Juhan Ernits ([email protected])

Number of posts: 4 (0.04 per day)
First post: 2002-01-17 19:33:53
Last post: 2002-04-30 11:47:12

Date List Subject
2002-04-30 11:47:12 linux-kernel Admtek Comet (SMC1255TX) wierd errors on Alpha
2002-02-03 22:05:48 linux-kernel Re: Machines misreporting Bogomips
2002-01-18 19:29:45 linux-kernel Re: misconfiguration of ne.o module in 2.2.19 damaged hardware. Is it normal?
2002-01-17 19:33:53 linux-kernel misconfiguration of ne.o module in 2.2.19 damaged hardware. Is it normal?