2009-12-20 12:48:11

by Alexander Beregalov

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: tty: tty_port_get() breaks build


Commit is 568aafc62
tty: tty_port: Add a kref object to the tty port

include/linux/tty.h:469: error: '______f' is static but declared in
inline function 'tty_port_get' which is not static

tty_port_get() looks as

extern inline __attribute__((always_inline)) struct tty_port
*tty_port_get(struct tty_port *port)
if (__builtin_constant_p(((port))) ? !!((port)) : ({ int ______r;
static struct ftrace_branch_data __attribute__((__aligned__(4)))
__attribute__((section("_ftrace_branch"))) ______f = { .func =
__func__, .file = "include/linux/tty.h", .line = 469, }; ______r =
!!((port)); ______f.miss_hit[______r]++; ______r; }))
return port;