Having gotten my SiS300 running with DRM, whenever
I run a program requiring an OpenGL, mulitiple
scrambled copies of the program's screen are
then present on the screen below the second damper
wire on my monitor (I have attached a copy of what
it looks like if anyone is interested).a
Nothing crashes when this happens and can be
rectified by resetting the window manager.
Memory isn't a problem with over 100M free.
I don't know if this is a problem with the SiS
support in the kernel or an XFree86 problem.
Any help would be appreciated and apologies
if this isn't a kernel problem.
* Brett Nuske *
* 3nd Year B.APP.SCI.(Computer Science) *
* COSC1082/CS118 Tutor *
* City Helpdesk Staff (Computer Science) *