Return-path: Received: from ([]:37999 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1755318AbXFNXp3 (ORCPT ); Thu, 14 Jun 2007 19:45:29 -0400 Received: by with SMTP id v27so906925wah for ; Thu, 14 Jun 2007 16:45:28 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 01:45:28 +0200 From: "Kasper F. Brandt" To: Subject: Got rtl8187 somewhat working in master mode with hostapd MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_44813_27793738.1181864728494" Sender: List-ID: ------=_Part_44813_27793738.1181864728494 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Hello I have managed to get my rtl8187 based wireless USB dongle (a Netgear WG111/v2) working in master mode - but with some strange problems and some even stranger workarounds. But first things first - i have attached the modifications i have made to the driver (patch is against wireless-dev git head) - they are not really doing anything else than simply "enabling" master mode. It doesn't seems to be sending any beacons when simply put into master mode (should the driver somehow tell mac80211 that it's not generating them itself?) But when i use hostapd everything seems to be working - until i try to associated... Without any encyption i could associated my laptop to the ap (actually a Linksys NSLU2 using big-endian arm) - but i couldn't get any data both ways. My laptop would see the packages sent from the ap and answer them, but the ap wouldn't get the packages - at least most of the time :/ Furthermore my laptop disconnected from the ap every 5 (or maybe 10) seconds and associated with the ap again. But when i started tcpdump on my nslu2, so i could find out what was going wrong, it suddenly worked. I could send data both ways without any problems - but my laptop was disconnecting and reconnecting about every 5 seconds when it wasn't receiving anything. As a temporary workaround i can keep the connection alive by having a ping running in the background. And well beside of that it seems to be working just fine - even with encryption. So why does it suddenly work when i start tcpdump? It's putting the interface into promiscous mode but when i tried to do that manually it didn't work... And why does the client keep on disconnection after a short time of inactivity? Is an accesspoint usually sending some sort of keep-alive packets that mac80211 doesn't send automatically when the interface is in master mode? I really hope someone can help me out with this. - Kasper F. Brandt ------=_Part_44813_27793738.1181864728494 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=rtl8187-enable-mastermode.patch Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_f2xvp5ic Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="rtl8187-enable-mastermode.patch" LS0tIGEvZHJpdmVycy9uZXQvd2lyZWxlc3MvbWFjODAyMTEvcnRsODE4N19kZXYuYwkyMDA3LTA2 LTEzIDE0OjEwOjIyLjAwMDAwMDAwMCArMDIwMAorKysgYi9kcml2ZXJzL25ldC93aXJlbGVzcy9t YWM4MDIxMS9ydGw4MTg3X2Rldi5jCTIwMDctMDYtMTUgMDA6MjU6NTIuMDAwMDAwMDAwICswMjAw CkBAIC00NjAsNiArNDYwLDcgQEAKIAlzd2l0Y2ggKGNvbmYtPnR5cGUpIHsKIAljYXNlIElFRUU4 MDIxMV9JRl9UWVBFX1NUQToKIAljYXNlIElFRUU4MDIxMV9JRl9UWVBFX01OVFI6CisJY2FzZSBJ RUVFODAyMTFfSUZfVFlQRV9BUDoKIAkJcHJpdi0+bW9kZSA9IGNvbmYtPnR5cGU7CiAJCWJyZWFr OwogCWRlZmF1bHQ6CkBAIC01MTAsMTMgKzUxMSwyMCBAQAogCXN0cnVjdCBydGw4MTg3X3ByaXYg KnByaXYgPSBkZXYtPnByaXY7CiAJaW50IGk7CiAKLQlmb3IgKGkgPSAwOyBpIDwgRVRIX0FMRU47 IGkrKykKLQkJcnRsODE4eF9pb3dyaXRlOChwcml2LCAmcHJpdi0+bWFwLT5CU1NJRFtpXSwgY29u Zi0+YnNzaWRbaV0pOwotCi0JaWYgKGlzX3ZhbGlkX2V0aGVyX2FkZHIoY29uZi0+YnNzaWQpKQot CQlydGw4MTh4X2lvd3JpdGU4KHByaXYsICZwcml2LT5tYXAtPk1TUiwgUlRMODE4WF9NU1JfSU5G UkEpOworCWlmIChwcml2LT5tb2RlID09IElFRUU4MDIxMV9JRl9UWVBFX0FQKSB7CisJCWlmICgh Y29uZi0+YnNzaWQpCisJCQljb25mLT5ic3NpZCA9IHByaXYtPmh3YWRkcjsKKwl9CiAJZWxzZQot CQlydGw4MTh4X2lvd3JpdGU4KHByaXYsICZwcml2LT5tYXAtPk1TUiwgUlRMODE4WF9NU1JfTk9f TElOSyk7CisJeworCQlmb3IgKGkgPSAwOyBpIDwgRVRIX0FMRU47IGkrKykKKwkJCXJ0bDgxOHhf aW93cml0ZTgocHJpdiwgJnByaXYtPm1hcC0+QlNTSURbaV0sIGNvbmYtPmJzc2lkW2ldKTsKKwor CQlpZiAoaXNfdmFsaWRfZXRoZXJfYWRkcihjb25mLT5ic3NpZCkpCisJCQlydGw4MTh4X2lvd3Jp dGU4KHByaXYsICZwcml2LT5tYXAtPk1TUiwgUlRMODE4WF9NU1JfSU5GUkEpOworCQllbHNlCisJ CQlydGw4MTh4X2lvd3JpdGU4KHByaXYsICZwcml2LT5tYXAtPk1TUiwgUlRMODE4WF9NU1JfTk9f TElOSyk7CisJfQogCiAJcmV0dXJuIDA7CiB9Cg== ------=_Part_44813_27793738.1181864728494-- -: To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-wireless" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at http: //