Hi all,
At last night, I changed my scsi card from a pci slot to another,to avoided the IRQ
sharing between on-board USB and SCSI.
And burned a cdr to test. It's so magic. The burned files which are not the same
with origin ones is much less than before. Why? Can not use IRQ sharing between
SCSI&USB? I used Win98 & kernel 2.2.x,and no errors.
I burned two cdr with kernel insmoded dc395x_trm.o and another scsi driver
integrated kernel. CDR burned with the former has two different files with origin
ones. And the latter has six ones. I have no idea about the difference.
Maybe I can burn more cdr to test.
When I have time, I would like to testing with lowered syncspeed. I hope it will
be a temp solution.
Best Regards,cwz