Tommi Keisala ([email protected])

Number of posts: 4 (4 per day)
First post: 2010-10-23 05:33:18
Last post: 2010-10-23 05:33:17

Date List Subject
2010-10-23 05:33:18 linux-bluetooth [PATCH] This patch avoids a crash when org.bluez.Manager GetProperties request is received and there is not yet any adapters ready. Happens often for example when bluetoothd and ofonod is started next ot each other.
2010-10-23 05:33:17 linux-bluetooth [PATCH] This patch avoids a crash when org.bluez.Manager GetProperties request is
2010-10-22 10:32:38 linux-bluetooth [PATCH] Fix crash when GetProperties req is received before any adapters are set up
2010-10-22 10:32:37 linux-bluetooth [PATCH] Fix crash when GetProperties req is received before any adapters are set up