2006-03-09 17:59:40

by Sowmya Gattupalli

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Subject: [Bluez-devel] Connecting to a headset

Hi All...
Iam a novice in linux and bluetooth....
I have a very specific question regarding the headset and audio profile....
Why is it that ALSA and Bluetooth can connect to a headset???
I mean what ALSA can do which others can't do?

Can't it be on a lil lower kernel of 2.4.20 or something... or with
downloaded ALSA libraries ... why only with an "integrated" kernel with
ALSA???? ( i,e a newer kernel.... )

Please help me find answers to these...

I need to set up an audio gateway in a lower kernel version i.e 2.4.20....

with lots of hopes

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2006-03-11 15:29:21

by Brad Midgley

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Bluez-devel] Connecting to a headset


> Iam a novice in linux and bluetooth....
> I have a very specific question regarding the headset and audio profile....
> Why is it that ALSA and Bluetooth can connect to a headset???
> I mean what ALSA can do which others can't do?
> Can't it be on a lil lower kernel of 2.4.20 or something... or with
> downloaded ALSA libraries ... why only with an "integrated" kernel with
> ALSA???? ( i,e a newer kernel.... )

Get the bluez cvs project and have a look at utils/test/scotest.c

You can write your app to do all the audio transfers itself and you
won't have to patch or upgrade the kernel.

Of course you're mostly on your own :) so good luck.


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