Yufeng Wang ([email protected])

Number of posts: 3 (3 per day)
First post: 2024-03-18 06:06:40
Last post: 2024-03-19 01:42:48

Date List Subject
2024-03-19 01:42:48 linux-kernel [PATCH v2] floppy: remove duplicated code in redo_fd_request()
2024-03-18 06:08:21 linux-kernel [PATCH] floppy: remove duplicated code, unlock_fdc() function has the same code "do_floppy = NULL" inside.
2024-03-18 06:06:40 linux-kernel [PATCH] floppy: remove duplicated code, unlock_fdc() function has the same code "do_floppy = NULL" inside.