Return-Path: Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 19:26:56 +0200 From: Fabien Chevalier MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Brad Midgley , Johan Hedberg , Luiz Augusto von Dentz ,, Marcel Holtmann CC: BlueZ development Subject: [PATCH] newapi patch v1 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------060506050409090709080507" List-ID: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------060506050409090709080507 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit All, here is the first version of the patch that moves to the newapi usage... yeheee !! As nobody suggested a new name, i've just chose one, which is "btaudioservice.h" :-). Of course this can be changed if somebody prefers a better name :-) This patch does not bring any new feature by itself, it's goal is only to get rid from the ipc.h stuff. However is is already quite big, but i really can't make it smaller without breaking stuff that is known to work today :-( I did some basic testing of the patch, which is: - play a file using a2dp, seek during playing (audacious) - play a file using a2dp, seek during playing (rhythmnbox) - play a file using SCO, seek during playing (audacious) - record and play file using aplay & arecord. I didn't notice any regression, but i don't want to fool anybody : such a big patch will inevitably bring its set of regressions, it's just that i haven't found them yet :-) Due to the fairly big nature of the patch, i would suggest to wait for 3.21 before moving to the new api, this will give us the usual time between two bluez releases to : - fix regressions introduced (my job :-) ) - upgrading the gstreamer plugin to use the new api ( i'd prefer thiagoss to work on this one (with my support of course), as i've never put my nose on this part of the code ) As usual, comments are welcome. ;-) Cheers, Fabien --------------060506050409090709080507 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8; name="fchevalier.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fchevalier.vcf" YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCmZuOkZhYmllbiBDSEVWQUxJRVINCm46Q0hFVkFMSUVSO0ZhYmllbg0K b3JnOlNJTElDT00NCmFkcjo7OzQgcnVlIGRlIEpvdWFuZXQ7IFJFTk5FUyBBVEFMQU5URTs7 MzU3MDA7RlJBTkNFDQplbWFpbDtpbnRlcm5ldDpmY2hldmFsaWVyQHNpbGljb20uZnINCnRp dGxlOlNvZnR3YXJlICYgU3R1ZGllcyBFbmdpbmVlcg0KdGVsO3dvcms6KzMzICgwKSAyIDk5 IDg0IDE3IDE3DQp2ZXJzaW9uOjIuMQ0KZW5kOnZjYXJkDQoNCg== --------------060506050409090709080507--