>Standard Red Hat has no MCA support (sorry much as I love my PS/2 its
>hard to make an honest business case for the huge amount of extra work to
>build MCA boot disks/CD images). Debian I believe should install
>of the box on most MCA bus PC systems
Hard if you want to pretend you're Microsoft. MCA may still be interesting
for a bottom-feeder strategy. There are apparently still millions of them
in storage. It seems the powers that be have made it harder for
accountable organizations to discard computers, due to the lead content
and so on. I have come off them myself, but the MAD types (Microchannel
Affection Disorder) on Usenet still do strange things like upgrade thier
CPUs and so on. My Microchannel stuff is in
including what I believe was the first 2.88meg rawwrite. cLIeNUX was up
until recently built on a 9595. The worst afflicted MAD individual is
probably Charles Lasitter (one s) [email protected] . His MCA cLIeNUX spin-off
should still cater to MCA quite nicely. Regular cLIeNUX should still
install on MCA, I think, and is one dir up from the above URL.
The newsgroup is comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware.
Rick Hohensee