2015-08-04 15:24:31

by raghu MG

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: GPIO interrupts on ARMADAXP GP board


I am working on a card which as GPIOs connected to external I/O's. The
board consists of ARMADAXP 78460 host cpu.

Board currently runs Linux-4.1 with modified armada-xp-gp.dtb for ArmadaXP.
I enabled "orion-gpio" driver to initialize GPIOs as given in armada-xp-mv78460.

The driver while initializing calls irq_domain_add_simple which throws
up following warning
"irq: Cannot allocate irq_descs @ IRQ47, assuming pre-allocated"
The warning repeats for next set(32-63 & 64-66).

Also the GPIO IRQs are not getting listed in cat /proc/interrupts

My understanding is GPIO interrupts are not getting registered . As
per DTS file the following GPIO interrupts should be registered

But none of them are registered nor the irq handler is getting invoked.

Please suggest some fix to this problem.