Nelson Elhage ([email protected])

Number of posts: 12 (0.02 per day)
First post: 2009-07-07 16:46:42
Last post: 2011-04-18 16:07:55

Date List Subject
2011-04-18 16:07:55 linux-kernel [PATCH v2] KVM: emulator: Use linearize() when fetching instructions.
2011-04-15 03:28:10 linux-kernel [PATCH] KVM: emulator: Use linearize() when fetching instructions.
2011-04-13 15:45:13 linux-kernel [PATCH] KVM: emulator: Handle wraparound in (cs_base + offset) when fetching.
2011-02-26 02:58:37 linux-kernel Re: [PATCH] optimize epoll loop detection
2011-02-12 19:05:36 linux-kernel [PATCH] epoll: Prevent creating circular epoll structures.
2011-02-07 23:15:47 linux-kernel Re: [PATCH] epoll: Prevent deadlock through unsafe ->f_op->poll() calls.
2011-02-06 22:45:14 linux-kernel Re: [PATCH] epoll: Prevent deadlock through unsafe ->f_op->poll() calls.
2011-02-06 01:09:55 linux-kernel [PATCH] epoll: Prevent deadlock through unsafe ->f_op->poll() calls.
2010-12-01 02:27:56 linux-kernel [PATCH v2] do_exit(): Make sure we run with get_fs() == USER_DS.
2010-12-01 00:59:14 linux-kernel Re: [PATCH] mm_release: Do a set_fs(USER_DS) before handling clear_child_tid.
2010-11-30 02:24:15 linux-kernel [PATCH] mm_release: Do a set_fs(USER_DS) before handling clear_child_tid.
2009-07-07 16:46:42 linux-kernel Re: Ksplice updates for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty