_<>_SLV_TIMEOUT_STATUS_0_0 register. + * 4) If APB, then perform an additional lookup to find the client + * which timed out. + * a) Get block number from the index of set bit in + * _SN_AXI2APB_<>_BLOCK_TMO_STATUS_0 register. + * b) Get address of register repective to block number i.e. + * _SN_AXI2APB_<>_BLOCK_TMO_0. + * c) Read the register in above step to get client_id which + * timed out as per the set bits. + * d) Reset the timedout client and print details. + * e) Goto step-a till all bits are set. + */ + + addr = (u64)base_addr + sn_lookup[i].off_slave; + + if (strstr(sn_lookup[i].slave_name, "AXI2APB")) { + addr = addr + APB_BLOCK_TMO_STATUS_0; + tegra234_cbb_lookup_apbslv(file, sn_lookup[i].slave_name, addr); + } else { + addr = addr + AXI_SLV_TIMEOUT_STATUS_0_0; + + tmo_status = tegra234_cbb_get_tmo_slv((void __iomem *)addr); + if (tmo_status) { + sprintf(slv_name, "%s_SLV_TIMEOUT_STATUS", sn_lookup[i].slave_name); + tegra234_cbb_tmo_slv(file, slv_name, (void __iomem *)addr, tmo_status); + } + } +} + +static void print_errmon_err(struct seq_file *file, struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon, + unsigned int em_err_status, unsigned int em_overflow_status) +{ + int err_type = 0; + + if (em_err_status & (em_err_status - 1)) + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Multiple type of errors reported\n"); + + while (em_err_status) { + if (em_err_status & 0x1) + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Error Code\t\t: %s\n", + t234_errmon_errors[err_type].errcode); + em_err_status >>= 1; + err_type++; + } + + err_type = 0; + while (em_overflow_status) { + if (em_overflow_status & 0x1) + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Overflow\t\t: Multiple %s\n", + t234_errmon_errors[err_type].errcode); + em_overflow_status >>= 1; + err_type++; + } +} + +static void print_errlog_err(struct seq_file *file, struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon) +{ + u8 cache_type = 0, prot_type = 0, burst_length = 0; + u8 mstr_id = 0, grpsec = 0, vqc = 0, falconsec = 0; + u8 beat_size = 0, access_type = 0, access_id = 0; + u8 slave_id = 0, fab_id = 0, burst_type = 0; + char fabric_name[20]; + + mstr_id = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_MSTRID, errmon->mn_user_bits); + vqc = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_VQC, errmon->mn_user_bits); + grpsec = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_GRPSEC, errmon->mn_user_bits); + falconsec = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_FALCONSEC, errmon->mn_user_bits); + + fab_id = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_FABID, errmon->mn_attr2); + slave_id = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_SLAVEID, errmon->mn_attr2); + + access_id = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_ACCESSID, errmon->mn_attr1); + + cache_type = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_AXCACHE, errmon->mn_attr0); + prot_type = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_AXPROT, errmon->mn_attr0); + burst_length = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_BURSTLENGTH, errmon->mn_attr0); + burst_type = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_BURSTTYPE, errmon->mn_attr0); + beat_size = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_BEATSIZE, errmon->mn_attr0); + access_type = FIELD_GET(FAB_EM_EL_ACCESSTYPE, errmon->mn_attr0); + + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\n"); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Error Code\t\t: %s\n", + t234_errmon_errors[errmon->err_type].errcode); + + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t MASTER_ID\t\t: %s\n", errmon->tegra_cbb_master_id[mstr_id]); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Address\t\t: 0x%llx\n", (u64)errmon->addr_access); + + tegra_cbb_print_cache(file, cache_type); + tegra_cbb_print_prot(file, prot_type); + + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Access_Type\t\t: %s", (access_type) ? "Write\n" : "Read\n"); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Access_ID\t\t: 0x%x", access_id); + + if (fab_id == PSC_FAB_ID) + strcpy(fabric_name, "psc-fabric"); + else if (fab_id == FSI_FAB_ID) + strcpy(fabric_name, "fsi-fabric"); + else + strcpy(fabric_name, errmon->name); + + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Fabric\t\t: %s\n", fabric_name); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Slave_Id\t\t: 0x%x\n", slave_id); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Burst_length\t\t: 