From: (Sven Vermeulen) Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:22:07 +0200 Subject: [refpolicy] Want to make typeattribute declarations possible in conditionals Message-ID: <> To: List-Id: Hi all, I would like to be able to assign attributes to types in a conditional statement. Right now, this isn't allowed, and I don't know if it is feasible to look for a solution to this or not. Is this a real design constraint that will be hard to work around, or is this doable? Alternatives that I see are: - making the assignations part of separate, small SELinux modules that users can unload/load - using interfaces that assign the permissions to the given domain, and use this interface against the attribute. This will probably result in two interfaces, foo_domain() to assign the attribute (for non-tunable usage) and foo_domain_privileges() to assign the rights (for tunable usage) - naming convention notwithstanding here. - decouple the requirement from the policy and let administrators do this The last approach means that the policy doesn't include the definitions anymore, instead providing a method (in the SELinux userspace utilities or distribution-specific) to assign attributes. For instance (mock-up): ~# semanage attribute -a -t mailserver_domain portage_t This would then create (or maintain) a small module that does the necessary declarations, like "typeattribute portage_t mailserver_domain". What is your opinion on this? Weird request? Wkr, Sven Vermeulen