#include <hallo.h>
(Relevant) HW is:
MB: Serverworks HE-Chipset
CPU: 2xPIII 933Mhz
"System"-HDD: 18GB Ultra 160SCSI
"Data"-HDD: 2xIBM DTLA 307045 plugged onto a "Promise Ultra 66"
Some "simple" steps to do that.
mount /dev/hde1 /x1
mount /dev/hdg1 /x2
(The two DTLAs)
rsync -av --delete /x1/kernel/ /x2/kernel/
"a few" files works without problems, when the rsync is "a bit" bigger
than it will hang "forever" when it did the work.
(I can "recreate" it with rsyncing "2.4.1" to "2.4.1ac4")
The rsync is "successfull". (Rerunning it works without problems. "diff
-Nur" doesn't show any differences)
Filesystem doesn't seam to matter. I had the problem with reiserfs and
If you need more Information i will provide them. (Even remote-login is no
Bis denn
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