0x%x\n", burst_length); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Burst_type\t\t: 0x%x\n", burst_type); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Beat_size\t\t: 0x%x\n", beat_size); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t VQC\t\t\t: 0x%x\n", vqc); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t GRPSEC\t\t: 0x%x\n", grpsec); + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t FALCONSEC\t\t: 0x%x\n", falconsec); + + if ((fab_id == PSC_FAB_ID) || (fab_id == FSI_FAB_ID)) + return; + + if (!strcmp(errmon->noc_errors[errmon->err_type].errcode, "TIMEOUT_ERR")) { + tegra234_lookup_slave_timeout(file, errmon, slave_id, fab_id); + return; + } + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t Slave\t\t\t: %s\n", + errmon->sn_addr_map[slave_id].slave_name); +} + +static int print_errmonX_info(struct seq_file *file, struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon) +{ + unsigned int em_overflow_status = 0; + unsigned int em_err_status = 0; + unsigned int el_err_status = 0; + u64 addr = 0; + + errmon->err_type = 0; + + em_err_status = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_STATUS_0); + if (!em_err_status) { + pr_err("Error Notifier received a spurious notification\n"); + BUG(); + } + + if (em_err_status == 0xFFFFFFFF) { + pr_err("CBB registers returning all 1's which is invalid\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /*get overflow flag*/ + em_overflow_status = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_OVERFLOW_STATUS_0); + + print_errmon_err(file, errmon, em_err_status, em_overflow_status); + + el_err_status = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ERR_STATUS_0); + if (!el_err_status) { + pr_info("Error Monitor doesn't have Error Logger\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + while (el_err_status) { + if (el_err_status & BIT(0)) { + addr = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ADDR_HIGH_0); + addr = (addr << 32) | + readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ADDR_LOW_0); + errmon->addr_access = (void __iomem *)addr; + + errmon->mn_attr0 = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ATTRIBUTES0_0); + + errmon->mn_attr1 = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ATTRIBUTES1_0); + + errmon->mn_attr2 = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ATTRIBUTES2_0); + + errmon->mn_user_bits = readl(errmon->addr_errmon + + FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_USER_BITS0_0); + + print_errlog_err(file, errmon); + } + errmon->err_type++; + el_err_status >>= 1; + } + return 0; +} + +static int print_err_notifier(struct seq_file *file, struct tegra_cbb *cbb, + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon, int err_notifier_sts) +{ + u64 em_addr_offset = 0; + u64 em_phys_addr = 0; + int errmon_no = 1; + int ret = 0; + + pr_crit("**************************************\n"); + pr_crit("CPU:%d, Error:%s, Errmon:%d\n", smp_processor_id(), + errmon->name, err_notifier_sts); + + while (err_notifier_sts) { + if (err_notifier_sts & BIT(0)) { + writel(errmon_no, errmon->vaddr + errmon->err_notifier_base + + FABRIC_EN_CFG_ADDR_INDEX_0_0); + + em_phys_addr = readl(errmon->vaddr + errmon->err_notifier_base + + FABRIC_EN_CFG_ADDR_HI_0); + em_phys_addr = (em_phys_addr << 32) | + readl(errmon->vaddr + errmon->err_notifier_base + + FABRIC_EN_CFG_ADDR_LOW_0); + + em_addr_offset = em_phys_addr - errmon->start; + errmon->addr_errmon = (void __iomem *)(errmon->vaddr + em_addr_offset); + + errmon->errmon_no = errmon_no; + + ret = print_errmonX_info(file, errmon); + tegra234_cbb_errmon_errclr(cbb); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + err_notifier_sts >>= 1; + errmon_no <<= 1; + } + + tegra_cbb_print_err(file, "\t**************************************\n"); + return 0; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS +static DEFINE_MUTEX(cbb_err_mutex); + +static int tegra234_cbb_err_show(struct tegra_cbb *cbb, struct seq_file *file, void *data) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + unsigned int errvld = 0; + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&cbb_err_mutex); + + list_for_each_entry(errmon, &cbb_errmon_list, node) { + cbb = errmon->cbb; + errvld = tegra_cbb_errvld(cbb); + if (errvld) { + ret = print_err_notifier(file, cbb, errmon, errvld); + if (ret) + goto en_show_exit; + } + } + +en_show_exit: + mutex_unlock(&cbb_err_mutex); + return ret; +} +#endif + +/* + * Handler for CBB