Adding --enable-attrib in bootstrap-configure does not work any
more. Is there a new way to build gatttool?
On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 15:16 -0700, mike tsai wrote:
> Hi,
> Adding --enable-attrib in bootstrap-configure does not work any
> more. Is there a new way to build gatttool?
It's now an automagic dependency, as some people call it. Install
readline-devel (or whatever your distro calls it).
Hi Arun,
On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Arun Kumar SINGH
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Bastien, Mike,
>>> ? ?Adding --enable-attrib in bootstrap-configure does not work any
>>> more. Is there a new way to build gatttool?
>>It's now an automagic dependency, as some people call it. Install
>>readline-devel (or whatever your distro calls it).
> Previously readline was needed only for interactive gatttool but I guess from Bluez 4.90 onwards, it[interactive version] got merged with regular gatttool version and it would get compiled automatically once readline-devel is installed on your host- as Bastien points...
Yes, the gatttool can be built now after installation of readline library,
> Thanks,
> Arun
Hello Bastien, Mike,
>> Adding --enable-attrib in bootstrap-configure does not work any
>> more. Is there a new way to build gatttool?
>It's now an automagic dependency, as some people call it. Install
>readline-devel (or whatever your distro calls it).
Previously readline was needed only for interactive gatttool but I guess from Bluez 4.90 onwards, it[interactive version] got merged with regular gatttool version and it would get compiled automatically once readline-devel is installed on your host- as Bastien points...