Glen Lee ([email protected])

Number of posts: 796 (9.15 per day)
First post: 2015-11-09 02:00:25
Last post: 2016-02-04 09:32:30

Date List Subject
2015-10-29 03:05:33 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 54/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u16HTCapInfo of struct add_sta_param
2015-10-29 03:05:27 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 53/64] staging: wilc1000: rename bIsHTSupported of struct add_sta_param
2015-10-29 03:05:21 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 52/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pu8Rates of struct add_sta_param
2015-10-29 03:05:16 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 51/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u8NumRates of struct add_sta_param
2015-10-29 03:05:10 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 50/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u16AssocID of struct add_sta_param
2015-10-29 03:05:04 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 49/64] staging: wilc1000: rename au8BSSID of struct add_sta_param
2015-10-29 03:04:59 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 48/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u8P2PConnect of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 03:04:53 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 47/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u64P2p_MgmtTimeout of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 03:04:47 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 46/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32ListenSessionID of struct remain_ch
2015-10-29 03:04:41 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 45/64] staging: wilc1000: rename tenuAuth_type of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 03:04:36 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 44/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32RcvdChCount of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-29 03:04:30 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 43/64] staging: wilc1000: rename WPAPtk of enum KEY_TYPE
2015-10-29 03:04:24 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 42/64] staging: wilc1000: rename WPARxGtk of enum KEY_TYPE
2015-10-29 03:04:19 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 41/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32TxFailureCount of struct rf_info
2015-10-29 03:04:13 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 40/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32RxCount of struct rf_info
2015-10-29 03:04:08 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 39/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32TxCount of struct rf_info
2015-10-29 03:04:02 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 38/64] staging: wilc1000: rename s8RSSI of struct rf_info
2015-10-29 03:03:56 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 37/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u8LinkSpeed of struct rf_info
2015-10-29 03:03:51 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 36/64] staging: wilc1000: host_interface.h: move local define variables
2015-10-29 03:03:41 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 35/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32UserConnectPvoid of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 03:03:17 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 34/64] staging: wilc1000: rename IsHTCapable of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 03:01:32 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 33/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pfUserConnectResult of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 03:01:07 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 32/64] staging: wilc1000: rename ConnReqIEsLen of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 03:00:42 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 31/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pu8ConnReqIEs of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 03:00:17 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 30/64] staging: wilc1000: rename ssidLen of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-29 02:59:52 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 29/64] staging: wilc1000: rename astrFoundNetworkInfo of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-29 02:59:27 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 28/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u32UserScanPvoid of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-29 02:59:01 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 27/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pfUserScanResult of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-29 02:58:55 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 26/64] staging: wilc1000: remove warnings line over 80 characters
2015-10-29 02:58:49 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 25/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u16SessionTimeout of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-29 02:58:43 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 24/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u16BufferSize of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-29 02:58:38 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 23/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u8Ted of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-29 02:58:32 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 22/64] staging: wilc1000: rename au8Bssid of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-29 02:58:26 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 21/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pVoid of struct remain_ch
2015-10-29 02:58:21 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 20/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pRemainOnChanReady of struct remain_ch
2015-10-29 02:58:15 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 19/64] staging: wilc1000: rename pRemainOnChanExpired of struct remain_ch
2015-10-29 02:58:10 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 18/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u16Channel of struct remain_ch
2015-10-29 02:58:04 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 17/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u8Regid of struct reg_frame
2015-10-29 02:57:58 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 16/64] staging: wilc1000: rename u16FrameType of struct reg_frame
2015-10-29 02:57:52 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 15/64] staging: wilc1000: rename bReg of struct reg_frame
2015-10-29 02:57:46 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 14/64] staging: wilc1000: host_interface.h : remove over-commenting
2015-10-29 02:57:40 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 13/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hRemainOnChannel of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:57:34 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 12/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hConnectTimer of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:57:28 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 11/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hScanTimer of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:57:22 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 10/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemInactiveTime of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:57:17 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 09/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemGetCHNL of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:57:11 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 08/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemGetLINKSPEED of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:57:05 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 07/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemGetRSSI of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:56:59 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 06/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemTestDisconnectBlock of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:56:52 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 05/64] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemTestKeyBlock of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-29 02:56:46 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 04/64] staging: wilc1000: rename gtOsCfgValuesSem of struct host_if_drv