Return-Path: Received: from ([]:30232 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1751556AbcLFQMU (ORCPT ); Tue, 6 Dec 2016 11:12:20 -0500 From: Brian Cowan To: "" Subject: FW: File lock performance over NFSv4 degrades dramatically when lock contention is present. Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 15:58:52 +0000 Message-ID: References: In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="_002_HK2PR0401MB1570ACF852B10ADA56DB0059FE820HK2PR0401MB1570_" MIME-Version: 1.0 Sender: List-ID: --_002_HK2PR0401MB1570ACF852B10ADA56DB0059FE820HK2PR0401MB1570_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello all, = On moving an application that uses file locking from NFSv3 to NFSV4, we fou= nd that file lock/unlock times can vary wildly when lock contention is pres= ent. Our application has multiple files that have to be locked in the remot= e filesystem. When multiple instances (as few as 2) of the application comp= onents are running and sharing these files we are seeing lock delays in sec= onds as opposed to milli/microseconds. = We can reproduce this in multiple Linux versions (At least SuSE 11, SuSE 12= , Ubuntu 14.04, Red Hat 7.x), and multiple NFS servers (Linux, Solaris, Net= App) and the issue only occurs on NFSv4 mounts. Mounting the exact same fil= esystem via NFSv3 eliminates the issue. We're reasonably certain that this = is not a client configuration issue as additional customers are coming out = of the woodwork reporting the problem. We're also reasonably certain that t= his is not a server issue since it's happening across multiple server platf= orms. = To reproduce this outside of our application, a coworker wrote a simple loc= k test program (attached). When one instance of this program is run on an a= ffected host, the lock times are < 1000us. If you then start a second insta= nce of the application, the lock wait times have reached as long as 3 MINUT= ES. Unlocking doesn't take anywhere near as long, where the maximum observe= d unlock time being about 23 ms. = Process we used to prove this: 1) Compiled the attached source. 2) Mounted a remote filesystem via NFSv4 (example: /mnt/nfsv4) 3) Created a temp file with 777 permissions. (/mnt/nfsv4/foo) 4) Ran one instance of the tool, redirecting the output to /tmp: ./lock1 /mnt/nfsv4/foo >> /tmp/zz1 & 5) Checked lock times after 20 seconds: = sort -rn -k3 < /tmp/zz1 | more 6) Started a second instance of the tool ./lock1 /mnt/nfsv4/foo >> /tmp/zz2 & 7) Check the lock times again, using both files: sort -rn -k3 < /tmp/zz1 | more sort -rn -k3 < /tmp/zz2 | more What we saw was lock calls moving from the < 1000 us range to (as my cowork= er put it) "integral numbers of seconds." Not every lock stalls for integra= l numbers of seconds, but enough of them do to stall our application. Even = the small percentage of > 1 second lock/unlock calls causes problems as we = do a lot of file locking. = Any/all diagnostic assistance would be greatly appreciated. ::DISCLAIMER:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and inte= nded for the named recipient(s) only. E-mail transmission is not guaranteed to be secure or error-free as informa= tion could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or may contain viruses in trans= mission. The e mail and its contents (with or without referred errors) shall therefore not attach any liability = on the originator or HCL or its affiliates. Views or opinions, if any, presented in this email are solely those of the = author and may not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of HCL or its affiliates. Any form of reproduction, disse= mination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and / or publication of this message without the prior written= consent of authorized representative of HCL is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please= delete it and notify the sender immediately. Before opening any email and/or attachments, please check them for viruses = and other defects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --_002_HK2PR0401MB1570ACF852B10ADA56DB0059FE820HK2PR0401MB1570_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="lock1.c" Content-Description: lock1.c Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="lock1.c"; size=1880; creation-date="Tue, 06 Dec 2016 13:52:13 GMT"; modification-date="Tue, 06 Dec 2016 13:52:13 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+CiNpbmNsdWRlIDxmY250bC5oPgojaW5jbHVkZSA8dW5pc3RkLmg+ CiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzeXMvdHlwZXMuaD4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy90aW1lLmg+CgojZGVmaW5lIE1B WEJVRiA0MDk2CgptYWluKGFyZ2MsIGFyZ3YpCmludCBhcmdjOwpjaGFyICphcmd2W107CnsKCiAg ICBpbnQgaTsKICAgIGludCBmZDsKICAgIHBpZF90IHBpZDsKICAgIGludCBzbGVlcF90aW1lOwog ICAgaW50IHRpbWVfdGFrZW49MDsKICAgIGNoYXIgYnVmZmVyW01BWEJVRl07CiAgICBzdHJ1Y3Qg dGltZXZhbCB0MSwgdDI7CgogICAgc2V0YnVmKHN0ZG91dCwgTlVMTCk7CiAgICAvKiBQb3B1bGF0 ZSBuZXcgYmxvY2sgKi8KICAgIGZvcihpPTA7IGk8TUFYQlVGOyBpKyspCiAgICAgICBidWZmZXJb aV09J2MnOwoKICAgIC8qIGEgc2luZ2xlIGFyZyAgLSB0aGUgIGZpbGVuYW1lKi8KICAgIGlmIChh cmdjICE9IDIpewogICAgICAgZnByaW50ZihzdGRlcnIsICJ1c2FnZTogJXMgPGZpbGU+XG4iLCBh cmd2WzBdKTsKICAgICAgIF9leGl0KDIpOwogICAgfQoKICAgIC8qIENoZWNrIGFyZyBpcyBhIGZp bGUgY2FuIG9wZW4gci93ICovCiAgICBpZiAoKGZkPW9wZW4oYXJndlsxXSwgT19SRFdSLCAwNzc3 KSkgPDApIHsKICAgICAgIGZwcmludGYoc3RkZXJyLCAiY291bGQgbm90IGNyZWF0ZS9vcGVuICVz IFxuIiwgYXJndlsxXSk7CiAgICAgICBfZXhpdCgxKTsKICAgIH0KCgogICAgLyogTG9vcCBmb3Jl dmVyICovCiAgICB3aGlsZSgxKXsKICAgICAgICAgICAvKiBSZXNldCBmaWxlIHBvaW50ZXIgdG8g c3RhcnQgb2YgZmlsZSAqLwogICAgICAgICAgIGlmIChsc2VlayhmZCwgMCwgU0VFS19TRVQpIDwg MCkgewogICAgICAgICAgICAgIGZwcmludGYoc3RkZXJyLCAiY291bGQgbm90IHNlZWsgdG8gYmVn aW5uaW5nIG9mICVzXG4iLCBhcmd2WzFdKTsKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBfZXhpdCgxKTsKICAgICAg ICAgICB9CgogICAgICAgICAgIC8qIExvY2sgZW50aXJlIGZpbGUgZm9yIGV4Y2x1c2l2ZSBhY2Nl c3MgIGFuZCB0aW1lIGhvdyBsb25nIGl0IHRha2VzIHRvIGdldCBsb2NrKi8KICAgICAgICAgICBn ZXR0aW1lb2ZkYXkoJnQxLCBOVUxMKTsKICAgICAgICAgICBpZiAobG9ja2YoZmQsIEZfTE9DSywg MCkgPCAwKSB7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgZnByaW50ZihzdGRlcnIsICJjb3VsZCBub3QgbG9jayB3 aG9sZSBmaWxlICVzXG4iLCBhcmd2WzFdKTsKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBfZXhpdCgxKTsKICAgICAg ICAgICB9CiAgICAgICAgICAgZ2V0dGltZW9mZGF5KCZ0MiwgTlVMTCk7CiAgICAgICAgICAgdGlt ZV90YWtlbj0odDIudHZfc2VjIC0gdDEudHZfc2VjKSoxMDAwMDAwICsgKHQyLnR2X3VzZWMgLSB0 MS50dl91c2VjKTsKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBwcmludGYoImxvY2tmKCkgdG9vayAgJWQgdXNcbiIs IHRpbWVfdGFrZW4pOwoKICAgICAgICAgICAvKiBVbmxvY2sgZmlsZSAgYW5kIHRpbWUgaG93IGxv bmcgdGhhdCB0YWtlcyovCiAgICAgICAgICAgZ2V0dGltZW9mZGF5KCZ0MSwgTlVMTCk7CiAgICAg ICAgICAgaWYgKGxvY2tmKGZkLCBGX1VMT0NLLCAwKSA8IDApIHsKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBmcHJp bnRmKHN0ZGVyciwgImNvdWxkIG5vdCB1bmxvY2sgZmlsZSAlc1xuIiwgYXJndlsxXSk7CiAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgX2V4aXQoMSk7CiAgICAgICAgICAgfQogICAgICAgICAgIGdldHRpbWVvZmRheSgm dDIsIE5VTEwpOwogICAgICAgICAgIHRpbWVfdGFrZW49KHQyLnR2X3NlYyAtIHQxLnR2X3NlYykq MTAwMDAwMCArICh0Mi50dl91c2VjIC0gdDEudHZfdXNlYyk7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgcHJpbnRm KCJ1bmxvY2soKSB0b29rICVkIHVzXG4iLCB0aW1lX3Rha2VuKTsKCiAgfQpfZXhpdCgwKTsKfQo= --_002_HK2PR0401MB1570ACF852B10ADA56DB0059FE820HK2PR0401MB1570_--