Florian Kimpenhaus ([email protected])

Number of posts: 4 (0.01 per day)
First post: 2004-02-25 18:11:19
Last post: 2005-02-15 23:29:23

Date List Subject
2005-02-15 23:29:23 bluez-users AW: [Bluez-users] Quality Bluetooth access point
2004-05-04 19:27:00 bluez-users [Bluez-users] MTU and MRU for Bluetooth
2004-02-25 18:11:19 bluez-users Re: [Bluez-users] Bluetooth Access Point elmeg [email protected]
2004-02-25 15:23:44 bluez-users [Bluez-users] Bluetooth Access Point elmeg [email protected]