arrow.ebd ([email protected])

Number of posts: 7 (7 per day)
First post: 2008-10-21 13:30:56
Last post: 2008-10-21 13:30:56

Date List Subject
2009-01-29 12:46:25 linux-kernel ipv6: INFO: possible circular locking dependency detected -- 2.6.29-rc3
2008-12-22 05:21:20 linux-kernel Re: usb-serial: how to let ch341 work with baudrate 57600 ?
2008-12-21 03:30:11 linux-kernel usb-serial: how to let ch341 work with baudrate 57600 ?
2008-11-13 15:23:20 linux-kernel Re: thinkpad x200 X.server not work with gm4500 graphics
2008-11-13 15:22:56 linux-kernel Re: thinkpad x200 X.server not work with gm4500 graphics
2008-11-10 15:26:18 linux-kernel thinkpad x200 X.server not work with gm4500 graphics
2008-10-21 13:30:56 linux-kernel [翻译计划]feature-re moval-schedule.txt