Breno ([email protected])

Number of posts: 7 (0.11 per day)
First post: 2002-10-12 15:25:52
Last post: 2002-12-12 18:19:12

Date List Subject
2002-12-12 18:19:12 linux-kernel Re: PROCESS IMIGRATION
2002-12-12 17:55:29 linux-kernel PROCESS IMIGRATION
2002-10-24 22:56:43 linux-kernel Doing My Boot image for Minix 2 , pls help me
2002-10-19 01:42:23 linux-kernel Exploit for the Kernel
2002-10-15 22:35:11 linux-kernel [KERNEL 2.4 or 2.5] New source for allocation anonymous memory+paging demand
2002-10-13 13:51:03 linux-kernel Define flags for vma
2002-10-12 15:25:52 linux-kernel Problem with VM flags