Petr Titěra ([email protected])

Number of posts: 5 (0.1 per day)
First post: 2001-10-02 17:54:58
Last post: 2001-11-20 22:40:08

Date List Subject
2001-11-20 22:40:08 linux-kernel BUG Kernel NETLINK doesn't work
2001-10-15 19:20:24 linux-kernel 2.4.10 with ext3 Oops
2001-10-04 08:30:57 linux-kernel Re: linux kernel 2.4.10 possibly breaks LILO
2001-10-02 18:11:00 linux-kernel Re: linux kernel 2.4.10 possibly breaks LILO
2001-10-02 17:54:58 linux-kernel Re: linux kernel 2.4.10 possibly breaks LILO