Tom Collins ([email protected])

Number of posts: 6 (0.4 per day)
First post: 2014-10-04 10:55:54
Last post: 2014-10-20 06:15:58

Date List Subject
2014-10-20 06:15:58 linux-kernel A sng Lennart Poettering et al should consider (I am the highway - Audioslave)
2014-10-20 06:11:55 linux-kernel To Erich Schubert of Debian: What have you done? Male-Fminist fggt.
2014-10-04 16:49:33 linux-kernel (Song) Fk SystemD
2014-10-04 10:58:17 linux-kernel Pieces placed in juxtaposition.
2014-10-04 10:57:00 linux-kernel (Video) Discussion on lennart poettering, syst__d, sysv
2014-10-04 10:55:54 linux-kernel Debian nolonger claims to be the "Universal Operating System"