From: (Sven Vermeulen) Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 23:06:37 +0200 Subject: [refpolicy] Calling typeattribute within a tunable_policy() is not allowed? Message-ID: <> To: List-Id: Hi guys, I wanted to all a call to seutil_relabelto_bin_policy() (through files_relabel_all_files) within puppet but only when the puppet_manage_all_files boolean is set. However, it seems that this is not allowed as the seutil_relabelto_bin_policy() interface would add an attribute to the given type using "typeattribute", which doesn't seem to work: /usr/bin/checkmodule: loading policy configuration from tmp/puppet.tmp puppet.te":142:ERROR 'syntax error' at token 'typeattribute' on line 8617: #line 142 typeattribute puppet_t can_relabelto_binary_policy; I guess that attributes are not something that can be switched on/off through a tunable. Does that mean that the best way to handle this is to move the "typeattribute $1 can_relabelto_binary_policy;" out of the seutil_relabelto_bin_policy() interface and make sure that whomever calls that interface first sets this attribute? Then, puppet would have the attribute set, but the effective permission would still be "shielded" by the boolean... Wkr, Sven Vermeulen