Bob Beck ([email protected])

Number of posts: 6 (6 per day)
First post: 2007-09-01 23:13:14
Last post: 2007-09-02 00:02:28

Date List Subject
2007-09-02 00:19:50 linux-kernel
2007-09-02 00:19:15 linux-wireless
2007-09-02 00:02:39 linux-kernel Re: Fwd: That whole "Linux stealing our code" thing
2007-09-02 00:02:28 linux-wireless Re: Fwd: That whole "Linux stealing our code" thing
2007-09-01 23:13:14 linux-kernel [[email protected]: I respect the GPL immensely, really I do - but I believe this type of action weakens us all.]
2007-09-01 23:13:00 linux-wireless [[email protected]: I respect the GPL immensely, really I do - but I believe this type of action weakens us all.]