2005-09-26 18:26:30

by Sharma Sushant

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Subject: APIC and Performance Counters

Hello all,
I was trying to do some performance monitoring using performance counters
on an AMD Athlon64. I am trying to count number of retired uops (0xC1h)
and I want to call a function after every n number of uops. I think I need
to use APIC for this purpose and specifically APIC register for
"perfromance counter local vector table entry" in which i can set up the
vector which will be sent for the interrupt source. Now I am not familiar
with setting up of vector table entries and the detailed process of how
can I do what I want. Can anyone give some pointers where I can find more
information on programming APIC with performance-monitoring counters or if
some one can explain it to me, I would be thankful.
ps: please cc the reply to me.

Sushant Sharma