Tony Cho ([email protected])

Number of posts: 622 (2.95 per day)
First post: 2015-07-28 08:49:50
Last post: 2016-02-24 10:03:26

Date List Subject
2015-10-16 04:38:39 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 03/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8OppEnable of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-16 04:38:33 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 02/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8NoaEnbaled of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-16 04:38:27 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 01/40] staging: wilc1000: rename ssidLen of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:29:57 linux-wireless [PATCH 40/40] staging: wilc1000: fixes comparison to NULL could be written
2015-10-15 04:29:50 linux-wireless [PATCH 39/40] staging: wilc1000: fixes alignment should match open parenthesis
2015-10-15 04:29:43 linux-wireless [PATCH 38/40] staging: wilc1000: fixes unnecessary variable replacement
2015-10-15 04:29:37 linux-wireless [PATCH 37/40] staging: wilc1000: move variable FALSE_FRMWR_CHANNEL
2015-10-15 04:29:30 linux-wireless [PATCH 36/40] staging: wilc1000: move variable clients_count
2015-10-15 04:29:24 linux-wireless [PATCH 35/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable s32Error
2015-10-15 04:29:17 linux-wireless [PATCH 34/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8FlushedJoinReqDrvHandler
2015-10-15 04:29:10 linux-wireless [PATCH 33/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu32FlushedInfoElemAsocSize
2015-10-15 04:29:03 linux-wireless [PATCH 32/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu32FlushedJoinReqSize
2015-10-15 04:28:57 linux-wireless [PATCH 31/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8FlushedAuthType
2015-10-15 04:28:50 linux-wireless [PATCH 30/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8Flushed11iMode
2015-10-15 04:28:44 linux-wireless [PATCH 29/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8FlushedInfoElemAsoc
2015-10-15 04:28:37 linux-wireless [PATCH 28/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8FlushedJoinReq
2015-10-15 04:28:30 linux-wireless [PATCH 27/40] staging: wilc1000: remove unused variable gu32WidConnRstHack
2015-10-15 04:28:23 linux-wireless [PATCH 26/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8DelBcn
2015-10-15 04:28:16 linux-wireless [PATCH 25/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu32InactiveTime
2015-10-15 04:28:10 linux-wireless [PATCH 24/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gs8GetIP
2015-10-15 04:28:03 linux-wireless [PATCH 23/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gs8SetIP
2015-10-15 04:27:57 linux-wireless [PATCH 22/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gu8Chnl
2015-10-15 04:27:50 linux-wireless [PATCH 21/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gs8lnkspd
2015-10-15 04:27:44 linux-wireless [PATCH 20/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gs8Rssi
2015-10-15 04:27:38 linux-wireless [PATCH 19/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gbScanWhileConnected
2015-10-15 04:27:31 linux-wireless [PATCH 18/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gapu8RcvdAssocResp
2015-10-15 04:27:25 linux-wireless [PATCH 17/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable g_hPeriodicRSSI
2015-10-15 04:27:18 linux-wireless [PATCH 16/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable hSemHostIntDeinit
2015-10-15 04:27:11 linux-wireless [PATCH 15/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable hWaitResponse
2015-10-15 04:27:04 linux-wireless [PATCH 14/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable hSemDeinitDrvHandle
2015-10-15 04:26:58 linux-wireless [PATCH 13/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable hSemHostIFthrdEnd
2015-10-15 04:26:51 linux-wireless [PATCH 12/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable gMsgQHostIF
2015-10-15 04:26:45 linux-wireless [PATCH 11/40] staging: wilc1000: rename variable HostIFthreadHandler
2015-10-15 04:26:38 linux-wireless [PATCH 10/40] staging: wilc1000: remove unused variable gWFiDrvHandle
2015-10-15 04:26:31 linux-wireless [PATCH 09/40] staging: wilc1000: rename au8StartTime of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:26:25 linux-wireless [PATCH 08/40] staging: wilc1000: rename au8Interval of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:26:19 linux-wireless [PATCH 07/40] staging: wilc1000: rename au8Duration of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:26:12 linux-wireless [PATCH 06/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8Index of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:26:06 linux-wireless [PATCH 05/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8Count of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:25:59 linux-wireless [PATCH 04/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8CtWindow of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:25:52 linux-wireless [PATCH 03/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8OppEnable of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:25:45 linux-wireless [PATCH 02/40] staging: wilc1000: rename u8NoaEnbaled of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-15 04:25:37 linux-wireless [PATCH 01/40] staging: wilc1000: rename ssidLen of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-14 11:48:54 linux-wireless [PATCH 16/16] staging: wilc1000: assign pointer of wl to sdio device data
2015-10-14 11:48:47 linux-wireless [PATCH 15/16] staging: wilc1000: introduce struct wilc_sdio for sdio data
2015-10-14 11:48:40 linux-wireless [PATCH 14/16] staging: wilc1000: remove COMPLEMENT_BOOT
2015-10-14 11:48:32 linux-wireless [PATCH 13/16] staging: wilc1000: rename wilc_firmware in the struct wilc
2015-10-14 11:48:24 linux-wireless [PATCH 12/16] staging: wilc1000: move clean up codes into wl_wlan_cleanup function
2015-10-14 11:48:17 linux-wireless [PATCH 11/16] staging: wilc1000: rename wilc_netdev in the struct wilc_vif
2015-10-14 11:48:10 linux-wireless [PATCH 10/16] staging: wilc1000: rename drvHandler in the struct wilc_vif
2015-10-14 11:48:02 linux-wireless [PATCH 09/16] staging: wilc1000: rename aBSSID in the struct wilc_vif