Glen Lee ([email protected])

Number of posts: 796 (9.15 per day)
First post: 2015-11-09 02:00:25
Last post: 2016-02-04 09:32:30

Date List Subject
2015-10-28 07:02:12 linux-wireless [PATCH 46/80] staging: wilc1000: rename ssidLen of struct user_conn_req
2015-10-28 07:02:06 linux-wireless [PATCH 45/80] staging: wilc1000: rename astrFoundNetworkInfo of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-28 07:02:01 linux-wireless [PATCH 44/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u32UserScanPvoid of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-28 07:01:55 linux-wireless [PATCH 43/80] staging: wilc1000: rename pfUserScanResult of struct user_scan_req
2015-10-28 07:01:49 linux-wireless [PATCH 42/80] staging: wilc1000: remove warnings line over 80 characters
2015-10-28 07:01:43 linux-wireless [PATCH 41/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u16SessionTimeout of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-28 07:01:37 linux-wireless [PATCH 40/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u16BufferSize of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-28 07:01:31 linux-wireless [PATCH 39/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u8Ted of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-28 07:01:26 linux-wireless [PATCH 38/80] staging: wilc1000: rename au8Bssid of struct ba_session_info
2015-10-28 07:01:19 linux-wireless [PATCH 37/80] staging: wilc1000: rename pVoid of struct remain_ch
2015-10-28 07:01:13 linux-wireless [PATCH 36/80] staging: wilc1000: rename pRemainOnChanReady of struct remain_ch
2015-10-28 07:01:08 linux-wireless [PATCH 35/80] staging: wilc1000: rename pRemainOnChanExpired of struct remain_ch
2015-10-28 07:01:02 linux-wireless [PATCH 34/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u16Channel of struct remain_ch
2015-10-28 07:00:56 linux-wireless [PATCH 33/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u8Regid of struct reg_frame
2015-10-28 07:00:50 linux-wireless [PATCH 32/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u16FrameType of struct reg_frame
2015-10-28 07:00:44 linux-wireless [PATCH 31/80] staging: wilc1000: rename bReg of struct reg_frame
2015-10-28 07:00:38 linux-wireless [PATCH 30/80] staging: wilc1000: host_interface.h : remove over-commenting
2015-10-28 07:00:31 linux-wireless [PATCH 29/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hRemainOnChannel of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 07:00:26 linux-wireless [PATCH 28/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hConnectTimer of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 07:00:20 linux-wireless [PATCH 27/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hScanTimer of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 07:00:14 linux-wireless [PATCH 26/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemInactiveTime of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 07:00:08 linux-wireless [PATCH 25/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemGetCHNL of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 07:00:02 linux-wireless [PATCH 24/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemGetLINKSPEED of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:56 linux-wireless [PATCH 23/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemGetRSSI of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:50 linux-wireless [PATCH 22/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemTestDisconnectBlock of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:45 linux-wireless [PATCH 21/80] staging: wilc1000: rename hSemTestKeyBlock of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:38 linux-wireless [PATCH 20/80] staging: wilc1000: rename gtOsCfgValuesSem of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:33 linux-wireless [PATCH 19/80] staging: wilc1000: rename strCfgValues of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:26 linux-wireless [PATCH 18/80] staging: wilc1000: rename au8AssociatedBSSID of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:20 linux-wireless [PATCH 17/80] staging: wilc1000: rename enuHostIFstate of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:14 linux-wireless [PATCH 16/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u8RemainOnChan_pendingreq of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:08 linux-wireless [PATCH 15/80] staging: wilc1000: rename strHostIfRemainOnChan of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:59:02 linux-wireless [PATCH 14/80] staging: wilc1000: rename strWILC_UsrConnReq of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:58:56 linux-wireless [PATCH 13/80] staging: wilc1000: rename strWILC_UsrScanReq of struct host_if_drv
2015-10-28 06:58:49 linux-wireless [PATCH 12/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u8MacAddress of struct get_mac_addr
2015-10-28 06:58:43 linux-wireless [PATCH 11/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u8MacAddress of struct set_mac_addr
2015-10-28 06:58:38 linux-wireless [PATCH 10/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u32Mode of struct op_mode
2015-10-28 06:58:31 linux-wireless [PATCH 09/80] staging: wilc1000: rename u32Address of struct drv_handler
2015-10-28 06:58:25 linux-wireless [PATCH 08/80] staging: wilc1000: rename variable strWID
2015-10-28 06:58:20 linux-wireless [PATCH 07/80] staging: wilc1000: rename au8StartTime of struct join_bss_param
2015-10-28 06:58:13 linux-wireless [PATCH 06/80] staging: wilc1000: host_interface: removes unused functions
2015-10-28 06:58:07 linux-wireless [PATCH 05/80] staging: wilc1000: fixes please don't use multiple blank lines
2015-10-28 06:58:01 linux-wireless [PATCH 04/80] staging: wilc1000: fixes missing a blank line after declarations
2015-10-28 06:57:55 linux-wireless [PATCH 03/80] staging: wilc1000: fixes blank lines aren't necessary brace
2015-10-28 06:57:49 linux-wireless [PATCH 02/80] staging: wilc1000: fixes braces {} are not necessary for single statement blocks
2015-10-28 06:57:43 linux-wireless [PATCH 01/80] staging: wilc1000: remove unnecessary parentheses around
2015-10-28 06:24:24 linux-wireless [PATCH V5] staging: wilc1000: wilc_msgqueue.c : remove goto statement
2015-10-27 09:27:45 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 27/27] staging: wilc1000: tcp_process: add argument dev and use private data
2015-10-27 09:27:39 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 26/27] staging: wilc1000: wilc_wlan_txq_add_net_pkt: add argument struct net_device
2015-10-27 09:27:33 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 25/27] staging: wilc1000: mac_xmit: use netdev private wilc instead of g_linux_wlan
2015-10-27 09:27:27 linux-wireless [PATCH V2 24/27] staging: wilc1000: wilc_wlan_txq_get_next: add argument wilc