From: (Dominick Grift) Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:30:19 +0100 Subject: [refpolicy] [PATCH/RFC] Reintroduce httpd_user_content_type and httpd_user_script_exec_type attributes In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <1360611019.2559.22.camel@d30> To: List-Id: On Mon, 2013-02-11 at 20:02 +0100, Sven Vermeulen wrote: > Hi all, > > The httpd_user_content_type and httpd_user_script_exec_type attributes were > erroneously removed a while ago, but while trying to reintroduce them I did > notice that they were removed because there was no way for users to actually > use them (or I'm completely misreading the policy code). > > Below a first attempt at the patch, which also introduces two interfaces: > apache_user_content_type() and apache_user_script_exec_type(), which assigns > the given types the attributes again. > > However, when trying to find out if/when the Apache domain (httpd_t) should > be able to execute the httpd_user_script_exec_type-labeled files (and read > httpd_user_content_type-labeled files) I'm getting a bit lost and hopefully > you can give me some guidance... > > Should I allow execute rights on httpd_user_script_exec_type if > httpd_enable_cgi (boolean) and httpd_enable_homedirs (boolean) is set? And > httpd_enable_homedirs (boolean) for reading httpd_user_content_type? > > Wkr, > Sven Vermeulen > I still do not understand the purpose of this. Is there some actual need for this? I deprecated the interface because it was unused and i could not see a convincing need for it to exist. Can you enlighten me? What issue are you facing? Who, other than the user needs to be able to manage user content/script dirs, files and symlinks?