Sifan Naeem ([email protected])

Number of posts: 29 (0.15 per day)
First post: 2014-12-04 15:39:14
Last post: 2015-06-18 12:52:23

Date List Subject
2015-06-18 12:52:23 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH v3] spi: img-spfi: Same Edge bit set to double supported transfer speed
2015-06-18 12:49:16 linux-kernel [PATCH] spi: img-spfi: fix support for speeds up to 1/4th input clock
2015-06-18 12:25:40 linux-kernel [PATCH v2] spi: img-spfi: check for max speed supported by the spfi block
2015-06-18 10:08:56 linux-kernel [PATCH] spi: img-spfi: check for max speed supported by the spfi block
2015-06-17 16:08:19 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH v2] spi: img-spfi: Same Edge bit set to double supported transfer speed
2015-06-17 13:36:12 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH v2] spi: img-spfi: Same Edge bit set to double supported transfer speed
2015-06-17 10:46:35 linux-kernel [PATCH v3] spi: img-spfi: Same Edge bit set to double supported transfer speed
2015-06-17 09:59:27 linux-kernel [PATCH v2] spi: img-spfi: Same Edge bit set to double supported transfer speed
2015-06-16 15:23:35 linux-kernel [PATCH] spi: img-spfi: Same Edge bit set to double supported transfer speed
2015-04-09 10:04:58 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH] rc: img-ir: Add and enable sys clock for IR
2015-04-08 13:56:21 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH] rc: img-ir: Add and enable sys clock for IR
2015-02-10 10:40:26 linux-kernel [PATCH] rc: img-ir: fix error in parameters passed to irq_free()
2015-02-04 16:46:56 linux-kernel [PATCH v2] rc: img-ir: Add and enable sys clock for img-ir
2015-02-03 17:44:42 linux-kernel [PATCH] spi: img-spfi: same edge bit set to double spfi speeds
2015-02-03 17:29:17 linux-kernel [PATCH] rc: img-ir: Add and enable sys clock for IR
2014-12-12 12:35:39 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH 3/5] rc: img-ir: biphase enabled with workaround
2014-12-11 20:07:37 linux-kernel [PATCH v2 2/5] rc: img-ir: pass toggle bit to the rc driver
2014-12-11 20:06:52 linux-kernel [PATCH v2 4/5] rc: img-ir: add philips rc5 decoder module
2014-12-11 20:06:35 linux-kernel [PATCH v2 3/5] rc: img-ir: biphase enabled with workaround
2014-12-11 20:06:13 linux-kernel [PATCH v2 5/5] rc: img-ir: add philips rc6 decoder module
2014-12-11 20:06:00 linux-kernel [PATCH v2 1/5] rc: img-ir: add scancode requests to a struct
2014-12-11 20:05:56 linux-kernel [PATCH v2 0/5] rc: img-ir: rc5 and rc6 support added
2014-12-11 18:54:47 linux-kernel RE: [PATCH 3/5] rc: img-ir: biphase enabled with workaround
2014-12-04 15:41:33 linux-kernel [PATCH 2/5] rc: img-ir: pass toggle bit to the rc driver
2014-12-04 15:41:03 linux-kernel [PATCH 3/5] rc: img-ir: biphase enabled with workaround
2014-12-04 15:40:45 linux-kernel [PATCH 4/5] rc: img-ir: add philips rc5 decoder module
2014-12-04 15:39:18 linux-kernel [PATCH 5/5] rc: img-ir: add philips rc6 decoder module
2014-12-04 15:39:16 linux-kernel [PATCH 1/5] rc: img-ir: add scancode requests to a struct
2014-12-04 15:39:14 linux-kernel [PATCH 0/5] rc: img-ir: rc5 and rc6 support added