From: (KaiGai Kohei) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:37:46 +0900 Subject: [refpolicy] The status of SE-PostgreSQL Message-ID: <> To: List-Id: Here is a bad news. I've had a discussion in pgsql-hackers list for a long time, but we cannot get a conclusion that SE-PostgreSQL should be merged in the PostgreSQL v8.4 which is the next major release, and it was postponed to the v8.5 development cycle due to lack of time for enough reviewing the feature. If it can be released on schedule, the v8.4 is released on the second quarter of 2009, and the v8.5 will be relased on a year later (but it tend to delay a few months). So, it is necessary to apply SE-PostgreSQL patches or install it from RPM package distributed via Fedora project. :( Under the discussion, I got a few suggestions in its security design, and it seems to me fair enough. Some of them needs to change definitions in the default policy. See the following items, * new permission: db_database:{superuser} They required a new permission to control database superuser privileges similar to "root" capability in operating system. The concept of superuser is common for some of major DBMSs, not only PostgreSQL. In addition, it seems to me well symmetric with operating system. The db_database:{superuser} controls whether the client can perform as database superuser on the given database, or not. * undesired permission: db_database:{set_param get_param} They wondered the necessity of these checks, because SQL spec does not require checks in set/get database parameters. I didn't think it is necessary the security design of SELinux should be symmetric with SQL, but I also thought these might be unnecessary due to another reason. In PostgreSQL, the scope of database parameters are session local and initialized on the connection startup, so we cannot use it as a pass to communicate between different two or more domains. * undesired permission: db_table/db_column/db_tuple:{use} I originally proposed the {use} permission to set up write-only tables, but it might be a misdesign. (Sorry, a bit long description.) At the initial design, SE-PostgreSQL applied {select} permission for all the refered tables, columns and tuples. But, it also means {select} permission is necessary for conditional DELETE or UPDATE even if its content is not exposed to the client. So, I proposed the privilege into two different permission: {select} and {use}. The {select} allows the client to refer the object and its content can be returned to him. The {use} also allows the client to refer the object but its content has to be consumed internally. Example) SELECT a, b FROM t WHERE c = 5; In this case, we need {select} on column t.a and t.b, but {use} is required on column t.c because its content is consumed by SE-PostgreSQL itself and not returned to the client. Example) UPDATE t SET x = 20 WHERE y = 'aaa'; In this case, we need {update} on column t.x, and {use} on t.y, but {select} is not necessary. However, we can break it rapidly with a clever condition clause. For example, we can get a result from the first trial: DELETE FROM account WHERE userid = 100 and creditno like '1%'; If this query removes a tuple, it means the first character of credit card number is '1'. If not so, he can try it 9 times. Then, he can get the information without {select} permission, with enough small number of trials. They concluded the "{use}" permission cannot work correctly, and danger to expect it does not allow to leak contexnt to the outside. I can agree this opinion. The attached patch add/remove these permissions. Any comments please. Thanks, -- OSS Platform Development Division, NEC KaiGai Kohei -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: refpolicy-sepgsql-perms.patch Type: text/x-patch Size: 5130 bytes Desc: not available Url :