Mr Daniel Phillips started the TUX2 filesystem project some time ago.
The links to `tux2' are either dead or quite old.
Does any kernel developer know about the status of that project ?
Maybe yourself, Daniel, care to comment ?
Thanks in advance,
-o) (o-
/\\ Join the penguin force (o_ (o_ //\
_\_v The Linux G3N3R47!0N (/)_ (/)_ v_/_
On Monday 26 August 2002 19:40, Frederic Roussel wrote:
> Mr Daniel Phillips started the TUX2 filesystem project some time ago.
> The links to `tux2' are either dead or quite old.
> Does any kernel developer know about the status of that project ?
> Maybe yourself, Daniel, care to comment ?
It's well down my list of priorities because of uncertainties due to
the U.S. patent system.
Does anybody want to know if patent chill exists, and is it hurting
open source? The answer is yes.