errors + */ +static irqreturn_t tegra234_cbb_err_isr(int irq, void *data) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + struct tegra_cbb *cbb = data; + bool is_inband_err = 0; + unsigned long flags; + u32 errvld = 0; + u8 mstr_id = 0; + int ret = 0; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cbb_errmon_lock, flags); + + list_for_each_entry(errmon, &cbb_errmon_list, node) { + errvld = tegra_cbb_errvld(cbb); + + if (errvld && (irq == errmon->sec_irq)) { + tegra_cbb_print_err(NULL, "CPU:%d, Error:%s@0x%llx, irq=%d\n", + smp_processor_id(), errmon->name, + errmon->start, irq); + + ret = print_err_notifier(NULL, cbb, errmon, errvld); + if (ret) + goto en_isr_exit; + + mstr_id = FIELD_GET(USRBITS_MSTR_ID, errmon->mn_user_bits); + + /* If illegal request is from CCPLEX(id:0x1) + * master then call BUG() to crash system. + */ + if ((mstr_id == 0x1) && errmon->erd_mask_inband_err) + is_inband_err = 1; + } + } +en_isr_exit: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cbb_errmon_lock, flags); + + WARN_ON(is_inband_err); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +/* + * Register handler for CBB_SECURE interrupt for reporting errors + */ +static int tegra234_cbb_intr_en(struct tegra_cbb *cbb) +{ + struct platform_device *pdev = cbb->pdev; + int sec_irq; + int err = 0; + + sec_irq = ((struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec)->sec_irq; + + if (sec_irq) { + err = devm_request_irq(&pdev->dev, sec_irq, tegra234_cbb_err_isr, + 0, dev_name(&pdev->dev), cbb); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s: Unable to register (%d) interrupt\n", + __func__, sec_irq); + goto isr_err_free_sec_irq; + } + } + return 0; + +isr_err_free_sec_irq: + free_irq(sec_irq, pdev); + + return err; +} + +static void tegra234_cbb_err_en(struct tegra_cbb *cbb) +{ + tegra_cbb_faulten(cbb); +} + +static struct tegra_cbb_err_ops tegra234_cbb_errmon_ops = { + .errvld = tegra234_cbb_errmon_errvld, + .errclr = tegra234_cbb_errmon_errclr, + .faulten = tegra234_cbb_errmon_faulten, + .cbb_err_enable = tegra234_cbb_err_en, + .cbb_intr_enable = tegra234_cbb_intr_en, +#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS + .cbb_err_debugfs_show = tegra234_cbb_err_show +#endif +}; + +static struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data tegra234_aon_fab_data = { + .name = "aon-fabric", + .tegra_cbb_master_id = t234_master_id, + .sn_addr_map = t234_aon_sn_lookup, + .noc_errors = t234_errmon_errors, + .err_notifier_base = 0x17000 +}; + +static struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data tegra234_bpmp_fab_data = { + .name = "bpmp-fabric", + .tegra_cbb_master_id = t234_master_id, + .sn_addr_map = t234_bpmp_sn_lookup, + .noc_errors = t234_errmon_errors, + .err_notifier_base = 0x19000 +}; + +static struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data tegra234_cbb_fab_data = { + .name = "cbb-fabric", + .tegra_cbb_master_id = t234_master_id, + .sn_addr_map = t234_cbb_sn_lookup, + .noc_errors = t234_errmon_errors, + .err_notifier_base = 0x60000, + .off_mask_erd = 0x3a004 +}; + +static struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data tegra234_dce_fab_data = { + .name = "dce-fabric", + .tegra_cbb_master_id = t234_master_id, + .sn_addr_map = t234_dce_sn_lookup, + .noc_errors = t234_errmon_errors, + .err_notifier_base = 0x19000 +}; + +static struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data tegra234_rce_fab_data = { + .name = "rce-fabric", + .tegra_cbb_master_id = t234_master_id, + .sn_addr_map = t234_rce_sn_lookup, + .noc_errors = t234_errmon_errors, + .err_notifier_base = 0x19000 +}; + +static struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data tegra234_sce_fab_data = { + .name = "sce-fabric", + .tegra_cbb_master_id = t234_master_id, + .sn_addr_map = t234_sce_sn_lookup, + .noc_errors = t234_errmon_errors, + .err_notifier_base = 0x19000 +}; + +static const struct of_device_id tegra234_cbb_dt_ids[] = { + {.compatible = "nvidia,tegra234-cbb-fabric", + .data = &tegra234_cbb_fab_data}, + {.compatible = "nvidia,tegra234-aon-fabric", + .data = &tegra234_aon_fab_data}, + {.compatible = "nvidia,tegra234-bpmp-fabric", + .data = &tegra234_bpmp_fab_data}, + {.compatible = "nvidia,tegra234-dce-fabric", + .data = &tegra234_dce_fab_data}, + {.compatible = "nvidia,tegra234-rce-fabric", + .data = &tegra234_rce_fab_data}, + {.compatible = "nvidia,tegra234-sce-fabric", + .data = &tegra234_sce_fab_data}, + {}, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, tegra234_cbb_dt_ids); + +static