From: (Simon Peter Nicholls) Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2011 18:04:13 +0100 Subject: [refpolicy] Unexpected user_u permission denied for httpd_user_content_t Message-ID: <> To: List-Id: Is it known behaviour that user_u logins get locked out of their own web content? If I login as a regular default login, I get user_u: $ id -Z user_u:user_r:user_t I now want to start working up some web content, so I create the regular top level folder: $ mkdir public_html And see in the message log that restorecond has relabelled it for me. httpd_enable_homedirs is on: restorecond: Reset file context /home/user/public_html: user_u:object_r:user_home_t->user_u:object_r:httpd_user_content_t So far so good. I'll enter that directory so I can work up some HTML: $ cd public_html -bash: cd: public_html: Permission denied Oops. I can't even list the attributes of the directory without having sysadm_r for example. So at this point my user is already locked out of their own content, which doesn't feel right to me. Policy implementation aside, the access granted to Apache for using these files should be in addition to established permissions, not instead of. Is this a known "rough edge" with refpolicy, or is this expected to work? It's important for my situation, thinking ahead to distributed web deployment, that particular logins via SSH have management access to web content by default, without the need to switch roles to do so. Thanks.