2005-09-02 19:19:58

by tachades

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: kernel 2.6.13 - space not freed to kernel

Quoting [email protected]:

> i have a program that all it does is to allocate memory up until consume 1GB
> of
> free resources. but when i delete it, it seemed that the space is not free to
> kernel, (notice this by looking at "top" or meminfo, as well as debug
> messages
> prinf the memory info. using sysinfo (system call). this happens on mainline
> kernel 2.6.13 but not on other Redhat distros (RHEL3/RHEL4).
> so it seemed that on mainline 2.6.13, when the userprocess allocate mem and
> free
> it mem, the freed memory is not returned back to the kernel... is this a
> possible bug????
> Please Observe this test program:
> Assumption: in main() the space (units in KB) to allocate is 1GB, if you
> machine
> has less than that use lower space value- 100MB (to be left to avoid oom
> killer).
> Idea: allocate using a linked list to as many nodes as it required to filled
> up
> 1GB or less of address space
> Result: on RHEL3 or 4, after the program allocate nodes, and then deallocate
> it,
> sysinfo indicate the memory that were freed are returned to the kernel.
> on 2.6.13, after the proram allocate nodes, and then deallocate it, sysinfo
> give
> the free{ram+swap} to be about the same as it was after the node finish
> allocating, seemed like the freed nodes address space were not returned to
> the
> kernel
> any ideaS?
> ****************SOURCE CODE *********************************
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <linux/sys.h>
> #include <linux/kernel.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/sysinfo.h>
> //////////////////////// CONST DATA ///////////////////////////////
> #define LIMIT 102400 /* = 100MB (Units in KB) */
> #define KB_VALUE 1024 /* Unit in bytes */
> #define ARR_SIZE 1024 /* array size for item data in node */
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /********************************************************************
> * Node Data Structure for LLL
> * size of this struct ~ 64 Bytes
> ********************************************************************/
> struct node
> {
> int item[ARR_SIZE];
> struct node * next;
> };
> ////////////////////////////// GLOBAL DATA ////////////////////////////
> struct node * head = NULL; /* head of LLL */
> long unsigned count_create = 0;
> long unsigned count_destroy= 0;
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /**********************************************************************
> * Add a Node to LLL; data Uninitialized
> * Return: 1=succeed; 0=failed
> **********************************************************************/
> int
> lll_add()
> {
> int i;
> struct sysinfo si;
> struct node *tmp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
> if(tmp == NULL) {
> sysinfo(&si);
> printf("freeram (%lu), freeswap (%lu), totalram (%lu), totalswap
> (%lu)\n",
> si.freeram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.freeswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE);
> fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: FAILED MALLOC\n");
> return 0;
> } else {
> /* Write data here so space got from malloc is reserved */
> ++count_create;
> for(i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE; ++i)
> tmp->item[i] = 0;
> tmp->next= head;
> head = tmp;
> return 1;
> }
> }
> int
> lll_destroy_all()
> {
> struct node * tmp = head;
> while(tmp != NULL) {
> head = tmp->next;
> free(tmp);
> ++count_destroy;
> tmp = head;
> }
> return 1;
> }
> /**********************************************************************
> * Allocating nodes according to the input space specified
> * Assuming that input space is in KB, and free{ram+swap} > space +
> LIMIT (which is currently 100 MB)
> **********************************************************************/
> int
> lll_eat(long unsigned space)
> {
> struct sysinfo si;
> struct sysinfo si2;
> sysinfo(&si);
> sysinfo(&si2);
> while( ((si.freeram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE) + (si.freeswap* si.mem_unit /
> (si2.freeram* si2.mem_unit / KB_VALUE) - (si2.freeswap*
> si2.mem_unit /
> KB_VALUE)) <=
> (space)) {
> if(lll_add() <= 0) {
> perror("lll_add failed in lll_eat before done allocating specified
> space\n");
> return 0;
> }
> sysinfo(&si2);
> }
> sysinfo(&si2);
> printf("After Done lll_eat.... \n");
> printf("BEFORE : freeram (%lu), freeswap (%lu), totalram (%lu), totalswap
> (%lu)\n", si.freeram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE, si.freeswap *
> si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,si.totalram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE);
> printf("AFTER : freeram (%lu), freeswap (%lu), totalram (%lu), totalswap
> (%lu)\n",si2.freeram * si2.mem_unit / KB_VALUE, si2.freeswap *
> si2.mem_unit / KB_VALUE, si2.totalram * si2.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si2.totalswap * si2.mem_unit / KB_VALUE);
> return 1;
> }
> int
> main(int argc, char ** argv)
> {
> int status;
> int path;
> pid_t spid;
> struct sysinfo si;
> long unsigned space = 1048576; // alloc 1 GB (unit here in KB)
> ///////////////////////////// DEBUGGING /////////////////////////////
> sysinfo(&si);
> printf("Before a.out parent (pid=%d) start.... \n", getpid());
> printf("freeram (%lu), freeswap (%lu), totalram (%lu), totalswap (%lu)\n",
> si.freeram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.freeswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE);
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> if(!lll_eat(space)) {
> perror("Fail lll_eat\n");
> exit(1);
> }
> printf("Done eating... Now Destroying\n");
> sleep(5);
> lll_destroy_all();
> printf("Done destroying...\n");
> printf("Created= %lu nodes, Destroyed= %lu nodes\n", count_create,
> count_destroy);
> ////////////////////////// DEBUGGING //////////////////////////////////
> sysinfo(&si);
> printf("After a.out parent exiting.... \n");
> printf("freeram (%lu), freeswap (%lu), totalram (%lu), totalswap (%lu)\n",
> si.freeram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.freeswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalram * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE,
> si.totalswap * si.mem_unit / KB_VALUE);
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> return 0;
> }