2011-06-10 12:46:28

by jiaweiwei

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [PATCH]Remove messy code documentations and re-patch them

Hi greg,
We have two messy code documentations. One file
is Documentation/zh_CN/email-cilents and the other one is
I have removed messy code files and re-patched for them.
Please merge them into our mainline. So sorry for taking patches
with attachments, i am afraid they will be messy code again.

Descriptions for patches.
rm-email-clients.patch: remove the messy code file
email-clients.txt for us.
rm-SubmitChecklist.patch: remove the messy code file
SubmitChecklist for us.
add-email-clients.patch: add email-clients.txt file.
add-SubmitChecklist.patch: add SubmitChecklist file.

Harry Wei

(No filename) (652.00 B)
rm-email-clients.patch (11.28 kB)
rm-SubmitChecklist.patch (4.49 kB)
add-email-clients.patch (10.17 kB)
add-SubmitChecklist.patch (5.93 kB)
Download all attachments