Florin Iucha ([email protected])

Number of posts: 108 (0.05 per day)
First post: 2001-07-23 22:51:03
Last post: 2007-11-02 13:32:49

Date List Subject
2002-02-07 15:06:07 linux-kernel SIS900 driver unresolved dependency crc32_be in 2.5.3
2002-01-15 02:54:00 linux-kernel 2.4.18-pre3-ac2 performance regression(?) vs. 2.4.17
2001-12-06 13:51:48 linux-kernel Re: Adaptec-2920 eats too much cpu time when reading from the CD-ROM
2001-12-06 03:02:10 linux-kernel Adaptec-2920 eats too much cpu time when reading from the CD-ROM
2001-10-31 02:02:03 linux-kernel scsi lockup with adaptec and advansys
2001-07-23 22:51:03 linux-kernel Re: Yet another linux filesytem: with version control