Louis E Garcia II ([email protected])

Number of posts: 58 (0.02 per day)
First post: 2001-02-05 04:48:43
Last post: 2007-11-18 23:56:50

Date List Subject
2001-10-24 19:10:52 linux-kernel linux-2.4.12-ac6 and radeonfb-0.1.1
2001-10-08 18:21:00 linux-kernel Re: linux-2.4.10-acX
2001-10-08 17:39:50 linux-kernel linux-2.4.10-acX
2001-02-14 02:46:32 linux-kernel Video drivers and the kernel
2001-02-08 20:30:41 linux-kernel Re: nvidia fb 0.9.0 (0.9.2?)
2001-02-05 18:59:18 linux-kernel Re: nvidia fb 0.9.0 (0.9.2?)
2001-02-05 04:48:43 linux-kernel nvidia fb 0.9.0