From: (David Graziano) Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 08:11:58 -0500 Subject: [refpolicy] POSIX mqueues Message-ID: To: List-Id: I am attempting to write policy for a set of applications which use POSIX mqueues using named type_transistion rules to uniquely label the mqueue files in the /dev/mqueue directory then controlling access based on the types. Standard type transition rules seem to work but I cannot seem to get the named type transitions to apply the proper label. Are named type transitions not supported by the mqueue file system? I?m on a 3.14 series kernel with policy version 28 if that helps. I?d like to avoid needing to do a restorecon after a new queue is created. Named type transistions seem to work on other file systems like tmp and jffs2. Thanks in advance, David Graziano