2002-10-21 18:30:14

by omit_ECE

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Problem in making modules_install


When recompiling the kernel in making modules_install, I got the messages as below,

cd /lib/modules/2.4.18-3custom; \
mkdir -p pcmcia; \
find kernel -path '*/pcmcia/*' -name '*.o' | xargs -i -r ln -sf ../{} pcmcia
if [ -r System.map ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map 2.4.18-3custom; fi
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.18-3custom/kernel/fs/binfmt_elf.o
depmod: task_nice
make: *** [_modinst_post] Error 1

How could I do for this? Thank you.