int +tegra234_cbb_errmon_init(const struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data *pdata, + struct tegra_cbb *cbb, struct resource *res_base) +{ + struct platform_device *pdev = cbb->pdev; + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + unsigned long flags = 0; + int err = 0; + + errmon = (struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec; + errmon->vaddr = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res_base); + if (IS_ERR(errmon->vaddr)) + return -EINVAL; + + errmon->name = pdata->name; + errmon->start = res_base->start; + errmon->tegra_cbb_master_id = pdata->tegra_cbb_master_id; + errmon->err_notifier_base = pdata->err_notifier_base; + errmon->off_mask_erd = pdata->off_mask_erd; + errmon->sn_addr_map = pdata->sn_addr_map; + errmon->noc_errors = pdata->noc_errors; + errmon->cbb = cbb; + + if (errmon->off_mask_erd) + errmon->erd_mask_inband_err = 1; + + err = tegra_cbb_err_getirq(pdev, NULL, &errmon->sec_irq); + if (err) + return err; + + cbb->ops = &tegra234_cbb_errmon_ops; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&cbb_errmon_lock, flags); + list_add(&errmon->node, &cbb_errmon_list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cbb_errmon_lock, flags); + + return 0; +}; + +static int tegra234_cbb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon = NULL; + const struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data *pdata = NULL; + struct resource *res_base = NULL; + struct tegra_cbb *cbb; + int err = 0; + + pdata = of_device_get_match_data(&pdev->dev); + if (!pdata) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No device match found\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + res_base = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); + if (!res_base) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Could not find base address"); + return -ENOENT; + } + + cbb = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*cbb), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!cbb) + return -ENOMEM; + + errmon = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*errmon), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!errmon) + return -ENOMEM; + + cbb->err_rec = errmon; + cbb->pdev = pdev; + err = tegra234_cbb_errmon_init(pdata, cbb, res_base); + if (err) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cbberr init for soc failing\n"); + return err; + } + + /* set ERD bit to mask SError and generate interrupt to report error */ + if (errmon->erd_mask_inband_err) + tegra234_cbb_mn_mask_serror(cbb); + + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, cbb); + + return tegra_cbb_register_isr_enaberr(cbb); +} + +static int tegra234_cbb_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + return 0; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +static int tegra234_cbb_resume_noirq(struct device *dev) +{ + struct tegra_cbb *cbb = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *errmon; + + errmon = (struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record *)cbb->err_rec; + + if (!errmon) + return -EINVAL; + + tegra234_cbb_err_en(cbb); + + dev_info(dev, "%s resumed\n", errmon->name); + return 0; +} + +static const struct dev_pm_ops tegra234_cbb_pm = { + SET_NOIRQ_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(NULL, tegra234_cbb_resume_noirq) +}; +#endif + +static struct platform_driver tegra234_cbb_driver = { + .probe = tegra234_cbb_probe, + .remove = tegra234_cbb_remove, + .driver = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .name = "tegra234-cbb", + .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(tegra234_cbb_dt_ids), +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP + .pm = &tegra234_cbb_pm, +#endif + }, +}; + +static int __init tegra234_cbb_init(void) +{ + return platform_driver_register(&tegra234_cbb_driver); +} + +static void __exit tegra234_cbb_exit(void) +{ + platform_driver_unregister(&tegra234_cbb_driver); +} + +pure_initcall(tegra234_cbb_init); +module_exit(tegra234_cbb_exit); + +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Control Backbone 2.0 error handling driver for Tegra234"); diff --git a/include/soc/tegra/tegra234-cbb.h b/include/soc/tegra/tegra234-cbb.