From: (David Sugar) Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 14:05:19 +0000 Subject: [refpolicy] Interface for systemd using SELinuxContext option Message-ID: <> To: List-Id: We have a use case on a system where we have a systemd .service unit file that is using the SELinuxContext= [1] option to specify a context for the service being started. The same .service file (/lib/systemd/system/foo at .service) is used to start multiple instances of the same executable that are customized with a different drop-in .conf file for each. The context is customized in /lib/systemd/system/foo at .service file (based on using SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:foo_%i_t:s0) [2] We then create /etc/systemd/system/foo at bar.service.d/bar.conf so the final running process is in the domain foo_bar_t We have created the following interface (in init.if) to meet our needs. I don't think the interface name is acceptable (I'm open to suggestions) and would like to submit a patch for this based on comments from the list. The interface is very much like init_domain except for the use of domain_transition_pattern rather than domtrans_pattern because the automatic transition doesn't work in this case. ######################################## ## ## Create a domain which can be started by init. ## ## ## ## Type to be used as a domain. ## ## ## ## ## Type of the program being executed when starting this domain. ## ## # interface(`init_manual_trans',` gen_require(` type init_t; role system_r; ') domain_type($1) domain_entry_file($1, $2) role system_r types $1; domain_transition_pattern(init_t, $2, $1) ifdef(`init_systemd',` allow $1 init_t:unix_stream_socket { getattr read write ioctl }; allow init_t $1:process2 { nnp_transition nosuid_transition }; ') ') [1] The SELinuxContext option for systemd is explained [2] The systemd %i (and other specifiers) along with drop-in files are explained Input is appreciated. Dave Sugar dsugar at