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8c3ff758c845 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/soc/tegra/tegra234-cbb.h @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved + */ + +#define FABRIC_EN_CFG_INTERRUPT_ENABLE_0_0 0x0 +#define FABRIC_EN_CFG_STATUS_0_0 0x40 +#define FABRIC_EN_CFG_ADDR_INDEX_0_0 0x60 +#define FABRIC_EN_CFG_ADDR_LOW_0 0x80 +#define FABRIC_EN_CFG_ADDR_HI_0 0x84 + +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_EN_0 0x200 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_FORCE_0 0x204 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_STATUS_0 0x208 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_ERR_OVERFLOW_STATUS_0 0x20c + +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ERR_STATUS_0 0x300 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ADDR_LOW_0 0x304 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ADDR_HIGH_0 0x308 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ATTRIBUTES0_0 0x30c +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ATTRIBUTES1_0 0x310 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_ATTRIBUTES2_0 0x314 +#define FABRIC_MN_MASTER_LOG_USER_BITS0_0 0x318 + +#define AXI_SLV_TIMEOUT_STATUS_0_0 0x8 +#define APB_BLOCK_TMO_STATUS_0 0xC00 +#define APB_BLOCK_NUM_TMO_OFFSET 0x20 + +#define FAB_EM_EL_MSTRID GENMASK(29, 24) +#define FAB_EM_EL_VQC GENMASK(17, 16) +#define FAB_EM_EL_GRPSEC GENMASK(14, 8) +#define FAB_EM_EL_FALCONSEC GENMASK(1, 0) + +#define FAB_EM_EL_FABID GENMASK(20, 16) +#define FAB_EM_EL_SLAVEID GENMASK(7, 0) + +#define FAB_EM_EL_ACCESSID GENMASK(7, 0) + +#define FAB_EM_EL_AXCACHE GENMASK(27, 24) +#define FAB_EM_EL_AXPROT GENMASK(22, 20) +#define FAB_EM_EL_BURSTLENGTH GENMASK(19, 12) +#define FAB_EM_EL_BURSTTYPE GENMASK(9, 8) +#define FAB_EM_EL_BEATSIZE GENMASK(6, 4) +#define FAB_EM_EL_ACCESSTYPE GENMASK(0, 0) + +#define USRBITS_MSTR_ID GENMASK(29, 24) + +enum tegra_cbb_fabric_ids { + CBB_FAB_ID, + SCE_FAB_ID, + RCE_FAB_ID, + DCE_FAB_ID, + AON_FAB_ID, + PSC_FAB_ID, + BPMP_FAB_ID, + FSI_FAB_ID, + MAX_FAB_ID, +}; + +struct tegra_sn_addr_map { + char *slave_name; + u32 off_slave; +}; + +struct tegra_cbb_fabric_data { + char *name; + phys_addr_t off_mask_erd; + bool erd_mask_inband_err; + char **tegra_cbb_master_id; + phys_addr_t err_notifier_base; + struct tegra_noc_errors *noc_errors; + struct tegra_sn_addr_map *sn_addr_map; +}; + +struct tegra_cbb_errmon_record { + struct list_head node; + char *name; + int errmon_no; + int err_type; + phys_addr_t start; + phys_addr_t err_notifier_base; + int num_intr; + int sec_irq; + void __iomem *vaddr; + void __iomem *addr_errmon; + void __iomem *addr_access; + u32 mn_attr0; + u32 mn_attr1; + u32 mn_attr2; + u32 mn_user_bits; + phys_addr_t off_mask_erd; + bool erd_mask_inband_err; + struct tegra_cbb *cbb; + char **tegra_cbb_master_id; + struct tegra_noc_errors *noc_errors; + struct tegra_sn_addr_map *sn_addr_map; +}; + +u32 tegra234_cbb_readl(unsigned long offset); +void tegra234_cbb_writel(unsigned long offset, u32 val); + +static char *t234_master_id[] = { + "TZ", /* 0x0 */ + "CCPLEX", /* 0x1 */ + "CCPMU", /* 0x2 */ + "BPMP_FW", /* 0x3 */ + "AON", /* 0x4 */ + "SCE", /* 0x5 */ + "GPCDMA_P", /* 0x6 */ + "TSECA_NONSECURE", /* 0x7 */ + "TSECA_LIGHTSECURE", /* 0x8 */ + "TSECA_HEAVYSECURE", /* 0x9 */ + "CORESIGHT", /* 0xA */ + "APE", /* 0xB */ + "PEATRANS", /* 0xC */ + "JTAGM_DFT", /* 0xD */ + "RCE", /* 0xE */ + "DCE", /* 0xF */ + "PSC_FW_USER", /* 0x10 */ + "PSC_FW_SUPERVISOR", /* 0x11 */ + "PSC_FW_MACHINE", /* 0x12 */ + "PSC_BOOT", /* 0x13 */ + "BPMP_BOOT", /* 0x14 */ + "NVDEC_NONSECURE", /* 0x15 */ + "NVDEC_LIGHTSECURE", /* 0x16 */ + "NVDEC_HEAVYSECURE", /* 0x17 */ + "CBB_INTERNAL", /* 0x18 */ + "RSVD" /* 0x3F */ +}; + +static struct tegra_noc_errors t234_errmon_errors[] = { + {.errcode = "SLAVE_ERR", + .type = "Slave being accessed responded with an error" + }, + {.errcode = "DECODE_ERR", + .type = "Attempt to access an address hole" + }, + {.errcode = "FIREWALL_ERR", + .type = "Attempt to access a region which is firewall protected" + }, + {.errcode = "TIMEOUT_ERR", + .type = "No response returned by slave" + }, + {.errcode = "PWRDOWN_ERR", + .type = "Attempt to access a portion of fabric that is powered down" + }, + {.errcode = "UNSUPPORTED_ERR", + .type = "Attempt to access a slave through an unsupported access" + } +}; + +#define AON_SN_AXI2APB_1 0x00000 +#define AON_SN_AST1_T 0x14000 +#define AON_SN_CBB_T 0x15000 +#define AON_SN_CPU_T 0x16000 + +#define BPMP_SN_AXI2APB_1 0x00000 +#define BPMP_SN_AST0_T 0x15000 +#define BPMP_SN_AST1_T 0x16000 +#define BPMP_SN_CBB_T 0x17000 +#define BPMP_SN_CPU_T 0x18000 + +#define DCE_SN_AXI2APB_1 0x00000 +#define DCE_SN_AST0_T 0x15000 +#define DCE_SN_AST1_T 0x16000 +#define DCE_SN_CPU_T 0x18000 + +#define RCE_SN_AXI2APB_1 0x00000 +#define RCE_SN_AST0_T 0x15000 +#define RCE_SN_AST1_T 0x16000 +#define RCE_SN_CPU_T 0x18000 + +#define SCE_SN_AXI2APB_1 0x00000 +#define SCE_SN_AST0_T 0x15000 +#define SCE_SN_AST1_T 0x16000 +#define SCE_SN_CBB_T 0x17000 +#define SCE_SN_CPU_T 0x18000 + +#define CBB_SN_AON_SLAVE 0x40000 +#define CBB_SN_BPMP_SLAVE 0x41000 +#define CBB_SN_CBB_CENTRAL 0x42000 +#define CBB_SN_HOST1X 0x43000 +#define CBB_SN_STM 0x44000 +#define CBB_SN_FSI_SLAVE 0x45000 +#define CBB_SN_PSC_SLAVE 0x46000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C1 0x47000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C2 0x48000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C3 0x49000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C0 0x4A000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C4 0x4B000 +#define CBB_SN_GPU 0x4C000 +#define CBB_SN_SMMU0 0x4D000 +#define CBB_SN_SMMU1 0x4E000 +#define CBB_SN_SMMU2 0x4F000 +#define CBB_SN_SMMU3 0x50000 +#define CBB_SN_SMMU4 0x51000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C10 0x52000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C7 0x53000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C8 0x54000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C9 0x55000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C5 0x56000 +#define CBB_SN_PCIE_C6 0x57000 +#define CBB_SN_DCE_SLAVE 0x58000 +#define CBB_SN_RCE_SLAVE 0x59000 +#define CBB_SN_SCE_SLAVE 0x5A000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_1 0x70000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_10 0x71000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_11 0x72000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_12 0x73000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_13 0x74000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_14 0x75000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_15 0x76000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_16 0x77000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_17 0x78000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_18 0x79000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_19 0x7A000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_2 0x7B000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_20 0x7C000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_21 0x7D000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_22 0x7E000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_23 0x7F000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_25 0x80000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_26 0x81000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_27 0x82000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_28 0x83000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_29 0x84000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_30 0x85000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_31 0x86000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_32 0x87000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_33 0x88000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_34 0x89000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_35 0x92000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_4 0x8B000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_5 0x8C000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_6 0x8D000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_7 0x8E000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_8 0x8F000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_9 0x90000 +#define CBB_SN_AXI2APB_3 0x91000 + +#define SLAVE_LOOKUP(sn) #sn, sn + +static struct tegra_sn_addr_map t234_aon_sn_lookup[] = { + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(AON_SN_AXI2APB_1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(AON_SN_AST1_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(AON_SN_CBB_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(AON_SN_CPU_T) } +}; + +static struct tegra_sn_addr_map t234_bpmp_sn_lookup[] = { + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(BPMP_SN_AXI2APB_1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(BPMP_SN_AST0_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(BPMP_SN_AST1_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(BPMP_SN_CBB_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(BPMP_SN_CPU_T) }, +}; + +static struct tegra_sn_addr_map t234_sce_sn_lookup[] = { + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(SCE_SN_AXI2APB_1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(SCE_SN_AST0_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(SCE_SN_AST1_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(SCE_SN_CBB_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(SCE_SN_CPU_T) } +}; + +static struct tegra_sn_addr_map t234_dce_sn_lookup[] = { + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(DCE_SN_AXI2APB_1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(DCE_SN_AST0_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(DCE_SN_AST1_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(DCE_SN_CPU_T) } +}; + +static struct tegra_sn_addr_map t234_rce_sn_lookup[] = { + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(RCE_SN_AXI2APB_1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(RCE_SN_AST0_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(RCE_SN_AST1_T) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(RCE_SN_CPU_T) } +}; + +static struct tegra_sn_addr_map t234_cbb_sn_lookup[] = { + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AON_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_BPMP_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_CBB_CENTRAL) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_HOST1X) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_STM) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_FSI_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PSC_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C2) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C3) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C0) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C4) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_GPU) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_SMMU0) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_SMMU1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_SMMU2) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_SMMU3) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_SMMU4) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C10) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C7) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C8) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C9) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C5) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_PCIE_C6) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_DCE_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_RCE_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_SCE_SLAVE) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_1) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_10) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_11) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_12) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_13) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_14) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_15) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_16) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_17) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_18) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_19) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_2) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_20) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_21) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_22) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_23) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_25) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_26) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_27) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_28) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_29) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_30) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_31) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_32) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_33) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_34) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_35) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_4) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_5) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_6) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_7) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_8) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_9) }, + { SLAVE_LOOKUP(CBB_SN_AXI2APB_3) } +}; -- 2.17.1